The driver found a chair for Ding Yu. Ding Yu also sat in the shade and looked at the people on the training ground. In addition to the 15 people who had been assigned to him, what happened? There is another team, the number of people is really a lot! What about the training? It's very neat to see!

Ding Yu didn't ask about the meaning, that is, watching quietly over there. Although Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi said they were training, they also saw two people who suddenly appeared on the sidelines. Standing one by one, sharp eyed people had already seen who they were. Since Chen Feng was standing beside them, it was self-evident who was sitting there.

What about coming back? Although the director said that he had met everyone once, he didn't say a few words, and then he sent it to you! What about the sudden arrival of the director? It is also to let people not know why. What is the reason for this? But anyway? The training of the crowd was not delayed.

"Chen Feng, go and see their food!" For this reason, Ding Yu also sent Chen Feng away!

Mr. Chen Feng didn't stay any longer and left at the first time! But before leaving, I also took a look at all the people in the field, with a little pity in their eyes. These guys are absolutely guilty!

The sun is in the sky, but the people on the playground are standing in the military posture. The scorching sun is scorching. For these young men, it is really a little uncomfortable. This is quite different from sweeping garbage or working! Everyone's sweat is like rain, but no one dares to wipe it!

What's more, director Ding Yuding is still watching over there! Other times can drop the chain, but now this time absolutely can't drop the chain, if this disgrace, it is not so simple as black and blue!

Ding Yu sat there for two hours, and these guys also stood in the military posture for two hours. Xu cunzhou and his colleagues were able to bear it. After all, they mixed up with Ding Yu and had other training, so they still had considerable endurance, but the guys behind had already started to complain! Isn't this a typical guilt seeking experience?

But we are really not good, there are too many movements, who are sitting there? They are not living Yama, but they can suppress Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi. Ding Yu can suppress Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi. What about Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi? It can also suppress them to a certain extent! There is no place to reason.

However, when you pay attention to Ding Yu, you also find that Ding Yu's dress and dressing up? It's really a very ordinary white T-shirt with a simple upper body. What about the lower body? Jeans, but there are two accessories on the body, a watch, and another one? It's the string in his hand.

If you don't know the identity of Ding Yu? I'm afraid it's true to regard Ding Yu as an ordinary college student or a programmer, or even a programmer? Clothes will be more tidy than Ding Yu! His dress is a little too casual!

Looking at the people behind have begun to falter, Ding Yu is finally standing up, and standing in front of Xu Chengzhou and others to see Ding Yu stand up, the spirit can not help is a shock, chest is also very tall, the more this time? The more you can't drop the chain!

Ding Yu swayed around in front of the crowd, and the first one came to he Jun. He Jun's scalp was numb. Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi were in succession. Their reactions were similar. Ding Yu passed the fifteen people over, but were the others? It's really not seen in the eyes by Ding Yu.

The instructors in charge of the team didn't mean to go forward. When they came, they had been admonished and practiced these guys hard. But what about other situations? In particular, Ding Yu's side, absolutely do not interfere, how he does, as long as he is happy! Even life, death and disability have nothing to do with them.

So the instructor and the teaching assistant just stood beside him. Ding Yu came to the back of He Jun after seeing it for a while. Suddenly, he got a foot. Although his body was tight and he was a little prepared, he didn't expect that the director would kick himself out. It was really abrupt.

He Jun was kicked out of the first time, behind the second echelon someone also laughed out, because of the kick out posture? Just like a dog eats shit! However, He Jun stood up at the first time and did not dare to complain or complain.

The following Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi are the same. The three people are standing in front of the public at this time, but they are just facing everyone! "Everybody else, push up, go!" The twelve people of the first echelon bent over at the first time, no one called the command, but everyone's action was relatively neat!

"Do you have revolutionary wine every day? Isn't it? " After that, it was everyone's foot, and the three people in front of him were also staggering. Ding Yu didn't deliberately exert himself. What he used now was just a whip on his spirit! But what about the pain? More direct and violent than the physical.

"To let you go out is to study and work, and to make you behave recklessly? Do you think you can do whatever you want without restraint? " Ding Yu also said with great disdain, "tell me, where are your capital and details? Do you think you can have everything if you have a good father and family? "As for the people of the second echelon, they are all looking at each other at this time. What about these big brothers in front of them? In their mind? Although can not rise to the level of idol, but is absolutely everyone in the mind of the model, but these examples at this time all of the fragmentation!

