Two people are so looking at three small play, during the talk? Half hidden and half visible, but there is no intention of overstepping. We all have a good sense of propriety! Chen Huai is also really sigh for Ding Yu. He can break out at this age. He is really not an ordinary person!

What is more difficult is that he did not rely on the strength of the family, nor with the advantages of other aspects, relying on himself. Although he said that he was self-made, but the weight between the two is different! It can't be equated! It's not a match!

Just as they were chatting, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the pavilion. Because of the wooden floor and stairs, the sound was a little low when walking. In addition, there were no people on the floor, so Ding Yu and Chen Huai turned around at the same time.

Seeing Chen Huai standing up, Ding Yu did not continue to sit down, followed the same stand up, "brother Hao!" What about the title? It's not a formal address, but can you speak like this? Can also be said to be quite respected, Ding Yu is a slight squint, this person? They really know, and have a detailed list of understanding! Whether it's the past life, or this life!

Then Chen Huai also made a considerable introduction to them. Wu Hao looked at Ding Yu and then stretched out his hand.

"Wu Hao!"

"Ding Yu!"

Two people's hands together, but did not want to immediately release the meaning, Chen Huai some unknown, so, there are so some worries, but from the two people's faces? Nothing else seems to have changed.

Wu Hao and Ding Yu are looking at each other at this time, which gives Ding Yu the feeling that Wu Hao's eyes are very deep, just like a deep lake. What about Wu Hao? Ding Yu's eyes are very clear and thorough, and there is no trace of impurity, but it is so calm.

Although it is only the first time to meet, but from each other's eyes? Still can feel out, the first impression is very good! You can't say what the reason is, after seeing each other? They all think the other party is very pleasing to the eye. What about the eye edge? Sometimes it's really puzzling!

Chen Huai also went down to see if there was any good tea when everyone sat down. By the way, he took a look at the three children. Of course, Ding Yu had no worries, but what about himself? I'm really afraid! If the girl in my family really fell into the water, what should I do?

"What happened the day before yesterday, some people are too abrupt!" When Wu Ding Yu gave him a cup of tea.

Ding Yu lifted the tea bowl with his hand, but he didn't even feel the temperature of the tea bowl. Wu Hao was so surprised that he almost cried out. But what about Ding Yu? It really doesn't have too much influence. After a sip, the tea bowl is also put down. What about the face? There wasn't a lot of expression and movement.

"So you have seen them?"

"Take a look from afar!" Wu Hao also said frankly, "but without you, the true God? I'm afraid it's hard for me to hold them down, and even if I can, the effect is quite limited. "

"How modest Ding Yu also turned his head and looked at Wu Hao, "what about the exercise on the body? It's just to make them a little healthier. What about ideological education? Is not able to relax the key! On this issue, I have a congenital deficiency

Obviously, Ding Yu agreed and was willing to let Wu Hao have a share. How could he teach them? This is your business. I won't interfere with it, even in the future? You are also a lot of heart! I will step out of this position, since someone is willing to come? Then let them come!

When Wu Hao looks at Ding Yu, he holds up his tea cup and talks with Ding Yu? I noticed that Ding Yu didn't talk about any conditions with him at all. From this point on? Ding Yu is not suitable for the development of official career, but from the perspective of Ding Yu? He made such a decision, by no means willful.

He should also have other considerations, but to be able to put it down like this is really to let himself very admire, measurement is very big, but a little cold some, although said to drink a lot of hot tea, but it does not seem to be too hot, this character? I'm afraid ordinary people really need to stay away.

"The Party school is going to offer them courses for a period of time!" What Wu Hao said is very natural. What happened after these people came back? We have been preparing for this aspect, but we have never found a suitable opportunity. "The specific time limit has not been set yet! I wonder if director Ding has any other arrangements? "

"They have been practicing for nearly a year, so they should be given a priority." Ding Yu pointed at the table with his hand, "there are 15 of them, but how about all the time? They are mainly composed of three groups: Xu cunzhou, Yi Xiaoxi and he Jun? As their respective team leaders, since they are standing in this position, let them have a fight! "

"I'll make this arrangement at the Party school."

"Then I'll trouble you!" Ding Yu also burst out with a smile, "what happened after the course of the Party school is over? I have prepared 50 million US dollars for each group to go back to the United States again. As for whether they have made or lost? It's not so important. Let's see where their ceiling is! "Wu Hao thought about it for a while, and then he looked at Ding Yu with a complicated look. He directly paid 150 million dollars for these people to exercise. It can be said that it is a considerable amount! At least what about the state? Is it not suitable or able to take this fund? Give it to them. After all, the nature of their respective affiliations is not the same!

"It's a bit big! This is what it looks like to them! "

Ding Yu sighed and looked out. Chen Huai had already rowed across the lake in a speedboat. It was obvious that he was chasing three children! "Let them toss about! We can also see what their temperament is like? After all, it's a matter to watch how others control themselves? Another time

"150 million dollars!" Wu Hao sighed, "can they stand such a test?"

"Who knows? Now, what about the problem? It's better than finding problems in the future! " Ding Yu said calmly, "what about the opportunity? For them, they are all equal, at least for now it is relatively fair, I can only do this! Give them a good environment, as for their future? We all hope it's good, but what do we want? It doesn't play a decisive role! "

When he spoke, Ding Yu deliberately used our word, which obviously included Wu Hao. When Wu Hao came, he prepared a lot of speeches and even went to ask for advice on purpose, but it didn't play any role at all. What about Ding Yu's preparation? More than you can imagine!

"I have a question, director Ding, why not experiment in the domestic market?"

"The domestic controllable space is too small, and they can't get rid of this circle. What's more, it's easy to stay in such a way. What about me? It doesn't matter. Anyway, my original reputation is not so good. It's no big deal to be splashed with sewage, but they are different! At least not yet! And there are some other considerations in it. It's not convenient to say it now! "

"It's so willing to let go. It's rarely possible to do this!" Wu Hao also said it sincerely.

"I have no love for them, and I have always felt that the road I have taken must be the right one. What about the road? They left by themselves. I will give them some guidance at the right time, that's all! What's more, if I'm the only one, how far can the whole country develop? What about the support of countless people? Only then can we have the prosperity of our country! "

Wu Hao's eyebrows also can't help jumping, very suddenly, from his understanding of Ding Yu, he should be a very conceited talent, is it?! But now that he was able to say such things to himself, he felt a little unconvinced.

"I really didn't expect you to say such a thing!"

"Alone? If I can't go far, even if I have considerable power, it's not very useful, because this violates the theory of evolution. Can I get to this position now? In fact, the deeper reason lies in the support of the whole country. Otherwise, it would have been lost to the public for a long time! "

"As far as I know, you are very optimistic about your courage to go forward. What about such a brave hero? Is the object of everyone's envy Wu Hao also has some compliments. Of course, there are some hidden meanings in it.

"Lonely hero, I don't think anyone would like to do this. What about others? I don't know, but I never want to be a lone hero. There is a country behind me. This is the source of strength. If you are a lonely hero in such a situation, that's the real fool! "

When he said that, Wu Hao also laughed, "the country is becoming more and more powerful, but it also attracts a lot of small people. What's more, what's the attitude of Europe and America towards us? Quite a change has taken place. What about our generation? It is absolutely necessary to move forward bravely and act bravely in the face of difficulties! "

"And me? Talk big, or even chicken soup? There are not too many problems, but let me stand in front of the public, I will be at a loss, so what about such a thing? Don't pull me! But how about cheering everyone up? There's no problem with this! " When he said this, Ding Yu also pointed to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao really understood that Ding Yu never meant to stand at the front desk. Whether it is now or later, Ding Yu has always been like this! He has put in so many efforts, but he doesn't mean to be proud of himself. It's hard for ordinary people to understand why Ding Yu did this.

But after talking with Ding Yu? But he can feel it. Ding Yu never thinks that a country can be strong only by one person. It needs the efforts and risks of countless people to gradually become strong. It is also because it is strong that it will not be abused by others!

"I think we will understand each other and make progress together. We also need mutual supervision." Speaking of this, Wu Hao suddenly stopped for a moment, "there is another thing, that is, what happened in the barracks, everyone knows? You do this for the big guy, but what about this method? Some of them are bursting! ""I thought you could think it didn't happen?" Ding Yu picked up the tea bowl again. "What I need to admit is that my method this time is really extreme, but do you want to say that it will not be an example again? I'm afraid I won't believe it myself, but I'll restrain my emotions! "

Such a remark really makes Wu Hao feel helpless. What about Ding Yu's first time? He realized his mistakes and even didn't deny his own determination. But what if Ding Yu made some corrections? This is impossible, at least immediately to do so-called changes? It's not feasible!

