When she came out of the courtyard, Lin Qiuyan was not very happy, but she didn't show it clearly. She was looking after her eldest son with her head down. However, Wang Yang, sitting in the back, seemed to feel something. Her wife was in a bad mood.

Having a look at her wife, Lin Qiuyan didn't react at the beginning, but after a long time, she felt that there was something wrong with her, but she was on the car? There's always a driver. What about that? Not in front of the driver.

After waiting until home, Lin Qiuyan pulled down her face and said, "I don't have any opinions and ideas about the elder brother. After we got married, the elder brother took care of us very much. But I'm not happy about today's affairs. My son went to see his uncle. Why didn't he lift his eyelids? It's a bit unreasonable!"

Wang Yang, who was sitting on the sofa, shook his head. "You don't understand what big brother means. What about this? Elder brother did not do wrong, why did Chen Feng push you? This is also for your good. It's a pity that you didn't want to understand, my elder brother's housekeeper! It's smart enough! Not ordinary people! "

Lin Qiuyan looks at her husband differently. It's hard to find out what else to say, or what her husband wants to cover up, which is not very appropriate. Therefore, she also looks at her husband and wants to listen to his explanation.

"Brother, if you read it, you must start! And once you start, there's no way to explain it! Don't take the children as an example, or you may have bad luck! "

Carry up the cup on the tea table, blow, Wang Yang is also Zizi drink two, the taste is good! "You! I haven't seen the way out. Why did you come back? It's not that the elder brother wants to come back, but because the three old people invited the elder brother to come back. Now, if you join in, you can bear the storm?! It's blown over

"Can't you?" Lin Qiuyan is also a nono said, obviously her husband's words also let her realize some problems.

"Neither you nor I can get involved in this matter!" What about Wang Yang's attention? No matter who asked, you don't know anything. Other people won't say anything. Prepare something to eat! I didn't eat at night. I'm really hungry! "

Taking advantage of not having a meal, Wang Yang also made a call to Xiaobao. Xiaobao hesitated for a moment after hearing about it. "Third brother, I'll come to you after dinner later."

"Come and eat! You will not be missing a pair of chopsticks at home

"No! I have a date for dinner. I'm going to work as a light bulb now? You don't think it's miserable enough to abandon my single dog Xiaobao also said in a low voice, and there were some complaints in his words.

Wang Yang put down the phone, but also a meal of laughing and scolding, let Lin Qiuyan is also distracted, "what's the matter? Xiaobao didn't provoke you again

"He! Sometimes it's too expensive, but now there are still some uncertainties! "

I see. Lin Qiuyan also understood, but I also felt strange. What happened in the past? Xiaobao may not be liked by many people. It was mainly because he was too confused at that time. But now the situation is different. Why is it still like this?

Seeing that her husband was in a good mood, Lin Qiuyan also asked more. Wang Yang's face also sank down, "he! Still need such flowers, anyway, Zheng family? It's not that he is alone, waiting for him to inherit his family. In this way, all aspects are relatively at ease. This matter still needs to be delayed! "

"If you know it, don't say it! Xiaobao! Sometimes it's hard! After all, there are some differences between him and me! What about him? Although said that now compared to the flowers, but his heart still has his own attention! Don't worry about it! "

Wang Yang waited for a long time. When he came to the small treasure, he could smell the perfume of his body. He saw Lin Qiuyan and greeted his hand. "Sister in law, there is our great nephew in the house. Don't come over and look back on the child's body. I'll talk to the brother's study."

Although Lin Qiuyan didn't come over, he personally made tea and sent it to his study. Wang Yang also told Xiaobao about today's affairs. What about this matter? Until now I didn't want to understand, brother has this aspect of the hint, his heart is really itchy!

Xiaobao sitting on the sofa also touched a cigarette out, but after thinking about it, he put down the cigarette again. There are children in the family. It's wrong to look at the third brother's eyes. If he dares to light it, maybe he can swallow his cigarette, so don't make trouble.

"I understand it! Now you know what about big brother? I really didn't say anything about our two brothers! The heart is really a little moved! When you have time tomorrow, you have to knock your head twice! "

"All right, don't flatter here!" Wang Yang also snorted.

