Wang Changlin sighed when he knew this. He had received the news from his son. It was obvious that he was ready to move in some aspects? It is also quite prepared.

And some of the kids in the family? Now this time is still behind the ears do not know the day drum ring, his eldest son? The noose has been prepared for a long time. If you don't come to the door, it will be fine. If you really come to the door, what will be the result? It's very difficult to make this prediction, even Wang Changlin also feels quite intractable!

What about now? Or do not let the eldest son continue to stay in China, because the eldest son? After all, it's just one person, and what about the children at home? This number is a little bit bigger! What about the eldest son? Anyway, it's better to control them, and the children at home! I really don't have this time and energy.

Although a person has a headache, it can still be controlled. This kind of control means that after all, the energy is still abundant, but what about many people? Can't be controlled? Not so much energy!

But Wang Changlin is also very clear, now let his son leave the country? There are so many pressures. What about China? You can't leave your son alone. What about your son? If you don't see it, you will leave. So to a certain extent, you need to change a place for him. What about the hot pot that is about to boil? Take the lid first!

"Let him go to Hong Kong." When Wang Changlin felt at a loss, he also mentioned it with the old man. Wang Pu didn't even think about it for long, so he gave a word directly!

This words let Wang Changlin is also Leng for a moment, and then also slightly nodded, the expression of feelings? Don't need too much enthusiasm, after all, come to this level of their own? Need more implicit! What about Hong Kong? It is also a part of China, and it is an inseparable part!

What about the relationships at home? You may find some relationships in other places, but what about Hong Kong? It's not so easy to turn the clouds around. Where is it? Ding Yu can really hold up a piece of sky, this is not a joke! Is it really good to put him there?

No, what about Hong Kong? It's not going abroad. It's acceptable for all parties! As for how to convince Ding Yu? It's not that difficult!

With a few big men mutual gas, Ding Yu now if really want to leave the country, we do not have too many ways, just to give some people this face, so has been pressing it! What about leaving the capital now? Mainly because of the Wang family and the Su family? There are so many problems and situations that can not be suppressed!

What about Su Yu? Already let the home very passive! In such a situation, don't provoke other troubles, so let Ding Yu leave for a while! This is good for all of us. As for why we chose Hong Kong? What's the reason? I think everyone is very clear!

What about domestic influence? It can be said that it is relatively small, and Ding Yu has already expressed his attitude in this respect before. He will stay in China recently. Since he has already revealed this attitude, it shows that he will not leave China temporarily. There is no need to worry about it.

When the news was released, what happened after the big and small forces had a discussion? There is not much opposition. What about Ding Yu at this time? As long as you don't leave home. As for the reason for Ding Yu to go to Hong Kong? Although it may be a little shameful to say it, it's no big deal!

What about the Wang family and the Su family? Some of them can't bear the pressure from the outside world, at least for the time being? Some of them can't be suppressed. Obviously, what is the impact of Su Yu? It's still going on, and even when it's going to fade out is still an unknown thing!

What about the fort? Basically, they are all broken from the inside, which is true at all! Ding Yu is very powerful. What about this? Really no one to deny, but he was tired of many things at home? This is also a fact, and there is no way to deny it. Do you want to admit it or not? This is the same situation!

"Let me go to Hong Kong?" When Ding Yu received the news, he also patted his hand and looked at Ding Yu's bad eyes. The visitor also explained in a hurry, "director, something has happened in the bank over there, and what about the first echelon? It also needs to be pulled over to adapt to the situation! "

"This reason is not so sufficient!" Ding Yu is also fundamentally unmoved, with such an idea to send himself away, is there so some too easy?! "And my time? May be more busy, Wu Mingyu and Chen Feng things have been decided, I must attend! And one of my cousins? I'm going to get married in a while. I can't ignore it! "

"Director, what about the study of the first echelon? To a certain extent, but now put the so-called funds in their hands? After all, I still feel that there is something wrong, so let them go to Hong Kong to have a look at it temporarily! By the way? We can also have a look at the second echelon! ""Why? It's better to cheat ghosts! " Ding Yu is very disdainful hum! "From my side? Some of them don't make sense! What's more, what about the two echelons? Has not it always been you, Wu Hao, and director Wu with you? Now all of a sudden, I found my head. What kind of a thing is this? "

"Yu Shao, don't you embarrass me? How about that? "

Ding Yu shook his head. "It's clear that it's a stinky ditch, but you're going to jump down. It seems that it really has nothing to do with me." What happened anyway? It's not my fault. You have to get involved. It seems that it's not my problem, so come to my side to complain? It doesn't work!