How can Ding Yu dare to start like this? Wrong. How can you just be so aggressive? No face at all? So many people are watching here? What's more, it's just a little wine? It's not a big deal. Don't you drink? Or did you Ding Yu not do those messy things?

Now that you've done it all? Why can't we do it? Only state officials are allowed to set fires and people are not allowed to light lamps? Too shameless, at least the people of the second echelon feel this way!

"Report!" He Jun was kicked a few feet, but also suddenly out of a voice.

"Oh, say it!" Ding Yu also came to He Jun's position in front of him, "thought they were dumb? Say it

"Report, we are wrong! We failed to live up to your expectations, director! "

"Bullshit!" Ding Yu was very disdainful and snorted, "I have never had any expectations for you. Are you alive or dead, what's the relationship with me? After all, you still have a good father and family. What do I think? You don't have to go out and be disgraceful. You'd better stay at home and eat and die! "

Without saying that, Ding Yu also said sarcastically, "look how good it is to stay at home! Hungry, thirsty? Some people take the initiative to feed, tired and bitter, there are people coax, a little bit of good? Promotion and wealth is easy to get, see, the road is ahead, as long as you step a little bit, the smooth road of life is over there, why come here to be abused? Like the third grandson, I didn't ask you to do this! "

"Get out of here! Wait for the baby to go home After saying that, Ding Yu also waved, "disbanded! It's such a hot day. I'll prepare something to eat and drink for them. You're not hungry. I'm hungry! "

The instructor and the teaching assistant there also understood. Seeing that Ding Yu left, they called for a meeting for the first time. No one moved for the first time. The instructor raised his voice and yelled again. The people in the second echelon quickly closed in at the first time, while the people in the first echelon were slow in action.

Everyone's heart is very clear, so-called smoking and drinking? It's just a superficial reason. What's the actual reason? Or is it because we are in this period of time, there are signs of color, on the surface? Everyone is a good child, but what about the situation behind it? Only they know it best.

This is the reason why director Ding Yu is most angry! Of course, this is also the main reason why people are detained here and punished. What about their mistakes? To be beaten is the most simple concept, but what about the hearts of the people? There are so many worries. What does the director's earlier dissolution mean?

Just simply disbanded, went to have a meal and had a rest, or simply disbanded the team. For this problem, people really felt a little uneasy in their hearts. Ding Yu left at the first time after reprimanding these guys!

The people of the first echelon also gathered together at this time. When the director came, he was very insipid. Although he said a few heavy words in the middle, I think the problem will not be very big. The important thing is the director's attitude towards everyone. This is the key point. Originally? Everyone was forced to be pushed to the director's side.

In other words, what about the director? There is no subjective sense of identity, but now there is such a thing, it is strange that the director can be happy? They too indulge their own requirements, will lead to their own problems of this or that.

Ding Yu went to educate these so-called students? And you parents knew the news at the first time. What about the situation? Ding Yu's performance is very normal, but what about your parents? It looks good on the face, but what about the actual face? It's like eating flies. It's disgusting!

When will Ding Yu be so step by step? It's true that we have some expectations on this issue, but we can't do this, can we? But now there is really no way to find Ding Yu to reason? How do I say this? Is it not everyone's request that Ding Yu do this?

I've done that already? What else is wrong? At this time, if anyone raises any objection, I'm afraid Ding Yu will give up on the spot! At the same time, who can take over the responsibility? Don't look at the joke!

Originally, Ding Yu was not so kind to these guys. It was very irritating for these bunnies to make such a thing. What about the actions of the forces behind them? Ding Yu is even more upset, since I am not happy, then you do not laugh behind the back!

What about the result of Ding Yu's displeasure? Naturally, it's more than that. It's for sure. Ding Yu is not very happy. It's OK! What's more, we still can't find any reason on the surface. Ding Yu can say that he went there in person, reprimanded these guys and punished them face to face. Isn't that enough?What about the powerful medicine? All have been under, what consequence I don't care, look at your own understanding and choice! Ding Yu left the camp at the first time. He had other things to deal with!

