"Is the third brother transferred to the capital now? Never heard of that? "

"Let's say we'll come back for dinner today. The children have already come back before. What about me? They are already in the second tier, so they are enjoying their grandchildren at home. What about the education conditions in Beijing? After all, it is better than other places. He said that he would come back in the afternoon, but there was no news. Only in the evening did someone call him. He had an accident and was hospitalized! "

Ding Yu looked at his watch again, "what happened to the capital recently? I've been abroad for more than half a year, but I don't have much time and experience to deal with domestic affairs! "

Now there is still time, so it's OK to listen to it. In about half an hour, the relevant information is almost the same. Jin came back the first time, but he didn't say it in person. Instead, he delivered the message to his husband while he was delivering tea and snacks!

"Uncle Wang, take a rest for half a quarter! I'll come when I go! "

After that, Ding Yu also went out. The waiting time was not very long. Then Ding Yu turned back again. Looking at Uncle Wang who was eager to look at him, Ding Yu also nodded his head slightly, "what's the matter with the third brother? I don't say, Uncle Wang, don't ask, because this is a job, but what about the third brother himself? There is no danger! "

"This child! Sometimes too persistent

"Uncle Wang, what bad things have not been seen? Only after the wind and rain can we see the rainbow. Some things? You should care, but what about some things? Care is chaos! " Ding Yu also gently ordered a sentence, I believe this uncle Wang can understand, after all, what about him? It's security! At least once!

"Ah! Xiaoyu, I'm confused. What about the last Gang? There is such a problem Uncle Wang also shook his head, "what about the public security and security departments? Most of them are good! " What about this? It is certain, but it also reveals other meanings, which is obviously warning Ding Yu.

After all, he works in the security department, and he knows something about Ding Yu these years. Naturally, he can feel Ding Yu's side? There is an undercurrent, which is aimed at Ding Yu, but what about this? He is vaguely a little bit of feeling, to really say who is, he really can't say.

After all, doubt? It can't prove anything. Can Ding Yu feel this way? I can't say it clearly. But it's already this time. What should we say? It still needs to be said that the gratitude is a little bit too big. Who can't let himself know any information?

"Uncle Wang, go back and have a rest! Of course, if we can't sleep, we can make more phone calls. We can't sleep and we can't let other people sleep, can we? " Ding Yu also said with a bad smile, "what about my side? It should be easy to get some information. If there is any other situation, you can call my mobile phone! "

Ding Yu immediately sent this uncle Wang out of the door. He came alone and did not drive or take a bus. When he came, he was in a hurry. What happened when he left? Back to their own hands, is completely a different person!

Ding Yu scratched his head and said, "it seems that things are too noisy! Third elder brother is hospitalized, unexpectedly still be a condition that is guarded strictly, according to my personal understanding? Third brother is more decent, and pay more attention to it. How did you fall into the set this time? "

Jin shook his head slightly. "I don't know the specific situation, but as far as I know, there are six people in a line. Now all of them are in the hospital, but the gap in treatment is relatively large. And Sir, how far are we from takeoff? There's less than five hours left! "

"You mean we don't want to get involved in this vortex, because it's likely to be a political one, right?" Looking at the nodding gold, Ding Yu also sighed, "this is not the problem of involvement, but we have already been in the whirlpool! What about this time? It's not for me! Watch it

Wu Mingyu also followed. He stood in front of Ding Yu. Ding Yu looked at him, and then he also gave a gentle smile, "where are the others? I can understand, but when you come, I feel that I can't understand. My father has just left for a short time and left in a hurry. What's the matter today? "

"Director, what about this half year? There are a lot of things happening in Beijing, and all the ghosts and ghosts are coming out! "

"My twelve o'clock flight to England Ding Yu immediately knocked on the table, "I don't seem to have any relationship with this incident, and I haven't been in China for more than half a year. Even if something happens, I can't find my head! What's the meaning of the third uncle? How can I feel that his recent situation seems to be a little passive? The problems and conditions inside are not normal! "

"The chief asked me to see you, director. I don't know if you are well recovered!"Yeah? Ding Yu looks at Wu Mingyu suspiciously to see if his illness is cured? The meaning conveyed by this word is so different! Is it really good? You need to come out to see the light, if you don't have a good health? We should continue to be honest and honest. These are totally two problems.

