He didn't ask his wife to help him. Deng Rong quickly cleaned up the table. He didn't move very fast. He noticed that he didn't get Dingyu. After finishing, he even took the initiative to bring a cup of tea to Ding Yu. What about tea? Maybe it's not as good as I imagined, but it represents one's own attitude. People respect me one foot, I respect people ten feet.

I can tell. What about this one? It seems that he is running for himself. Does he look at his own eyes? I have already explained everything, but I haven't offended anyone or provoked anything since I came to Beijing for so many years, so I have nothing to fear, what's more, I seem to have nothing to ask for.

I don't know. What about this young man? Why come to the door!

The owner's wife also sent two dishes of snacks. Ding Yu immediately stood up and said, "Hello, Ding Yu!" Deng Rong took a look at his hand. He wanted to wipe it, but he didn't find the right thing. Moreover, he couldn't let Ding Yu wait for too long. It would be rude.

"Hello, Deng Rong!"

"Look at Mr. Deng, it seems that he is a little puzzled!" Ding Yu took the lead to do it, and when Ding Yu sat down, Deng Rong sat down opposite Cai Ding Yu, acting slowly and rigidly, as if Ding Yu was the master here, and he was just a guest! When he heard Ding Yu's words, he also gave a simple smile.

"Don't mind if I come straight to the point!"


"Mr. Deng has been in Beijing for several years. What can I tell you from my personal knowledge? It's not difficult for Mr. Deng to find a more suitable job. He has been engaged in consultancy work all the time. The randomness is too great, and it seems that the family life is not so stable! "

"Mr. Ding seems to understand it very well?" What about Deng Rong's tone? It seems that suddenly there is another person, and his voice becomes quite low, "but Mr. Ding has not expressed his intention yet?"

"Mr. Deng seems to have misunderstood something! What about the house? I need a very important helper. Someone recommended Mr. Deng to me. You are free today, so I came to have a look at it deliberately. "

"Recommend me?" Zheng Rong also pointed to his nose, this thing is too strange! "Why do you recommend me? What about me? It's just a poor consultant. I don't seem to have provoked any so-called big news! And I've never felt so great about myself

Ding Yu didn't pay attention to Zheng ronglue's strange movements. He still said with a smile, "what about home? It's not a day or two for your investigation. What about that? Please don't blame me. How about you? It's not easy to be able to wash away all the lead in a high position. What's more? Your family background! These all add a lot of impression points to you

"I don't know what position was recommended to me?" Deng Rong was very curious, but also a strange question.

"My housekeeper!"

"Housekeeper?" Deng Rong once again pointed to his nose, "am I wrong? Or is it that there are problems and conditions in itself, and now there is the word housekeeper? How do you feel more and more alive? I thought I was still a consultant? "

Ding Yu can feel from Zheng Rong's last sentence that he does not quite agree with this job. Why? What about consultants? There is no need to bear any responsibility, and there is no worry, but the situation of housekeeper is different. In modern society, not everyone can have a housekeeper. The nature of the housekeeper is too different.

What's more, people have investigated themselves thoroughly, but what about their own side? I don't know anything. It's the so-called knowing people, knowing faces and not knowing hearts. Who knows the young man in front of him? What is it for?

"Consultants don't mean much! If I'm looking for consultants, I'd better go to the Palace Museum to find two people, or go to the people's Congress to find two people. But what about them? I don't have a thorough understanding of the world, and I don't think much of them! "

While talking, Ding Yu also put his wrist watch and bracelet on the table, and then made a gesture for Deng Rong. Zheng Rong hesitated for a moment, but didn't mean to start. He just lifted his body, supported the table with his arms, and looked at the watch and bracelet on the table.

After watching for a period of time, he also nodded, "what about the string of hands? It is very good, but the material is not the most expensive, although rare, but relative to this effect, things are still so some pity, as for the watch? It is relatively small, but it is low-key and luxurious. What about Langer in China? Not very well-known! "

"This is the difference between the details. Now even if I put this watch on the street, I'm afraid not many people will recognize it. It's just that from the appearance, it may be a little different." Ding Yu also sighed, "what about this watch? It was collected for me at home. I heard it belonged to Stalin at the beginning! I don't know if it's a myth! "Deng Rong's mouth slightly has so some twitch, if is own father, then may have the quite judgment to this, but oneself? Although you can recognize this brand, but let yourself make other judgments? This for oneself, have so some too much test!

