Ye Zhan thought for a period of time, "I remember the training at that time. I had several instructors, but I didn't have so much contact, so I was not so impressed! And the instructors don't get along with us very much! "

Hearing Ye Zhan say so, Geng Zhi also glared at his eyes and looked at Ye Zhan with dissatisfaction, "don't play tricks with me. How many instructors did you have at that time? You don't know? I'm looking for you to understand the situation, not to make you confused, understand? "

"What kind of person is my instructor now? Wandering in marginal locations? " Ye Zhan also said, "I doubt very much that the provincial government has come, the security department has come, and even the intelligence and governance Department has come! Although there are not many instructors in the team, they are fully equipped and there are foreigners in it. Are these normal conditions? "

Holding his chin straight, "what's your level? You are not allowed to have access to such secrets, because even his identity? You can not know too much, must be in your heart? There has been considerable speculation, even you have guessed his identity, which is why I want to talk to you about this matter alone! "

"If I remember correctly, his code name is feather!"

"And feathers? It's just a code name for him "Even me? I don't know it completely. He has been an instructor for you for a period of time. I need to know some of the situations. After so many years, he can still remember your name. It's not easy! "

Ye Zhan has already understood. Although he said that he was not very good tempered, he did not mean that he was stupid. He also bit his teeth. "I have forgotten about the training at that time, but one thing impressed me deeply. When I was training, I used all live ammunition. My training was not careful, and a bullet flew from my face In the past, at that time, the eyebrow was shaved in half, which may have left a very deep impression! "

"Is this bullet shot by Ding Yu?"

"No, at that time, he was the instructor, standing next to me, that is to say, I also looked at him, and then continued to keep training, but at that time, his eyes left a very deep impression on me!"

"Someone will continue to talk to you. Are you just in your area of responsibility? We have done quite a lot, so there is no need for any burden! " Then Geng Zhi suddenly laughed, "do you know what's in Ding Yu's file? I really didn't admit who he was. You are the first one! "

"Should I be honored?"

Ye Zhan gave him a sentence. He was so speechless for a moment, and then he laughed, "how can I explain this problem to you? What about him? It's been retired for many years now, but let's put it this way! His contributions and efforts for the whole country are incomparable to most people! "

"That's why he can be so proud with a gun!"

"No, he's got a gun? It's not a swagger! " "You don't know the inside story, so I can forgive you, but don't use your so-called patriotism and self-esteem? To confuse other things. What about this one? It's a serious warning to you

What about Ding Yu? I really don't mean to stay, but it's so late that I can only rest nearby. But at this time, the paint on everyone's face is clear and clean, and they have changed their clothes.

But what about Jiang ran and others? At this time, Ding Yu lived in the place where they stayed. The noise caused by this incident was a little bit too big. Jiang ran did not know good or evil in the whole process. Ding Yu did not investigate the meaning of this matter before, but it does not mean that the matter is over!

The place is a little bit crude, and the security personnel are the first to control the situation here in their own hands. Of course, what about everyone? They did not take out all the so-called weapons and equipment, but it does not mean that they will relax their vigilance. Of course, ye Zhan and others did not mean to leave.

What if you don't know about the previous events? We may not have any reaction, but to protect Ding Yu's safety? It's the order from above. It can't be avoided. It didn't happen before. You can take it as if you don't know. But now it happens, and it's located at the border. We really need to pay attention to it!

Geng Zhi didn't mean to leave, so he lived with Ding Yu. What about each other? There is not too much intersection, mainly because Ding Yu has no interest in this aspect, this is the most critical place! The reason why Geng Zhi stayed here is not the reason for Jiang ran. It has nothing to do with this. He is looking for Ding Yu for something!

Since there is such an opportunity, why not make good use of it, but the initial contact with Ding Yu? I don't feel so good. This is really a problem.

What about the conditions here? It's a little crude, but anyway? It's much better than the conditions in the mountains! At least ensure that there is no problem with eating and bathing. The kitchen is also a big fight. Even if there is no one here, it can be deployed from the outside. After all, it is Ding Yu who offends him. What about his honesty? It's "starting a teacher to make a crime" again.This matter has nothing to do with the military divisions. What is the most important thing? Or Jiang Ran's side, if it's not her, it won't make such a thing come out. What about the military division? Just do this reception well. What about other things? It's just routine!