"Director, that's what the chief said!" Wu Mingyu also said bitterly at this time, because the actual situation is like this, he does not have any bias, what's more, he still faces Ding Yu, and dare not have any shirking. "By the way, the chief also said that the vegetables and fruits I saw on the farm last time are good!"

What exactly does it mean? Wu Mingyu doesn't understand. Anyway, what should be conveyed? All of them have been passed over. Ding Yu looks at his watch again. "I want to fly to England directly in the evening. It was nine o'clock originally, but it has been postponed to twelve o'clock! It seems that we need to postpone it for another two hours! "

Wu Mingyu was still puzzled, but he didn't ask anything. Seeing that the director didn't mean anything, Wu Mingyu didn't make any stay, and soon he left. Ding Yu sat in his study and asked Jin to clean up all the documents. What about this time? It's interesting!

Didn't expect to return to the capital? Unexpectedly, there is such a thing, the third uncle did not mention it to himself? Even when I was on the farm, I didn't mention it to myself. Obviously, I had some scruples. I didn't mean that I had any scruples about myself, but against other forces? Have scruples!

But it's obvious that you should be targeted, so? The third uncle will take advantage of the grandfather and grandmother, including the grandfather they request, directly let himself come to the capital there, this? I'm afraid it's also in response to the previous encounter on the other side of the border, no wonder so many people have been sent out!

It's not a big deal to be focused on, but how to deal with and deal with the next thing? This is what we care about! Why put the goal on your head? Is he the right arm of the third uncle? It seems that it can not be mentioned like this!

What about politics? I don't have any so-called influence and influence, but I can do something, but what can I do? It seems that they are all considered by the country within their ability, right? Under such circumstances, they still put their goals on their own bodies and give them the feeling that their goals are not so simple.

Let Jin pull a safe line for himself, and then Ding Yu also called his third uncle in person. What about this time? Wu Mingyu should not have gone back! When the middle-aged received the phone call, he was also stunned, but his face also showed some gratifying expression.

"Uncle, I was going to leave at nine o'clock this evening, but my parents came and went in a hurry. I postponed it to twelve o'clock. Now? It's put off till two o'clock. When will we leave? It can be agreed, but I'm worried about it! "

"Oh, you are a little more daring than a pumpkin. Why do I feel so worried when you say this

Ding Yu also laughed bitterly, "uncle, this joke is a little bit too big! I don't even know what happened until now. I'm busy with my business after I come back. Now most of the people who should come are here! "

What do you mean? Who should not have come? If you come, how should we deal with it? This is where Ding Yu feels headache. What about Uncle San? It can be said that he was forced to pull himself in. What about this matter? I need to ask you for an idea. I can't do anything recklessly, can I?

Just as he was talking, Chen Feng had already reached the door. Ding Yu also slightly waved his hand to Chen Feng, "well, what are you talking about? Good people come again. Uncle, you have to give me an idea, don't you?"

"I say you're so cautious? It's not your style! "

"No way! Uncle, what about my small body? It's too crispy. What about in the past? Everyone wants to take a bite from me. Now I want to enjoy the cool under the big tree. But I never thought that this time, it seems that the target is on my body again. I can't help it! You can't even escape this! "

"It is not very good for little comrades to have such ideas. We should believe in the country and the party."

"I see!" Ding Yu is also a ha ha smile, "it seems that someone will not let me go tonight! In that case, I'll be there for a while! Who knows what the outcome will be. " When he put down the phone, Ding Yu also smiles. Although he didn't get Shangfang sword, it was enough for him!

"Who's here?" Chen Feng didn't come in from outside until he was asked.

"In the past, I only heard of it, but I never had any contact with him at home. It was very abrupt." Chen Feng also carefully explained the situation of the visitors, "but I have heard of it. It seems that it is the Secretary of that person. We all know this matter!""It seems that you are really prepared to come here so openly!" Ding Yu shook his head, "see you! After all, people have been blocked at our door! Isn't it good to give a chance? "

Ding Yu is sitting here in the study. What's the pace of the visitor? It is very calm, and did not show any panic, from this point of view? Also made considerable preparation, otherwise it would never be so relaxed. This is to arouse Ding Yu's curiosity. At this time, there are not many people who perform like this!

