Looking at the first echelon without any action, Ding Yu came to Xu cunzhou and the three of them. He looked at them with disdain, "what's the matter? Don't even dare to pick up the gun? The courage to fight last night went there! Isn't it said that the fight is very brave? be a trend which cannot be halted! Is it all grass chicken now? "

"Report, we know it's wrong!"

"You know shit!" Ding Yu can't expose his anger at this time. What about all the students? It's really rare to see Ding Yu like this. It's not that his face is disgusting, but what's the voice of his speech? Let people feel that the director is really angry this time! "I want to know now, who can lift the gun!"

"No one, is there?" At this time, Ding Yu has also put his eyes on the second row in the back. What about in front of them? Also sporadically fired a few guns, but they are now like quails, so a little frightened! Under such circumstances, when seeing Ding Yu read it, everyone was shocked! Don't stare at them.

Although they started the fight last night, they didn't expect it to be so big? Ding Yu will be so angry, this joke is too big!

Does Ding Yucai care so much? After patting Xu cunzhou on the shoulder, he almost sat there. What about the blood on his leg? Although there is no big problem, it is really painful! His face has to be white, this sudden by such an impact, is really quite a problem!

"It's really tough! You don't shoot? They can do the same without shooting? " Ding Yu also snorted, "what do you think? You really don't want your other leg! don't worry! Anyway, what happened to you last night? It's already broken the sky, and I don't care to tear this gap bigger! "

And then it's time to go to the second echelon at the back, and walk in front of them? It is also easy to pick up a gun, loaded, and then open the insurance, so carried in their hands! "The one who took the lead last night, stand up! It's all well documented, so don't hide it! "

When you say "half a feather is wrong, you don't say yes, but you don't say yes, don't you? And girls! It's not easy. Since men don't stand up, let women take the thunder! Come on, it's you

He pulled out the girl beside him, and the range of action was not big. Ding Yu also raised her arm and forcibly took the gun in her hand. "Is it a little bit far away! Come closer. Yesterday's fight was not bloody at all. How nice it would be if we had a closer look, right? "

But I don't know how it happened. What about the one in Ding Yu's hand? Also realize that the situation is not good, oh, is a voice, this shot? It can't be opened. What about others? I don't know, but I'm absolutely dead!

I don't know how I'm so unlucky. Ding Yu picked himself up and didn't seem to offend Ding Ding Yu in the impression! Why do you have to pull yourself, although the whole person has squatted down, but the hand? Still be dragged by Ding Yu, can't move at all!

But what about the whole person? This time is also sitting on the ground, I just can't get up anyway, now this time is no matter what the so-called image, also no matter whether it is put to pour! Women's advantages are fully reflected at this time.

But the problem is that she thinks so, but what about the hand? It's not under this control at all! A shot, Xu cunzhou, who was still standing there? Oh, I turned my body slowly, and then I fell to the ground in the scream of the crowd!

Where was the injury? I didn't see it at all, but Xu cunzhou fell to the ground? This is a fact. We can say that we can see it very clearly. The instructors and teaching assistants nearby are really stupid at this time!

What about in the beginning? They didn't move? On the one hand, it's because of being forced, on the other hand? They also saw that although three people were injured, what about the injuries? It's not so serious, but now the situation is not the same. It's not clear where the shot was from close range, but Xu cunzhou has fallen down!

Two people at this time also can not take into account what, run, this time don't worry about their own lives, and security? Instead, they didn't mean to shoot. Their attention was also focused on the people present.

"Not for the first time? But how does it feel to put him in? " What about Ding Yu's face? There is no expression, people want to have some action, but how can the security of a bullet, let everyone? All calm down, and then Xu cunzhou was dragged away like a dead dog!

Actually? It is a person carrying a leg and dragging on the ground directly. We can still see some blood stains left on the grass, which is so eye-catching and dazzling. During the whole process, Xu cunzhou did not have any reaction. The people's faces turned white all of a sudden, and even some people began to retch!"This is the first one. What are you afraid of?" Ding Yu then went to the second echelon again. But at this time, people were scattered by birds and beasts, which was too terrible. The security guard took a look at it and fired two shots as a warning. But it didn't work. What about the joint effect? They are from the first echelon, and there are some people who are ready to move.

