But before they were ready to eat, Su Yuan called. What do you mean? Pour is not so anxious, but two people are also so some look at each other, what matter! You can't say on the phone that they have to go back to dinner at night!

It should not be about business. This is for sure, because at this point? Two people have a great deal of autonomy, the family is basically not very mixed, because we do not know a lot about this business, since we do not understand it? Don't follow the blind mix!

Is there any success for the layman to lead the expert? Yes, but the proportion is too small! Most of them will have quite big problems! What about the three elders in the family? From the beginning, I didn't care much about this. Now? What's more, we don't pay attention to it!

What about Ding Yu? The three old people have been seriously aware of the problems and conditions. If Wang Yang and Xiao Bao have similar problems again, the whole three families will fall apart!



when Wang Yang and Xiao Bao came, they found that Lin Qiuyan had already brought her child. However, the child was lying in her grandmother's arms, biting a pacifier and staring at his big eyes. When he saw his father, he was also indifferent, and there was no excitement at all! I don't know him at all!

Because they just came back from the outside, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao didn't mean to tease the children, let alone Su Yuan? It's also very tight to take care of, even better than Lin Qiuyan? More love! It's in her hand. Do you want to take it back? It's really not an easy thing!

"What's the matter, Ma! You yelled me and Xiao Bao over here? "

"Your sister said she had something to do with you! I asked her not to say, that is to let you and Xiaobao wait for her at home at night, you also have a period of time did not go home to eat! Originally, I also called your elder brother, but your elder brother seems to have an appointment with someone. Even the secretary answers the phone! "

Looking at his mother's dissatisfaction, Wang Yang also quickly nodded, "we went to see the elder brother earlier, or we took time to meet us. We didn't know what the elder brother was busy with. When Xiaobao and I went to see him, we talked for a few minutes, and then we were expelled."

"Really?" Su Yuan was also a little unconvinced.

"Mom, this is still fake. If you don't believe it, ask Xiaobao!" Wang Yang, who has been changed, also took his son to his hand at this time. What about Su Yuan? After that, I thought about the position? It's your baby grandson again.

Just now I saw that my son was going to throw him up with his grandson. I was so scared that my heart almost jumped to my throat. What about the child? It's not a toy. If you make one, you'll cry? I'm afraid we can't find the grave. Let him and Qiuyan take care of the children? I really don't feel at ease!

When Wang Li came back, she saw her nephew. No matter who she was, she took a bite. This bite also hurt the little guy. She ran into her own voice and began to howl. Looking at the imprint on her face, Su Yuan was almost angry and almost floating!

If you don't hold the baby in your arms, you have to find a stick to give her two sticks when you say anything. If the child is still so small, you can go down to this mouth. Besides, the children are very delicate. It's really outrageous for you to come up and take a bite!

After a lot of trouble? Only when Wang Changlin comes back, the family will be completely calmed down. However, for Wang Changlin, it's not a big deal. The little grandson will take a bite. His wife! Too spoiled!

At that time, the children in the family played in the soil every day. They didn't see any problems with them. They were like little tigers. They were also very good! What about children now? It is too spoiled!

"Wang Yang, I heard that you jointly filmed a documentary film, and it was still pressed, but it has not been released!"

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao also took a look at Wang Li. "There was such a thing that I just knew when I was filming. What about CCTV? Although there is considerable investment, but the company has given considerable support

Wang Changlin took a look at his son and asked curiously, "since all of them have been made, why are they pressed?" Because they are all family members, although their own words? It doesn't need to be very obscure. What's more, how can my daughter suddenly think of it and ask about it?

"What about the pictures? It's about food culture and culture. The creativity is from CCTV. I've provided a lot of funds. However, I saw a lot of different things coming out. So I want to combine it with the business. What if it's released? It's not just about education and humanities, but about the same? We can also get considerable benefits! "Xiaobao next to him nodded, "it's a bit cumbersome to do. The company doesn't lack funds, but it lacks this platform. I talked to my elder brother earlier. He didn't show too many opinions, but he was very supportive. I'll talk to him about the following cooperation issues tomorrow."

