"Now it's different. The configuration of the computer can adapt to most of the games! We are a regional competition, but now the atmosphere here in the capital is very general, and the decline is very serious. What about most of them? They have already gone to the Shanghai sea, where the environment is much better than the capital city! "

"That is to say, less people are seen? Is it? "

The big boy swallowed two pieces of beef, but the swallow was a little bit urgent and choked. Ding Yu asked the waiter to bring two bottles of drinks. But what about Ding Yu himself? Just a bottle of mineral water!

After pouring a mouthful, he chuckled at Ding Yu again, "it's hard for people to say, but what about the venue? Limited too much, out of that sub Internet bar things, everyone needs to pay attention to a point! This also keeps many people out of the way. Even if they have more enthusiasm, they will disappear. I heard from my friends that the conditions given by Shanghai and Shanghai are very good, and there is basically no threshold in this respect! "

"What about the capital? Is it the capital? It's a political center, so it's not surprising that there are thresholds in this respect. What about Shanghai and the sea? International financial center, how about the development of games? It is already an international model, whether under the influence of capital or other conditions? Will think of this direction, take the initiative to approach! "

"By the way, I don't know your name yet? Looks like you're still in school? "

"Students in school, sophomore this year! My name is Liu Gao! Happy high

"What about the future of the game?" Ding Yu didn't put down his chopsticks at this time, but when he spoke? I don't mean to eat!

"I'm not sure. I'm a college student. Playing games is OK, but I can feel that commercialization is becoming more and more obvious now. What about the original time? It's just some offline games. It's more for the excitement and the technology. Now? It's already expanded! "

After thinking about it, Ding Yu also put down his chopsticks and took out his mobile phone, "Xiaobao! Where is it? "

"Big brother, I'm at home!" When Xiaobao, who is reading a book, hears the phone ring, he takes a casual look. It should be that villain. Such a thing often happens. He will invite himself to sit out and play for a while, so he doesn't care. But when he sees the call clearly, some worried Xiaobao almost kneels down there.

After all, it is half lying on the sofa, not so convenient!

"It's so late. What can I do for you, brother?"

"Is it convenient? Come out and have a supper if it's convenient! If it's inconvenient, we'll have time to talk about it! "

Shit! How can such a thing have no time? Even if it is busy again, big brother can open his mouth to invite himself to eat supper, other people envious of beautiful things! After knowing the location, Xiaobao also promised to say, "brother, wait a moment. That place is very close to me. It will be there soon."

When putting down the phone, Ding Yu also nodded to Liu Gao, "where is one of my younger brothers? I have a little research and interest in this area. Anyway, I have nothing to do today. I just don't know if you have this time? "

Haven't you finished yet? At the door, there was another noise, which was quite different from the euphoria just now. What about these people who came in? Swearing and swearing, when I saw the owner of the shop, I also drank loudly, "Lao Wang, business is good!"

But what about the next moment? This goal was transferred to the table in front of Liu Gaoxian, "Oh, I said how I always hear magpies today!" Looking at Liu Gao standing up, Ding Yu also looked up, where? There are mosquitoes and flies, even in Beijing? No exception!

"We are eating! Please get out of the way

Hearing Liu Gao's words, Ding Yu shakes his head. He is too young. He can tell from a glance that he is a chick who has never experienced society. What happens when he meets a situation? There are so many small blood, but there are so some small fear, but on the other hand, it seems that their original time did not seem to be better than where to go!

Jin still deals with the food on the table, but he doesn't have much to pay attention to. What about Liu Gao? The number of people seems to be so many. They directly put down those thugs and watched the three people walk away in gray. Ding Yu also shakes his head. What about Liu Gao? Not as a matter!

In the past, there were many people, so it doesn't matter how much. However, if you don't die, you will suffer from it. Now, you just have to check out and leave. Don't you see that the shop owner has begun to comfort you?

Looking at Liu Gao who came back, Ding Yu also shook his head, "if you don't go now, you may not be able to leave after a while!"

Sitting down, Liu Gao was stunned, and then his face changed greatly. What about himself? In school students, the most taboo is to be involved with people above the society, not to mention today's coming? It's not only classmates and friends, but also two girls. It's no big deal for boys to fight, but it's another thing to involve girls!