"How can this be said to be flattery? I mean it from the bottom of my heart, OK Xiaobao also argued, "third brother, you! It's in his position, so I can't see clearly. In fact, the meaning of big brother is very simple, and the core interests are not changed. What about the so-called soup and water? Who drinks is not drinking. We can hold on to drinking alone, and it is also hateful. How about everyone? More happy! This is the best choice! "Wang Yang is holding his chin to think for a period of time, as if suddenly understand what, "big brother means not to stand in line, can be so to understand it! If you don't stand in line, you don't stand up! "

"From my personal point of view, what about the core? We pinched them. What about the others? If you can't get in, you can't play. What about the money? You can take it, but what about the relationship? What about resources? What about the channels? All these things are under our control. At most, we will make a new comeback

"You boy!" Wang Yang also suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed to Xiaobao, "I said why the eldest brother is so suggestive, your boy is not secretly working hard and hard behind his back! A playboy in front of you, a beam in front of you and a thorn in your back

"No way!" Xiao Bao didn't deny this question, but what about his appearance? It's really a little elated, "you know where? There are also 15 students. This training is different from ours. They may not snatch our resources when they come back, but what about their ability? It will always be raised to a certain level! "

"I'm behind!" Wang Yang also gently breathed, "what about marriage and having children? It does have a considerable impact, although it will make the whole life mature and complete, but at the same time? I will wear myself unconsciously

"You said it yourself, but I didn't say anything!" Xiaobao also ha ha a smile, "but I still admire big brother, if I am in that position above? I won't have that kind of control. What about a goal? Sometimes it's really a blessing! "

"The elder brother is back today. What about the old three tomorrow? Maybe I'm going to talk to my big brother. I even wanted to have this conversation a long time ago, but I still can't find a suitable opportunity! "

Xiao Bao shook his head, "it's not easy to talk about it. What can I do with it? What about elder brother's illness? It is already a difficult problem. What about Su Yu? Another problem! With the contradiction at the beginning, I feel that there is not much hope at this time! "

How about two? The time of talking about it is a little bit long, but we all know each other well. What about this dialogue? It must be quite difficult. It is really not clear that one sentence or two sentences can explain it clearly! What's more, the explanation itself is not clear.

The next morning, the three old men also came to the courtyard. When they came, Ding Yu was processing some documents and files in his study, so he didn't mean to greet him. The three old men sat in the courtyard, and Chen Feng also served tea and water, showing a little bit of formality.

When Ding Yu finished processing the documents, he met the three old men. There was no embarrassment in meeting each other. Ding Yu also said hello to the three old men, and then sat down in his own position, with a cool look and no sense of arrogance.

"Busy lately?" Looking at this atmosphere, the old lady is also the first to open her mouth. She always needs to break the deadlock. It has been more than half a year. The relationship between her grandson and her family has been completely cut off. He did not participate in the engagement of Wang Li. What about Wang Yang's birth? He didn't come back.

What if it wasn't the third? To reconcile it, or even to return to Beijing? It's also the thing that the two said. The relationship between each other is so severe that it's really regretful that we shouldn't have done it at the beginning, because we have already felt the power of it, that is, it's a little bit late!

"I'm a little busy. There are a lot of things about the group. In addition, my academic work also needs some results. So I'm so busy that I really don't have much time!" Good reason to put all people's mouths in it? To block, in other words, do not use this as an excuse, it is so simple.

"Did you see two children coming together earlier? And then he left? "

"They have a holiday, but what about the summer homework in the United States? It's a little different from that in China. I took it with me for a while and gave it to their mother. There are some problems in the work here. There is not so much time! "

What's the meaning of the story? Ding Yu is emphasizing that his work is very busy, no time, if you three old people want to live here? I don't mind staying as long as you want, even if you like it here? Give it to all of you. Anyway, I'm not such a place to live.

"At home? Recently, the situation is quite complicated. What about your father? I'm too busy. How about you? Why don't you go home? Even if it doesn't, you have to make two phone calls, don't you? "

Ding Yu's hands crossed on his legs, his eyes are also watching his grandmother for a period of time, the expression on his face? A little bit loose, but fleeting, but can be seen, this expression? It's ridicule. Both Su bochen and Wang Pu noticed it!