"Second sister, why are you interested in this comparison?" Wang Yang also did not understand a question.

"When I went to CCTV, a girl told me about it. I haven't seen the film yet, but I heard that the film was very good and moved people." After saying that, Wang Li's eyebrows also jumped twice, "so I thought, is it possible to shoot a film for the Forbidden City?"

Ah? That's the thing? Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are also looking at each other, shooting on the shoot! But what about this thing? Look for CCTV to talk about it. How about looking for this relationship at home? There seems to be no problem. What's the purpose of looking for them now? Money? This doesn't seem to be a big problem!

After all, the shooting of the Palace Museum is different from that of your own. What about your own side? What about running, eating, drinking and Lasa all over the country? They all need money. What about the Palace Museum? In such a big place, there are not too many people, and what about the place? That is in the capital, so everything is very convenient!

"The problem of capital should not be too big a problem! Even if the Forbidden City does not have such funds? Talk with CCTV, I think this problem should not be particularly big! If it's really inappropriate, you can talk about it with the company and try it out! "

"That's not the problem. What about funding? Although there may be some problems, this is not a big problem. I want you to know? I have a different understanding of the Forbidden City. Now I have an idea about this aspect. It's like the direction you start with. I need to have a breakthrough point! "

"Sister, we have no research on this point! It's no use looking for us! "

Wang Yang also spread out his hands, if it is money, or the way, this is no problem, but the direction of the problem, this is not really his strength! At least I don't have this idea!

"What about creativity? I do, but I have a little trouble here

What about Xiaobao at this time? The heart is also a sudden move, and then also a bitter smile, Wang Yang there seems to have some feelings, and even deliberately looked at Zheng He, "sister, what about this matter? There is no relationship with the company! Although I said I was talking about this platform, what about it? It's a considerable price

Wang Yang is very insidious about his elder sister, to find his elder brother? Like before? Impossible thing! What about the things at home? Basically will not do too much attention, even want to enter the courtyard gate? You need to think about it!

I just won't let you in. What can you do? Smash me up here?

If you really smash the quadrangle, Ding Yu may be very happy. But the problem is, no matter who's children, they are walking around the courtyard. What about Wang Li? Originally, it was possible to go to the courtyard to smash the door, but Su Yu's affair happened in the front, now who dares to do so?

"I want to borrow my brother's courtyard? This is a good start! It's just an idea now. But will the elder brother agree with this question? "

Looking at his daughter's appearance, Wang Changlin shook his head, "it's not realistic. What about other places? It's OK to say something about it, but your elder brother has a close watch over the courtyard. He is a very low-key person. If you want to go in and shoot, it's impossible! "

It's a direct way to determine the nature of this matter! The idea may be good, but the direction is wrong! The siheyuan in the hands of the eldest son is quite representative, but representativeness does not mean that he is unique. What about the capital? There are also many quadrangles.

What about the main representatives in the family? Wang Yang looked at his sister, but suddenly said, "sister, you don't like what big brother has?"

"What about the courtyard? There's something new in here Wang Li did not mean to hide, "what about the report of things? I have already seen them, which are of great significance for research. Now there are only two foreign ones. Now one of them is in the hands of my elder brother, and there are some other things

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao have no intention to speak. Now they still want to pay attention to big brother. As far as they know in recent years, what about the things donated from the courtyard? There are countless, many? They can't be measured by money. Once or twice? That's fine. It can't be endless, can't it?

