Dinner time in the evening is a little bit late. Ding Yu still hasn't come. What about Wang Changlin and Su Yuan? What about the expression on your face? It's nothing, but what's in this heart, no one knows!

Wang Changlin's solid inside is also very strange, he is very clear about the eldest son? There are quite a lot of opinions about the family, but now all meals have been served. Even if the eldest son can't do it, at least he should pass a message. He will never have such a little courtesy! This is not the style of the eldest son at all! On the surface of the article, it is not difficult!

While everyone was not paying attention, Wang Changlin also gave Wang Yang a wink. Wang Yang also took care of the children, so he made a phone call to his elder brother. After several times, no one answered the phone. This is a rather strange thing. Then Wang Yang also called the siheyuan there!

William has given a reason, sir, something has been taken away! It is very simple and able to speak, this is also let down the phone Wang Yang have so some frown, big brother has something to go out?

But even big brother knows what he is calling for? He doesn't answer the phone. He doesn't answer the phone. There are assistants and security around him. But what about William? No worries at all, this is another detail!

Who is the elder brother to pick up, even did not answer the phone, a bit of an accident! When he came back again, Wang Yang said to his father in a low voice. He had already called, not only the elder brother, but also the quadrangle? I have also played, big brother is really something! It's not a deliberate evasion!

The meal time is a little longer, and what about the process? Wang Yang's son also calls twice from time to time. Su Yuan and Lin Qiuyan are busy. There is no way. They both attach great importance to this child.

After Wang Chenglin's family left, Ding Yu didn't come here in person, nor did he call to explain. This is quite unreasonable! "Dad, is there something wrong with my brother?! In the past, you actually called in person. You should not

Wang Changlin shook his head when he saw his own. What he said was very vague. He said there was a meeting. I didn't know what it was. So he didn't ask more questions. It might be more important

Ding Yu is sitting with his third uncle at this time. Of course, what about the office? Not only these two people, but also other people. Geng Zhi is one of them. As for the other one? Ding Yu has not seen it before, but he can sit here, which should explain quite a problem!

However, since Geng Zhi and his third uncle didn't mean to introduce him, Ding Yu didn't mean to ask. Different from the other three people, what was Ding Yu's posture? A little lazy, a hand even deliberately put on the back of the chair, in front of it? Put a box of cigarettes and crystal ashtray from somewhere!

"Xiaoding! Have you heard about Britain? "

When he heard the speech, Ding Yu took back the hand that he had purposely put on the back of the chair. He adjusted the chair, held his face in his left hand, and placed his other hand on the table at random. Although it didn't look like the previous one, it was still quite casual! It's not affected by the atmosphere here.

Su Quan knocked on the table with his hand, which attracted his nephew's attention. "What about Britain? Something has happened. What about our safe house? After being searched, we are communicating with each other now. There are some other things happening there, but the communication between them is not smooth! "

Ding Yu cast a glance. There was no expression or movement on his face. Then he lowered his eyes. "What about the British people? I know a lot of them, but I don't have much contact with the intelligence department. What if you want to talk about it? I can arrange it, but how can I talk about it? That's your business! "

"I don't believe the British side has not sent you any news!"

When he heard what he said, Ding Yu also took a look, and then looked at the upright man sitting on the throne with an inquisitive look. However, he did not get any response. Ding Yu slowly and leisurely said, "I'm a little busy recently, and I don't have the time to deal with British affairs."

"What have you been up to lately

After being asked about this, Ding Yu suddenly laughed and looked at the speaker, "is this a survey? If it's an investigation, please show me your ID card. Of course, I'll cooperate. If it's not an investigation, what else do I have here? I won't be with you any more! "

After saying that, Ding Yu also used his hand to close the cigarette box on the table top and frowned, "Xiaoding, you should sit down first!" But Ding Yu didn't pay any attention, "go first! It seems that we can't eat today's dinner? "

He didn't pay any attention at all. Ding Yu opened the door with a swagger. Geng Zhi and Su Quan didn't have any obstacles at this time. What about their eyes? This time is also placed on the person who spoke earlier. What about this matter? You did it.It's not so easy to invite Ding Yu to come here. Now that Ding Yu is forced to leave, we should not let the intelligence management department invite him again. Anyway, what about the intelligence management department? I will never bear this black pot!

