What about Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi, who have been shot? They all stood there, including he Jun. although he was shot, the situation was not serious at all, that is to say, there were some bruises. What about Ding Yu? Still quite in control!

We are running to Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi two people have been shot, but now two people are OK? There is another situation. What about Ding Yu? They are here to educate these guys, but the problem is that they are blocked in the process of education and even deprived of their rights in their hands!

In this way, the problem is a little bit more serious, and Ding Yu has already indicated his attitude on the spot. Since some people are willing to take over these guys, they just have a relaxed life. Don't some people want to see such a scene? So they made it!

Ding Yu clapped his hands and left. What happened before he left? Someone took over his position! But for the rest of the present, it is quite unhappy! They are clear about what happened last night. Did Ding Yu come here? It's for the good of the first echelon, not for their trouble!

How can Ding Yu educate these guys? At the beginning, although not in black and white, but between each other? It has also been said very clearly, whether it is to beat raw or killed! It has nothing to do with Ding Yu, as long as they can make a success!

But now? Obviously, it's betrayal, not to mention Ding Yu? They didn't kill them. They just wanted to test their reaction under extreme circumstances! But what about some people? Has revealed the appearance, the first time began to rob class power, Ding Yu to force away!

Does this mean that they have little life for Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi? Do not care at all, or even deliberately promote such things to happen! Otherwise, why wait for two people to "die"? What happened after that? Were you blind before? Haven't seen!

There was a fight between the second echelon last night. What about this? Absolutely not simple! Even Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi can see the problem. How can the forces behind us not see clearly?

But if we really investigate it, there are many problems. Why? What about the barracks? It was arranged here. Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to it at all, even a little bit of mixing. What about the whole process? Ding Yu is to give some reference, as for others? turn a blind eye to!

That is to say, this matter has nothing to do with Ding Yu. What about Ding Yu? This is not a big deal. We can say that we have been used to it. But what about the people in the first echelon? There's no way to be forgiven. Now it's just a small success. You can't bear it. Isn't it too much?

What's more, Ding Yu is now leaving his son behind. This matter can be said to be quite troublesome. At the beginning, in order to invite Ding Yu, he was really thick skinned. What about Ding Yu to these people? It can't be said that it's all due, but anyway? This guy is still on the high road. Is he also the force behind him? Happy in the heart, smile in the face.

But how to deal with the situation now? Pull Ding Yu back? This is a simple thing to say. You can try to drag it back! Is Ding Yu the one who wants to be with so much? What about his temper? It's really not as good as you think. What about this? It's really a lot of trouble!

Ding Yu's education to these guys, some people put a stick in, let Ding Yu's way? There is no way to progress, this may be a crucial step of the first echelon, so it was destroyed! What about the impact on the first echelon? May be immeasurable, absolutely can't such calculate!

At the same time, Ding Yu didn't pay so much attention to it. He went back to the courtyard as soon as possible. William was not at home. He went to pick up the two children. Ding Yu changed his clothes for himself. What happened in the barracks before? How much or contaminated with some blood, touched two children, or so some not very good!

But I don't deny that it's on my body? How many have so some cleanliness fetish, just feel very unaccustomed, very uncomfortable, as for what happened today? Ding Yu didn't mean to put it in his eyes, but they didn't pick up the guns on the ground? This point still lets Ding Yu compare optimistic.

But from the current situation, this matter may involve more problems, and now I will never ask for trouble. Let's see what they will do! Anyway, they have nothing to do with themselves. What about the lives of Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi? There is no problem, I am still very confident about the control of strength.

That is to let them scratch a little skin. When they trained, it was a common practice. Now they should have sobered up. What about the curtain of this big play? Just been opened, I can sit down and enjoy a good time, to see how we sing the play!