Looking at the person who was forced to the front of him, Ding Yu picked up a gun on the ground again, "now how is the bear bag? It's late He almost dragged himself to the back of Yi Xiaoxi and held it against the back of his head. "Now that I'm under my hand, I need to bear the cost of failure. How about it? Are there any last words? "

"Report director, we know it's wrong!"

Just after finishing, there was another gunshot. Yi Xiaoxi fell on the ground without any resistance and looked at the blood seeping from the ground. At this time, the people of the first echelon couldn't help it! Everyone is also a rush up! Directly to Ding Yu to surround, even if it is Ding Yu shot warning also has no effect!

What's more, inside the gun? There are no more bullets! But they didn't want to pick up the spear. What about yixiaoxi on the ground? The same treatment as Xu cunzhou was dragged away again!

"What? Want to rebel? "

"Director? That's human life, not a joke! " People are also dead, Ding Yu to squeeze in the middle of the position, and this time? Some people are also in a hurry to come, Ding Yu did not pay attention to the people's push and rub, just look at the people.

What happened when the three men came before the people? Of course, they have to show their legs too much, that is to say, they have to show their legs too much!

The visitor's mood can be said to be quite bad. What happened last night? What we benefit from is that we want to touch Ding Yu, so that he will not be too lazy, but did not think about it? Ding Yu should have taken such a tyrannical means, after coming up directly shot two!

"Ding Yu! What are you doing? " Three people are also to the crowd to squeeze open, one of them hanging two Venus look at the anger of the crowd, but also frown!

"All in line! Stand at attention

After others stood up, they also took a look at the guns on the ground, and then glared at Ding Yu, "Ding Yu, I remember these are not the guns in the barracks! You immediately bring these weapons and equipment to come here, collect the guns! ..。”

Before finishing this sentence, Ding Yu suddenly gave a cold smile, "I teach them as if they have nothing to do with other people! I remember they were sent to me, so this seems to be my business! What's more? They're just using this field for training! The agreement has been signed before. Anything that happens has nothing to do with the barracks. So what about this? The military should not be allowed to intervene! "

"Sorry, because of the unexpected situation, I will take over now. Ding Yu, what about all the weapons and equipment? I gathered it up for you. The meeting room has been prepared for you. I hope you can sit down and calm down. What have you done now? It's no longer suitable to sit in such a position! "

Ding Yu slightly narrowed his eyes, "I can understand that this is the initiative to force me to leave this position, isn't it?" Without waiting for the person in front of him to speak, Ding Yu also waved his hand, "what about me? I'm not a person who likes to make fun of. At the same time, my temper is not as good as I thought

"Mr. Ding, please respect yourself! Now it's up to me to take over all this! "

Ding Yu shook his head and said, "take over when you say it's over?" However, Ding Yu also heard a burst of footfalls at this time, and looked at the past, and saw several people in line? At this time, they also gathered around the playground. What do they look like? It seems to be loaded!

"It's really about being well prepared." Ding Yu also waved to the security guard nearby. Several people immediately gathered the guns on the ground, and even put the bullets? All of them were unloaded, and their movements were very fast and concise. At first glance, they were old hands. They didn't show much panic because they were surrounded.

Seeing the security guard finish the action, Ding Yu also smiles, smiling indifferently, "since you want to manage? The situation here is up to you! And? Today, I said that I'd better lower my temper and drink more tea than I do today

After that, he did not pay attention to the people in front of him. He got on the bus happily. As for the two corpses before him? It's still the position that was abandoned on one side, and what about the people at this time? Also all around the past, two people straight lying there, we also feel that there are so some can not control the heart of sadness and panic!

What about Ding Yu? The feeling is very different, although the previous time is very strict, even if there are so some too much, but in Ding Yu's body? Still learned a lot of things, but now the director of Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi two trumps to kill, this makes everyone feel extremely complex!Just when we are still sad, what about Xu cunzhou on the ground? I swayed my head for a moment. At that time, I didn't know what kind of situation it was. Anyway, I felt a pain in my body, and then I fell to the ground. Was it dead? I am not so clear.