"What a reckless act! What does he think of this place? His back garden? " After saying that, also heavily patted the table, originally or sitting upright and Su Quan? They looked at each other. What about the eyes? How much is a little bit of disdain, but it is a flash.

Run to other places to show off? Even if he came here, he would still pose. What place does he regard here? What's more, who is Ding Yu! If you have a better attitude, Ding Yu may not have such an attitude, but if you take out such an attitude, you still wonder what will happen to Ding Yu?

When he came out from the intelligence department, he looked at the stars outside. Ding Yu also shook his head and looked at the caller ID on his mobile phone. He hesitated for a moment before getting on the bus. "Dad, it's me! Have you had dinner yet

Earlier, because of the special situation, Ding Yucai didn't make this call. He made a call inside the intelligence department. This is not a matter of life or death, but a matter of principle. It's like he asked for an ashtray, but he didn't want to smoke! What about the bottom line? You can try, but you can't break through.

"Calling so late? Have you eaten yet

"I'll just find something to eat! You and my mother have a rest What about Ding Yu's call? It's just the same courtesy. It doesn't mean anything else. What's more, Ding Yu is still a little bit frustrated now. What's more, he was in the information management department just now? How many of them are so angry!

How can you not know something about Britain? As for the reaction of the British side? It seems to be a little bit abrupt, and even caught in a trap, because I deliberately led them to the information management department of China. Obviously, the British side was cheated!

Is that a reaction now? It doesn't matter. My own people have been separated. What's the purpose of the cover up? It is to delay the British intelligence department. Since it has achieved its goal, what are some of the measures adopted in the whole process? It's not worth mentioning.

As for the stranger in the office, what is his identity? Ding Yu did not really care about any meaning, want to plant this matter on his head, delusion! Is not oneself to do, this matter oneself all won't admit, make up words, own identity also does not have any effect!

In other words, if the incident is exposed, what will be the cost? It's too expensive. It's just that some of them can't afford it! So killing yourself can't admit it! Even now, even if the third uncle is in person, he will never admit it!

But what about your own actions? Although it is very successful, but there is no follow-up message delivered. How does it develop? I'm not so clear about it, but I have at least enough confidence in my heart. After all, what about the initiative now? It's in your hands!

"Xiaoyu called just now?" Su Yuan seems to be very casual to ask a!

"It should be just after the meeting. It won't be in the courtyard. Otherwise, the foreign Housekeeper will call. I feel a little bit about who is looking for him!" After that, he also took a look at his wife.

At this time, it seems that there are not many departments that can let their boss continue to talk about work, and what about meetings? Wang Changlin didn't mean to ask what was the matter after such a late delay. What departments were involved? It's a big deal. What about this? Can only make each other embarrassed!

Did you ask yourself? Su Quan there is absolutely no answer, and even on their own opinions, and they did not get any results? The heart will also be quite unhappy, even impatient, why make such a result?

Looking for a quiet place, Ding Yu ordered himself a bowl of noodles and some cooked vegetables. Jin sat in the opposite position. What about the other security guards and drivers? They are all around Ding Yu. They don't mean to sit at the same table with Ding Yu. They mainly consider the problem from the perspective of safety.

A few cold dishes were quickly placed on the table, as for noodles? It may take a while, but it's not so fast. What about Ding Yu's food? It's not so picky, but it doesn't mean to drink! Take up chopsticks, but also very slow in eating!

When there was a lot of noise at the door, Jin also looked back on his side. After a look, he lowered his head again. There was no danger. What does it look like? Should be just after drinking wine, should be to eat something to pad a stomach, to see how they shout? Seems to be excited!