What about yourself and Ding Yu? It's just the first contact, and it's impeccable that he can make such a concession. What's more, even if Ding Yu gives himself the so-called embarrassment, can he be tough enough to suppress Ding Yu? It seems that some of them can't do it! It's impossible!

Although he is the eldest grandson of the Wang family, what about the Wang family and the Su family? I can't control him at all. What about each other? First of all, there is a considerable conflict in the concept. If this fundamental problem can not be solved, the relationship between them can not be basically relaxed! At most, this is the situation.

What about this? Now I'm afraid not many people can say it clearly, because in many people's eyes? Ding Yu is rebellious, but in his own opinion, on the contrary, Ding Yu is a very reasonable person, perhaps in the way of expression? Some of them are different!

What's more? We have too much envy for him. What about this heart? It's inevitable that there will be some jealousy. What about jealousy? Original sin! Because no matter how hard you try? They can't catch up with them. The pain of biting their heart also makes them look at Ding Yu and make a fundamental change!

But they just saw Ding Yu's success, but they didn't see Ding Yu's efforts behind this. From another perspective, what about these people? It's sad! Is Ding Yu really irreplaceable? Maybe it is! But in the process of catching up? Self is constantly to surpass!

This is the real meaning of life!

Is it beyond others? It's not so important, but can you surpass yourself? This is a kind of achievement, but many people can't see through it, so that they gradually lost themselves in the process of marching! Lost yourself? The consequences may be very serious and diverse!

What is commendable is that Ding Yu still maintains his own nature at this time. From the situation, even if Ding Yu does not fight all his life, how many lives will he be? There is no burden! But what about Ding Yu? Always forward, maybe this is the reason why he can make such achievements today!

"Nine elder brother may need to wait for a while to be able to come back! Tea is no fun. How about a game of chess? "

Wu Hao smiles. "It's a waste of time to play go."

"I'm not very good at go. Even my son? I haven't even been able to play. I really don't have much research. Let's have two sets of chess! " Ding Yu is so modest when he says this. What about go? They really will, but too much waste of time, for the two of them? This is not the right time!

It's not a long time for two people to play chess. It's just two sets. Ding Yu is also a kind of open and close one. How about his delicacy with Wu Hao? It's totally different styles. I can't say who has the advantage or who has the disadvantage!

When Chen Huai came back? When he saw two people playing chess, he knew that they had finished talking about things. But even so, Chen Huai didn't mean to disturb them. He also stood beside them and watched them finish a game of chess. Ding Yuqi was one stroke away and lost!

"I have never seen our girls play so crazy. How can I feel that our girls have been" spoiled "by your two children Chen Huai also said with a bad smile at this time, "if something happens to our girl, she will be entangled in the future. You can't refuse to pay for it!"

Wu Hao was stunned. A little smile appeared on his face. This is a very interesting thing. What about the news he knows? The two children are not very old, but they are definitely popular! Chen Huai started so early, but it is a very interesting thing!

Can we succeed? It's really hard to say, where are the two little guys? It's true that not everyone can be infected, but children? It's good to be together! At least a playmate? Small!

"She didn't come back with your father? It seems that I am really attracted! "

"You can't drag it! I don't know where the strength comes from, I see! There is no doubt that you will become a wild girl in such a development! " Chen Huai also pretended to be helpless and shook his head, "where are the three of them? I'm afraid it won't be over for a while. Let's find a place to eat? "

"I can't! There are a lot of things here. If I have a chance in the future, I'll make it up again! " Wu Hao is not really trying to get rid of it. Instead, he has other things to deal with. He wants to meet Ding Yu? I have already let my work stop. If I stay for dinner, I don't know how much time I will lose!After seeing Wu Hao off with Chen Huai, they return to the upstairs again. What did Ding Yu and Wu Hao talk about before? Chen Huai really doesn't mean to ask. Now? Just focus on what to eat at noon, this is the first thing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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