"What about the domestic market? It's still a great achievement! " Looking at Ding Yu's attitude, Chen Hong also decided to take some money. Otherwise, it would be difficult to move this Yu Shao. What about the so-called small favor? I'm afraid it doesn't play any role in front of this one, because he can completely ignore it.

But can he ignore such a huge domestic market? It should be impossible. No matter in terms of farms or Li Fu Zhen, it is impossible to give up the domestic market. But what about Ding Yu himself? Now it can be said that it is difficult to do anything. Facing Ding Yu in all aspects, he is quite targeted.

Just like the jade style group, it is a way and means that has been pushed out to fight against Ding Yu. Moreover, this is just above the surface, but is it in the dark? What is the situation? I believe Ding Yu must have his own taste in his heart.

What about yourself now? It's also a matter of face-to-face. In such a huge market, I don't believe you. Ding Yu doesn't have any idea about this aspect. Do you want to know that there are a lot of constraints? For you Ding Yu, it is really promising, this is a good choice!

Ding Yu has reached out to the tea bowl, and this time it is also slowly retracted. When she sees this scene, Chen Hong's heart is full of determination. She is not afraid of your lion's big mouth. What are you afraid of? If you don't open your mouth, that's the most troublesome thing. Since you choose to open your mouth, then the remaining things will be easy to handle.

"Yu Shao, I believe that many people are willing to help you, and I believe you will make quite a choice!"

"What about the proposal? Is very attractive, but it is not the best choice, for me personally, do you need to open the door in this respect? Not a person's will for transfer! I think or don't want to. What about the external influence? There may be some, but it's not as hard as you think it is! "

"Less feather, too confident, is a good thing, but convenient for others and yourself! Isn't it? "

"It depends on the convenience of people. What do I do? Have their own principles, exactly? You just put forward your own conditions. I haven't heard your request yet. No matter whether it's a small one, or a big one, you need to come out and speak and listen to it! "

Chen Hong's face is also slightly changed, why? Is Ding Yu's appetite too big, or does he want something else? For this issue, Chen Hong suddenly felt a little uncertain. If we put all the requirements on the surface now, we would lose the initiative.

"The feather is little, is this a little bit too abrupt?" Chen Hong looked at Ding Yu with a smile. Although she said she was smiling, she felt that she did not smile. "What are the things we are talking about now and what will happen in the future? It seems that there are so many different ways! This is not good! "

At this time, Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, which was very rhythmic, "where are the visitors tonight? I believe you will not be the last one. My father and mother are the first to come, but they came in a hurry and left in the same way. Secretary Chen planned to do the same? "

What about the title? There are some meanings that are not taboo. Ding Yu almost shows the intention. What is your identity? It should be the secretary. This is not a secret. He should come here for his business. Under such circumstances, he talks about the so-called conditions with himself. It is ridiculous.

Would you like to say that? Just say it quickly. Don't you want to say it? I've given you such a chance. If you don't cherish it well, there's nothing funny about it tonight? Ding Yu's performance seems to be too radical.

"Less feathers!" Chen Hong's face is also mutation, did not expect that this word has not said a word, this has begun to drive people out, do not need such exaggeration! It's not even hot! You're going to let yourself spank your ass and leave. Isn't it too bad to serve? How long have you never met such a situation! Even I almost forget myself.

"Secretary Chen, what about me? There are many other things, please

Obviously, Ding Yu is ready to serve tea and see off the guests. Don't talk about it here. You don't have so much time. Would you like to say that? Then hurry up. What if you don't want to say it? rats , screw you! It's so simple.

Chen Hong feels like there is a hot iron on her buttocks, which really makes her sit and stand uneasy. "It's good for all aspects to solve all problems within the scope of feather, isn't it? Why do we have to make it difficult for all of us? In this case, for both sides? It's all a kind of injury! "

For what Chen Hong said, Ding Yu said with a noncommittal smile, "it seems that our communication with each other? There are quite a few problems. In this case, let's calm down! May let each other's consciousness a little bit sober After that, Ding Yu is also holding up the tea bowl on the table.

