"Brother, I have discussed with Xiaobao. What about the company? It needs to be opened on the other side of the Shanghai sea! "

Ding Yu was asked by Wang Yang when he was eating out. Ding Yu also gave an apologetic smile to the people next to him, "Mr. Ding, I'll think about it and go first."

"You're interrupting my conversation!"

Ah? Wang Yang also has some silly eyes. He thought that the elder brother was just coming to have a meal. He really didn't know that the elder brother was talking about things here. He turned over and looked at the man who had left. He was just a middle-aged man. Although he sat face-to-face, he didn't leave any impression on himself!

Ding Yu wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, "what about the business of your company? I don't have any interest. How do you start a company? There is no need to report to me. I'm not your chairman. At the same time? I am not your professional manager, how to do it? It's your own business! Did I not understand what I said earlier

Wang Yang also laughed awkwardly, "brother, actually I'm here? It's not entirely because of this. What about the company's opening in Shanghai? I just know a general idea. Xiaobao is more interested in it. We two discussed about it. We really can't do specific things! "

Looking at the indifferent elder brother, Wang Yang also bit his teeth. What about his elder brother? It is true that he is his brother, but there is no way, in front of him? Or do not have what hide better, that can only let oneself more embarrassed!

"Big brother once launched a TV series!"

Yeah? How long ago was this thing? What was the reason for this TV series? There are many reasons for this? It is undeniable that Zhuang Dongliang's company was pushed out. How can I suddenly think of this matter?

"Have you ever been interested in this business? Why did you say that all of a sudden? "

"What about the money at home? It's more abundant, but we haven't found any excellent projects. Xiaobao and I didn't have much interest in this fund at that time. We didn't care about how to deal with it, but we invested in two documentaries! "

Ding Yu shakes his head, a little impatient! "When I made this TV series, I didn't get involved in it. What's the main purpose? Is it for real estate, a combination of business? " After saying that, Ding Yu also looked at his brother, "did you see the problem?"

"Yes! All the documentaries have been filmed! It should have been released for a long time, but it has been suppressed for a period of time, so that we can see the so-called documentary? It doesn't make any sense, at least in my personal opinion. What about big brother's TV play? I feel very impressed! "

"Do you want to integrate with business?" Ding Yu also understood why Wang Yang came to find himself. "What about the documentary? You want to take the road of business, so the things involved should not be so much! In summary? Food, clothing, housing and transportation? You should not be involved in it. As for clothing and food, do you have such a large capital? "

"What about this documentary? It's mainly about culture and diet! When shooting, the subordinate company and CCTV have a lot of cooperation, almost all of them are provided by the company! I've seen it, and I'm very moved! "

"Tell me what you intend to do!" Ding Yu also has some interest!

"After watching the documentary? I found a problem: what about capital? Some of them are too eager for quick success and instant benefit, especially in China. This situation can be said to be particularly serious. Professional things are being impacted more and more severely, even in the overall environment? Is also forcing some professional talents to start to amateur, because too professional? The profit is too low! "

Ding Yu waved his hand. "That's right. But I want to ask you a question. Have you ever thought about capital? I'm not talking about the rate of return. What I want to say is that you have the capital to play with this matter? "

What about capital? It refers not only to the problem of money, but also to whether he has thought that doing so will affect the interests of many people. The pressure is not so big!

It's like a farm of one's own. At the beginning, on the one hand, it was due to political pressure from the domestic side, and the other reason was that it was never revealed? It will cause considerable interest impact on some aspects. What about the funds invested in the farm? It's not a decimal number. It's really astronomical.

What's the good news? He is also stable, and in the whole process, he has drawn in considerable forces. Under such circumstances, he has not been dispersed. What is Wang Yang doing now? It's kind of like a farm, but can he resist the pressure behind it? I don't know if he's hot blooded? Or really ready for this aspect!

As for the outcome? Ding Yu really has no so-called expectations, as long as the heart to do is a good thing!"I have considered the issue of capital. I hope I can get some support from my elder brother. I will pay the corresponding price. What about the distribution of interests? I don't value it very much, just through this channel? This platform can be structured! "

"What about the platform of the farm? Lend it to you! Although you have divided some interests, how much do you think will enable me to lend you such a platform? It's just fantastic, isn't it? "

Wang Yang also said with a smile, "who told you to be the elder brother? Just want to do something, exactly? What are the benefits? I really haven't thought about it, even in my personal opinion? As long as you can maintain the operation of this platform! If it's really profitable, I'd rather do something meaningful! "

"For example?"

"I saw the material they shot! What about inside? There is no normal road in many places. What about schools? Is it dilapidated? I think what about making money? Maybe it's not the most important thing. You need to do something meaningful? What about Lee? You can earn it at any time, but what about fame? There is not always a chance, and if such a thing is done well, it will bring both fame and wealth! "

"Very straightforward!" Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, "if you have time, I'll take a look at the things you've taken!"

"Big brother, are you free in the afternoon? I'll take the director and the producer. If I'm alone, I'm afraid it's hard to make it too clear! It's OK for me to have a look, but it's too much for me to be the commentator! "

"I don't have time today. I have an appointment with other people." Ding Yu directly refused Wang Yang, and even deliberately took a look at his watch, "time is up, where is the person I'm dating? It's almost there! You won't be served here! "

Get it! Wang Yang also stood up his shoulder, he is really helpless, after sitting down? Don't mention coffee, not even a cup of tea. Now that things have been talked about, they will drive people out directly. What about this sense? It's really bad!

However, before Wang Yang left, Ding Yu stood up and welcomed the people who came. Wang Yang left at the first time. No matter whether he came or left, big brother didn't have any action and performance. What about the old man who came? Big brother unexpectedly warmly welcome, isn't the gap a little big?

"Fortunately, you didn't have the past with me just now, otherwise it would be really embarrassing!" When Xiaobao saw Wang Yang coming back, he also patted his chest position, but with a little bit of force, there was a bang!

"All right, don't knock. Knock out another heart disease. Who can I talk to?" Wang Yang is also a white eye, "but the next time something happens, you go on, the wheel is your turn! You can't always let me die, can you? "

"No What if it's not special? Xiaobao is also not willing to see Ding Yu, because the elder brother seldom gives himself the so-called good face. Of course, he doesn't deliberately aim at himself. Who does he treat him? Not too much good face, very normal situation! Great pressure, great power!

I was busy with what happened two days ago. Although I said that I just made a so-called general direction, I also need to let myself know about the so-called general direction. This workload is really huge, and I really found some things from it!

For example, in the first two years, because of the network, this competitive type of game is not so active, so what about these two years? The upgrading of the network, but also let the competitive games appear a dynamic situation, even now have not reached blowout, the distance is still slightly so some distance!

As for how to make the market active? Let this market not be too indifferent, as well as wither before blowout, really need good planning, this is not a day and night can be completed, nor with the so-called blood and dream can be completed, the same, also not with the so-called capital can be completed!

But the same thing, this thing can not be without blood and dreams, also can not lack of funds, need all aspects? Only when they are combined together can we walk on the right road. As for whether we will succeed in the end, no one can guarantee it? I can only say that there will be some chance!

But what about the odds? It's better than fumbling around. How about fumbling? Too much waste of time, and it is easy to directly wither and collapse, such things need to be avoided! Because whose money? It's not for nothing!

"What else? The elder brother was entertaining guests just now, but I still got several bad eyes! " Wang Yang also shook his head, "I don't know what the elder brother is doing? What about big brother? Too mysterious

"If you have time, ask! Anyway, I certainly dare not. The way big brother does things is very different from the way we do things. What's more, what we do? With big brother's template is also quite different! If I can't understand the above position, I can't understand it! ""That's a good thing to say!" Wang Yang is also crooked his neck to watch, and then nodded, this is to let Xiaobao heart have so many numbness, why do you have a bad feeling?

