William came to the quadrangle, which really made everyone have so many unexpected things. Ding Yu found new housekeeper candidates, and still found two. We all know about this matter, and even have certain contact.

But what about the new housekeeper? He was sent away at the first time. It seems that he went to England. We don't know what kind of arrangements will be made next. But what about the arrangement of quadrangles? Stuck in the middle of stagnation, because the new housekeeper? We really don't have much contact and understanding.

Chen Feng was also the first time to hand over with William? In fact, there are not too many things. Although William doesn't come to the quadrangle basically, he is quite familiar with the situation here. Now? It's just a temporary transition to this position!

Who did not expect Ding Yu to play such a hand! What about Deng Rong? To the first to throw out, attracted everyone's attention, immediately there is a change of a person to come, this is also let many people's plans have been failed!

After all, we can't catch up with Deng Rong now! He didn't know when he could return to the courtyard, let alone the people who went out? He's not alone. What's the most important thing now? What will William do to deal with it?!

He should be regarded as an old man following Ding Yu! It's just that it doesn't show up, it doesn't leak water all the time, and even shows up? Not so much, but now? But came to Ding Yu's side position, want to know such a person? It's really hard to deal with. Why? Because we don't know him very well!

The first to feel uncomfortable is the Wang family and the Su family, because what about William? It has always been true color, even if Wang Yang and Wang Li came, it is the same, anyway, what about all aspects of me? Is this a way to deal with it? Are you used to it? That's it. Can't you stand it? That's what it looks like!

But what if you want to be critical of William? I can't seem to be able to. What about this guy? It's really rather old-fashioned. What about this? We can also see how the British housekeeper is. He always wears a straight suit and his body is very straight. What's the expression on his face? It's like cardboard.

Compared with Chen Feng, the gap is really too big! What should I do? What else can we do? Get used to it!

Did you come to Siheyuan originally? There are some difficulties. Now? It's not just the difficulty! Anyway, it's awkward! From another perspective? Ding Yu is intentional. If there is no Ding Yu's instruction, does William, the so-called housekeeper, dare to do so? impossible! He didn't have the confidence, he didn't have the courage.

"You bastard! It's intentional. You can't swallow it? But you can't keep it in your mouth! " Su Quan was also slightly "annoyed" and said to Wang Changlin, "when I went to the quadrangle to look for him, I was directly pouted by William. This makes me uncomfortable! When did you receive this treatment? "

Wang Changlin also put down the newspaper in his hand, "do you feel uncomfortable? Why do you come to me for dinner? You can't do anything with Xiaoyu. If it's hard, I'll have something to do with it? "

"I just want to have a bowl of rice to eat. It's not a big deal. It's too stingy."

Su Yuan came out of the kitchen with the dishes. He shook his head and said, "wash your hands and eat! After sitting together, I asked if you could not look like old children

Looking at Su Yuan who turned around and left, Wang Changlin also snorted at Su Quan, "say it! What's the matter? It's really not easy to come to my side Really, what if we talk about it? He really needs to get Su Quan's favor, because at the beginning, Xiaoyu was ill, which he told himself.

"What about this? You may not be able to solve this problem. I just don't have a place to eat today, so I run here to have a meal. What if I eat in the courtyard? It's so awkward Su Quan didn't have much reservation. He told the truth directly, "what about the barracks? In addition to the first tier, there is the second tier! "

"I know it! I didn't hear that there was any involvement of the intelligence department! "

"Has Xiaoyu been there? It was the people in the first echelon who were reprimanded. What about those in the second tier? I don't even have a look. What about this? It also makes some people feel a little angry! " Su Quan is also shaking his head, "because of other aspects, the proportion of the military in it is not small!"

