"Granddad, grandma!" It can be said that Wang Pu and the old lady were sulky for a day. Since they came back from the quadrangle, they have always been in such a state. At this time, the servants in the family are very light handed, for fear of making any noise.

Wang Yang obviously also noticed his grandfather and grandmother's face and condition, for this matter? I also have a considerable estimate in my heart. It must be in my elder brother's place? Did not ask for any benefits, this is doomed thing, but grandfather and grandmother, grandfather and they? Is still unwilling.

Is it right or wrong? This problem is really not to their own round to judge, since the grandfather and grandmother called themselves, so happy to come over! If you two old people have anything to say, then I will listen respectfully, and I will never dare to speak another word.

Looking at Wang Yang's appearance, Wang Pu and the old lady are not angry again. Why? Ding Yu's grandson is too rebellious. What about Wang Yang? It's too honest. How about two people? It's a brother! Why are they so extreme? Can't you neutralize it a little bit?

"What happened yesterday?" Wang Pu also asked angrily.

Get it! He knew that he would certainly be asked. Wang Yang didn't have any so-called pause. He simply said what happened yesterday, even after Lin Qiuyan went home? I also mentioned that I didn't hide anything. What about brother yesterday? Such an attitude! What can I do?

The old lady also made a gesture to her old man. Looking at her grandson, she sighed heavily, "what about today? I went to your elder brother and talked about the education and cultivation of your son. But what about your elder brother? Give me a refusal! It's very straightforward! "

"Big brother, you may be very busy. This is understandable!"

For this problem, Wang Yang really has his own ideas. Whether it's grandparents or grandparents, or their parents? Do not have too much effect, in my opinion, some too take it for granted, always think of all things to the big brother to solve!

Big brother is covered with iron. How many nails can you make? What about yourself and Xiaobao? Because I have more contact with my elder brother, I have some understanding of my elder brother's mind.

It's not that big brother doesn't want to stretch out his hand. It's not like this, just waiting for the pie to fall from the sky. Everything is ready-made. Big brother really won't lift his eyelids. But if you are willing to work hard and persevere, then big brother won't let your efforts in vain!

I don't know why my grandfather and grandmother, as well as my grandfather, don't understand this truth. There are other people? If you don't work hard, you always want to get something from big brother. Forget it! What about things like this? I won't say too clear, anyway, I'm working hard now!

Seeing Wang Yang's appearance, Wang Pu and the old lady looked at each other. What about Wang Yang's condition? It's not like a broken pot, but it seems impossible to say that he and Ding Yuda have reached any so-called agreement! It is true that he is valued by Ding Yu, but there are still some impossible things like this!

The important thing is not that they didn't make it happen. What makes them angry is that Wang Yang did it? Do not care at all, the family is anxious for such a thing, you have such an attitude!? But it's all for your children's sake, not for others. How about a little conscience?

"Granddad and grandma, what do I think about this? I don't need to be so anxious. What about elder brother? I'm afraid this kind of forcible embarkation can only have the so-called counter effect. It's the kind of hard and soft that doesn't eat. Now it makes the relationship between each other so stiff and ugly, isn't it? "

Wang Pu and the old lady are also quite surprised to look at Wang Yang, where Ding Yu gave birth to a stomach of sullen, but Wang Yang? Or a good child, no arch fire meaning, on the contrary is very understanding! pretty good!

When Wang Yang went out, Wang Pu also looked at his wife, "have they reached any agreement? Or other reasons? Do you feel anything? "

"No way!" The old lady also shook her head, "it's a little weird! Is there a tacit understanding between the two brothers? I'm not sure. What about Wang Yang? Including Xiaobao, they were deeply influenced by Ding Yu. What about the subtle influence? Sometimes it's really hard for people to say clearly! "

"What happened to the other children at home when Ding Yu came back?" Looking at his wife's appearance, Wang Pu also did not continue to ask, have handed over the power, so some things? It's time to put it on. Don't worry about it!

But what about the three old men going to find Ding Yu? In the Wang family and the Su family, they still have a considerable impact. Although Su Yu's affairs have caused quite a lot of trouble for everyone, the role of this puzzle is still quite limited. We don't do anything, but there is no problem in saying so?

