Ding Yu went back to his room. He didn't eat too much at night. It doesn't mean that he was angry for Jiang ran? It's really not necessary! Since things have happened, there is no big deal. Why bother to come here for such a little girl, isn't it?

The only feeling of disappointment? It was the investigation that was not completed, which meant that it would be abandoned in the middle of the way. However, it can be understood why Jin did this. Under the circumstances at that time, it had already been discovered. If it was really exposed, it would probably attract the attention of other forces!

Even now? A lot of eyes? Have been placed on their own body, after their own return? I didn't stay in the capital. I went to the farm very quickly. After I got home, I didn't stay for a long time. I'm afraid this has attracted the attention of many people!

In the morning, Ding Yu got up early and was also exercising his body outside. However, it was obviously different from that of the officers and soldiers. He was in the so-called fancy posture, and the range of his movements was not very large. He could not see any so-called strength. Is this the so-called exercise? Health is almost the same!

Is this the time for exercise? Maybe it's a little bit long. It's almost two hours. What about breakfast? Kong xianbo did it, that is, Jiang Ran's mother cooked the kitchen in person. Last night, she made two phone calls and got some understanding of Ding Yu's situation!

Whether it's money or power? People will not have too much interest, so they are also trustees? After selling two things, they are more expensive. What about your family background? Basically, it has been hollowed out. This matter is even hidden from ginger. After all, it is the daughter who provokes the matter, and it also causes such a big thing!

Whether it's for her daughter or for ginger? We all need to solve this problem. Of course, we can find other relationships. But in Kong xianbo's opinion, there is no need for this aspect. How about looking for someone? Is it hard not to accept the favor? It's impossible!

If you can solve this problem, you don't need your husband to stand up. If your husband stands up, you may not see anything now. But who knows if there will be any situation in the future. You can't affect his development because of such a thing, right?

"What about you, Xiaoding? It's also a long way from here. The things here are still very good. What about in the morning? I also deliberately prepared for you to eat, do not know if you like! Just in the house? There are two more ginseng. How about you recently? May also need to make up, as a little bit of aunt's heart! "

Ding Yu also motioned to Jin. After all the things came up, he also reached out and made an invitation gesture, "aunt Kong, please sit down!" Then Ding Yu also took up the chopsticks, porridge has been cool! Kong xianbo also hesitated to take a look at Ding Yu, and then he picked up a spoon to fill himself with a bowl of porridge.

When eating, both of them didn't have any words. When he put down his chopsticks, Ding Yu also wiped the corners of his mouth, "Auntie Kong, do you think I'm a unreasonable person? Or am I an unscrupulous person

"Xiaoding, what about this? Is it Jiang Ran's fault, in front of me? She is a good child, but after she went out, she received too much praise and compliments. What about her? They have not been able to set up their own ideas, so it is proper to receive punishment. What about it? My face and her father's face have been lost

"She's wrong, to say the least? I don't care, I'm not her family, I'm not her family, I don't have to pay for what she's done Ding Yu said that it is true that there are so many regardless of the face, or in other words, the face has not been left for Geng Zhi.

"And me? It's a doctor. Since aunt Kong sent two ginseng, I won't take it? Don't worry. I'll take it? It seems that I am too stingy. What about the things? I bought it and asked aunt Kong not to refuse! " After saying this, Ding Yu also stood up, "the thing is good, just a little salty!"

Jin has been looking at this matter. When he follows Ding Yu, he also stands up his shoulder slightly. What about the things investigated last night? He placed it in front of Kong xianbo, and then ordered it with his hand! Since the gentleman is willing to let go, then don't worry about yourself!

Kong xianbo is also a little hesitant. After opening the contents, he suddenly looks like white paper! What I see is too terrible. I really don't believe it. It's just a night's investigation. Is it possible?

Geng Zhi looked at Kong xianbo's face and didn't say anything. Instead, he did it and filled himself with a bowl of porridge. He would not have paid too much attention to this point. When Kong xianbo responded, Geng Zhi had already finished eating!