"Director, don't embarrass me! What about me? They can only do what they are told to do. What's more, they have to study in the Party school every day. If they study for another two days, I'm afraid they will have other problems! "

"All right! Take the staff by yourself Ding Yu didn't have so much time to amuse him, "but how do they go and how to return? I don't care about this matter. You go your own way, I go my own way! "

What about this? It should be that the agreement has been reached in all aspects. As for why let yourself leave the capital? It should be my father's reason! Is the situation at home so serious? It's really a very interesting thing! I really want to see it!

Su Yu's influence is huge and has not subsided at all. Everyone's reaction can be described as more intense. For Ding Yu, it is really a good thing! Can't you hold on to it now? Even forced to leave, not to say no!

But think this way, can we cool down? How could it be! Some of the ideas are too simple! But what about the family? I'm afraid this is the only way now! Still reluctant to do it! But also is better than nothing, can only be so to say!

When does it leave? Nothing? Look at the arrangement over there! When they say they will start, they will follow! What if not? Paomushu, what about the big and small forces now? They have already begun to express their opinions in this respect, so don't sing "anti tune" with yourself! Right?

There is no preparation before leaving. It's just to go to the port city. It's not a big deal. What's more, this time? Seems to have deliberately arranged a place for themselves, as for the people of the first echelon accompanying them? They just follow their own nonsense, as if the relevant parties deliberately so said!

When the first echelon started, what about Ding Yu's plane? It also took off immediately, almost one after another! What about the first tier? Of course, they don't walk alone. There are people from the second echelon. As for how much they can learn in this process, it depends on their own performance!

"The director came by plane alone?" Yi Xiaoxi looked out of the window, but unfortunately, he didn't find the director's private plane.

"What? It's all in everyone's ears? " Xu cunzhou also looked around and snorted, "I think your skin is so tight! If you don't think it's very enjoyable to have been shot before, I think the director will meet your requirements. In any case, it's just a scratch! "

"Come on Yi Xiaoxi is also very nervous to look back, and then hum a, "as if you didn't get shot! Which of the three of us didn't get shot? So don't talk about the second brother! Anyway, I heard some news, I don't believe none of you heard it! With us this time is to accompany the prince to study

"Other people want to accompany, but have this opportunity!"

Xu cunzhou also nodded, "the deputy director has already said that. What about the director? We have prepared 150 million US dollars for us to exercise on our own. The amount is a little too large. I don't know if you have made this plan, but the candy is a little bit sweet

"It's over to say that some people are greedy." He Jun also snorted coldly, "this is 150 million US dollars, not a small amount, and these money? The director is for us to practice. It's strange that other people can keep calm after such a huge sum of money is taken out. "

Yi Xiaoxi and Xu cunzhou also nodded. They were 150 million yuan, not one yuan and fifty cents. What about anyone? It's impossible to take such a large sum of money to let the people of the first echelon to experience. I'm afraid that only the director can have such courage!

"The director has never dealt with those guys. What about Su Yu? Some of them are too much! " It's easy to say, but in people's eyes? This matter is really not so easy to handle!

