The next day, Wang Yang also brought some people to the courtyard. William, the housekeeper, stood at the door and looked at the people who came down from the car. Wang Yang and Xiao Bao were better, but what about the others? I really feel that there are so many hair deficiency in this heart!

Wang Li came a little late. When she answered the phone, she was already late. Moreover, there were some traffic jams when she came. William didn't mean to be too embarrassed. She also let her enter the courtyard, and then the door was closed! What about the others at this time? Don't come to the door. We won't receive you!

When they walked into the room, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao were also a little surprised. When did this place become a home theater? There are a lot of tables in it. Can't you see any equipment? But the overall environment is very good! William is from Wang Yang's hand to receive the relevant things!

The waiting time was not long. Ding Yucai came in from the outside. Wang Yang and Xiao Bao also gave a brief introduction to them. What about the people they might bring? You can call the wind and rain outside, but what about here? Their identities are really different! At least at this time, we should be more cautious and careful!

What about the courtyard they came to? I have heard of it before, but who owns the courtyard? The four people to really not so clear, such a large courtyard, and still in this place? Its value is immeasurable, at least not enough money to measure!

We really know who Wang Yang and Zheng Rong are, but what about them? But there is no dandy personality. What about cooperation with them? It can be said that it was very good. At the beginning of the cooperation, there was no interference except supervision and lawyers!

What about this in the past? It's totally unimaginable! What about these dudes in 49 cities? No one is a fuel-efficient lamp, as long as it involves interests, big or small? They're all going to get some of it! Even a lot of times? Their eating style can be said to be quite embarrassing!

But a lot of times? Are these gentlemen in 49 cities interested in TV series or movies, documentaries and so on? Even themselves? It also needs to be treated with caution, because to a certain extent? Is not able to earn a lot of hits and popularity.

Ding Yu has a simple understanding with the visitor, but there is not much heat. What about after Ding Yu sits down? Wang Yang and Xiao Bao also sat down next to each other, but before the screening, everyone heard a burst of sound, and then Wang Li came in from the outside in a big stride!

At this time, the people behind him all stood up. Wang Yang and Xiao Bao were the same, but what about Ding Yu? That is to say, she took a look at her side and didn't pay any attention. Wang Li also came to her elder brother's side position, "brother!" His attitude can be said to be extremely respectful!

"Free today?" Ding Yu pointed to the location next to her. As for what Wang Li came for, Ding Yu really didn't mean to ask, "I heard that this documentary was very interesting. If you are interested, sit down and have a look."

Looking at Wang Li sitting down, several people in the back also looked at each other. What about Wang Yang and Zheng He? They are very careful here. What about the eldest lady of the Wang family? What's more, who is this in the middle! I haven't seen it before, and I haven't heard of it!

Although the four and nine cities are not small, what about the same? It's not a very big place. Although the circle is very tight, it doesn't mean that no news can be disclosed. But what about this one? Don't say I've seen it, I haven't heard of it! It's so weird!

When the light was dim, Ding Yu was stunned by the content on the screen. He had guessed about it, but he didn't think it would be this documentary. Although he said he didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning, what about this documentary? Or in a certain extent moved their own!

In the process of watching, the people behind also explained some of them in a low voice to Ding Yu. They did not want to interrupt the continuity of the whole documentary, but added some guidance. Moreover, the speech was just right. The voice would not overshadow the sound of the documentary, and it would not make everyone feel noisy!

After watching an episode, Ding Yu stood up and shook hands with the people behind him one by one, "the shooting is very good, it's very moving! What if it's true? I really remember my mother's cooking! I'm free today. I'll ask the housekeeper to prepare. I'll have dinner here today! "

It seems natural to speak, but how does it feel to everyone? There is no doubt about it!