"I don't know what kind of work Mr. Ding is engaged in?"

"And me? A doctor, at least what do I think of my profession? Yes, there are other sidelines, but what about me? It's just to set a direction. I don't usually get involved in specific things. "

Deng Rong looked at Ding Yu. "If you are a doctor, I'm afraid it's hard to bear this kind of Lange. If I'm not wrong, Lange has just built a new factory in the past two years. What about Lange? It has quite a history! Is this watch Stalin's? It may be a little exaggerated, but it's definitely from that era! "

What about the hidden meaning of words? Is this watch has extraordinary value, even this value is inestimable, let alone a doctor, even if it is the boss of a medical enterprise? There is no such watch, because such a watch is originally available and not available, not to mention its historical value!

"It's been a few years since Langer rebuilt his factory! However, it is too small. It is obviously different from the so-called Patek Philippe or Jiang Shi Danton. I am a doctor, and I also regard it as my main business. But there are many people? I don't look at me like this, because in many people's eyes, this is just my disguised identity

"I want to say, do I think about it?"

"Do you know what will happen to you after I leave this door?" Ding Yu looked at Deng Rong, who was a little excited. He also waved his hand, "what about me? It's very reasonable. I once said to two people that you are the third one, not that you are the third housekeeper, but that there is a great possibility in this respect! "

"All ears!"

"After I leave, many people will come to your shop. What about the family that can call the number one in the capital? Will come to support you, and even will take the initiative to attract you, when everyone? May be willing to sell you a favor. What about the second wave after them? I will take the initiative to talk to you about the so-called issues of party spirit and principles. Of course, this should not be over yet. There will be a third wave... "

"Mr. Ding, don't say it. I feel a little scared already!"

"Let's see if you have the ability to bear it, and at the same time, whether you have this principle? what about you? I'm just one of the candidates. I have a good initial impression of you. At least you can be neither humble nor arrogant. There are not many people who can do this! " While speaking, Ding Yu also stood up.

"What about watches and bracelets? You just take it! After all, the panic you get may be so big! Who knows? If there's any real situation, I can give you a shock Shaking hands, Ding Yu also turns to leave.

The situation is exactly the same as Ding Yu expected. Without two hours' time, someone will come to visit one after another. You know, it's time for dinner. Deng Rong is also sitting there thinking about what Ding Yu said to himself. What about the people who come to the door? Also slightly bit own tooth root.

Where are the people? I don't know the car at all, but I still know the car outside. To describe it in one word, it's a luxury car. I even went out to have a look. The license plate on it also makes my heart feel a little fluttering.

What about someone else? I didn't show my arrogance. I just ordered two dishes. What happened after eating? I also had a chat with Deng Rong and the boss's wife. No matter what they said or their attitude, they were gentle and gentle. People couldn't see why they came. Anyway, there were some illusions.

This time? Just for a meal? What's more, here? It's just a little fly restaurant. It's not a famous restaurant. There's no place to eat in the street. Do you drive such a luxury car to eat here? Are there some that are too much.

After a short time, some people came. What about these people? It's never happened. What about time? They are basically just right. They order one or two dishes, eat something, and then have a word with Deng Rong and then leave.

It's about ten minutes. It's all a process. Even if it's stupid, I'm afraid we can see why! There are so many people coming, which makes Deng Rong's head feel confused. Who is this Ding Yu! As for making such a big noise?

Towards the end of the night, a more normal car finally came. A young man came down from the car, which gave people a feeling of spirit. What about their clothes and clothes? There are some formulaic meanings. The cuffs of the shirt are also pulled up high.

Walking, is also a meteor, came after also did not look at too much, handed himself two bowls of rice and a dish, eating and not too much attention, but when eating, is staring at Deng Rong constantly!When Deng Rong collected money, Xiaobao also stood up and stretched out his hand, "Hello, Zheng Rong!"