Before Liu Gao's reaction, a man came into the door. When he came in, he glanced at him. Then he strode to Ding Yu's side and said, "big brother!" Seeing Ding Yu sitting there, he said respectfully."All right! What about you? It's just like you! Make your own bowl of noodles! What do you like to eat? Liu Gao and I have already prepared to wrap up the dishes on the table. We haven't prepared them for you! "

I ordered a bowl of noodles for myself, and then ordered some other dishes for myself. When I came back, I also deliberately patted Liu Gao who was sitting there, "my name is Xiaobao!"

"Hello, brother Bao, I'm Liu Gao!"

After sitting down, Xiaobao also looked at the position of the door, "brother, there seems to be someone shaking at the door! Who is so short of eyes? Don't spoil everyone's interest and get rid of it quickly! "

"I met Liu Gao just now. They seem to have just won the championship of a game. They come to eat noodles and listen to their comments? I think of something It's obvious that Ding Yu didn't mean to put the punk at the door in his eyes? The door has been blocked!

When Xiaobao heard the news, he also turned his body and looked at it. Then he turned his head and said with a smile, "it seems that there are a bunch of old oilseeds. There should be no messy things on his body. At most, there are two sticks. Even if there is a problem? There won't be too much responsibility in criminal matters! "

What about Liu Gao who stood up? Xiaobao didn't pay attention to it, but when he was about to leave, Xiaobao said intentionally or unintentionally, "don't do it first!" Liu Gao looked at it suspiciously, but he didn't notice whether it was Ding Yu or Bao Ge!

"Brother! Don't you see anything special about him? "

Ding Yu also laughed, "I know you have been in charge of the video and live broadcast of this stall. Did you see Liu Gao today? Suddenly, what do you think of the game industry? Don't tell me that you don't understand at all, or I'll just kick you out! "

"Big brother means to add the game to the live broadcast?" Xiaobao also thought for a while, "I know that Twitter seems to be quite superior in this respect! But whether the mode is suitable or not is not easy to say, but what about its architecture? We can learn from it! "

"Let's talk about video and live broadcasting!"

"In terms of the company, there is a controlling right of a video website, the ownership of two live broadcasting companies, and the development of video websites? There are a lot of problems. The capital investment is too large, but the situation of the live broadcasting company is very good. Its benefits are beyond imagination. The company can make up for the loss of the video website only by relying on this! "

"So you've acquired a lot of rights to movies and TV series?"

"The domestic side really doesn't pay much attention to. What about the copyright of many films and TV series? It's all cabbage! I also bought a film company, but what about investment and shooting? Basically no, just for convenience! Do not do not know, after understanding, only then know entertainment profit is beyond imagination! Only in a different way

"What's next?" Ding Yu opened the door and tore it apart. Liu Gao and his friends were blocked there. It seemed that they had been beaten twice, but Ding Yu just glanced at it! I don't care too much. I don't get hurt. What about those punks? It's not unscrupulous!

"There are many prospects for video websites, but the speed of burning money is also quite fast. We need to find other corresponding supporting points. From the time, it's a little early, but now we should start to gradually layout! Live broadcasting? There are some problems with this problem. The speed of money coming is too fast, which makes people lost! "

"Pay attention to the scale, and at the same time? Also pay attention to the quality of the problem! Although the speed of money is very fast, but the same? It's also easy to be criticized by people. Don't be indifferent just because you make money. It's just a stage of doing business, but how about making a brand in the right time? It's OK! "

"Brother, are we vulgar? There are two people under my hand. Previously, I deliberately found a sister-in-law for this matter, and invited several teachers from South Korea to come, not to mention these people? There are still goods in hand, professional things? It should be dealt with by professionals! "

Looking at Xiao Bao's speech, Ding Yu also shook his head, "what about the body? It's my own. Although the maintenance is very good now, it's not a degenerate capital. Don't be too reckless! "

For this problem, Ding Yu really does not have any rigid requirements. Everyone has his own different ways of living. How people are willing to live and how they want to live is entirely their own problem! You are not God!

"What about the live broadcasting industry? At present, it is too narrow. At least what we can see at present? The situation is too single. What about the game Liu Gao said today? Let me have some ideas in this respect, and integrate the game into the live broadcasting industry. From now on, whether it is hardware or software facilities? It's already there"Don't you tell me, brother? I really don't have this feeling, but what about after you said it? I think it's really interesting! " What about Xiao Bao's words? Really is not in perfunctory!