So what about the sound? Once again, Ding Yu is indifferent to this matter. What about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? It's watching from a distance. After all, what about their hands? Now the resources under control are very important. What about this attitude? It's also about keeping the two of them at a distance from some people.Now what about two people? The level of mixed up is not the same, with what kind of cooperation, to take what kind of cooperation, can bring those people in, at the same time, who to get rid of, two people can be said to be handy!

What's more important is what they did? They are all within the scope of the rules, and they don't mean to touch other circles. If we can cooperate, Hello, Hello, everyone, even if we can't cooperate? There's no need to kill each other, with no one!

How about that? After all, their reputation is very good. Who is it? Are willing to earn a clean money, although other ways to get money faster and more, but the same burden of things!

What about Ding Yu and Wang Yang? Do not need to bear any pressure, in other words, I am not afraid to check! Whatever you want. Where are we going? All are formal business procedures and means, but do others dare to say so?

Now some people talk about Ding Yu's small talk. Many people keep a wait-and-see attitude towards it. However, there are not many people who want to say it. Why? What about this one? After all, it involves the Wang family and the Su family themselves. What about others? It's really hard to get involved.

If you really get involved, you will be on the side of Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, or even Ding Yu to a certain extent. But what is the problem? Also let everyone stand on the opposite side of the three old!

What about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? It has also been divided into Ding Yu, the top of the mountain. Of course, everyone knows about them? They represent the Wang family and the Su family, but what about that? As for whether the three elders understand this matter? No one said, at least three old people have not said it now! Actually? Not much use!

How can the three elders really give Ding Yu? But what about people with a little weight? They all know this very well. What about Ding Yu? It's not the Wangs and the Sujia at all, but the Wangs and the suss? Relying on Ding Yu can walk more smoothly! Now these bastards of the Wang family and the Su family don't know what to do.

What about their details? There is quite a relationship, of course, there is a part of the reason is that Ding Yu hid too well! From the beginning to the end? They didn't reveal their own meaning. Even if the family members knew about Ding Yu, they were quite few. What about these? Just a piece of feather!

Ding Yu didn't really plan to stay in the courtyard for a long time. He had other things to deal with. However, before he made specific arrangements, his parents arrived, which can be said to be quite sudden.

Seeing the busy man, Wang Changlin also looked at Su Yuan. He was about to leave so soon. It seemed that he didn't have a few days to come back? If they didn't come in time, would they leave tonight?

"What? Are you leaving tonight? " When he sat down, Wang Changlin also inquired and asked.

"There are some things in Europe, so I need to go back to England and have a look!" Originally planned to leave this evening, but when his parents came, Ding Yu didn't have too many demands. Wait a minute! But this time delay!

Su Yuan looked at his son, there was a period of time did not meet, is really thin, almost a year of time, is still not recovered, he is really distressed! What about the house? Just think about them, never from their own son's point of view to consider the problem!

"Are you so tired that your body can bear it?" Su Yuan was also very worried and asked, what happened to Su Yu? It must be that there is a considerable estrangement in my son's heart. I didn't expect that things would go on like that. If I knew that was the case, I would not do that.

But what about now? It's no longer of much use. Will the eldest son listen to it? Even I won't believe it, some things happened after it is really irreparable! But what about the older son's face? It's not bad. I'm afraid it's the most satisfying place for me!

"How are you for the time being! I'm in a hurry to come back, and I don't have time to see you and my dad! " Ding Yu was also blocked in advance. To be exact, what happened to Su Yu last time? Ding Yu's heart is extremely uncomfortable, but he did not say anything, just expressed with action!

How can Wang Changlin and Su Yuan not understand, but this matter is not easy to explain what, so we can only get along like this! If I don't come to have a look today, what about the eldest son? Maybe he left. He's with his family now? Just maintain a superficial relationship!

If you really meet, say hello and pretend that you don't know anyone after turning around. This is the story of the eldest son, the three elders, coming to the courtyard. Wang Changlin and Su Yuan have heard about it. They don't want to mention this matter at this time. They will be more angry if they mention it.

"Stop talking about it!" Wang Changlin shook his head, "what about other things? The past is the past. Are you willing or not? This is your own business. What if you have time? Just come and have a look. If you don't have time, make two more calls! "What about the most miserable people? It's not Ding Yu. It should be Wang Changlin and Su Yuan sitting here. What about them? It is sandwiched in the middle of the position, has been both ends of the gas, can not have any defense!

