Is Ding Ding taking his child to the courtyard? It won't attract too much attention, but what about Chen Huai? Also took their family girl to the courtyard, which is so interesting!

What about Wu Hao's meeting with Dingyu? It's not so secret. Everyone has already known it, but what about Chen Huai as this contact person? Two children with Dingyu played another afternoon, which is very strange. What about Ding Yu and Chen Huai? The relationship is good, but it is not so close!

Dare not ask Dingyu, but ask Chen Huai, this has no question! What about it when you ask? There are also some suspicions, what and what! Chen Huai even praised Ding Yu's way of educating children? It is amazing that there is no relationship with other aspects!

Isn't that bullshit? But what about this thing in the ears of others? It's not a thing, but listen to the ears of the king and the Su family? But it's not that way. Why did Ding Ding take two children to the courtyard, and he didn't rush for Dingyu. Who didn't want his own children to be the same as Dingyu's two children?

What about Wang Pu and the old lady? It's also a real rush at this time. What about Dingding's two children? They have gone to the courtyard. What is the situation unknown, but what is the child of their own? Dingyu even looked at the lack of worship, plus his relationship with the family? There's no way to open up here! What should I do?

"Sir, your students come to visit!"

When Dingyu was still exercising in the morning, when he heard William say this, he was also stunned for a while, and then he snorted and laughed, "let's have a rest of them! With this Kung Fu, run ten kilometers! It's also good to give out energy. I don't have much preparation for them! Let them report to Director Wu Hao on their own! "

Xucunzhou came to Dingyu's courtyard, but the gate was not in, and was kicked out by Dingyu directly. When did they come? It's coming by car, but when you go back, you are running back. No one forces you to do this. It depends on your own choice!

But what about these people? But I didn't go to the military camp, ran ten kilometers, and then drove to the Party school. I'm afraid that no one can bear it. Even Dingyu can't afford to live. In the morning, I don't have to do other things! Run it!

Xu cunzhou, they have no dissatisfaction. When they are sitting on the car? It is also a whisper that, from the military camp to the direct transfer to the Party school, obviously? It is also for the sake of preparing for the next, but what it looks like is not so clear. However, Wu Hao, the deputy director, has taken office. This matter is still known to all!

What about it? A series of political issues have been involved, and the director has not appeared? Maybe it is because of this. What about the news from all aspects? The director has talked to the deputy director, and what about it? It should be very good, otherwise, deputy director wants to take office, others promise, they will not agree with these guys!

You know what it's going to be all the time? What they admit is a teacher of Ding Yu. As for Wu Hao? It's a big one, but what kind of face is it? Or do you need to see the director's meaning,

but from the morning behavior, the director still gives the vice director Wu a lot of face, and let them go to the deputy director Wu to report? How many of these are warning meanings, and what about yourself? Have already rejected that position, do not provoke oneself other trouble, who should look for who to go!

Wu Hao came to the Party school to know the news, and he felt that there was so much fun. Why? These guys want to express their opinions to Dingyu, but they never thought of hitting the south wall. What about Ding Yu? Let them run ten kilometers, it is really difficult for Ding Yu, but think about it, what about this? And only he can do it!

As for how to deal with these guys, Dingyu didn't make a statement or even said anything, but Wu Hao was very clear that he could not spare them lightly, and the bigger the action? Ding Yu may be happy over there. From this point on, Dingyu is still very interested in these guys.

Unfortunately, Dingyu didn't call. If Dingyu called, he might mention a second echelon one-sided, after all, what about them? Also came to the Party school side, together with the study.

What about the previous fight? They are also impressed, Ding Yu is absolutely not vegetarian.

Of course, there is another problem to be noticed. Dingyu was in front of the second tier although Ding Yu was trying to force the first tier? There are also guns, but no matter what happens, they don't mean to take them up. What about that? Or compare to let everybody agree!

