When he got up in the morning and did not wait for any action, William came forward and whispered in Ding Yu's ear, "Sir, people from the British Embassy have come to see him! Very anxious

"So well informed? Come to the door so soon? " Ding Yu also shook his head without hesitation, "prepare some food for them! I came so early. I haven't eaten yet! I'll be there later! "

After finishing, Ding Yu walked into the living room. Looking at the old man standing there, he stretched out his hand across the distance. "Good morning, Mr. rice." From the name point of view, it is quite like the British!

"Hello, Mr. Ding! Excuse me

Although Ding Yu invited him, Les still waited for Ding Yu to sit down, and then he sat down with him. Ding Yu looked at Les who was going to talk and waved his hand slightly, "Mr. rice, don't say it, let me take the lead in saying something! Last night, I was asked to talk! For quite a long time! Ask me what I know about what's going on in the UK! "

"From the intelligence department?"

What about the expression on Ding Yu's face? What about the helpless departments? It's a little better, but the problem is that it's not just the people from the intelligence and governance departments, but also the people from other departments. I didn't ask about them, and I didn't have much interest in knowing! So this conversation is very unpleasant

"And me? I'm Chinese, but I'm in England? It also has a lot of industries. It can be said that the cooperation with Britain is quite good. I really don't want to see any misunderstanding between them! But everything is on my head. It seems that there are some things that are not very authentic

What about yesterday's check-in? The investigation has basically been made clear. It is not the hands of China or Ding Yu.

What about most of Ding Yu's hands? They are busy with Greek affairs, and if he wants to act, he will certainly use some underground forces from the British side. Otherwise, there will be considerable problems in escaping and hiding! What's more, after Shasha was accepted by Ding Yu? A lot of white washing!

She's doing it more now? It is the matter above the surface, and the private affairs have been handed over. In this process, the intelligence management department also has a considerable action. I'm afraid that only the emotion management department can say clearly, and other people can't know it at all!

What about the information management department? It has also been confirmed that Ding Yu has no action.

What about China? They are most likely to do it, but they will not be so abrupt. It can be said that this is a very delicate moment. They need to consider whether they can take the responsibility.

Don't think that China and the UK are interested in this, but what is involved? However, the British side only took the lead in seizing the beginning of this thread in the whole European intelligence governance work. However, judging from the current situation, it has not pulled up the whole line, and I do not know what will eventually be associated with this line!

"Mr. Ding, what about this? We have quite a misunderstanding with China! " Rice is also very embarrassed to say, "if the situation continues, for both sides is a loss! And they are all unnecessary losses! "

"Is there any loss? This is between you. Why did you come to me? What about me? There is a doctor on the surface. What about under this cover? A businessman! I don't want to get involved. It's too much trouble! "

"Not to mention getting involved in it? Without any benefits, it is easy to create a situation that is not clear! It is the same to China and Britain! What about the benefits? It doesn't matter, but what about the follow-up? It's the most troublesome. I think Mr. rice can understand it! "

When he said this, Ding Yu also showed indifference, and Les had already understood the meaning of Ding Yu's expression. He had no interests to say, and he was easy to fall into the whirlpool. For Ding Yu, the gain was not worth the loss!

"Mr. Ding, I know it's too much to come at this time!" When saying this, Les is also very sincere, "but the longer the delay? The harder it is for China and the UK, so now? Hope to have a platform for common communication

"It should not be difficult for Mr. rice." Ding Yu also felt a little doubt! "Why do I have to show up? I still feel a little puzzled! "

"Now what about each other? There are so many red eyes, no matter for the British side, it is the same for the Chinese side, so we need a platform to calm down and find other people, but what about others? They can only let everyone sit together, but it's hard to calm each other down! "

Ding Yu thought for a while, then shook his head. "Last night, I met with the intelligence management department and the relevant parties. What about the intelligence management department? Let's not say that, but the relevant departments are quite skeptical about me personally. I don't know what the reason is, but I think? You can't get rid of some people! "Ding Yu didn't directly point to the British side, but the meaning revealed in this discourse is quite obvious. Les has no embarrassing meaning, but he knows it clearly in his heart? That's what they did!