If we unite, we will beat Su Yu. There is no problem! Even Wang Yang and Zheng Rong? It's not a big problem to press it on the ground! But what about a beating? That is to say, it can't really solve the director's embarrassing position. This is the most troublesome!"It's hard for honest and upright officials to stop housework, even if it's a director? It can't be free from vulgarity

"No more bullshit! It's not a matter of avoiding vulgarity or vulgarity at all! " He Jun is also very "presumptuous" said, "Mr. and Mrs. Wang and Mr. Su are all there now. What can the director do? Put them on the ground? Even if you have this ability, you can't do it like this. If so, what will the director do in the future? "

"Yes Yi Xiaoxi also nodded, "this is the traditional restriction, no one can escape! What's more, the identity of the director? There are also some special things. It's hard to get rid of them at this time. But do you really need to admire the director and put them on anyone's body? I'm afraid it's hard to swallow it! "

The time of the plane was a little longer. When they arrived, Ding Yu had already arrived. If they didn't come, they would come. Ding Yu didn't want to publicize it. He didn't come here for the first time. What about here? Really not so strange!

What about Beijing? You don't need to make a lot of trouble here, just let yourself stay in this place! As for what I want to do here, it doesn't matter! Don't turn this over. It's OK!

Ding Yu's entourage is quite a lot, and it seems that there are a lot of things with him. I don't know whether Ding Yu has the meaning of staying here, although Li Fuzhen does? We have already taken control of Asian affairs, but it seems that there is no so-called office in Hong Kong City. It seems that no one has come forward to explain what it means!

No offices? It means that when Ding Yu comes here, he can only stay in the hotel! What about the check-in? Ding Yu completely handed over to the people below, and he took gold and security to see his uncle! Come here by yourself anyway? Nothing else!

What about coming to Hong Kong yourself? Of course, I also said hello to the six families, but what about this time? There is no other thing, as if it is to dissipate their mood, want more freedom, do not make everyone known.

What about his uncle? Still in the original place, if it is from the living conditions? Looking for a more suitable place is not to say that there is no, but what about martial uncle? I have a lot of feelings, but I can understand that the old people are more nostalgic!

"I heard you were ill before? It's a serious situation! "

When Ding Yu started to fight for himself, the old man also asked deliberately, and Ding Yu nodded, "there are too many messy things in the house. Although I don't want to pay attention to them, what about this one? It's really not the end of saying it, it's all affected a little bit! "

"Eat something together!" Anyway, there are not many people now, there is really not too much busy meaning! Even busy? After 12 o'clock, but what about then? What about his uncle? It's rare to go to the town in person, unless life is in danger, otherwise the drugs and other things are there, and you can do it yourself!

As long as you come to your own place, all the gratitude and resentment will be put down. This is the rule set by all the big men. It is a hidden rule that no one can break. What if we break this hidden rule? Will be expelled by everyone, not to mention this one? It's Ding Yu's uncle. I'm not going to die?!

"The same as before!" After sitting down, Ding Yu looked around.

"It has been like this for many years. Now there are some young people coming here. After all, what is the change of this society? It's too fast. What about here? Can you still find some old taste, people's concept? It's not always forward. Sometimes I still want to find something of my own. Here? It's still the most delicious

Where is Ding Yu coming to Hong Kong? It's just for the sake of avoiding disaster, so I don't have the intention to buy things wantonly, and I don't mean to meet with the big families. If I meet them, it's really inappropriate to eat here. What about the fortune gate? May be a good choice!

But come to my uncle? It's not suitable to go to Fulin gate with martial uncle! Ding Yu is not a particular particular person, sea cucumber abalone can eat, green onion tofu? No problem!

During the meal, there are many people who say hello to their teacher. There are all kinds of people. From this, we can see that he has a wide range of communication! What about the people in the market? Many are such a situation! No difference!

As they chatted casually, two young men, one fat and one thin, came to Ding Yu's side very carefully. Mr. Yang just laughed, while Ding Yu looked up and pointed to the position next to him, "so soon have you got the news? It's really quite smart! "

"Old man, little feather!" Although they are brothers, there seems to be some big differences between them, at least in terms of appearance? The performance is very different!

Although they sat down, their actions were still quite restrained. When they came, their father and mother really exhorted and told them to take good care of Yu Shao. After all, what is the origin of this one? It's not simple. Flattery or no flattery? It's something else, but don't offend! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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