But it is useless to give Dingyu the opinions on this aspect, even the first tier Dingyu has not put it in his eyes, let alone the second tier? What about the first tier? It was the first time that Ding Yu was forced into his hand, but such a thing, once can be done, the second time? Don't think about it at all!Judging from the performance of the first echelon, what about the original people? There are really so few! However, at the beginning, the situation was not clear. What about the problems? It's not so clear, just want to do a test, but did not think that their performance will be so good!

What's more, Ding Yu has provided a lot of resources to these guys in this process. This is really something that can't be done in all aspects. What about in China? But what about the advantages and disadvantages? Too abrupt and obvious, for the development of these guys! What's more, there is not so much time and space for these people.

But Ding Yu's advantage in this respect is really too big, he has this space, also has this time, the important thing is that he still has this resource. In fact, if Ding Yu does not let go, there is no way for him. Compared with 15 people, 15 people are more important!

What about their future? Still very bright, this is not only because of Ding Yu's warm, more importantly, they are young, but also know how to make progress and strive! Concentrated a lot of a bit, even if a few can stand out, then is also unlimited!

Let Wu Hao be the deputy director for them? It's really that he feels a lot of pressure. Ding Yu can say that he just gave up the task and put all the burden on himself. If there is any problem or situation, Wu Hao shakes his head, and he really doesn't feel it.

But what about the pressure? They also have the motivation to let these guys chase behind their hips. There are really some "disgraceful" people. If they really want to be chased by them, where should their face be placed?

You can't relax at all! It's good to think about it. What about the atmosphere? Strictly speaking? It can't be said that it was brought up by Ding Yu, but by the older generation. But in modern times? Being suppressed a little bit more powerful, Ding Yu is a new example to everyone!

Example power is really infinite! He set up a very correct label for some people! What about the ethos driven by these people? It will soon be blown up again, causing chain reaction. What about the strength of the country? Not one person's strength, but everyone's strength!

Ding Yu has no way to go home immediately, or Ding Yu will not leave China for the time being, but what about the departure of her two children? But there is no problem. The two little guys are used to it. Do they have their own father around? It's not as important or even indispensable as you can imagine.

But what about this? But let the three old people of the Wang family and the Su family express their serious dissatisfaction, but what can the dissatisfaction do? More seriously, even if we went to the courtyard, can we go in now? This also depends on Ding Yu's face. If he is not happy, he won't let you in. What can he do?

And what about Ding Ding Ding? It is also for the three old people to have some feelings, and to inquire carefully? Or can you know the relevant situation, Ding Yu for his two nephews? Seems to be really more attentive, this is not really that you can do with money!

Since he is so attentive to his nephew, can't he care about his nephew? That is your nephew, after all! What about the house? Although quite estranged from you, there seems to be no relationship between this child, is it? Don't be so paranoid!

For the three old people, since the problem has already appeared, it is necessary to solve the problem, not to shirk it! But how to solve this problem? It's really hard to do. What about this obstacle? It's really not a good breakthrough, not to mention the face of the people? But Ding Yu is a child!

What's more? Ding Yu has sent the two children away. No one can really tell how long he can stay. If he wants to leave now, it seems that there are not many people who can stop him!

Before Ding Yu leaves? If he really leaves, it is uncertain whether he will stay in the capital in terms of the relationship between them now. At that time, even if you want to block people? I'm afraid there are not too many ways!

Let's leave this matter to the sophomore! Now, after all? Almost all the rights have been handed over! What about the three old people? It has already stopped for a long time. In addition to the children's problems, the three old people are not willing to take care of other things. Su Yu's affairs give them too much feeling!

"Boss! What about your uncle and his family? It happened to be here. At home? Come over at night! "

Wang Changlin's tone of voice was so commanding that he didn't mean to discuss, because he knew very well that if he did, he would not be able to negotiate at all. The eldest son directly pushed himself away, and he did not have any way. What about going to the quadrangle? It's not suitable. Where? But his home court!But even so, Ding Yu also pondered for a while, "I still have a meeting in the evening." Ordered or not ordered? For Ding Yu, there is no pressure. You have your business and I have mine. You can't delay my business because of you, right?