After saying that, Wang Yang also said to Wang Li, "Wang Li, walk with us. I don't know where we are, and we can't have any hobbies! Pay attention, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, you two will come with me! "

Hearing this, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao can't help but shake their spirits. After returning to the study, Ding Yu looks at them and says directly, "do you want this to open a breakthrough? You know a lot about it? There is no way to put it on the shelf! "Wang Yang took out the plan from his bag and handed it to his elder brother. At the same time, he explained, "what about many things in it? It's not suitable to put on the shelf, but it's not a big deal. We can use the way of travel to guide! Just promote economic development

This made Ding Yu have a look at his younger brother. He took up the plan and scanned it. He said, "do you want to know about your plan? It's not very good, but this is due to a premise, that is, this documentary? You are so confident that you can arouse everyone's resonance

"A marketing process? It's not a problem! We have made considerable preparations for this Zheng Rong's speech is quite concise, because he is also very clear, big brother does not like to listen to the so-called nonsense! "The whole network has been launched. Now there is a lack of corresponding channels. What about our e-commerce? Can only play a considerable auxiliary role, with the big brother your channel has a very obvious difference! The two can't be confused now! "

"I'll send a supervisor there!" Ding Yu is also a word, put this matter to a conclusion, you can try hand, he is also more optimistic about this, this time? How much noise can be made depends on their own. As for this side? There won't be any problems and conditions!

It's just to borrow the channel from the farm. What about the whole project they want to launch? It is of great significance. In addition, they also have their own network. Next, we will see the whole process!

Does the result have to be that important? Ding Yu really doesn't look at it like this! What about the other kids at home? There are really few people like Wang Yang and Xiao Bao who have no goal of struggle. They are basically eating and waiting for death. Of course, they also have such capital, which makes people speechless!

I don't work hard and always think that I haven't got any chance. What about such exaggeration? Ding Yu is really not interested in how you are willing to live. It's your business and has nothing to do with me! But how can I do it? It's my own business. It has nothing to do with you!

The family seems to have understood now, but what about the people who understand? It's not as much as you can imagine. As for why the three old people want to suppress this matter, why don't you let the children in the family know that Ding Yu knows a little bit more or less!

It's not a good thing at home? It may be a little pompous to describe it everywhere, but the proportion is very large. What about these people? Have formed a fixed thinking, want to turn around, is really too difficult! And how about forcing it around? It will make the whole family force fall apart!

At the beginning, I didn't expect that the family power would expand so fast, plus its own equipment? It is not so in place, so it has created the current situation, and want to reverse this situation? There needs to be a strong person to come forward.

Ding Yu is a very good candidate, but what about this one? He was directly "abandoned" by his family. Now Ding Yu has turned a blind eye to the situation in his home and has completely ignored it. What about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? Now is not so mature, simply can not pick up this beam!

So for this matter, even Wang Changlin doesn't have many good ways, just hope Wang Yang and Xiao Bao two people? To be able to grow up quickly, we also need to press down on other children in the family, so that the contradiction will not intensify so quickly. But now? The lid is too much to hold!

What about the children at home? I don't know the good or bad of it. If he really offends Ding Yu, do you really think he dare not kill people? How could it be? If he started, it would make everyone have no time to be frightened, because a direct knife would cut off all the heads. How could he be afraid?

Since some people choose to die, they can't stop them, can they? They want to die on their own, not to say they don't want to pull, but simply can't hold it! This is actually the most fucker!

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao quickly found everyone, and then they replaced Wang Li. They were not so familiar with each other. Wang Li also went to find her elder brother for the first time. How about today? I came here to admit my mistakes. What about this mentality? It must be put away!

"Brother Looking at Ding Yu sitting there, Wang Li also carefully carried a cup of tea and placed it on the table top!

Ding Yu took a look at the teacup, but it was not made by the housekeeper. What about his sister? It's not really this material, but she's bringing tea here? The attitude is very obvious, so Ding Yu has no mandatory requirements. After taking a sip, the taste is too strong!

"Something's going on!" When speaking, he also pointed to his position in front of him, "say it!"