"Xiaoding! This time I came back a little suddenly, and I didn't stop at the capital city! " He took a glass of water and sat down beside Ding Yu. Ding Yu tilted his head and looked straight at him. Then he put his eyes on the position outside the window. He didn't mean to speak.

To be more direct, Ding Yu didn't mean to talk to him at all, so he gave him a silence. Anyway, I am such an attitude. Are you willing or unwilling? This is your business. It has nothing to do with me!

Ding Yu didn't mean to speak. He was honest and didn't feel too depressed. He really had a considerable expectation about this. When he came, he made considerable preparations. What is the relationship between Ding Yu and the intelligence management department? It is true that there are quite a number of problems and conditions, but now the information management department with the past has a great difference!

The rectification work carried out by the intelligence department is very hot. What about the time? It may be short, but the effect and effect are really quite obvious. There is no action? I really don't know that the internal even has appeared erosion, this vigilance is so some too big!

"What about the intelligence department? After quite a long time of rectification, quite a number of problems have been found in the process! "

Ding Yu is holding his chin with his hand. You can say it. Anyway, I am such an attitude. At this time, someone also walked into the hall with Jiang ran, because the conditions are too simple. There is no private room at all. If you say that, the big family can only sit open!

Of course, not only did Jiang ran come, but also followed Ye Zhan. What was the first sight after coming in? I saw Ding Yu sitting there. I didn't know whether it was because of changing clothes or because it was too flashy. What's the matter with his own impression? Not too many changes! But it's so cold!

The room is very open, and did not see many people, upright? Looking at Jiang ran and ye Zhan and others not far away, they also slightly frowned on their brows, and then put their eyes on the lady in front of them.

"What about Jiang ran? She did it wrong

At this time, Ding Yu raised his eyelids, glanced slightly, and then recovered his eyes. He already understood the meaning of the words! Just want to say love, but be able to let Frank personally, the relationship between each other seems to be so some not too simple!

Who is Geng Zhi, in the Department of information management? It's also the first person to take the top position. Of course, he came here in person? Certainly not just for the sake of saying love. There must be other things to find yourself. This is where Ding Yu feels a little bit agitated. He came in person, indicating that the matter will not be too small!

This is the main reason why Ding Yu didn't pay attention to his uprightness. As for Jiang ran? Really did not how to be put in the heart above! Geng Zhi also waved his hand to the people not far away. When they all came, he said aloud, "sit down! Something? Speak slowly

Ding Yu took a look at Ye Zhan next to him. He looked at him for a long time. "Do you want to carry out the task or offend people? All mixed up in the Army division? You're not disgraceful, I'm ashamed! "

What about the expression on Ye Zhan's face? There was no change, but Ding Yu snorted slightly and didn't mean to continue to speak. What happened after Geng Zhi saw this situation? He also made a gesture to the lady over there, whether Ding Yu saw it or not!

"Xiaoding, what about Jiang ran? She did it wrong! What about her parents? Busy with work, there may be some negligence in other aspects of her requirements, so to speak? Can't be regarded as an outsider, when Wang Li was engaged? She's one of the bridesmaids, and she's your sister, isn't she

As soon as the words were said, Madame and Jiang ran could not help but take a look at Ding Yu. They were also suspicious. Ding Yu snorted, "the relationship is close enough, but Wang Li's engagement seems to have nothing to do with me! Are you looking in the wrong direction

"Wang Li is your sister. This is the truth." Geng Zhi also pretended to be helpless and said, "do you think how many people don't know what's going on here?"

As soon as this word was said, he felt the hair behind him suddenly stand up. What about Ding Yu sitting on one side? This time is also narrow up their own eyes, this let upright is also under the heart move, bad, oneself said wrong words, especially now this time, say such words? It's getting yourself into trouble.