"Old classmate, why are you so careless? You are already a big leader!" Looking at the straight face, he also handed the document directly to Geng Zhi, "what do you mean? I didn't believe that this was given to me by his security guard. I was really afraid of itGeng Zhi did not want to see the meaning, and then also handed all the things in the past, "Jiang ran? It's your daughter. What about this time? He didn't die directly, which means that he didn't mean anything else, but what about suffering? I think it should be, an old classmate, I also ate your porridge, next time prepare a little more! Don't be too stingy

"Old classmate, it's a bit too much to come here in such a hurry and go in a boundless way?"

I know very well. What about my family? There is no comparison with Ding Yu. What about others? Don't want to see Jiang ran in the same way, or even with his own old Jiang? As a matter of fact, it doesn't mean much to fight. It's not one level at all!

Fortunately? I have some so-called foresight, and I don't mean to deliberately protect my daughter. I let her stand outside for a night. This step is also right! Looks like his own daughter! It is really necessary to have a good education and education. Now this mess is almost impossible to end. What will happen in the future?

Jin gives a check and takes two ginseng. Kong xianbo looks at the number on the check? It is also the feeling that there are so many consternations, not less, but more. What about this matter? You'd better call ginger after you go back! If you have a chance, you can call sister Su Yuan and let ginger do it? Give Wang Er Ge a call!

Ding Yu naturally saw Jiang ran who was still standing there, but he didn't pay any attention to it. He was upright? Following Ding Yu's side position, will you come to Ding Yu's side? There is something to discuss, not to hang out!

Since Ding Yu didn't mean to stay, he couldn't have stayed. "Xiaoding, I heard that where's Mr. Qi? Arrange relevant personnel to go to Lao maozi's side? I feel that things are so strange! Do you think so? "

Ding Yu rubbed his hand, "what? What do I do that the intelligence department is interested in? "

"What do you do? We really don't have much interest, but what's your goal this time? It seems to be Lao maozi's side, and what about all the supervisors in your previous time? All of them are gathered together. This has caused quite a fluctuation, so pay special attention to it! "

Ding Yu snorted, but what about this problem? I won't hide it for too long. After all, what about the forces involved? It may be more, but the question is, what about the last person to show up? Absolutely not as much as you can imagine. Why? After all, that is an old man!

"What about cooperation? You may not agree too much! But what about each other? In this case, there seems to be nothing else to talk about except cooperation! " Geng Zhi is also very straightforward. At this time, don't talk to Ding Yu about the so-called conditions and negotiate first? Let's talk about other things.

What about yourself this time? What you spell is your character! This is also the reason why I came here in person! Can cooperation be negotiated? This is not the first issue. The first problem is that we need to sit in front of the negotiation table. If we can't sit together, how can we negotiate?

"Are you so interested? I feel like this thing is a little weird! " Ding Yu was also bored and said, "what about Lao maozi and us? It can be said that the relationship is very delicate. We can communicate with each other. I really don't believe that there will be nothing in the intelligence department. That's really fooling the ghost

Will cooperation be successful? Ding Yu really didn't hold any expectations for this, because the intelligence and management department made a little bit of a disaster, so what about them? They are all at a distance. Do you want to get rid of them completely? This is not a realistic thing at all.

"Between us and Lao maozi? The relationship between them is too complicated. If we really talk about it, we can even talk about the collapse of the Soviet Union in the last century? It has had a considerable impact on itself, but it has also caused considerable impact and damage to us. Over the years, we have had considerable cooperation with each other, but this "cooperation" has a certain scope

Ding Yu also laughed, laughing so cold, "so what about the staff arranged by Mr. Qi? There must be someone from your intelligence department. No wonder you, Geng Da minister, came here in person! "

What about Ding Yu? There are really not many good ways, why say so? What about the personnel arrangement? They are all handed over to Mr. Qi and his students. What about here? He really does not have much initiative, or Ding Yu has never thought about this issue.

Even if it is their own arrangement, it is inevitable that people from the intelligence and management department will be mixed in. Although they say that they can smell some smell from their bodies, how can we say that? Some things still need to muddle along! As if you don't know anything, just open one eye and close one eye!