"Let you come forward and take care of it?" Wang Changlin also laughed, "I said your stall is really nothing, or what? What about the leisure? But a little bit too much! "

"What about the barracks? It can be big or small, mainly because things in Europe are in full swing. I need to get some things from Xiaoyu, but it is obvious that there is no particularly good opportunity, and the situation has some twists and turns! ""Don't pay attention to me. I don't want to go to the courtyard. Even when Chen Feng was there, I felt that I was not used to it, let alone a new housekeeper! It's too rigid than Chen Feng. Wang Li complained to me before. It's too much worse than Chen Feng! "

Su Quan is a little smile, "when I was in England? I have been in contact with the housekeeper, as far as I know! What about the housekeeper of the courtyard? Although the authority is not small, but also need to report to the William housekeeper, otherwise why so quickly start? Not for nothing

"Xiaoyu has his own property in England. I know about it, but what about William being the housekeeper? I really don't know. I'm just a housekeeper in England! "

"My nephew! What do you do? I like to hide more than half of them. What about the exposed things? Half starlight Su Quan also shook his head. "I don't know who learned from it. This is really not good!"

Looking at Su Quan and looking at himself, Wang Changlin also slightly hummed, how much have so some complacent feeling! It's good to hide without leaking! Don't make too much publicity, it's not a good thing! At least I feel that way!

After dinner, Suquan didn't really stop. He came here today? In order to get a meal, Su Yuan didn't catch it. When she came back, she looked at her husband angrily, "what's wrong with the third brother today? Did you leave after a meal? In a hurry

"You seem to have been to the quadrangle since William came?" Wang Changlin is also very puzzled asked.

"Yes, I did, but I felt that William was too polite, and he was really not used to his style! It's not a matter of good or bad, but it's like a bandage on your body

Wang Changlin shook his head slightly, "I think he's coming here tonight? It's not as simple as wanting to have a meal. There must be other things, but I don't understand what it is! "

After eating, Su Quan drove to the courtyard again. William also looked at Su Quan for a long time. Then he turned around and walked forward. There was no meaning to speak. However, Su Quan quietly followed William and came to the courtyard.

Ding Yu was reading on the chair. William stopped his pace when he was far away. Su Quan was always thinking about the problem, so he didn't notice that he almost hit William's back. However, when he wanted to bypass William, he was blocked behind him! His attitude is also unquestionable.

Su Quan took a long breath. He can be sure that William did it on purpose. If he had put it in the past, Chen Feng might have given way to this position. But for William, this is a completely impossible thing. There is also his nephew. Do you sit so calmly? It's like you didn't see anything!

When Su Quan stopped his steps, William went on, but he turned back to give Su Quan a warning look. When he came to Ding Yu, he attached himself to his body. Then he straightened up slowly, came to Su Quan and made an invitation to collect it. "Mr. Su, please! My husband's health is not very good, so I don't want to be disturbed too much at night. I'd like to forgive you! " This is a very meaningful statement.

Ding Yu didn't mean to stand up. After William put down the tea and left, Ding Yu put down his book and took a drink from the water cup. However, he didn't mean to speak. The shelf was a little bit big.

"Four informants have been broken in the European division, and one agent has disappeared! Sun Jun is injured! "

"Oh Ding Yu did not show any surprise, nor did he mean to ask.

"Just one sound?" Su Quan also expressed his dissatisfaction seriously!

"I'm not from the intelligence department!" Ding Yu was also very dissatisfied and said, "it's not the so-called leader. More generally speaking, this matter has nothing to do with me! Third uncle, what if you come for tea? I welcome it. What if there is nothing else? I'm going to have a rest

"It's not only us, but also the British side. The loss of Lao maozi's side is even more serious than ours. Now there are some chaos!" Su Quan was also very worried and said, "where is the location? It's in France. Now

Before he finished speaking, Ding Yu seemed to think of something. He suddenly raised his arm, but he put it down at the first time. Then he held his chest in his hands and lowered his head. He didn't know what he was thinking about. Su Quan didn't mean to disturb Ding Yu.

After a long time, Ding Yu seems to have remembered something, "uncle, what's going on in this? It doesn't seem that you will benefit much if you join in! How about taking chestnuts out of the fire? It's easy to get into trouble! "

"What do you mean?" Su Quan obviously felt other meanings from Ding Yu's words. What about his nephew? It's rare to make the words clear. What about the usual time? It's all obscure. What about your own side? There are not too many clues, so it is really difficult to make a guess and judgment."It doesn't mean anything. It just reminds me of something suddenly." Ding Yu immediately picked up the book again. "I heard that many people came to the barracks, some of them even have a certain identity?"