Then straight is deliberately back his body, "I know this thing? It caused you quite a lot of trouble, but what about Jiang ran? After all, she is not an outsider. I think she will keep this secret! "Why does Geng Zhi dare to say so, even deliberately poke out this matter, of course, also has his own purpose and idea, absolutely not what nonsense! But Ding Yu's reaction to this matter is a little bit fierce, which is really to let himself have so many did not think of!

Ding Yu looked at Jiang ran for a moment. He didn't mean to pay attention to it. However, he stood up under everyone's gaze. "You Geng Da minister is here in person. I'll give this face! That's it Immediately also turns to leave, can say is quite does not give this face, regardless of who you are!

One side of Jiang Ran is also biting his teeth, the expression on his face is very stubborn, even abnormal dissatisfaction, he has personally come to apologize, but only got such a response, even even uncle Geng's face is not given, this is not too simple!

However, when Ding Yu left, she frowned slightly, while the lady next to her looked at her sitting down again. Her face was also slightly worried and asked, "Lao Geng, what about this matter? It's our family Jiang ran. Xiaoding is angry and angry. It should be. Don't affect your relationship! "

Geng Zhi looked at his old classmates and old friends, and then he also took a look at Jiang ran standing on one side and shook his head slightly, "what about Ding Yu? It's so different from others. What is he doing here? I don't know about this problem, even in all aspects? We need to do a good job of protection! "

"Wang Li seems to be old Wang's granddaughter! But I haven't heard much about Ding Yu

"You! How long have you not been back to the capital? He! The name is not obvious. What about 49 cities? Even the people who know it now? Not so many, but what about those who know it? All of them have considerable weight. I think you should have some impression on that thing at that time! After all, you were there at the time

Yeah? The lady was stunned at first, and then she remembered something. The expression on her face can be said to be quite astonished, "he is sister Su Yuan's child? When did you find it? Why is there no news about this? This is a happy event

"If you talk about personal affairs, what about the Wang family and the Su family? Not so much power, even now? Ding Yu, the child, has also given great help to the Wang family and the Su family. He is not concerned about this matter now? It's also a big problem. This bastard never plays cards according to common sense! "

"Lao Geng, what about Jiang ran? Don't say, do you think Xiaoding has any requirements? After all, what about this? It is Jiang ran to make yellow, since came to the door, so whether it is right or wrong? Always

Geng Zhi also sighed, "I don't know what this child is thinking in his heart. I'm looking for him? It's also something else! What about ginger in your family? Don't get involved in it. If he really gets pissed off, you ginger will suffer too! " After that, he also knocked on the table.

"No?! Old classmate, you say so, I feel a little flustered! "

"What about Wang Li's engagement? As you should know, that is the grandson of Mr. Shang. He made a decision on this matter. Even Mr. Wang and Mr. Su can only recognize it with their noses! There are opinions on this aspect at home, but he is in the front, so it's hard for other people to say anything! I see! "

Jiang Ran's mother also deeply took a breath, Wang Laohe and Su always who, oneself also can not know? It is also because it is too clear, so it is even more incredible, even if the Wang family and the Su family have some debts for Ding Yu, the lost child, but this should not be the main reason for his recklessness!

"Since Jiang ran did something wrong, he should be punished accordingly! There is nothing to say about such a truth! " And then what happened to the lady? It was also a sudden turn, "but what about Jiang ran? Study abroad in the United States, where are the courses? It really can't take too long! "

He shook his head, "what about in China? Ding Yu, a child, still has some consideration. If he goes to the United States, he will not have so many scruples. If he wants to let Jiang ran come back, all the people in the United States need to give this face. Even if the United States knows about this situation, they will do it on their own. This is his weight! "

"No way!" Madame is also very can't believe said.

"What about him? I really don't know what I think, but Jin is definitely not willing to give up. He is Ding Yu's personal security supervisor. You may have heard Jiang ran talk about some things. What about them? With a lot of weapons and equipment. What about these? It's all approved! It's not to say who let him carry it! "

Madame also looked at her daughter, now at this time, I don't know what to say, my daughter? In the past, they were used to repaying kindness, but there was no revenge in the forest!

Who would it be? I won't be too happy. What about this? What about Jiang's reputation if he comes here? It's a pretty big blow! The son is not a godfather's fault. What about this? Also has own family quite big reason! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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