"It won't take you long. Let's have a meal together! Sakura is here too! What about your study of law? Thanks to your help, I haven't found a particularly suitable opportunity

"I'll take a look at the situation and make arrangements." Ding Yu didn't say this to death. How much do you know why his father came to him? In other words, Ding Yu is not willing to do such things for himself. In other words, what about Ding Yu now? Has begun to refuse the Wang family and the Su family!

Put down the phone, Wang Changlin is also a deep sigh, the eldest son now? It's just a sign of resistance. I have nothing to say. Since the incident happened to Su Yu, what about the eldest son and the Wang and Su families? Just maintain a superficial relationship, what about others? All are at a distance!

To what extent? Look at today's situation, even if you want to find him to come home for a meal? Are just perfunctory, I do not know when he will come at night? It's too uncertain!

Wang Chenglin came a little early with his wife and daughter. He had met the old man before. What about himself? I seldom have time to come here. After all, where do you work? Not in the capital, and now the second brother is in the capital, if they are both in the capital, it is too eye-catching!

What about the family business? Although he said that he was no longer in the capital, he also knew a lot. What about the problems? I don't make any judgment, and I can't make any judgment. So I'd better be an invisible person! This is good for all aspects!

What about things at home? It seems like nothing to see, but the more such a thing? The more difficult it is to deal with it, let alone for my nephew? Sensory impression is really very good. What about your work and family? It has also been quite positively affected, that is, performance? Maybe a little bit cold!

What if the other children in Beijing? It will certainly deepen the relationship between each other, and then? Even if you climb up the pole, what about your nephew? As if there is no uncle, basically there is not much contact, even Zhuang Dongliang? I never find my own door because of such a thing.

What about the government? The relationship is good, but it never goes beyond it. If everyone is like his nephew and Zhuang Dongliang, it is really wonderful! But what about things like this? I'm afraid it can only be thought about, involving a lot of problems, I'm afraid a word two words? It's not clear!

When he came to the second brother's house, Wang Guolin also took a look at it. The arrangement of the room was pretty good! My nephew and niece all came, and they didn't seem so crowded! But Wang Yang's little son is still very likable! What about the house? Now it's just such a baby pimple!

What about Ding Yu's two children? It's also a seedling in this field, but the question is what about Ding Yu? Now it seems that I have cut off the relationship with my family, so when I came here? I don't have too many questions about this. If I really ask about it, on the one hand? Too deliberate, moreover, is too embarrassed!

"Sakura has been abroad these years, and she is not too young." When Su Yuan saw Wang Xiaoying, she also said in a low voice. What about the children in the family? Basically, we have solved the problem of life's major events. Although we are not satisfied with it, we have decided to order the dishes!

Wang Chenglin looked at his daughter and sighed, "don't mention it. I'd like to introduce some to her, but they all look down on her. Who knows what she can choose in the future?"

What about this? I don't have many ways. Anyway, I don't mean to take my daughter as capital. What about the family? Even if there is such a meaning, it seems that there are not too many ways, because Sakura has been abroad, the sky is high, the emperor is far away, I just don't come back, can you catch me back? Right?

Wang Li turned her little nephew in her arms. Wang Xiaoying shook her head in a hurry. What about these domestic guys? I won't think about it, too archaic, and what's more? Too impetuous, anyway is not like! As for foreign ones? It doesn't look so good!

So at this stage? I don't really think about this. I'm still young, right? Home is not in a hurry, why worry yourself? There is a saying how to say, three legged toad is not easy to find, but two legged people? It's all over the place!

When talking, the child suddenly burst into tears. How about Wang Xiaoying and Wang Li? Is also looking at each other, this is how a thing? He didn't move him! Is holding in the arms, how suddenly between the bitter?

Lin Qiuyan, who has been sitting on one side, has also taken her son over and checked it out. She left with her baby in her arms. She should be pulling! So wash your butt and change your diaper? What about Wang Li and Wang Xiaoying? Are subconsciously skimmed their own mouth, a little disgusting! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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