Wang Changlin knocked on the table. Anyway, the meal was almost finished. Then he also looked at his daughter, "Lily! I don't know where you read the report, but I think? Someone should have sent it to your desk. What about the matter? You can't see it unilaterally, you know? "Yeah? Wang Li also looked at her father, Wang Yang also took a long breath, "sister, what about this matter? It's clearly set up. What about the big brother's report? Is the normal channel to go! Otherwise, I'm afraid things can't come in. Brother, take things back? No one is afraid to know, but no one will publicize it! "

"Someone sent me the message on purpose!" Wang Li is also very clear!

"Yes Wang Yang also nodded, "what about big brother? Who should know? We all know. What about the forces to know? Also know, all aspects are quite concerned, but everyone is blind! Don't say there is nothing, even if there is something, we will not have any concern! "

Wang Li thought about it carefully. What about the things? They were sent to their desks, but who on earth sent them to their desks? It seems that I really don't have any impression, because at that time? I was attracted by the things in my brother's hand! Really did not consider other!

"Against me? Want me to be like Su Yu? "

"Who is against you, but only from your personal point of view, in general? It should be aimed at the family, the Wang family, the Su family and even the Zheng family. This should be the most important purpose! "

After saying that, Wang Changlin also shook his head, "this thing caused by Su Yu! It has caused a considerable impact on all aspects, and it is also the same for the family. The relationship between your elder brother and the family has always been more embarrassing! But to a certain extent, we need to think from his point of view! "

This is not only for Wang Yang and Wang Li, but also for everyone in the family! Although there are not many people eating, they will let the news out! That's enough!

"Even if we talk about it now? It may be a little bit late, but there can't be any problems at home. Today is also an opportunity! " At the end of the day, Wang Changlin knocked the table again with his hand.

After dinner, Wang Yang also took the opportunity to make a gesture to Xiaobao. He went back with his wife. Anyway, he was alone. What about some things? It's not convenient to talk to my sister, but what about him? There will not be too much concern in this respect.

"Sister! You have no way to investigate this matter! Even if it is an investigation, you can't find it. At that time, you didn't pay attention to it at that time. Now, if you want to look back, it's impossible! And even if it's found, what can it do? Now that you can put the message on your desk? Don't be afraid of your worry and revenge

"I don't need to know who put the report on my desk. What I need to know is that the force has such courage to get it on my mother's head! No, I'm killing them

Wang Li can be said to be quite angry, so many years? Really no one dares to do so to oneself, oneself all the time? I haven't done anything to others. I'm basically kind to others. But now? Some people are dishonest, which is not something they can tolerate!

"It's OK to have a try, but the question is when can it be tried out? I really don't know. I'll find two professionals for you! It's useless for me to do such a thing by myself. I can't do it at all! " What about her persistence? Xiaobao is also quite prepared.

"Find time to explain this to my elder brother!" Wang Li also murmured to herself, "you met big brother today, the matter should not be over! When you go to see the elder brother, tell me, I think there should be no problem with this! Don't worry, there won't be any other situation! "

"If you are happy!" What's going to happen? It's really not clear, but it's obvious that since the second sister knows the importance of this matter, there won't be any wanton places. I believe that the second sister may have a good sense of propriety, but think carefully, what about some people? It's really quite dirty!

Isn't this a deliberate attempt to pick up disputes at home? What if it's something else? Pour also can forgive, but deliberately estrange the relationship in the home, appear too much inferior!

Of course, there is another reason, that is, Su Yu? It's a very bad start for the family. If it's not him, how can there be follow-up? Even a group of people at home? What about big brother? It's also covetous!

But they never want to give up? Xiaobao also felt strange about this. Where did they come from? You want to challenge your big brother? Is the brain really broken? From the above, they should also have a certain understanding of big brother!

Is big brother really supported by the Wang family and the Su family? No kidding? In this case, it's called "three old men"? I'm afraid I won't even say it out of my mouth. What if I said it in the other way? Maybe even more reliable!But what happened? It seems that we have ignored this point. As for how? No one seems to be able to say too clearly, could it be that big brother deliberately misled? It's not that there is no possibility in this aspect, even this possibility is the most real situation!

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