Judging from the reaction they got, Ding Yu did not mean to help the Chinese side, nor did he mean to help the British side. But it is precisely because of this that he is now the best neutral candidate!

"Mr. Ding, what about me personally? I can't give Mr. Ding any guarantee. Trust Mr. Ding. What about you personally? I have never believed such a guarantee Les also expressed his opinion, "but I have a good point to mention, what about Greece? There is no opinion from the British side! "

"In this case, the British side has some opinions on some of the EU's practices!" After sighing, Ding Yu also shook his head, "how about taking advantage of this? It doesn't seem like that. But what if Mr. Rice said that? I can't give it at all, but I need to make it clear that I am not involved in this matter, I just provide a platform! "

Since there are interests, and still such a big interest, Ding Yu has no intention of refusing. What is the purpose of his previous attitude? Isn't that the same thing?

"We only need Mr. Ding to provide a platform!"

"What's more, if something happens in this period of time, I have the right to cancel this platform. I don't care what you think about each other or how you fight in private. I don't have any relationship with me. Do I need to guarantee myself? There won't be any problems! "

I don't mean to stay for breakfast. Do you know how to disturb Ding Yu so early? It's a rather forgiving thing. What about the agreement now? All of them have been achieved. If they stay here, they will be really shameless!

In front of Ding Yu? It's better to leave a face for yourself, at least the next time? Can also meet each other, not even the courtyard? Can't get in, that's really too sad! I don't want to be like this!

Les left the courtyard? Ding Yu didn't make this call to the information management department. The time was still a little bit early. What's more, he took the initiative to call and answer the phone? This is two times! So wait!

When Ding Yu had breakfast, the phone also called, "uncle, call so early? Would you like to have dinner together

"I don't have as much free time as you do? Come here! I heard that LES went to the courtyard What about the voice? Still can feel a little tired!

"Uncle, I won't go there! What about rice? I hope that as an intermediary, I can give you a platform to sit together. What about others? I don't know where you are, uncle? What kind of opinion is it? If there is anything wrong, just call me! "

How can we discuss this matter over there? Ding Yu doesn't care. How about things now? I should stay out of it. My uncle's task has been completed, and the follow-up arrangements have nothing to do with me. Whatever they do to deal with it! As a transparent person!

When I had dinner here, the intelligence department also passed on the news. Now it's good to talk with the British side. What's the fight between us? Can only let outsiders take advantage of each other? Don't get what you want, so stand together now!

Now that both sides have reached an agreement, what about Britain and China? Separately found a suitable place, where is the British side? Let Sasha find it. What about the domestic side? Make your own arrangements!

As for the two sides, how are they going to talk? What kind of collaboration do you have? Ding Yu can be said to care about no meaning, even close to the meaning is not, anyway, is between you, and I have no relationship! I'm also afraid to get involved in this relationship.

Sit down on both sides? That's good, but what about other European countries? Isn't that wonderful? Why do you say that? If we say that the water is muddy, then we can still take the opportunity to fish. Now, China and Britain have no intention to stir up. How can other people steal chickens?

As for the British side, is it possible to obtain or not to obtain such information and people? The impact on the whole country will not be as big as imagined. If we get better, we can't get it? It will not have a decisive impact, but will it lose power with China? There are so many gains and losses!

What's more, Britain has already felt other countries? There are so many small moves for the UK, so they urgently need to reach this settlement with the Chinese side, and then step out and watch! There may be unexpected benefits!

What about this? The Chinese side must be more anxious than the British side, because it is not sure who took away the information and people! According to the feedback, China is really a bit impatient now, and their actions are quite big! Even sacrifice for it!This point has always been more admirable, it is difficult for someone to choose to do so! The interests of the country are above everything! If the Chinese side has already got the information, they will definitely be restrained now. Even if they do the so-called fake action and confusion, they will not take such a drastic way to prove all this!