Serving tea to see off the guests is very simple, without any muddle in the water. Chen Hong is surprised to see Ding Yu, you are not so! What about your own side? You didn't even talk, and you? How could you make such a choice! It's too fast. It's too fast for any reaction.When she came out from the courtyard, Chen Hong still had some dreams. What about herself? He showed his sincerity, but what about the conditions? They haven't taken them out yet, at least they haven't been completely taken out, and then Ding Yu is cleared.

Is there any effect? Chen Hong also thought about it for a while, not to say that he didn't get anything. Since Ding Yu sat down, he still had some scruples in his heart. What about his side? It is indeed a good thing, but the same, the conditions are good, but it is not attractive to Ding Yu.

But what else is more attractive? This is also let Chen Hong a little scratching his head, but this problem? After all, what about this problem? It's not what you should consider. The position and angle of your station are different!

Another one was sent away. Ding Yu took a breath gently. What about this one? Maybe not a heavyweight, but what about this one? But it is a heavyweight figure. At this time, he actively comes to the door and obviously realizes what he has realized. What can be described as "no rain preparation"? It's not too much.

What about his third uncle? Now that we are on the road, we can even describe it with steady steps. In such a situation, what about some people? What's the more important reason? They're not clean, so what about now? Also want to go Ding Yu's way! Common sense matters!

But Ding Yu has some scorn for such things. What about Ding Yu? I have never been contaminated with this aspect. I didn't and I don't want to have it in the future. This is a matter of principle! It's also about being a man.

What's more, for their own career, it seems that they have taken a shortcut, but in reality? Drinking poison to quench thirst, now opened such a hole, in the future, it will be more and more torn, simply can not make up for! Ding Yu can be said to have a considerable understanding of this! How many people and forces have fallen on this issue.

What about Ding Yu's inaction? From Chen Hong's point of view, it's already moving. It's just that some of the conditions are not suitable! What about the next? Find a chance or should talk to Ding Yu well, want to get it? It takes a lot of effort!

"May I have some supper for you, sir?"

"Be ready! I don't know how many people will come at night. " Ding Yu also laughed, and then took out the book on the table. Would you like to eat it? It's not that important, but it won't be too quiet tonight! That's for sure! When was the quadrangle so lively?

Ding Yu is not so concerned about what happened this evening. If you are really interested, call your father and you will know what happened. But Ding Yu has never meant to ask or let others inquire.

But it was nearly 10 o'clock, Wang Changlin suddenly gave his son a big phone call, "you prepare to fly directly to England in the evening, confirm the specific time?"

In the face of such a sudden rush, Ding Yu didn't think much about it. Instead, he said happily, "I backed back and set it at 12:00, but then someone came to me and pushed it to 2:00 in the morning. What will happen next is still unknown. The plan has not changed quickly. But I have sent people to the airport. Who knows?"

"What about the capital? Something has happened. If you can, let's delay it! Don't have any other problems or situations, or you will have some influence on you personally! "

"Are you worried that I'm too special and in power, or that someone will take advantage of my plane?" Ding Yu is very straightforward, said one of the problems, but there is no sense of affection to stay.

Wang Changlin is also angry straight roll eyes, as for the matter to say so clear? Are you still your father? Talk to yourself like that! Don't deny what he said? No problem. What are you worried about? These are the two points.

Now all aspects are under martial law. If you leave now, you will really have some slapping in the face for some aspects. What's more? Ding Yu's plane is not registered in China, and has a unique identity. There is really no one to disturb. On this issue? Some political issues are involved.

Since there are so many subtle things, just put it off, that is, sooner or later, there won't be too much delay, right? In this way, it will make all aspects look good! If we really insist on our own way, although we don't have too many problems, it will make everyone face so embarrassed!

What about internal stability? It is more important than anything, so now it is equivalent to forcing Ding Yu to stay at home. As for the motive behind it? Certainly not these two aspects of things, but as long as Ding Yu can't move? It's a good thing. Nothing is more important than this.

