The left hand is on Ding Yu's wrist. The other hand is waiting for an opportunity to move. But what about Ding Yu? He looked at Xiang Shi with a smile. He was very casual, but he didn't care much about it. Relatively speaking, sitting in front of Ding Yu, he was so nervous to the left!

For the left to grasp his wrist, Ding Yu is really not so concerned about, gently with a bit, left force is not very big, gently around the whole person almost out of his seat, the body has so some hair floating, fortunately Ding Yu is gently sent, otherwise he will really leave the body.

When he sat on his left seat, Ding Yu spread out his hand and said, "come again!" Xiang Shi hesitated for a moment. He just wanted to catch Ding Yu's hand, and he did. However, the martial uncle's strength was incomparable. He grasped it, but it was because he caught it that the whole person was taken up.

Once again, he tentatively grasped the uncle's arm, but this time he did not dare to grasp it. At random, the other hand was like a poisonous snake coming out of the hole, and ran straight to Ding Yu's chest. Ding Yu gently pulled his hand that had been caught by him, and then turned his wrist to grasp the hand that had held him to the left and pulled it up.

Originally, Ding Yu's hand in the air also stopped. There was no way. Half of his body had been controlled. He just grasped his wrist, but what did he feel? Half of the body is no longer his own.

"Come again!"

On the way to the left, he was indomitable, but he didn't find any chance in the end. He was sweating and the whole person was cleaned up by Ding Yu. However, he tried his best, but he still couldn't touch Ding Yu's body. What about this martial uncle? It's one hand, but it's a good defense!

Do you feel half the sweat on your head? It's because I want to solve this problem, but in the end, I feel that my head is blank, and I don't think of any way! "The foundation is OK, but it's just that I have developed some skills. What about my kung fu? It's not from childhood. It's a monk who has become a monk in the middle of the road! "

"Uncle, I'm convinced." Previously, when he was convinced of Ding Yu, he always felt that he depended on his identity. What about this? It's not so sensitive to the left. But today, the martial uncle only used one hand to make himself unable to parry. Is that what he is aiming at? I'm really convinced.

I'm also a martial artist. I've watched my father practice martial arts since I was a child. When I grow up, I'm interested in it. I can't say my family background, but I've learned a lot. But in front of Uncle Ding Yu? "Disgraceful.".

"Do you want to accept it or not? Not so important! " At this time, Ding Yu and left two people have walked down from the car, but there are some people following, but this time are also far behind! I didn't mean to go to the front. "Do you practice martial arts? It's a hobby. It's a little choice. At least from now on, it brings you a lot of things! "

"Uncle, what about my study? It's because of my hobby, but I really love kung fu. The performance in the movie is one thing, and the performance in reality is another! But I like the pleasure in the movie! There's a sense of being out of time

"Had a fight?" Ding Yu also shakes his head. "The performance in the film is just an exaggeration of art! The real competition is so colorful that it seems to have no difference with the chaos! It's like when you fight, do you really use all your so-called martial arts? What about the ability to fight at most? It's just a little different! "

"Uncle, do you think it's better to fight? It's better! " To make complaints about amiable and easy of approach to the left, I feel very familiar to my uncle.

While speaking, the two people are also stepping into the University. The whole university is an open university, without walls or barriers. The whole university is built on the mountain, with mountain roads, stairs and elevators and so on, building buildings together!

"If you want to beat people, you have to learn to be beaten. It's normal! What's more, what about the martial arts competition now? It is more like a kind of competition, but it has not developed into pure sports, such as K1, MMA and so on. It is in such a high position! "

"Uncle, do you want to see this? I really didn't think of it! "

"I'm not a freak. Why can't I watch this? I'm involved in a wide range of things, which can be said to be quite philanthropic! This is no big deal! By the way, when you have time these two days, go to Hollywood Road to have a look. Although there is no good Dingxi now, it's OK to have a look at it! "

"I know that place!" He followed Ding Yu to the left, "but what about these years? There are not too many good things. Even the products on the assembly line are about to be called. There is no way to get the reputation from earlier years. There are so many good things. It depends on accumulation! It's almost consumed now

Ding Yu tilted his head and looked, "OK! And this understandingLeft is embarrassed to touch their own head, "this is not what I said, I Laodou said!"

"It doesn't matter who says it. It's important that you remember it. That's good!" They didn't mean to take the elevator. They just walked slowly along the stairs. It's really hard to introduce Ding Yu to the left. It's true that they are from Hong Kong City, but the problem is that they are here? It is true that there is no understanding!

Looking at Ding Yu walking in front of him to the left, he can't understand what interest he has in looking at the buildings in front of him. No matter how much he looks, he can't see the flowers! But what about Ding Yu? I stopped there and looked at the building with interest, "good Renaissance works. What about the mainland now? It's rare to see such a work! "

"I don't understand!"

"In fact, I don't understand it. It's just hearsay." Ding Yu was also indifferent, "OK! I need to admit that what happened just now? It's just posing! But look at you, it seems that some of you have been scared to! Really, what if we talk about it? I know not so much! A lot of them just know a little bit about it! "

"At least your Kung Fu is better than mine!"

"What about what you and I have learned? It's really different! No one is better than anyone. At least that's the case? I don't dare to say, what's more, what's more, what's the ability of training? One bullet is enough to kill you! Of course, there is no comparison between them. It's just a comparison to see the problem! "

"I haven't met a martial uncle like you. With one hand, I can completely close me. It's like the movie. Anyway, in reality, no one can do this!"