Both of them are holding fire in their hearts, but they are extremely helpless. The fire can't be vented at all. Their good hand has been broken by them. The original plan has been aborted, but now? They also want to finish the matter and force it on. This is probably the reason why Ding Yu ridiculed it!Regardless of whether this is the reason, Wang Pu and Su bochen feel that there are so many hanging on the face, but at this time? There is no way to turn against Ding Yu, the great grandson! Not at all.

Where's the old lady? He also gave Wang Pu and Su bochen a look, and then patiently said to his grandson, "Wang Yang's child has been born. I heard that he brought it with Qiu Yan yesterday. How do you feel?"

Ding Yu's crossed hands were also released at this time. Ding Yu took a look at the marks on his palm, then patted them twice. He said faintly, "I came back yesterday. I was tired. I didn't feel so much mood, so I didn't look at it!"

Words directly let three old fool's eyes, how a situation this is? Yesterday, three members of Wang Yang's family came to the courtyard. We all know about it, but what about this uncle? He didn't even look at his nephew. There are some people who didn't think of it. Isn't it too heartless? That's your nephew!

For a while, the three old men did not know how to deal with it. They looked at Ding Yu foolishly, but Ding Yu? Is to carry a front of the tea bowl, take a slow drink, "grandma, that child named it! I didn't ask yesterday. It was the first seedling of the Wang family! Congratulations

It's better not to say it. If we don't say it, we can feel a little better in our hearts. Now that we have said it, we are really at a loss. What about Ding Yu's two children? There is no meaning of surname Wang at all. Wang Yang's children are surnamed Wang, but what about Ding Yu? It's not popular at all.

Still want to send this child to Ding Yu's door? But did not expect this child to come, Ding Yu did not even blink an eyelid, directly to throw out the door, what should the next words say? It is obvious that people do not want to see the rhythm, or that there is no intention and intention to talk.

"Are you so busy now?" Wang Pu also took the words over, and at the same time looked at his grandson with a bad look. "There's no time to go back home?"

Ding Yu looked back at his grandfather, thought for a moment, then nodded, "very busy, the matter involved is very large, covering a wide range, not suitable for the moment to disclose!" I'm afraid the whole world will know it if I tell you about it. How about understanding it from another angle? Just don't believe it.

Wang Pu is also all of a sudden on the language block, their own on this? Really do not understand, after all busy or not busy? Although Ding Yu doesn't believe his words, he should not believe it? Still has considerable weight, at least worthy of being believed.

"What about work? It's necessary, but we can't ignore family just because of work, can we? "

Ding Yu pretended to nod, "it's also true. If I have time, I'll pay attention to it!"

Originally, this matter has been talked about by the second in the family, but the plan has not changed quickly. What about the waiter? He said that he resisted seriously, so the three elders took the responsibility to himself, but there were too many things happened during the period. What's the complexity? It is also beyond our estimation and expectation.

"What about Wang Yang? It's a very important child in the family. How about his and Xiaobao's growth? It's important. There can be no problems or situations in the whole process, but there are problems in other places at home, such as children's education. In this regard, your two children are well educated! "

Su bochen didn't hold back at this time. He told the matter directly. It was also clear that he wanted to fight with Ding Yu. In any case, it was such a situation. How long the three old guys could hold on to, it was better to be happy than better, and to save the tedious.

"What about these problems? I don't care much. How about the two of them? Basically, the nanny is worried about this aspect of the matter, if Wang Yang is interested in this aspect, the nanny is still in my side! Is that the cost? Maybe it's a little more expensive! "

Ding Yu didn't mention this issue in a positive way. He didn't want to be the king of children. He didn't think he could be the king of children. What about his children? Education and education is just about it, other people's children also want to let themselves to educate, but really do not have this confidence, although that is their own nephew.

Now the three elders have completely understood what they did before? The road has been completely blocked, the door has been closed, it is impossible to knock on the door! There is no use in hope.

What about the original blood? It's already cold now. Ding Yu came back, but he didn't mean to sit down and talk. Why did he come back? It's just to give the old three a face. It doesn't involve any relationship with others.

It is impossible and impractical to Tie Ding Yu with the so-called conditions! What about Ding Yu now? Don't eat this at all. What about your own side? All the conditions are still in the pocket, but what about Ding Yu? Directly overturned the negotiation table. To put it bluntly, it is so simple!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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