"What about the decision of Mr. Qi? I have no right to interfere! " Ding Yu said that, it is also a breach, because this matter is impossible to avoid, even if he does not agree, will the intelligence department give up? Impossible thing! "But the situation there is more special! I need a wake-up call! "The reason for saying this is to tell Geng and Zhizhi that if something happens, don't care whether you agree or disagree. Don't ask yourself any reasons and results at that time. You don't pay any attention now and in the future, because what is involved? It's not your own interests!

Geng Zhi also wrinkled his brow, and then extended his hand to Ding Yu. Looking at the gesture, Ding Yu also handed him the cigarette. He had a cigarette in his pocket, but he had to beat his local tyrants. There were so many things that were not decent!

"So there will be more people involved in this matter?" After lighting the cigarette, Geng Zhi also sighed, "as far as I know now, it seems that I haven't made any contact with Lao maozi?"

"When to meet the emperor, I haven't thought about it yet." Ding Yu also avoided this question directly. Is the so-called contact or no contact? I don't want to disclose this information. As for minister Geng Da, do you understand it? I don't want to talk about it too much!

"And the president? He has a strong character and is cunning when he is a little bit. Although he has not dealt with too much, he is also a member of the same trade. When dealing with him? It's better to be careful! "

"Who knows?" Ding Yu is still ambiguous, "I have other things to deal with, so I won't disturb you, Minister Geng!" Obviously, what about this conversation? That's it!

Straight up his brow, to be sure, he did not get the desired results, but it is obvious that Ding Yu has no intention to talk about it! What we want to do is not fill the gap in two days! What about the pit ahead? It's a bit deep!

"Xiaoding! You just take these people for a walk around. Can't you? There will be some previous problems. I'd like to see if you can add a guide to solve many problems and situations, right? "

Ding Yu took a look at the trace of his palm, and then patted his hand twice. "At most, I won't carry weapons and equipment any more. I don't know if anyone will come to the door voluntarily. Who knows?"

In a word? It's also about bumping Geng Zhi into the south wall. Is anyone looking for trouble? It's not that you can't! Anyway, it will be OK for someone to carry the black pot. What about this matter? However, Minister Geng has warned you well that if there are any problems and conditions, you will not be able to get rid of this responsibility!

There are also some twitches in the corners of the mouth. What about the responsibility? He is really so some can not bear, Ding Yu this guy is really so some bad ah! But we can still see some problems and conditions from it. His attitude towards the Department of information management has changed fundamentally.

The original cooperation has gradually alienated and turned a blind eye to it, and even now it is based on the fact that it is quite a process. But what happened without Ding Yu's help? The efficiency of the information management department can be said to be greatly reduced. What about the loss? It's not that you can measure it with money. The price is too high!

What about yourself this time? I came in person, but what happened? Ding Yu did not because of his arrival on what? Even give yourself a chance to sit at the table? No giving! What about this? There is no need to talk about it openly. There is no possibility to talk about it!

What little moves do you want to do? I can't control it, but if there's something really going on, I'm sorry, even if the old man doesn't do it? I will take the lead on this side of the action, there is no face to talk about!

In the past, there was no such warning. Did not there be such a hint? Maybe that's all, but what about the implication? If you are honest and upright, you can't worry about it. If you don't worry about it, I don't say it. Since I have already said it, think about it carefully!

So on the way back, the upright expression is also slightly melancholy, not the result that I want, but it is the best condition that can be achieved at this time! If Ding Yu really doesn't open this gap, he can arrange people in, but I'm afraid it will be more restrictive.

Looking out of the window? Geng Zhi also felt that the past could not be recalled. Ding Yu's relationship with the emotional management department at the beginning was quite good, but the emotional management department did not really cherish it.

Even at that time, many forces did not cherish the relationship with Ding Yu. Only a few people or forces maintained a considerable relationship with Ding Yu, just like the one that Ding Yu met on the farm. Their relationship has never been broken, or even closer.

No comparison? There is no so-called harm. After all, the relationship between Ding Yu and the emotion management department, and then the relationship between Ding Yu and that one, the difference is really too big! One in the sky, and the other? On the ground? May be more euphemistic! I really regret that I shouldn't have done it at the beginning!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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