When you open your eyes, the sky seems to be so dark. Is it hard to get to hell? Slow for a while, Xu cunzhou seems to feel something, his leg how so painful! Then the abdomen is also forced, the whole person is also sitting up!

But what about this action? Also let oneself Xu cunzhou feel pain unbearable, immediately also is a voice to shout out!

It's not important for people to wail when they are waiting? To deal with the body, even some people are already tearful, where think of the resurrection of the dead do not say, but also sit up, this is not in the body fraud?

Xu cunzhou also has some silly eyes looking at the surrounding situation. Originally, he thought he was dead, but what about the severe pain? Let yourself feel that everything is not true, but what about the roar of the crowd? It is to let Xu cunzhou have such a few silly eyes, how a thing? What do they call themselves?

After a look, Yi Xiaoxi also moved his body. When he opened his eyes, he seemed to notice something, but then he closed his eyes. However, he could see that he was still biting his teeth. Obviously, the pain period has not passed. It is just different from Xu cunzhou's reaction!

What about the three leaders who have gone abroad? Originally, Ding Yu was calling to explain what he was doing. Ding Yu killed the man, then raised two cruel words, patted his ass and left. This is really outrageous. What is his place because of this and what he thinks these students are?!

It's too lawless. We must deal with it seriously! Just when I was on the phone, I heard the sound of squeaking in the distance, but I didn't know it. So, it's already this time, so don't add chaos, OK! What about these students? It is not a good thing to educate Ding Yu! It's even a little spoiled!

What about the forces behind Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi? I have already informed you just now. After all, the dead are dead. What about the responsibility? No one can hold on his shoulder, that is to say, the black pot? It's totally made by Ding Yu. It needs Ding Yu to carry it by himself. It's so simple!

"What do you think the director means?" Xu cunzhou didn't pay attention to the shouting crowd. He took a look at Yi Xiaoxi, who was lying side by side with him. He said in a low voice, "what about today? It's definitely not bluffing! "

"What about last night? Although it is a group fight, but in fact what? It should not be aimed at the director, but at us, but what it represents is hard to say! "

For the people have not yet gathered around, and the two are talking? "Yes," he said! What did I feel earlier? This matter is directed at the director, but it seems that this is not the case now. But what does it mean for us? Is it worried that the director will leave us? Or... "

The two people's words have not finished, at this time, people are all around, Yi Xiaoxi is also ouch a voice, "don't cry mourning, OK? Call us a doctor quickly, but the director didn't give us any advice? If you delay a little longer, I'm afraid we're going to bleed to death! "

People are also in a hurry to shout, originally there were so some fear, now this time is completely another posture, is not a fake corpse, it is obvious that the director? They didn't mean to kill them. Just now, they came on purpose. All of a sudden, they scared everyone to death!

The three leaders who followed the medical staff of the military camp came over. They also had some stupid eyes. When they came here earlier? Although there was a car in front of him, Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi lay there as if they were dead bodies, and they all saw Ding Yu shoot at close range and killed them directly.

What on earth is this? The dead come back to life? That's a joke! But what about the injuries on their legs? It's not true, but the medical staff have already checked it. It's just a simple scratch! Although the bleeding, but the problem is really not as big as imagined!

Not long after being carried to the medical room, many people came to the barracks one after another. They had been informed earlier that Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi were killed by Ding Yu, and what about their bodies? It was on the spot. What about the news? Some are too shocking!

Not only the relatives of the two families have come, but also some other people? I followed him, but when I got to the place, I found that there was nothing at all except my upper thigh bandaging. Even now I can get out of bed and run for two laps.

What's the meaning of this? Are you kidding? But there is no such a joke. At that time, they swore that they were shot, but now, they are alive and kicking! It's just a good man!In this way, we look at the previous three people's eyes also have so some bad, how on earth a back thing, explain it! If Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi were really shot, it would be a big deal! But the problem is that two people are standing here with all eyes. This is not a joke!

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