Also don't know when, Ding Yu's ear is also heard a confused sound, immediately saw two children with small four eyes rushed over, small four eyes is really so some big, once this speed is raised, if you really fall on the body, directly can give a person a stagger!What about it for others? It has always been a true color, that is, in front of the two children, they will bow their brows, so when they see Ding Yu, they snort with their noses. Although they know that Ding Yu is not easy to provoke, they will never open their belly in front of Ding Yu!

"Wow, why are they all black children?" Ding Yu slightly cracked his mouth, "are you just back from Africa? I can't believe my own eyes

Originally very excited two children, this time the hair is going to explode, with small four eyes? It's also direct. He pounced on Ding Yu's body without meaning to lower his mouth. He pushed it with the two little masters. After all, the two little masters have already started. It can't just watch at the side, can't it?

Playing for a while, Ding Yu also took two children to wash and gargle, and little four eyes was the same. But Ding Yu helped a little at the beginning. What's the follow-up? They did it all by themselves!

When the two little guys came out, Ding Yu looked at them carefully and then shook his head. They really went to Africa, but they didn't look like this! It's so dark! What about the children in Africa? Almost almost, Ding Yu also feels funny as soon as possible.

But it's not a big deal, kids? It's easy to recover from sunburn. As for Taixi's failure to follow her back, is it because she doesn't adjust as quickly as her two children, so she's almost shameless. This should be the reason. Fortunately, Ding Yu doesn't mean to investigate.

The two little guys talked about their experiences outside with Ding Yu, but Ding Yu didn't tell them about laxity. Now? It's not the time to let them know the power of it by tomorrow morning, kid? They do not have this perseverance and persistence, but it is a normal thing, need careful guidance from parents!

What about the courtyard? After the two children come back, the door is closed directly. Who cares? Today no visitors, two children back, is the most important thing, everything else? All can be put down!

Some people have come to the courtyard, but it's too late to see the time. What about the quadrangle? I have already told you about the situation. When the two little masters come back today, Ding Yu will not receive other aspects!

In fact, we all know that this is just a reason. At least, it is the past reason that can be said on the surface. Even if Ding Yu doesn't give any reason, that is to shut you out of the door, what can you do? This guy can do it! This is not the first time! It's normal!

How about this time? Also can only be looking at the closed courtyard secretly sad! Calm has been restored to the barracks, and the first and second echelons continue to be punished! There is no difference because of what happened before!

But what about the relationship between them? But I'm familiar with it a lot, because in the whole process, what about the second echelon? Or withstood the test, regardless of what happened at that time, they did not take up the guns on the ground! What about this? These guys are worth training!

But the relationship between the two sides is harmonious, which does not mean that the matter is over. What about the noise? Just at the beginning, Ding Yu is the biggest problem. If you don't get Ding Yu back, what about these guys? Maybe it will be abolished. For everyone, this is absolutely intolerable!

But now who can knock on the door of the courtyard, and Ding Yu did not leave the country before. To a certain extent? It is a result of pressure from all aspects, but this is also because Ding Yu has given some people this face. It is not to say that Ding Yu has been strangled. Don't think too simple!

If Ding Yu really left, what about China? There are really not too many ways, Ding Yu give you face is a thing, do not give you face? You can only be secretly angry, there is no other way!

What's more, his two children have already returned. What happened in the first half of the year? They are all studying in the United States. What about their holidays now? It's also the time limit. If Ding Yu uses this as an excuse, we really don't have many ways to refuse. After all, where are their children studying? This is the right of others. No one can force them to leave their two children in China. In that case, it would be worse!

What about Ding Yu? Is it true that they are not vegetarians, within the scope of tolerance? How to do it can, but once it exceeds the bottom line, Ding Yu will let you know how powerful it is! Just like what happened in the barracks this time, what about Ding Yu's many problems? It's all opened up!

When I get up in the morning, where are the two little guys? Because of the time, the adjustment is not very good. Ding Yu didn't let them practice the so-called posture immediately. Instead, he handed the prepared bows and arrows to the two of them. Take a look at their power generating skills. This thing can't deceive people!

But at this point, the two children did a good job. Ding Yu didn't say anything. He deliberately pulled down his face and corrected their mistakes carefully. The two kids also put away their funny faces. They could clearly see the change of his father's face.If the father can reprimand them for a while, maybe they can feel better, but the father did not say anything, which makes them feel very sad! So what about extra care? Also very attentive.

In the morning, when they were about to have dinner, the two little guys took the initiative to admit their mistakes to their father after a discussion. After all, what about such a thing? The problem is with them. What about their education since childhood? Also let them realize that there is a mistake? It needs to be faced and acknowledged.

Ding Yu accepted it, but he didn't change his face much. Now it's not time to give them sweet dates, but in the morning? There are really not many things, so let them go out to herd sheep, with small four eyes to make a fool of it! Put the children in the courtyard? It's to suppress their nature!

What about education? We can't ignore it, but we need to give them a fairly relaxed environment. How about educating them? There is not much cognition about the society, and it will be eliminated by the whole society and environment in the end!

The gate of the courtyard has been opened, which is a sigh of relief for many people, but the two little guys have converged a lot, with small four eyes? Wang Li soon caught her playing around. It's not difficult to catch them, but where are they going? This is worth thinking about.

"How about your aunt taking you to your grandparents' place today?" When talking, Wang Li also handed her nephew and niece the snacks she had buried in her hand. But obviously, what about this small bribe? It didn't make much difference. What about the two little guys? It's eating as you like, but things must be ignored.

For them, there is no so-called autonomy. In any case, what about family affairs? They are too young to be involved. What about Ding Yu? Or rather indulgent, naturally do not want them both? There is no need to impose his emotions on them!

After the snacks were eliminated, the two men looked at their aunts. "Auntie, dad told us to go back early in the afternoon, but we still wanted to go to the zoo. When we were in Africa, we adopted three little white lions and two rhinoceros! But the time is too short for us to play enough! "

Where are the two little guys? It's also the multiple choice question given to Wang Li, let's go? We have to meet our conditions! Wang Li is also a little angry. If you don't say what you eat, you give yourself such a hand? Don't you think your fist is not hard enough! Immediately also stare at!

It is indisputable to drag them to their mother's side. Are you willing or unwilling to force them? I'll do it like this, don't believe you two little troublemakers? Dare not listen!

Su Yuan looked at his grandson and granddaughter, but also widened his eyes. How did he get this sun? Wang Li doesn't have much feeling. It's a little bit black when it's dark, but it's nothing. It's just a little too much fun. That's all!

What happened in the barracks yesterday? I've heard about it, but it's impossible to find some clues from the two children, and it's too standard! "Mom, if there's nothing wrong, I'll go first! I have other things to do in the afternoon! "

Just grab the two kids. Anything else? Su Yuan didn't mean to drag her daughter to eat at home. Her grandson and granddaughter had already arrived. As for whether her daughter was at home, she didn't want to worry about it? It doesn't matter!

The two little guys were picked up by Wang Li and then sent to Wang's house. It's impossible that we don't know about this. What about all aspects now? They all pay attention to Ding Yu's body. What happened yesterday? Basically have been investigated clearly, now need to find Ding Yu small explanation!

But how to explain it, and who is going to find Ding Yu to explain this matter? It's very important! What about ordinary people? If you can't get into Ding Yu's courtyard, they won't open the door for you. What can you do?

But who is the most suitable person? After all, what about Ding Yu? Or do you have a good understanding and want to settle this matter? It's not that anyone can come forward!

Previously, when the first echelon was handed over to Ding Yu, he had already revealed his face. Now, how about this time? It is really too inappropriate, so you really need to find someone else, but it's light. Now who dares to run into a wall at this time, Ding Yu will let him directly hit the south wall!

Why do you have to be so anxious? Because what about the first tier? We can't wait too long for them to realize their mistakes. As for how to correct them, it's easy to do, but it can't stop them. If they do, all their efforts will be in vain!

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