After his third uncle left, Ding Yu called rice at the first time. The safe route was unexpected. At this time, Ding Yu received a call from Ding Yu. What about Britain and China? We've reached an agreement!

What does Ding Yu mean by calling at this time? What about the problem? It really needed some attention. After thinking about it, Les answered the phone, "Hello, Mr. Ding!" Looking at the opposite person to stand up, Les is also empty to press his hand!

"Les, are there some of them that are too unsophisticated?" Ding Yu's voice was a little grim. "If it hadn't been told me this news today, I'm still in the dark. What kind of agreement have you reached with the United States? I don't care, but it's so obscure, really good? Even an old friend like me has to hide it from the drum! "

"Mr. Ding, is there any misunderstanding?" Les also slightly frowned his brow, "I'm not quite clear about what you're talking about. If I have news about it, I will tell Mr. Ding at the first time. I believe in the friendship between each other."

"I know you're from the foreign service, but what about the intelligence department? It has a lot to do with it. I need an explanation for it! " Although Ding Yu's words are very simple, what about his attitude? It can be said that it was quite severe. Les, who was originally sitting there, also stood up.

When there is a busy tone on the phone, Les also puts down the phone with complicated expression, and then looks at the person opposite him with displeasure, "Peter, I don't know what happened to your intelligence department, but now Mr. Ding Yuding's phone has been called, and his reaction is beyond imagination!"

"Proactive? Or passive? "

"It's hard to make a judgment in this respect, from my personal understanding? The initiative may be very big. " At this time, Les has already sat down. "You can explain the things that your intelligence department makes. I don't think Mr. Ding will wait too long. What strength does he have? I think you are very clear! Whether it's China or Britain! "

Where's Peter sitting on the desk chair? After thinking for a while, "we have reached an agreement with the United States. They are very interested in the situation of the European division. What about the clean-up work of China's intelligence department? It's not big, but what about peers? This is a very good opportunity! "

"What about this? I won't get involved. Anyway, the situation in the capital is very bad. What about their cleaning work? Not only for the internal, but also for the external, there are many relationships? It's all cut off! This is a considerable loss to our diplomatic work! "

Peter also slightly nodded his head, "what about China? There are so many have no beginning, let people feel that there are really so some do not understand! This event has brought quite a follow-up effect! But I don't believe there will be too many situations! "

"I don't quite believe what you said. I do diplomatic work. By the way? I can do something for the British Empire, but it doesn't mean that I am a member of your intelligence department? Please distinguish clearly, so back to the topic we just talked about, what kind of information do I need to disclose to Mr. Ding Yuding, there is waiting for my reply! "

"We have reached an agreement on cooperation with the United States. I don't know how this information was disclosed. I need to go back and verify it!" Peter also stood up on his shoulder, although he is very clear, this matter is not to investigate anything, but what about Ding Yu? No cold!

What about the foreign service? You need to flatter Ding Yu, but it doesn't mean the intelligence department? It is also necessary to flatter Ding Yu. It is true that he made friends with high-ranking officials and dignitaries in Britain, but what about that? Even if he has special immunity, so what? At least I don't care.

In other words, where are you standing? It's different! Ding Yu is for his benefit, but what about himself? For the sake of national interests, what about the relationship of cooperation? Unhappy, antagonistic relationship? So what about Peter now about Ding Yu? Can be said to be quite disdainful.

Did not get Peter's reply, what about this Les heart? Not so happy, some too much as a matter of their own, so really bad! Even if you are in a special position, you can't be too emotional!

Standing with Ding Yu? It can't be regarded as a bad thing. Ding Yu is a very special person. Don't you provoke him? He will not provoke you, but if you really offend him, then the result is self-evident! Sometimes just from this point of view? He is really a madman.

But what about making friends with such a "madman"? It's a pleasure thing.