Of course, there is another possibility. What about this one? It's just a public relations person. Such a person is not new to himself, or is just a middleman, so there is not much worry. However, when a secretary is a so-called middleman, this waste seems to be a bit big!

"Hello, Dr. Ding! It's bold to come! Not much preparation Then I put the prepared gift on the table. What about the things? It's not very expensive. If it's too expensive, I'm afraid Ding Yu will throw it out directly. Similarly, it can't be too light. If it's too expensive, it will lose your face.

Ding Yu looked at the visitor and nodded his head slightly. After Chen Feng brought tea and snacks, he also nodded, "please have tea!" The visitor is a guest. Why didn't you reach out? Is it because they are not familiar with each other, and he can not afford to, the gap in identity? It can't be avoided, especially at this time.

"Dr. Ding, I wonder if you have heard anything recently?"

The expression on Ding Yu's face didn't change any more. His fingers slightly knocked on the table and looked at the visitors. What's the matter? Don't beat around the Bush, just say it! I don't have so much free time to accompany you!

"Introduce yourself. Don't give me your surname Chen, Chen Hong!"

There is no pause in the hand that knocks on the table, and there is no change in the expression on the face. Or do you look at the visitor so frankly, what's your name and what kind of work do you do for me? Is it meaningless and valuable, or is it better to express your intention? In this way, between each other? It may not be that embarrassing!

Chen Hong originally wanted to see some changes in Ding Yu's face, but what about the result? It's really disappointing. From another perspective, what about here? It's Ding Yu's home court. He's very confident? This is also a matter of common sense! I didn't expect it.

But do you want to ask Ding Yu out? This problem is really a very difficult thing. There is no one like him in these red children in the capital. His ordinary life is in a low-key mess, and he has no so-called social intercourse and social intercourse, even if he wants to catch his weak points? It's also the feeling that you can't do anything about it.

So now they can only be door-to-door, but how to open this so-called breakthrough? It's really necessary to think of other ways. "It's said that Dr. Ding wants to fly directly in the evening. I heard that what about the airport? It seems that there is some time. It may be delayed later! "

"Is that what you're here to tell me?" Ding Yu's hand didn't knock on the table at this time, but placed it beside the tea bowl. If you talk so much nonsense, don't blame me for serving tea. What's the point of saying so much here?

"Mr. Ding! You Dao is a road with many friends and many roads. If you have a few friends, you will block up more walls! " Chen Hong also can see, this big young! It can be seen that this is not a good opportunity to talk to other people.

After saying this, Ding Yu also snorted, "what kind of friends are more, and what kind of friends are few? What's my definition of a friend? Some of them are different from others! "

"Less feathers!" At this time, Chen Hong really learned Ding Yu's difficulty. She didn't give herself any face at all, and no matter what kind of identity she was, she was totally different from other people of the same kind that she usually contacted. He was not crazy or arrogant, but a little proud!

But he also has proud capital. At his present age, what about in other places? Not to mention, but the achievements in business are enough to make the vast majority of people blush, let alone among them? I haven't asked my family to help me. What about myself? It's also amazing!

There are so many people in China, and there are also many red children. But who has made the same achievements as this one? Even now? You also need to pretend to be like the second grandson. If there is no way out, people have the power and the confidence. In such a situation, don't take this one seriously!

What can we do? For his own purpose can only play the so-called counter effect, the gain is not worth the loss. Since Ding Yu is willing to do so? So don't let him down and make him happy? In fact, it's more important than anything.

Although I have been in contact with Ding Yu for a few minutes, I still know a lot about Ding Yu. What about this? The main reason is that some people have provided quite a lot of information for themselves, and of course, they have a lot to do with what they are engaged in. But whether they can chew down this bone, Chen Hong's heart is really worried.After all, Ding Yu is different from other people. His style of dealing with affairs and his manner of speaking make him feel a little tricky. He can't afford to take it lightly.

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