"It's like a group of students!" Jin said in a low voice. Ding Yu didn't mean to look up. When they said a word, Ding Yu stopped the chopsticks in his hand. The word was really far away for himself. After hearing it again, he felt that it was not true.When people escape from reality, can they satisfy their emptiness? Maybe it's an unreal world. What about the Internet? It brought great spiritual satisfaction to myself at that time. Now I think it may be the indulgence at that time? Will let oneself walk to today this step! Because after indulging in, will be more paranoid!

The Internet is a big world. What about online games? It's one of the important pillars supporting the big world. When I was young? What about parents' Metaphors about games? But with the passage of time, the popularity and development of the network? We also began to slowly change this aspect of the view, at least enlightened a lot!

What about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? It seems that I have mentioned some questions about the live broadcasting industry with myself, and I have given them quite a few answers. I don't know what they are doing now? What is the situation, anyway, he did not ask too much, but today in the meal, it was suddenly provoked this nerve!

While waiting for the noodles to be delivered, Ding Yu was suddenly alerted and stirred up the noodles in his bowl. Ding Yu also looked at several people at the table next to him. After examining them, he also winked at Jin. Jin followed Ding Yu's eyes and quickly found the target.

A big boy in a T-shirt, with a silver eye on his face, his eyes are so hazy, his hair is a little bit long, giving people the feeling that he hasn't washed too much for two or three days. What about his lower body? It's not so clear! But the whole person is a little skinny.

After he got up, Jin didn't go to them immediately. Instead, he went to the hotel owner's wife and ordered some cooked food and cold dishes, which she sent to the table. But the people who were talking on the table? This time is also stupefied, they can't order these things!

Just as he hesitated, Jin also went over and said, "I've invited you. Did you listen to me just now? I'm more interested and would like to have an in-depth discussion. Is it convenient for you? "

"Me?" The big boy with eyes hesitated for a moment. After he nodded his head, he also looked at the crowd. Are they here? Just to eat a bowl of noodles, there is no other extravagance, now suddenly ordered a table of dishes for them, and asked him to talk about it. What is there to talk about? I don't want to trouble them!

It was Jin who saw the boy's surprise and a smile. He said in fluent Chinese, "what about here? In public, you have so many people here. Even if there is something, you can call the police at the first time, that is, you have some interest in the game you are talking about! "

The big boy thought about it, even if it's something aimed at this table? How about talking about it yourself? It's no big deal. For his friends, he made a gesture of not being impatient, and then he also stood up. Jin walked in front of him and came back to Ding Yu's table again!

Take away the bowl of noodles that belongs to him, and even take the initiative to wipe the position in front of him. Ding Yu looks at the big boy and points his head slightly, "some are too abrupt. Please sit down!" Looking at the big boy hesitated to sit down, he also said, "if you don't dislike it, eat some together!"

Looking at Ding Yu, the big boy still felt nervous and took a look at the gold at the table next to him. What about the foreigner? I asked for something for myself, and then ate it at the table next to me as if nothing had happened. I didn't mean to pay attention to this side at all.

"When I heard you talking about the game, I suddenly remembered a lot of things. When I started to contact with the game, I felt like I was playing delta army. The students in the class were in a local area network. At that time, there were few Internet connections!"

"I've heard of it, but I haven't played much. CS has had a little contact! But soon gave up! " The big boy is also very careful to say, looking at the noodles that come up? It's also thanks to Ding Yu. It's not the same as the vegetable and egg noodles that you want. What about most of the bowl? It's all beef, some small luxury!

"There is less contact now, but what do you mention all of a sudden? But let me have a little interest, now the game? Under the influence of the general environment? It can be said that the spreading level is quite extensive. Do you have your own views? "

After eating two pieces of beef, I felt so comfortable that I didn't know what this guy was talking about. I also blushed when I reacted! So I was very embarrassed and said, "sorry, I didn't quite understand what you said just now."

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu is also so happy, and his previous depression in the information management department has been swept away, "what are you playing now? It's like a multiplayer game! It seems to have won a championship! We didn't have such treatment at that time, even many Internet cafes at that time were not called Internet cafes, they were called computer rooms, or even many of them? It's just LAN, not Internet! "

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