"No matter what kind of business we do, we have interests. If there is no interest, we will be eliminated naturally. But what is the biggest interest? Always in control of the upstream! But how to control, this is a very deep knowledge, you and Wang Yang two people! And now? The forerunner, the so-called controller? It's too far off

"Big brother, what standard are we two people? Do we not know ourselves?" Xiaobao picked up two chopsticks again, "big brother, dare to ask, what about this business? It's formal and legal, and there aren't many people coming in to share the cake! "

Ding Yu shook his head, "I'll let it go! What about this one? It's your industry. How can I be involved in it? Let me play a game for a while? There's nothing wrong with watching the video, but let me do this, it's really not the material. "

Looking at the people who have been making trouble, Ding Yu also slightly raised his chin, and Xiaobao also stood up. Until this time, Jin made a gesture to the driver and security guard at the door. Just now, Mr. Jin has not made any action, but now? Zheng He has already stood up, his side also needs quite cooperation!

"Liu Gao!" Xiaobao also pulled a hand in the back, looking at his nose? "The classmate? When I just came here? See a drugstore nearby, go to buy some gauze and hydrogen peroxide and other things to come over! Sit in the others! Stop for a while, it's not a big deal

"Grandson! Where did it come out? " Next to a small punk with a stick, he also made a double stroke at Xiaobao, "let them set up a few tables for our brothers, and let the two girls in it accompany the brothers for three days. This matter will be ignored!"

"What about a fight? Scold a mother, this is not a big deal, we have this friendship? It's not difficult to sit down and have a meal, but if you ask other girls to accompany you for three days, this requirement is too much. What should we do? There's a bottom line, right? "

"I went to NIMA!" Without waiting for Zheng He to finish, the little gangster also swung with a stick. Xiao Bao looked at the swung stick and let his body go. When the stick fell down, he caught it with his hand, and then kicked out with one foot. The little thug just now was kicked out of the door directly!

Then Xiaobao also made a gesture to the outside, "since the children want to see and see well, let them open their horizons. Just now, they broke their arms and legs. I haven't eaten meat for many years. Today, you guys have broken the place?"

After that, he looked around. He wanted to get some blood from Liu Gao's body, but what about his appearance? It seems that there are so many miserable, and make other people's blood on their own face? There are some really can not accept.

So he also found a broken towel, rubbed some blood on Liu Gao's body, wiped it on his own body, and even wetted himself with water intentionally. He did these things face-to-face, without any intention of hiding.

Looking at Liu Gao and their several people, if Zheng He shakes his head, "I said you this is a fight, not a bath, don't be so clean, OK?" I tried the soup bowl next to it. It was not hot, so I didn't care about it. I poured it on them. Liu Gao and others were stunned!

Looking at the police car outside? Xiao Bao is also smiling. What about these gangsters? I've been wandering for a long time. The security of big brother is not vegetarian! As for the police outside? Xiaobao is also smiling!

They didn't do anything messy, but they did? Blackmail, blackmail, even attention? They all hit themselves on the head. If they let them off lightly, then what face do they have in the future?

At the beginning, when I saw these little gangsters, the police didn't really do anything about it. But soon, we noticed what happened in the small restaurant? There seems to be other people besides those students.

"Well, I won't go to your bureau! That place was not sensible when I was a child. Would you like to have a play? As a rare, now all so big, but also to your gun Bureau, you don't mind shame? I don't like shame

Zheng Rong waved his hand, "what about me? Zheng Rong, male! " Then Zheng He also reported his father's address, "I eat here? This group of grandchildren came to make trouble. I was kind enough to persuade them to fight. I got a stick. Do you think it's bad luck

When the police in charge heard that address, he sipped his mouth slightly, and his head was a little big! But how can you get together with these little gangsters? And what about what you know? It's just like what he said. What about him? It's the one who came to have dinner and pulled a fight by the way, but it was a disaster!

"Who are they?" The leading police also took a look at Ding Yu and Jin who were still sitting there. What happened after the two came from the police? There is no movement. What about this? That's quite a problem! What about yourself? When you are a policeman in a place like Beijing, you need to have a good eyesight!"Don't ask. If you really want to know, someone will explain it to you! What about these grandchildren? Obviously, it's not the first time to do such a thing. Is environmental governance? Everyone is responsible, and I should do my part, shouldn't I? "

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