Deng Rong was surprised again, because what happened after Ding Yu left? Although many people came, they did not leave their names. This is really the first one, "where is Ding Yu? It's my elder brother. I just learned about it. I can be valued by my elder brother. Everyone is very curious and want to see where you are! "

"Your brother? Ding Yu? "

"What about the relationship at home? It's a little complicated. What about brother and I? Not a brother. What about his brother? There are others. However, he can not come over this matter, so I also play a front-end, although I and big brother are not brothers, but the feelings between each other? Better than a brother! "

While speaking, he also waved his hand, "since I have already come, other people will not come again. It's good for you to do normal business here! What if the elders want you? I can't help it, but these guys in 49 cities will still give me a face! "

Is it a bit too arrogant? But what about Zheng Rong? Really do not have any feeling, oneself came here? To a certain extent, it also represents the attitude of the Wang family, the Su family and the Zheng family. After all, that is the position of the housekeeper! Crucial!

In such a small shop, and then the elder brother was found to be the so-called housekeeper. I really don't know what the elder brother thinks in his heart. However, from the attitude and condition of Deng Rong's reception, it is really quite good!

"Mr. Zheng, what about me? It's just a common person with no other illusions

"Ah! You don't have other fantasies, but it doesn't mean that other people don't have the same idea! You know, it was the recruitment of the eldest brother himself. If you can get to that position, you should be the third housekeeper of the courtyard. If Chen Feng is not going to get married and her fiance is going to take office, I'm afraid it will really be your turn! "

"How can a man rise to heaven?"

"Is this position important? It seems that it is not so important, because it is the housekeeper of the courtyard, but what about the importance? It's also very important, because it's an important link between internal and external relations. Big brother seldom pays so much attention, so what about all aspects now? I'm very concerned about you! "

"How do I feel like there's a cliff ahead of me?" Deng Rong also frowned.

"Say so! This evening, all your files will be put on the desks of all departments and departments. There will be more people than you can imagine to study your strengths, weaknesses and preferences. What about this? It's just the situation at home. I don't know what it will be like abroad! "

"Why tell me that?" Although Deng Rong had some estimates after Ding Yu left, he did not expect the situation to be so serious! This is completely beyond their imagination, and there are some deliberately put themselves in the fire above.

"Even if you want to prepare for a rainy day, it seems that you should not use this way!" Deng Rong thought for a period of time, very confused said, "should not gold and silver, lead horse to fall stirrup?" There was a certain amount of banter in this remark.

Zheng He took a look at Deng Rong with a little deep meaning. "I won't say what it means to have five sons and ascend the imperial examinations. If you just open this mouth, we will really let you appreciate the colorful world, and ask one more question, how much wealth do you think you have? There is no other meaning, just want to give you a standard of measurement

"Not more than a million!"

"What about a million dollars for ordinary people? It's not difficult. I think you should have seen money, but now I'm giving you 100 million yuan. I'm just selling myself a chance. Would you like to? Of course, I believe someone did? It may not be RMB, but US dollar! 100 million dollars! "

"Mr. Zheng, you scared me a little bit! I'm a coward! "

"This is not a so-called threat. I haven't been vulgar to that extent. I'm just stating a fact to a certain extent." Xiaobao also rubbed his finger at this time, "what about me? Buying a favor in advance, is that all? I've also taken considerable risks! "

"Because what about the people I represent? I'm not alone, but all the people in the family. In the future, you will understand how things are done. You don't need you to open up a way, and you don't need to do ventilation insurance. I believe you have your own integrity. I just hope you can help to sort out the relationship between each other. "

"Is it really worthwhile to take such a low profit and take such a big risk?"

"No matter who is very clear about these two problems, if you live in a courtyard and become a housekeeper, then you are the elder brother's person, and there will not be too many people touching your hair. Of course, what is the elder brother's requirement in this respect? It may also be very strict. Anyway, I feel a little unbearable! "

"I thought I was going to be a doorman!" Deng Rong smiles, has the meaning of self mockery."If you are not selected, I would like Mr. Deng to think about it. If the elder brother finds you, he must have seen the advantages in you. In fact, it's no exaggeration to say that I'm just faking behind my big brother, and I've also learned a four dissimilarity! "

Deng Rong took a deep look at Xiaobao, "I will consider what Mr. Ding said, but what will happen to this matter? I don't know. Although Mr. Ding didn't say too much to me, I can feel that he is very picky

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