Ding Yu is very attentive to look at his third uncle, "since the third uncle, you think it's worth it!" Ding Yu didn't say how much he had investigated. Ding Yu was not interested and would not ask about it. But what about such an opportunity? Only once, that is to say, the next time, there will be no threat to yourself! I won't accept it!

And I was very serious and talked about this issue with my third uncle. Since my uncle thought it was worth it, it was a good thing!

As for how to arrange the details of the action, there is no need to discuss this matter. Even if we discuss with each other, it will not have any significance, because neither of them will stand at the forefront! The son of a thousand gold is sitting still. This word has some over standard, but it is absolutely applicable to the current situation!

"I need the materials to be brought back completely. Similarly, if I can bring people back, if I can't bring them back, I need to make sure that the information is not disclosed. This is a crucial thing! Can't be pushed off! "

"What about the materials? I try my best, but I can't make any guarantee about whether people can be brought back or not. " Where's your third uncle? Some of the requirements are too much! "Similarly, if the information is confirmed to be leaked, then my people will withdraw immediately. I need to be responsible for their safety!"

"What about the materials? It can't be disclosed. This is the cost of negotiation. If it is taken away now, it will be worthless. No one will do it like this! " Su Quan is also very disdainful to say, "if there is any need, there can contact Tao Jin, also can contact sun Lisa, I remember your relationship is quite good!"

"She hasn't been transferred to security yet? I remember that she broke through a lot of trouble! At the beginning, it seems that there are some processing! That's it? What a joke Obviously, Ding Yu also thought of something, so he said a little jokingly, but it was not so serious!

"It's much better than before, and I can't always look at the problem with the old eyes! Now the performance is quite good, Sun Jun was injured, so what happened there? For the time being, she is in charge. After all, Tao Jin is a man above the surface, so there are some inconveniences in many cases! "

"Don't tell me, he lives in my apartment now!"

Looking at his nephew's eyes, Su Quan also reluctantly smile, where are you? Empty is also empty, do not make good use of it? It is really a waste, not to mention the so-called safe room? No one dares to guarantee whether it is safe or not now!

What about his nephew's apartment? In addition to Tao Jin, it was empty, and the situation there was quite special. Even if someone knew that Sun Jun was recuperating there, he would never go in, and even the most basic exploration would not be done.

What's more, Sun Jun has already been there. Since he has escaped, even if he is exposed to the public, the potential danger is gone. Therefore, there is no need to offend Ding Yu in order to catch a person who has no threat. That is the real cruel role, and everyone has experienced his demeanor.

What about the intelligence department? They are not idiots. They also know that Ding Yu has a special immunity right in his hand. What about this right? It is recognized, not that you can deny it if you want to. What about the British family background? It is relatively thick, but the problem is that in modern society, it seems that Ding Yu can't stand such financial oligarchs.

And in recent years? Ding Yu seems to be very cautious and careful, even the weapons and equipment in his hands? It has basically been reported, and there is no intention of turning against the British intelligence and security departments, or even a red face.

Under such circumstances, the intelligence management and security departments will not go to Ding Yu's trouble, and they will not make it! What about this guy? Just interested in financial comparison. What about other aspects? Although said to have their own power, but there is no sense of stepping on the line, this is very good! Let's make peace with each other!

"I don't know much about the situation over there. What about the obvious? Tao Jin is in charge

This is also to wake up his nephew, Tao Jin? Now this time still hang the identity of Ding Yu here? It has not been eliminated, let alone what is being done now? The British side is not satisfied with it. However, at this time, the British side can only hold back and will not make any action.

"I'm going to rest!" Everything has been discussed, and Ding Yu doesn't mean to let his third uncle stay, even his present attitude? He also wants to get rid of people. Su Quan is not satisfied or dissatisfied. What else do you want?

What about any other aspect? Maybe they can't get around the intelligence and security departments. But now, there are many loopholes in it. So it's not as good as the positive attraction of the intelligence management department. It's better to find a person who has nothing to do with the matter, but can be trusted to deal with it!