Ding Yu then also crossed the topic, there is no need to continue to say, at least now to say it? It doesn't make any sense, let alone temporarily? It doesn't affect China, so what about having a look? What a big deal!

"What about Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi? I have some bad problems. Fortunately, the problem is not very big, but this kind of correction opportunity will never be as many as you can imagine! " When he said this, Su Quan's attitude was also quite resolute.

"I don't have any interest in their future. It's a matter of guiding them. But how they go this way, I will turn a blind eye and wait at the intersection in front of me. I can even deal with some other things in my spare time. There will always be left behind!"

"It's not good to do it like this!" Obviously, Su Quan can feel from his nephew that he is not satisfied with some people, but he will not take the initiative to eliminate some people, but let some people? It is impossible to find Ding Yu to reason with himself!

"How about it? This is not for me to judge! I don't want to be the referee either After saying that, Ding Yu seems to remember something, "by the way, I seem to notice that there are three girls over there. I feel very delicate!"

"Come on Su Quan also took a look at his nephew, "what about two of them? It's the descendants of the anonymous martyrs. What about the others? It's impossible to read their files, but for you, it's really not listed here! "

"Should I say pleasure?"

"If you're honored or not, I've found a man for you, your former comrade in arms. How about that? You should be interested in this news! " After saying that, also deliberately patted the bag on which he placed the tea table. "All the time? You're investigating the news! "

Ding Yu looked at his third uncle with indifference. "Third uncle, I stopped investigating this matter very early. Can I investigate the news? It means that it's a normal channel. Can't I investigate it? Obviously, there is a problem with this channel. There are not so many channels that can not be disclosed to me! I still have this self-knowledge! "

"No wonder you boy? There has been no movement! " Su Quan also sighed, "so I'll tell you the truth! The missing person is him. I didn't know it until I read the information. What about the information? Before he had an accident? I don't have any way to access it! "

"What happened to him? It's your comrades in arms, but how did you get to Europe? I don't know about it and I can't find out! But I don't think it's any ordinary event! "

Ding Yu shook his head, "how about doing every line? There are rules in every line. No one can jump out of this circle! Because jump into this circle? It means breaking the unspoken rules! What will be the cost of breaking the so-called hidden rules? I think you are very clear, uncle. Did I not write a suicide note when I was on duty

"So, uncle, what about cheating on children like this? Don't take it out! "

What about your nephew's contempt? Su Quan really didn't take it as a thing, his own face? It has been practiced for a long time, which is even thicker than the city wall. If we say that because of this, we will have no body and bones!

"What about the purge of the intelligence department? During this period, many problems have been found. Some problems have been solved initially, but what about some problems? It's still in the process of trial. What about some people? Still very guilty Su Quan also sighed. The actual situation is more complicated than this one, but he can't say, "what's more, what about the work of the information management department? Not only at home, but also abroad! "

"So it was betrayed? What bad luck

"The specific situation can not be determined yet. I have not been in the European division for a long time, and I have not fully understood the situation. Therefore, I can not reach this conclusion without absolute evidence. Now I need considerable intelligence. At the same time? I need some support! "

"Europe won't let me do anything. What about Sasha? It will not provide too much support, because what about the main forces and forces? It's all about manipulating the EU. It's almost impossible to transfer people! "

Su Quan shook his head slightly, "what about my English and French affairs? I'm also worried, because I don't know how many loopholes still exist on this line. What about the people in China? If in the past, it will be exposed more, so other aspects are needed to fill this loophole! "

"Uncle, this is an internal affair of the intelligence department. If I get involved, I will not lose my reputation, but the end will not be too good! And what does it make other people think? I'm not sure, and I'm sure you don't, uncle"I'm not sure, but as far as I know? There are military forces behind you. What kind of forces are they? We still don't know. Some of them can't be investigated, but

"Third uncle, is it really worth it?"

"Worth it!"

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