"Brother! I saw a report earlier. There are some things on it. One of them is not many in the world? I didn't expect you to bring it back! "

Seeing that the elder brother didn't look up, Wang Li also continued to say, "I didn't have any other ideas at that time. Later, dad told me, and I realized it! This is my fault! ""Who sent you the message?" Ding Yu is also slightly wrinkled up his brow, "my things deliberately show you? What do you think? " Then he looked at his sister and said, "what? Are you interested? "

"It was true in the past. At that time, I didn't consider other aspects of the situation at all, and did not expect that someone would put the report in front of me like this!"

Ding Yu is also a smile, "you are such a disposition, pour is also indifferent matter! Yes? Do you like it

"In the past, I really thought big brother could donate things, but now I want to come? Or their own too shallow, this matter and the so-called donation does not have any relationship! And what about that thing? There are not many in the whole world. Big brother will never come for nothing

"Is it in my hand? It's just one object. There's not much more than one object. What about some things in my hand? You don't see much, you don't see much, you don't see much. It seems that the people at home look like they are elegant, but in fact, what about the above? In fact, it's just an investment. I'm not a fan or a researcher! "

"Big brother, what about that? Let me have so many don't quite understand

"What about money for me? It doesn't make much sense. To put it bluntly, it's just numbers. Do you admit it or not? It's just like this. In the future, how about the children at home? It's no harm to leave it to them. If you don't try your best, what's the use of giving them gold mountain? "

Wang Li took a look at her elder brother, which seemed to mean something!

"Brother, I know some people in the family? I'm not very angry, but I have a lot to do with my family after all

Ding Yu shook his head. "As I said before, they didn't provoke me, so I didn't have so much interest to oppress them. Can't I succeed in order to show my prestige and power? Not so many ideas! "

What about this? Wang Li didn't tell each other about her father? And can not be so straightforward to say this word, so Ding Yu can only be implicitly revealed to his sister, anyway this word? It's all passed on!

"What about things? It's on this side. Since someone has put the report on your desk, it shows that they have a lot of ideas about this matter. You should not be embarrassed by it! "

"Brother, that thing is priceless after all!"

"What about the so-called priceless treasure? But relatively speaking, for me, there is nothing more elegant than the string in my hand. It depends on my personal preference. " After saying that, Ding Yu also waved his hand, "OK, I have other things on my side. Go and see things yourself! William will lead you there

For the way big brother talks, Wang Li really feels itchy on the root of her teeth. She has consciously admitted that she is wrong, but what about elder brother? Unexpectedly is so indifferent, there are so some can not accept! Then he stood up in anger, but Ding Yu didn't care about it! This is Wang Li in her impression.

Dinner is everyone to eat together, Ding Yu deliberately on a belongs to his hometown food, Wang Yang and Wang Li? I really didn't eat it before. Let alone, it really attracted them. Is this thing used chopsticks? It's not easy to use. What about a fork? It's not the same again.

When you leave? All the people who came here got a small gift. The weight of the gift is not important, but what about the style of the quadrangle? It is really to let the following several people sigh.

As soon as they enter a powerful family, they have heard of it from a very early time, but they haven't felt much about it. What about the so-called "high-ranking officials"? Because of their work, they have more contact with each other. In the past, they really did not have this feeling.

But after coming to the courtyard today, they also really taste the true meaning of this sentence. You don't know and have no contact with it. You can only say that this insight is too little, which does not mean that it does not exist! But who was that young man before? Wang Yang, Zheng Rong and even Wang Li are just like little quails in front of him!

What about the three of them? In the 49 cities, although said that can not walk horizontally, but it seems to be almost the same! Can be such a person after entering the courtyard? Also honest! Even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe, if this is said, who can believe, of course, we will not say!

"Sister! Did you tell big brother about that? " On the way back, Wang Yang also subconsciously asked. His car let Zheng Rong drive, anyway, his side of the matter is no problem! So it is not so anxious!

"Well! Big brother said that thing, to him, has no meaning! Let me do it myself! " Wang Li is not as happy as Wang Yang. What about her heart? There are still some doubts!

"Do you have any comments?"

"Brother, I don't have any opinions, but I have some words to say? I don't know much about it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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