Before Zheng He could speak, Wang Yang said the matter first. "Big brother has already told me. Tomorrow he will show him the film. What about me? I asked the producers and screenwriters to give this explanation. How about your eloquence? There should be no problem with cooperation. You won't refuse

"Damn it!" Xiaobao almost jumped up, and the whole person looked at Wang Yang in a rather melancholy way, "it's your business, isn't it? Why do you have to pull me up? "

"As if you were not a shareholder?" Wang Yang also hums a, this time does not let him follow him to die together, when to pull him up? "Well, don't be like a little daughter-in-law. What do you look like now? It's like being ravaged? By the way, I heard that you were introduced to one at home? I'll see you when you bring it out! "

"Forget it!" Zheng He was also quite depressed and waved his hand, "you don't know what I am, that is to fool the second Leng son! Are you all together? It's just something on the surface! "

"How many times do you spend like this?" Wang Yang was also very disdainful to hum a, "I was one night when I heard people tell me, it seems to be interested in a young lady of the Ye family."

"Wang Laosan! Or is it not a brother? " Xiaobao also cried out in a loud voice, but he also noticed the different colors of the people around him. When he stood up, he also held fists around him, apologized, and then glared at Wang Yang, "when did you know? This is my secret

"Bullshit! There is no secret about what two people know Wang Yang also pointed to Xiaobao with his finger, "Hey, I'm serious. Who do you like? How can you like her? If you don't say that day, I really don't know! There is always such a person in your heart

"Don't talk nonsense, it must be because I drank so much that time!" After saying that, he also patted his head with annoyance, "drinking is a mistake, but the problem is that I always pay attention to it!"

"Don't pay attention to it. Last time the Ye family's eldest lady came to Beijing? I think you look wrong! It was a very happy thing. There were a lot of people that night, but you, who had never drunk a lot for years, couldn't afford to get drunk. The situation was very embarrassing at that time! "

Zheng he sighed for a long time, "nine times out of ten, when I was young, I was unscrupulous, but now? Do you dare to say that you are still young? Let's see what happens in the future! Besides, I like you. What does it have to do with you? Isn't it? "

"Not as many ideas as you do!" Wang Yang also shook his head, "what is it that I like you? It has nothing to do with you. If I like it, I will go after it. What's more, it seems that our brother is not the toad of that year, is it? Our brother still has this confidence! Don't be afraid of anyone! "

"It doesn't mean that. It's just a feeling in those days. The impression left is quite beautiful, but what about this kind of beauty? If really too close, I really don't know what kind of feeling it will be! So just temporarily let this feeling stay in my heart, isn't it good? "

Wang Yang didn't force Xiaobao in the past. What does Xiaobao think? It's his own business. Don't get involved in it! After all, he is not what he was!

What's the situation in your home? What about my side? Now it's much better, but we have everything. It's just temporarily suppressed. Ah! What about these guys? It's really a bag of wine

"As if the two of us were not the same?" Xiaobao also said a self mockery, but what about the irony? It's not aimed at himself and Wang Yang, but at these people in the family, "what about them? I don't know how to make progress, but think about it carefully? We seemed to be different from them at the beginning

"What about the atmosphere brought about by big brother? It has affected a lot of people. Do you think about it carefully? Home should be the most touched, but look around, it seems that the situation is not like this! I don't know if it's because our vision is too high, but as far as I want to come, it's definitely not like this! "

"So much pressure from home?" Wang Yang also said, "if it's about money? Forget it. What about that thing? Life does not bring, death does not take! Enough is enough! What's more, to a certain extent? We are still on the road. It's too early to consider these problems now! "

Xiaobao waved his hand. "It's not about money. Do we need to worry about this? Does money matter? It's important, but what's the point? It's just paper. I'd like to help my brothers in my family. But the problem is that we are not towering trees at all. We can't cover too much wind and rain. Why can't they understand it? ""It's not that you can't understand, but you can't see and hear!" Wang Yang has the feeling of this aspect, and he also has the feeling of this aspect, "in fact, it seems very miserable to look at us, but let's have a look at big brother, so what? There's no comparison at all? Or that sentence, asking for help? It's better to ask for yourself

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