Geng Zhi and Su Quan did not come to find Ding Yu! The agreement with the British side has basically been reached, but what about this agreement? It won't show up in the open. What about people? All of them have been lost. Now the main purpose is to find the target and materials. This is the most important!

In fact, both of them are very clear about the purpose of this? Just to cover up, and at the same time? It is also a further cleaning up of the interior. Kill two birds with one stone. Ding Yu's action is quite quick and effective. Since the people and materials are already in his hands, there is no need to worry too much!

And what about this thing? There is no need to disclose it at this time. When Ding Yu came earlier, what about the relevant departments? All of them have found Ding Yu's head. This matter is worth noticing. Whether it is to find the trouble of the information management department, Ding Yu, or both, I dare not make this judgment easily!

Now? Or do we need to get into the fence and clean up by the intelligence department? It's just internal work, but obviously? Some people feel so dissatisfied with some! But not satisfied? Not everything. What about the intelligence department? It's really not everyone can join hands!

"We have reached an agreement with the British side!" Su Quan took a sip of herbal tea. It tasted very good. It was not the same as usual. He didn't know where his nephew got the prescription. From this point of view? What about the strange people around him? It seems that there are a lot of them!

"I'm not interested. What about the British side? I don't really care how much I value this so-called agreement, but what about my side? However, some problems have been felt. What is the British attitude towards the EU? It can be said that it is quite ambiguous. This is the main reason why I promoted this matter! "

Ding Yu really didn't mean to make contributions. What about this? I don't seem to get any actual benefits, but what I get is beyond imagination. It's just that we don't know it at this time!

"How do you feel that there are other meanings in your words?"

"Who knows?" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "but it's not a very strange thing for the British side to have such an attitude. But third uncle, if you come here so deliberately, you should not just tell me that you have reached this agreement. You should know that I really don't have much interest in it!"

"Well, let's talk about something interesting. What about the United States? Has begun to intervene in this matter, this is the most reliable news! Did you feel any surprise or surprise when you heard this news? "

"What does it have to do with me?" Ding Yu is very clear. What about his third uncle? It's intentional. What about America? I don't know what smell I smell, or I deliberately want to crack down on the EU, so what about this time? Let's go! What about your own side? If you are not careful, you may be caught by these guys!

"I don't know what kind of relationship it will have with you. I'm afraid it's hard to make clear who the United States is targeting at now." Su Quan also put down the tea bowl in his hand, "but what about the news I get now? They have already begun to move to the British side! "

"I see. I'll talk to someone if I have time." Whether this matter is important or not, just ask someone who knows it well. Is he on the side of the U.S. military? There are still quite a number of news channels. The problem is whether you want to know or not! It's not difficult!

But what about giving yourself the first feeling? Is the United States interested in the European division? After all, what about the European division? It's not the American division. The nature of their respective affiliations is completely different. If they make a move at this time, some of them are too bold!

This is the reason why my uncle is looking for himself! But I really don't have much interest in this. What about my channels? It should not be used in this way, but in the face of the third uncle, he is absolutely impossible to refuse directly, which will make his third uncle appear to be a little embarrassed! Why?

It's OK to inquire for yourself, but it's hard to make a decision about what you can find out!

Maybe we can find out a whole information chain, maybe we can't find out anything! No one dares to make this guarantee! Even Ding Yu is the same.

Su Quan looked at his nephew's appearance, but also hum a, his nephew's mind? It's true that some of them are too smart. Did he refuse himself? No, but did you promise yourself? either!

But I have no way to continue to talk about this matter? Although his nephew did not give any response, but his continued entanglement? It can only make things worse, and there will never be any other improvement, so what about this time? Let's change the topic!For example, in the UK? My nephew didn't give me any response to this matter!

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