"It's normal that even I can't say that martial arts masters are real masters. What about this era? Pure people or a little less, even if it is my own? Also very that does so-called pure! There are so many things I haven't seen! The world is so big, so don't rush to deny everything

Two people strolled in the campus, left, do not know where to get a certain hat for themselves, obviously this is not because of the heat, his face? There are still some small well-known, but Ding Yu is still the same as before, without any change!

When they went to the campus wall, they looked at the recruitment advertisement on it. Ding Yu was a little curious. It was not the same as when he was reading. What about the life of medical school? I really don't have so much sentiment, or I am too focused, so I don't have so much free time to pay attention to all this!

But soon the two people were disturbed by the noise behind. It seemed that a group of students were shooting something. It was very lively. Ding Yu turned around and looked at something with a little interest. To the left, he said in a low voice beside him. After all, he is one of the people in this line, so he still has a lot of knowledge about it!

"How energetic! It's a pity that I didn't feel this kind of atmosphere when I was in school! At that time, there was a good extracurricular activity, which was to compare skills with a friend and fight boxing with two people! Often he was beaten by me, and later developed to play billiards and so on! But when I think of it now, it was a bit rotten at that time! "

"I have also read in England for some time, but I feel that I am a little constrained. What about Hong Kong City? Influenced by English, I can't find any sense of security there! Even sometimes I feel very lonely. Is it that I am not gregarious? Or are those guys having a problem? "

"No matter how good it is outside, it's not like home! A very simple truth! "

Although they were talking, their eyes were always on the shooting below, "uncle, are you interested in this? However, the most glorious time of Hong Kong City has passed! I remember when I was a kid that was fun! "

Ding Yu did not speak, but looked at the shooting below, but did not know whether it affected the shooting below, because they appeared in the photography, and soon someone came to ask them to leave! The left eye is also a stand, but Ding Yu is walking forward slowly! There is no meaning of staying.

With is not weak does not have any relations! I have seen the scenery for a while.

"Do you feel the topic they are talking about? Too politicized

He raised his shoulder to the left and said, "although I am from Hong Kong, what about the school life here? I really don't like it very much. I'm too constrained. What about the mainland? There's a natural sense of rejection, and I don't know what's going on inside their heads? Maybe it's because this place is too small! "

Ding Yu smiles to the left, but he will talk about this topic. In fact, it's no big deal! "What about student days? Boasting, this is really no big deal! When I was in school, I felt that I had to save the world as my own duty. Just like these students, I felt that the earth would not be able to rotate without them! ""What about the environment and conditions here? It's all good, but what about it? They are basically nerds Left is also very contemptuous and said, "that is to say, with such a diploma, but there are too many differences in learning ability and thinking. It may be because the conditions at home are not the same, so what about this contact? It's not the same! "

"It's a little biased!" Ding Yu is also smiling. How about discussing this issue? It's not so suitable!

Come here by yourself? I want to see the scenery here. What about the students and academics here? Really do not have any interest, after all, just returned to less than 20 years of time! That's enough to sum up everything!

But in the process of browsing? Did you hear some of the students' comments? Ding Yu is also a little moved. He has been in a university in China for a period of time. What about the research environment? The gap is big, but what about other aspects? It's better than the schools in China.

When I came, I really had great expectations, but now? I really feel a little disappointed. Of course, what do you see? Maybe it's just a very one-sided thing! It's just a peek at the eye, but is it so one-sided? Also let oneself have so some interest to be in a state of lethargy!

"Uncle, are you not angry?"

"Angry?" For this word, Ding Yu is very curious, "why angry? Is it because I heard those strange words? Although what they say? I strongly disagree, but if even such a voice can not tolerate, then it seems that the whole heart is too narrow! Yes? I think you look a little angry! "

"It's said that young people should be more impulsive. Anyway, I didn't find it on you, martial uncle. Even when you walk? It feels like it's slowly rising! " After contacting Ding Yu for a period of time, he also found that the martial uncle was very good at speaking. He was not what he imagined! Very easygoing, so their own speech is also a lot of bold!

Ha ha... Ding Yu's laughter is not big, but it makes people feel very comfortable. "Everyone has his own choice, just like my master, how about going back to China? It's not that it can't be, but because I've lived here for many years, and what about China? To a certain extent, although it is said to be the hometown, it is also a heartbreaking place

"When Yang Laoyou, he also gave people a strange feeling! Anyway, there are so many do not understand! Maybe it's because I'm too young. " For this point, there is no cover up meaning to the left, "I don't know why, anyway, sometimes I can't control my emotions!"

"It's a normal thing, and there's no need to deny whether it's affected by the family. There's no need to put all the efforts on the surface, and there's no need to prove anything to everyone. As long as you feel that what you get is the result of your own efforts!"

"That is to say, do not work hard? Certainly can't get any result, can say so! Uncle

"Wrong!" Ding Yu pointed to the road in front of him, and there were some differences when he looked to the left. Was this the meaning? But now it is really suddenly stopped, let oneself feel is the unusual difference!

"Where are we going? Up or down? "

Looking back and forth to the left, "we are going down the mountain!" But what about his reaction to this? There are still some dull people who don't understand the meaning of Ding Yu's words!

"Say so! If the goal of positioning yourself now is to go up the mountain, you have put in countless efforts and painstaking efforts and perseverance, but what about the actual situation? You are running in the opposite direction, because you are going down the mountain, so you are far away from the goal? It's more and more far away, even out of reach! "

"Ah?" