Before noon, Su Yuan took his two children to the zoo. His grandson and granddaughter have already said that they should go back earlier in the evening. The reason is very good. During this period, they played a little too presumptuous, so that they lowered their own requirements. So now we need to pay more attention to them!

Su Yuan will certainly satisfy his grandson and granddaughter's demands. That's Pro grandson and granddaughter! What about Wang Yang's family? Now in addition to crying, there is really not too much reaction, so this love! Or on both of them.

But the two kids are playing. What about the whole process? There are still some wilting, mainly because of the time difference, the impact is still relatively large, this can not be eliminated in a moment and a half!

Su Yuan sent two little guys to the courtyard very early, but he didn't see his eldest son. It seems that there is something wrong with him. What about the foreign housekeeper? For the backyard is also relatively tight, so that Su Yuan feel extremely uncomfortable, to their own feelings? He did it on purpose!

After the two little guys came back, they were sober. They were also dragging their grandmother around. In fact, what was the most important thing? Is to show their grandmother their summer life, this is what they need to show off!

About to have dinner, Ding Yu did not come out of the study, but came out to say hello to his mother. His side is more busy, let the two children accompany Su Yuan to dinner! Su Yuan didn't ask what happened, but what about his son? It seems to be really busy!

When he came back in the evening, Su Yuan also simply told her husband about the situation in the courtyard. Wang Changlin nodded while eating. After eating, he just laughed, "you can go into the courtyard now. Other people are about to break their heads at this time? Just can't get in! "

"I heard about the barracks! Deserve it Su Yuan was not so clear about the inside information, but did he understand these guys? I want to bully my son. Now I have no face and no skin. I want to ask my son in turn. Is that such a good thing in the world?

"It doesn't matter whether the investigation of the matter behind is clear. The problem is that the boss of our family? We directly threw out the control power and gave it to each other. It can be said that it was forcibly taken away. But I never thought that it was a hot potato. Now we are also a bit uneasy! "

"If you don't have this ability, you have to toss and toss. I don't think it's their skin itching. How do they think about such a mistake when they never feel like they're itching?"

For his wife's doubts, Wang Changlin also poured a glass of water for each of them, "two reasons, one? If you want to pick peaches, such a big lump, if you can control it in your hand, even if you don't control it in your own hand, as long as you can put this name on it, it will be immeasurable to pave the way for the relationship in the future! "

"The second? Some people don't hope that these guys can stand up. If they do, they will have too much influence. Moreover, to some extent, they are the oldest students, which is difficult to control! "

Su Yuan was very dissatisfied and snorted, "I think some people are fed up. Did the boss really dig their ancestral graves? So if you have the ability to deal with our eldest brother, you can also do something. Don't let others underestimate it, right? I know I'm fooling around behind my back! "

"Is that what you're doing behind your back? What about this? It shouldn't be said that. What about the position of the boss? After all, there are so many different! Sometimes? It's also extremely ruthless. What about this? I don't know who it looks like! "

There are some complaints and exclamations about this saying. What about your father and father-in-law? It seems that they are not such people, and what they know about them? What about his adoptive father and mother? It's not such a person. Neither himself nor Su Yuan is like this. So it's hard to say who the child looks like?

"How to deal with this matter? It's been a whole day. When I went today, I saw Xiaoyu really busy. I didn't know what it was all about. I didn't ask about it!"

Wang Changlin did not know what his eldest son was busy with. Even if he was asked, he would not say why he needed it? "I don't know, but I didn't get into the courtyard today? For some aspects, it is really quite a blow. The longer it takes? The more disadvantageous it will be to some extent! "

"I don't know if it's bad, but what happened to the family this time? There's no movement at all? " When he said this, the meaning of Su Yuan's sarcasm can be said to be quite strong, and Wang Changlin could only regard it as not having heard it!

Now neither father nor father-in-law will show up. What about the Wang family and the Su family? It will not be involved in it at all. What about the relationship with the boss? To a certain extent, we can't find a way to ease the situation. Now we are still involved in such things. Isn't it typical that we don't want to die fast enough?When Wang Changlin and Su Yuan were talking, Wang Pu and the old lady were also discussing this matter. However, some people came to discuss this matter, and Wang Pu directly pushed it. No matter whether it is the Wang family or the Su family, there is no way for the Wang family or the Su family to come forward with the matter itself? There's no relationship.

What is the grandson's attitude towards the Wang family and the Su family? Is as a lamp, hung high, even he did not under the cruel hand? Their own side is already feeling quite lucky, now this time if the initiative door, will be a what kind of consequences, really dare not imagine it!

"So happy to give this position to go out, some tentative meaning, but will it be infuriated?" The old lady also murmured a few words, which could be the end of the matter, because the matter has so far? It's not controlled by the family at all. It doesn't even mean to communicate with the family!

All the time? Grandson is such a style, but now it is more obvious!

"And the fifteen? It looks like a piece of fat, but not everyone can swallow it. It's beyond one's ability. So it's not surprising that such a consequence appears. I really admire him. He can give up so simply. To know that giving up is a matter of time and wants to get it back again? It's just another thing! "

The old lady understood the meaning, and Ding Yu gave up the position. Of course, what about these people? In the end, it still needs to be put in the name of Ding Yu. There is no doubt about this, but this time? I'm afraid it's not Ding Yu who controls it. What's the way? Everyone can see clearly.

But who is going to be the second in charge? It's very important! What about this one? It needs to have a certain identity and ability. It must be recognized by those 15 people. At the same time? It also needs to be approved by Ding Yu.

"So what about our grandson? That's the man waiting After saying that, the old lady also took a deep breath, "this mind is a little bit deep, and the framework is quite far away. Everything has been taken into consideration. Is it all his own thought?"

"I don't really know that, but what about my personal tendency? This should not be his own thought, a person? Even if the ability is outstanding, it will be powerful. What about our grandson? What's exposed is just what he wants others to see. What's not revealed? It's the real power

Even now? Great grandson's military power is still not exposed. Do you want to say that Ding Yu's military support is still a little weak? This can be understood, but to say that Ding Yu has no power in the military, this is just bullshit.

But how many forces have investigated, and what are the results? Maybe something has been investigated, but who dares to pierce this window paper is just like what happened to Ding Yu's adoptive father and his adoptive mother. This is a thin layer of paper, but no one dares to do so. It is so helpless!

"Nine elder brother so have free time Ding Yu is looking at the visitors? Is also a smile, casually did an invitation to clean up, with Chen Huai between the cooperation? Or very good, between each other is very understanding of discretion, other people? It's not easy to break into the courtyard, but what about Chen Huailai? This is really not a big problem.

Chen Huai immediately put down the gift in his hand, "I thought I would be rejected, but what about your housekeeper? Also really let me feel a little envious, there is the layout of the courtyard, elegant and not kitsch, low-key but has a considerable atmosphere, let people relaxed and happy

Ding Yu poured the tea himself, "how did you get involved? I should have heard that! "

"Yes! When the news came out that Xu cunzhou and Yi Xiaoxi were killed at that time, my first reaction was that I was confused, and the second reaction was impossible. However, they swore to say so. I don't know what happened. I remember calling back at that time! "

"At that time, the situation was too special, and the situation in all aspects was so complicated that I didn't expect so many people to jump out!" At that time, if you answered the phone, it was the most troublesome! So when I was at that time, no matter who's calling, I didn't answer, which was good for everyone.

"You! Sometimes I think a little bit more! " But Chen Huai's painting style suddenly changed, "but what about the place where people eat people and don't vomit bones like this in 49 cities? There is no harm in thinking more about it. Anyway, what about my body shape? I don't dare to wander in here! It's not fear, it's because I know very well that I don't have this ability! "

"Brother Jiuge, don't be modest." Ding Yu also said in a funny way, "in fact, I don't want to get involved in it, but in such an environment, sometimes I can't help myself! What about? Today nine elder brother is not going to open a partnership with me! There is no preparation at home

"Well, it seems that I really need to lose money today! I heard that two children are also at home, and the girl in my house is also there. Let them play together! But what about the children in my family? But it's a bit of mischief. You have to let the two children relax a little. Otherwise, I'll go back at night, and I'll never have a good life! "Ding Yu didn't mean to embarrass Chen Huai. He didn't even talk about the so-called conditions with Chen Huai. They were ready to go out to have a meal. It was so simple! But Chen Huai can please Ding Yu, which is not a simple thing in itself, not to say that everyone can let Ding Yu give this face!

Although Ding Yu did not say anything, Chen Huai's heart is very clear, Ding Yu really let his face soar, when did he come? They are also quite reluctant, such things to find their own head, is not too much? Even bullying? It shouldn't be like this! And what about those who bully themselves? Still at home!

It can be said that he bravely came to find Ding Yu. He also knew what happened in the barracks. He was very clear about the inside of the incident. He also had some worries. Would Ding Yu pout his face? It's not so important. I'm afraid I'll make things complicated!

But didn't you think about it? Ding Yu didn't mention anything to himself at all, but told him to go out for tea. For Chen Huai, this is the best result. Let himself directly cut off the relationship with this matter. What about the human relationship? I really need to remember!

How about business? There is no relationship. It's a big story? Ding Yu is a cold and heartless guy, but he and Ding Yu have also been in contact with each other. What about Ding Yu? It's very good. It's very clear whether it's public or private.

What about business? After talking about a general idea, there is no need to haggle over the rest of the matter. It is good to reach a general direction of cooperation. As for private affairs? We just eat, drink and have fun, but Ge, to make friends with him is really a very happy thing, at least do not need to have any precautions!

How about your friendship with Ding Yu? Not very deep, but between each other? It's true that there are some feelings of sympathy. What about some things? Even do not need to have any discussion, have a look between each other is enough!

After coming out of the siheyuan, Chen Huai also went home with her daughter to a private place. The place was not luxurious at all. Whether it was for Ding Yu or for himself, he didn't care about foreign things. Both of them had reached a certain level, so the requirements in this respect were not very high.

Ding Yu came with her son and daughter. When she came, Chen Huai had just arrived. What about the three little guys? At the beginning, there were still some unfamiliar ones, but soon? It is also playing together, and then the nanny is playing with three children. Whether it is rowing or doing other things, Ding Yu has no intention of interfering.

Because no one has come, Chen Huai and Ding Yu came to a teahouse with Ding Yu. There was no one else on the second floor of the teahouse. At this time, someone was specially guarding the position at the door. Someone was performing tea art for Ding Yu and Chen Huai. "A Yu, how do you take care of the children? That's it? "

Three kids rowed, but what about the nanny and the security? Chen Huai was not on the boat with their three children at all, but was watching beside them. Chen Huai was also very surprised. He doubted whether the two children were born by Ding Yu?

"Isn't someone watching? Let them play and exercise on their own. I think this is what I should do as a father. They grow up day by day, although in our eyes? They are still children, but one day they need to face the world and society! Now what about the water facade? At least I can save it! "

It's a simple truth. Now they are young, and even have the possibility of falling off the water facade. But if you don't let them contact each other and take exercise, they will never make any progress.

"Is it too early?" Chen Huai is also very skeptical. I agree with this way, but the child is so small, you are so relieved? So Chen Huai is not optimistic about this!

"Is it early? What about this? It's not up to us. " Ding Yu also points out along the direction of the window. The three small schools are all wearing protective clothing, but want to row the boat away? It really took a lot of effort and means.

Chen Huai really wants to help, but what about her daughter? At the beginning, it was like a little quail. I wanted to cry without tears. I held on to it, but soon? It's also about seizing the oars. From fear to contact, the whole process didn't take long. Chen Huai also had some doubts about life.

Is that your daughter?

"Sometimes their creativity and imagination are beyond imagination. To be exact, I don't know whether it's right or wrong, good or bad! But in terms of the present situation and effect, it is appropriate for their two children! "

What about Chen Huai? It is from this that I heard another meaning, but what about the education problem above the surface? Very interested. What about the guys in the barracks? I don't have any intention to reach out. I can make friends with you. What else? Just a little further away!Don't you see that Ding Yu needs to work hard on this issue? At this time, Chen Huai also put her head out, but she didn't mean to shout. She just looked at her daughter carefully and had a good time.

"If her mother sees this, I won't have to think about going to bed at night, even this year? Don't even think about going to bed! It's all about the living tears of our ancestors , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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