What's the purpose of Ding Yu's direct flight? To Britain, to be busy with Greece, to be exact, to live with the EU. Under such circumstances, Ding Yu should not be allowed to move too much. What kind of intention is it at this time? It's really hard to judge.Don't think about this? It's a bad thing for Ding Yu. What about Ding Yu? It may not be comprehensive, and some things? It is impossible to disclose all of them to Ding Yu. After all, he is not in the leading position, so what is the way to consider the problem? There are so many different!

From a certain point of view, it seems to be a kind of protection and love for Ding Yu, because having Ding Yuchong in the front will solve a lot of problems and troubles, but not everything? Let Ding Yu carry them alone, right?

When reading a book, Ding Yu has some insight, but what about these things? Ding Yu really doesn't plan to communicate with other people, even his father? Also did not want to ventilate the meaning, own father actually had already called previously, presumably also had the quite idea.

But what about some things? Even between father and son? There is no way to say too clearly, why, father? It's not just the father. What about him? There is another identity, this is no way to ignore, that is the Wang family and the Su family on his body this identity!

Both Ding Yu and Wang Changlin avoided this embarrassment almost at the same time. Neither of them meant to take another step forward. When things develop to the present situation and situation, we need to let each other calm down. This is the best choice. What about both sides? All are acceptable.

Ding Yu didn't make it in the evening. It seems that everything is not so unexpected, but relatively speaking? With Ding Yu's character in the past, it's really different from that of Ding Yu. It's rare to see Ding Yu's persuasion! It's really rare. Is this Ding Yu?

In the morning, Su Yuan was the first to come. Last night, his eldest son didn't make it. He was still worried. When he came, it was still early. Where was the eldest son? Is just after the exercise of their own body, but there is no sweating situation, also do not know whether it is because of the impact of illness years ago, so there is no way to carry out intense exercise, say bad things!

"Mom, why did you come so early?" Ding Yu also indicated to Chen Feng that he had eaten breakfast by himself. Since his mother came, he needed to eat something with his mother!

"You didn't make it yesterday. Where was your father in the morning? Some of them are not at ease, and I don't know what the situation is here. Anyway, I'm at home alone, but there's nothing wrong with it, so come and have a look! "

"My father didn't come home last night?" Ding Yu also picked his eyebrows, "it seems that a lot of things happened last night. I also came here many people last night. I don't know what it is because of. They all run to this side! It's like walking through the city gate

"I don't know what happened last night. Your father seldom talks about work at home. He didn't come back all night. It seems that things are more serious. What about you? What's the situation here? Let's go today, or do we need to have a look? "

What about Su Yuan's tone? Although it is a tentative question, but how much? There are still some expectations. I don't want my eldest son to leave like this. What happened to Su Yu last time? Let him have some discontent in his heart. What about the time? There are also some shortcomings in our own consideration. This is our own problem.

Now, what about opportunities like this? I hope to be able to make up for it. It doesn't matter if my son cares. As long as I can live in my heart!

"Wait a minute!" Ding Yu also put down his chopsticks at this time. He did not eat so much. Compared with the past, there was a big difference. This also made Su Yuan feel a little worried.

"Why do you eat so little? I used to have a good appetite

"There are some changes in my work and rest now!" Ding Yu also explained a little, "what's more, before you came, I had eaten a lot of things, that is to accompany your mother to eat more!"

Ding Yu does not have any meaning to prevaricate now, there is no need. The reality is like this, and he can't make it because his mother's arrival, so he eats a little less, which is not the case at all! I have not yet qualified to that extent, which is a kind of self denial of my character.

"Pay more attention to your body, you! In the past, I didn't cherish my body

Ding Yu is also smiling. "Previously, I didn't take it as a thing. I always felt that I was very young, so I didn't have too many ideas in this respect. Now I will pay more attention to it. What about you and my father? We also need to be vigilant in this respect. Although the conditions are good, we can't relax too much! "

Although it is a few simple words, but for Su Yuan, it is really quite warm-hearted. In the past, the eldest son did not really say such words to himself, and there were also some language jams at that time!

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