Fortunately, Wang Changlin? When the eldest son was ill, he finally expressed his feelings and opinions. There were so many bullies! Although there are so many late, but it is better than nothing to do, is not it, their own father? There are really some dereliction of duty.

"And the two children? Have been following you so leisurely? They are not young. When should they be stable? We still need to be stable. We can't do it in the east or in the West! "

"Where's Taixi? Not very convenient, mainly because the education in South Korea is too narrow, and it is not a good thing for the cultivation of children, so the two children are also following me! Even though they are young, how about giving them a glimpse of the world? It is impossible to say that there is any harm in it

What's the meaning of the story? It's also pushing this matter out, and the two children are following themselves? It is not only convenient, but also involves other problems and situations.

However, just as the three of them were talking, there was a burst of footsteps outside, very anxious. Ding Yu was sitting on the chair with the old God. The footstep stopped for a moment at the door, and then came in. Looking at Wang Changlin, he also walked quickly to the position behind him.

Ding Yu didn't look up at all. What about the whole person's attention? It seems that they have been attracted by the tea in front of them, but Wang Changlin stands up suddenly, and gives Su Yuan a big surprise, "when is the matter?"

Secretary Xiao Xue also said in a low voice, "I don't know when it happened, but I just got the news!"

Wang Changlin waved to his secretary, "Xiaoyu, there are other things here. What about your mother and me? Go back first Su Yuan is also stunned. What does her husband mean? It's really not the general anxiety! However, Wang Changlin did not have two steps of time, and turned to look at his eldest son, "boss, is the matter at night so anxious? If you can, can you stay for two days? Something happened here

Ding Yu looked at his father, and then looked at his wrist watch. "I have made some arrangements. It's not good to refuse! Yes, there should be no problem until 12 o'clock! Things over there are also relatively cumbersome. I need to go to the town in person. There may be some things that I can't take care of! "

"Wait for my call!" Then Wang Changlin also took Su Yuan to leave quickly. Su Yuan was puzzled and followed him. What happened to him made his husband unable to sit still!

When waiting to get on the bus, Su Yuan looked at her husband, "what happened? Why can't you sit still?"

"Don't ask about some things about work!" Wang Changlin pondered for a moment, and then he was holding his chin, "where's Xiaoyu? If I don't leave these two days, it's better. I don't want him involved in this matter in the end

Su Yuan didn't ask what happened, but Ding Yu didn't mean to rush to the airport at the first time. What happened outside had nothing to do with himself. He couldn't make any inquiries. Now it's OK to close the gate! This is the best choice.

However, Ding Yu's absence of guests does not mean that this matter has been divorced from Ding Yu. Some people really come to visit him at this time! Sitting in the living room reading, Ding Yu hesitated for a moment. What's the weight of the visitor? Really is to let oneself have so some hard to refuse!

"Uncle Wang, are you coming so late?" Ding Yu also walked to the door of the study. Where is Wang San GE's father? It's not the first time we met. We are also quite familiar with each other! But what about our own understanding? Third brother Wang's father seems to have been in the second line. It's a bit weird to come back so late.

"He had an accident, just now! But family members are not allowed to see them at the hospital! I looked for other people, but they were all crushed down! I don't want to come here, but I don't know what happened

"You can't see it either?" Ding Yu's face is also slightly gloomy down, want to know Wang San GE's father? However, the security department, although said to have been second-line, but also not so fast people left tea cool, say a word should be quite weight is, but he still can not see people, this is really too strange!

Ding Yu also called Jin to come over for the first time, "go and ask the specific situation. Since you can't move the relationship between the face and the face, you can say hello to those colleagues in the hospital and see what kind of situation the third brother is? Don't disturb too many people

How about breaking in? It's not the best choice. In that case, it can only make the contradiction between each other more profound. But when asked about the situation of brother Wang, this should not be a big problem!

Since there has been a traffic accident, it can be sent to the hospital. It must also be treated by doctors. As long as there are doctors and nurses involved and treated? So for Ding Yu, there is a channel to dredge up. He doesn't want to make a fuss. He just wants to know about the situation. That's all!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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