Chen Feng's affairs have been put on the agenda, so what about the housekeeper of the courtyard? We need to hold on! But who is the most suitable person? It needs Ding Yu to decide!

"This is it?" When the car stopped, Ding Yu also asked.

"Yes Chen Feng also took a look at the outside of the shop, "his wife opened a shop, do it? It's hometown food. I've tasted it twice. It's really special! What about Deng Rong? Once worked in the system, the original experience is also very rich! Two kids at home! ... "

now that Mr. Chen Feng has already arrived, Chen Feng has also made a very detailed introduction. After hearing about it for a period of time, Ding Yu also pondered for a while," is there anything wrong? "

"Sometimes it was a little harsh. It was also for this reason that I retired from the system. However, the tone was very strict. At that time, when I made a report, I took the initiative to resign. I carried the responsibility on my own head. My family also investigated other people, and then I got the relevant information."

"Why come to Beijing? And what does he do for a living now? "

"Consultants, mainly legal! But there is a moral bottom line and yardstick! I have asked people to study the cases in which he participated. There are many times when it is clear that he makes money, but he takes the initiative to avoid it. This is what I think highly of him! "

"Go and have a meal."

Including the driver and the security guard, four people got off together and found a more suitable location. The shop is not very big, but in the fly house, it is very clean! The waiter in the store put the menu on the table immediately after arranging the table, and even made a considerable recommendation!

The accent of the place is a little strong. Ding Yu doesn't understand so much. Generally speaking, he can understand it. After the waiter left, Chen Feng said in a low voice, "it was Zheng Rong's wife just now. What about her? Can be said to be a shoulder pick, personality is also more extroverted

"I can feel a little bit from what I say!" Ding Yu's words have always been not so much, "Deng Ronglai?"

"He would come to help when he was free. It was half a husband and wife shop. The place looked really small, with no more than eight tables, but the business was really good! It has been five years since I came to the capital. I don't know if I understand that our settlement policy is a little more complicated, but they are about to make a start! "

Soon things were put on the table. In addition to the order, there were two dishes of special dishes. The landlady was also very enthusiastic to introduce Ding Yu. Ding Yu also expressed her thanks with a smile!

As he spoke, the man carrying a backpack came in from the outside. Chen Feng also touched Ding Yu with his toes, and Ding Yu looked at him with the rest of his eyes. Young, it seems to have been more than 40 years old, what does it look like? It's very calm. After I came in, I also said hello to my wife.

After putting things down, they also changed into a half length apron. At this time, people who were more familiar with also began to laugh. Zheng Rong was also smiling. He didn't mean to be ridiculed as a housewife because there was no movement in his eyes.

Hand washing, very careful and attentive, and did not mean cleaning, because there are still guests in the shop, but they are holding a cloth to wipe and clean the table top, cleaning time is not a passing, even after wiping with a white towel again!

Other things can't be seen too much, but this really makes Ding Yu feel very comfortable. Before cleaning up and cleaning up? Taking the lead in washing hands is not only an understanding of personal hygiene, but also a kind of respect for guests!

Ding Yu doesn't eat fast, and he doesn't eat much. However, the driver and the security guard eat it very quickly. There is no need to be too reserved in front of Ding Yu. There is no need to know that the purpose of their coming here is to eat.

After the meal, the driver and Chen Feng left at the first time. The security didn't leave, but they didn't mean to sit at the table. They just left Ding Yu alone!

The proprietress has some different feelings. The account has been settled. From the point of view of the truth, she should leave now! But what about this young man? There is no movement at all. What is it for?

Deng Rong is a sign to his wife. The young people can't see how old they are, but they feel very introverted. What about the clothes? I feel like I just came out of school, but what about this calm? College students are absolutely nothing!

"Is there anything unpleasant, sir?" Deng Rong is also careful to explore a question, "if there is anything wrong? We'll try our best to improve next time! "How about business? It's not necessary to care so much about harmony. What about being a man? It's also good-natured. What about your temper? Don't be too hot, endure for a while? Calm and calm, step back, sea cargo sky! But from Deng Rong's point of view, what about this young man? It should not be a troublemaker. If we make trouble, we will not wait until we have eaten the meal, paid the bill, and all the people have left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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