What about what Peter saw? It's just one aspect of it. He didn't think about the overall situation. If he was really ambitious, the financial and economic impact on the whole UK would be too great! What about the loss? Also immeasurable!It's no wonder that he can only do the so-called emotional governance work, instead of standing on the surface like himself, and thinking about the problem is too shallow, even some simple. Fortunately, Ding Yu is not willing to see him as a general practitioner. Otherwise, if he blows a little wind and sends him to guard the border post, it is not difficult!

After Peter left, Les also made two phone calls to ask about the situation, and then immediately called back Ding Yu as soon as possible, "Mr. Ding, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time. What about me? It's from the foreign affairs department. What about the intelligence department? There is no way to tell, so we can only get some information! "

I believe that Ding Yu can understand what he meant by his words, not that he did not communicate with the emotion management department, but how could the emotion management department deal with it? If you have some resistance, you can only get some information through other channels. Is it useful or useless? I have tried my best!

For LES, what does Ding Yu want to know about this? It's not difficult. We can't understand it from the UK. Can't we learn from the US? He just cares about an attitude! Since this is the case, then give him a satisfactory attitude, he has done his best, as for whether he has tried his best? Another one!

What about rice? It's the British people who disclose such information to themselves? It has already explained that his relationship with the intelligence management department is very general, or he does it intentionally. It doesn't matter if he has such an attitude!

There are some meanings of slapping in the face, but I won't do it now. Even if the British intelligence department and even the British behind don't provoke themselves for a period of time, they won't show any attitude. The meat has been eaten in the mouth. Do you care about other things?

But don't let yourself find this opportunity! If there is a little chance, then I will never let the British side feel better! What about this? I seem to have forgotten that rice has disclosed this information to himself earlier. The British side's attitude towards the EU is so ambiguous!

Although it may be too early for me to make some preparations for myself, it is not too much for me to prepare. Is it true that business always comes and goes back. Since such a slap in the face and a vengeful attitude towards myself, how can nothing happen?

Ding Yu inquired about some related things, but there was no other action. But what about the people who know Ding Yu? We all know that Ding Yu is the most terrifying and also the most frightening. He will not stand on the surface in general, but it does not mean that he does not pay attention to his influence.

Ding Yu did not show any attitude. What about rice? It's not a good thing, but what about the whole thing? Do not have any relation with oneself, oneself completes the work within the duty also can! And what about the duties? It's a good job, and even got a prize!

What about extra things? It belongs to the intelligence department and has no relationship with the foreign affairs department. What about Peter? It can be said that he is quite disrespectful. He will remind him, but will he listen? ha-ha! Such a thing is absolutely not enough to fall into the hands of others, their own higher pursuit!

At noon, Les again called Peter, but the problem was that he didn't get any response. Obviously, what about rice? There are some people who look down on you. They need your help in the past, but they are just in the way of the intelligence department? Not good to show up, but don't you climb up the pole? Right?

Les felt a little annoyed with such a thing. Now that the matter has been basically completed, what about his side? It's like a rag, and it's directly left on one side. If there's any selfish intention in making an appointment with Peter, it may not be a problem, but is it a matter of selfishness?

If he couldn't find Peter, Les could only come to Peter's office in person. It can be said that he stood outside for nearly an hour before he could enter the office. What about inside the office? It seems that we are in a meeting. When we see les, everyone's expression seems to have some fun!

Although the heart is extremely uncomfortable, but the face is returned with a smile, with the people present are a Hello, "I just made a phone call with Ding Yu, he did not have much reaction! From my personal point of view, it is insulting to him! It's not a particularly good phenomenon! "

"What? Is Mr. rice fighting for Ding Yu's so-called grievance? "

Peter's words made people laugh. What about rice? Just like a clown! If Ding Yu really moves, that is a good thing! The question is, will Ding Yu do anything? Don't look at Ding Yu's great influence. It's just within a certain range!