Where's your nephew? No matter in terms of manpower or material resources, there is no problem. What is more important is his heart? It's red. That's enough!After coming out from Ding Yu, Suquan didn't mean to go home, but returned to the office. What about people like him? There is no so-called fixed rest time, I have been used to it!

But Ding Yu did not have an immediate rest, but communicated with some people. What about this? After going to England, don't look for people from other fields. In any case, they also have safe rooms, let alone they are in Britain? They also have their own way of life, which is a way of self relaxation given by Ding Yu.

The plan is made by them and reviewed by themselves. Ding Yu even gives them the right to act arbitrarily. After all, he is too far away. What about some things? It's also a lack of judgment. What about remote command? It's easy to make other mistakes, so forget it!

What about Ding Yu's arrangement? There is really no one to know, Ding Yu can't make a storm of this matter, although it is said that the emotional management department is not able to give themselves how? But it's still possible to add vinegar to your wine!

When I got up in the morning, William also came to Ding Yu's front position. At this point, we can see the difference between William and Chen Feng. They are totally different types. The servants in the family are really a little bit used to it!

"Sir, the young master and the young lady are coming back today!"

"I will not go! Let the family bring them back! And I've heard that they've been abandoned recently. I'm not happy about that! "

William didn't ask what the reason was. If the gentleman didn't go to meet him, he would have gone by himself. He liked the young master and the young lady very much. Although there were some disturbances, it didn't hurt much. Should we say that the requirements of the husband were strict? Really can't say so, but the nature of children? Sometimes it can't be avoided.

"Did they fight? What do you mean by telling me such a thing? " Not long after breakfast, Chen Feng came to visit. After all, what happened to the barracks? Or is she in charge of this? William didn't mean to intervene at all, and he knew clearly that he was not suitable to intervene.

Faced with Mr. Chen's question, Chen Feng was also very careful, "this matter is passed on from the military camp, and they don't know how to deal with it. They can only report to the parents behind them. They only focus on training matters, as for other issues? ..。”

"Give each of them a gun and let them fight!" Ding Yu snorted, "I said this thing. What's the meaning of fighting? Isn't it better to fight and kill! One hundred bullets per person is enough to pop everyone out! "

"That's not good." Chen Feng is also shocked to see Ding Yu, this is not to say casually!

"What about me today? There's nothing to do. Let them prepare guns! I said it

When Ding Yu got out of the courtyard, all the staff moved. No one knew whether Ding Yu was joking or not. If this guy really got angry, what kind of result would it be? I really don't know!

If these guys are really sudden, then what is the significance of previous training? This joke is really so big, so the relevant personnel is also the first time? They gave orders to the barracks. What about the first one? What if the first and second echelons trained there are seriously aware of their own problems and conditions, what about the second? Close up the weapons. You can't make any contact with Ding Yu!

Ding Yu can be said to have directly smashed into the gate of the barracks, so that the guards at the gate did not dare to have too much response. The two vehicles in front of and behind the two vehicles drove in. At this time, all the two echelons on the playground were sweating. What happened last night? It's a little bit big. It's been a long night!

At that time, I was happy, but what will happen next? What about the hearts of the people? There is no confidence in this aspect, especially in the previous time, what about the instructors? It is also a sudden fierce, this is absolutely not for no reason, it is obvious that they have also been given a clear hint!

Although people said that they were very tired, they didn't dare to call casually before! In particular, Xu cunzhou, Yi Xiaoxi and the three of them were constantly making eye contact with each other. When the instructor was not paying attention, they also whispered, "what happened last night? It's so weird! These bastards are playing dirty

"If it's these bunnies, they don't dare to play dirty!" He Jun also snorted, "they are all a bunch of young rabbits, must be the people behind them? They've been given tips, not so much for us? It's more about the director! "

To the point! Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi took a look. What happened? It's not hard to analyze at all. Do you know they come back? It's been a while. I'm stuck in the barracks. What's the matter? I'm afraid some people can't wait!When they were communicating with each other, Ding Yu also drove to the playground and looked at the people standing there in order? When Ding Yu started, he also laughed. Looking at the two echelons that were quickly gathered together, Ding Yu rubbed his nose with his hand.