Les smiles, his expression is very calm, "what about me? He is an official of the British Empire. I need to stand in my position to consider the issue. Ding Yu is a person who will report his grievances and build the platform by him. But what about us? The backhand slapped him. I'm afraid he'll have other moves! ...。”But before he finished, Peter also waved his hand. "Mr. rice, if there is nothing wrong, our meeting is not over yet." This is really a face-to-face banishment, not to give Les any face. Les nodded and laughed, "then I'll go first!" Come here by yourself? After waiting for an hour, what about coming into the room? They don't have a place to make their own, and there's no coffee. These guys are still sneering at themselves, but Les really doesn't mean to be angry!

I've done everything I should do, so what about leaving now? It's no big deal!

After leaving here, Les went to the ambassador for the first time, and said the matter simply. What will happen in the end? I don't know and don't want to know, but I've already reported it! In the future, even if there is anything wrong, I also get rid of this relationship!

What about the process? Is it important to get a little bit of ridicule and white eyes? It doesn't matter at all. I still have a good understanding of Ding Yu's temperament. If he really took the initiative to provocation, then everyone did something beyond reproach, but the problem is that Ding Yu didn't make any moves, so you came here? Is really too don't regard Ding Yu as a thing!

"I heard the U.S. got involved?" Su Quan called his nephew and ran to the courtyard? Not to be able to see their nephew, call more convenient! And it's not that noticeable! I know that the U.S. side is involved. What do you say? That's bullshit. I want to see if my nephew has any other news?

"Is the third uncle very well informed? That's it Ding Yu didn't care to say, "the British side doesn't want to be in the front. What about fighting with China? They did not touch any cheap, do not say, the noise is a little bit big, it is better to take the initiative to step back! Everyone can accept it! "

"It's not like your boy style? You're not going to kill behind your back, are you? " The reason why I made this call is also because of this aspect. Su Quan knows his nephew very well. He sold it to his nephew in England. Can he bear this tone? That's weird!

"What's killing? This is not on the battlefield anymore Ding Yu also said with a smile that his third uncle should be worried that he would directly abolish the target character! What about things like this? I really would not have done this. What about him now? There is also considerable value!

Su Quan is from this word to hear other meanings, his nephew? The dissatisfaction in this aspect has begun to show between the words. Now? It's just that we haven't found the right opportunity. If we say that once the opportunity is right, then we must let these guys look good!

"What can I say about your character?" Su Quan also gave a hint, what about the man? Now it is still very important that no problems and situations can arise, even if there is no value? It's not Ding Yu who can do it. It must be considered clearly!

"I know it already! If my third uncle has nothing to do, I'll hang up! "

It's just bullshit, but Su Quan has already understood that his nephew won't do it. Although he says that he will report his revenge, even by unscrupulous means, what about some things? Or have their own measurement, not too unscrupulous, such words? I will be relieved!

"I called him!" Looking back, Su Quan is also found upright, "he will not have any action at this time, but it is obvious that the British side has played his hand behind the scenes? It makes him very angry. I don't know whether these British guys are too arrogant or they really don't have a long memory

He pursed his mouth, "what about British affairs? But what about the European division? There can't be any laxity. The United States has also been involved. It seems that they are still quite attentive to the intelligence and governance departments. They haven't seen this situation for some time! "

Is there any pressure on the intelligence department? It must be quite large. We should know that the cleaning up work of the intelligence and governance department can not be completed in a short time, and what about the internal problems of the system? How to adjust it? Only then can let the emotion management department glow vigor at the same time, does not appear the other question, this is quite a test!

"Are you still in England?" Frank is very abrupt asked a! "No news from there?"

"I've had people go and see it, just a faint look!" Su Quan's mouth was slightly askew, "I'm not sure when the things will be sent back, but I don't think there is any problem. He has special immunity. The British side will not tear this cheek. As for how people will send them back, I don't know yet!"

"What about materials and people? Don't send them back. How about now? For him, it is a threat, for us, there is also pressure, so temporarily put it in his place! It's safe and effective. If something happens, we can take necessary measures to protect him as the first task. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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