"It seems that there was a disturbance last night! Since there is still the spirit of fighting! What's the matter? It's one by one! Or a group fight? " When he spoke, Ding Yu also pointed to Xu cunzhou and said, "speak and listen!"

"Report director, it's just a little trouble, in fact

"I don't want to hear your explanation, and I don't want to hear you say any reason. It's meaningless to fight! Speaking of it? I really haven't seen a fight for a long time! " Then he called the instructor next to him, "do you have a big blade? Send one to each of them! It's a lot of fun to chop like this, isn't it? "

The instructor was also stunned for a moment, and then also hit a stand at attention, "report, no!"

"No?" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "without a knife, do you have a gun? Give each of them a gun. Don't tell me, what about this barracks? Not even a gun! "

"Report, live fire requires instructions from the superior!" The instructor is also more intelligent, like a joke, even if there is a gun, now there is no way to take it out!

"That's me, but it's not for them, is it?" Ding Yu also didn't care. "You didn't, did you! I have! " Then Ding Yu waved to the people behind him. Soon, the driver also carried two boxes. Then Ding Yu also called his hand.

Soon, someone handed the gun to Ding Yu's hand. Ding Yu took off the magazine and took a look. The instructor and the teaching assistant nearby were all dumbfounded at this time, and even the people who were observing in the distance were also stupid. They had locked the armory, but did not think about it? Ding Yu came over with weapons and equipment on his own!

The instructor and the teaching assistant looked at each other, but did not think that Ding Yu was also on the bullet clip, and then went up and opened the insurance in one go! Just carry the gun in your hand! "Report!"

Ding Yu didn't have a second word at all, and then his steady voice was ringing. Xu cunzhou was just staggering, then collapsed on the ground, and his thighs were red! The sound of the gunshot scared everyone out of their wits!

Instructors and teaching assistants also dare not have any words, this is not crazy, this is barracks?! So blatant shooting, is not a threat so simple!

"Stand up!" Ding Yu stands in front of Xu cunzhou in an extremely indifferent way. Xu cunzhou is also stupid at this time. Although he can't cry with his own thigh, what is his spirit? It's about to collapse! Looking at the director's cold eyes, also subconsciously hit a shiver!

Yi Xiaoxi and Shi Jun looked at Xu cunzhou sitting there. Subconsciously, they took a step and wanted to reach out to pull Xu cunzhou up. But when they reached out, there were two gunshots. They knelt down and held their legs. But what about the two? I dare not cry at this time!

What about the second echelon? Originally, I was a fool, but now all of them are standing upright, just like the poplar guarding the border! Although the upper body is straight, but what about the lower body? All are shivering!

After shooting three bullets, Ding Yu immediately threw the gun into Xu cunzhou's hand. "Do you really think you are a character? Isn't that right! Since I want to kill, how can I stop it! I'd like to see how many people can pop out of them

The driver at the back didn't care if someone was watching and opened the box. What about the inside of each gun? They put two or three bullets on them and then threw them in front of the crowd. Of course, not only the first tier, but also the second tier? There are also some, but the firearms are a little bit less than enough!

"Take the gun!" Ding Yu was also angry and said, "aren't you going to fight? I'll give you a chance! Don't be like a pheasant. Didn't you listen to men last night? "

What about the one who looked back and the other who looked back? They've already seen it. It doesn't look like it's fake! The joke was a little bit too big, just as two people turned around to report to the office building.

A few shots, but also let their feet dust, two people at the same time stopped their own feet, and then honestly stood on the side of the position, now do not have any action, really not in a joke!

Then the security guard also pointed the muzzle of the gun at the first and second echelons of people, "yesterday's fight was not happy at all. Take a look, each one needs all eyes. How can this be done? Come on! Now give you a fair chance. If you don't like it, you'll be killed with one shot! Isn't it? "

"Come on! Let me see your courage

What about the first tier? Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi were still standing upright and motionless. Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi also stood up at this time. Although they were still unstable, they still barely stood there.In fact, what about the hearts of three people? There are also so many worries. Do you worry about the people in the first echelon? They will pick up the guns in front of them. What they are afraid of is the second echelon behind them? Will pick up the gun in the hand, that is really deceived!

This is definitely the director's intention. Don't be fooled!

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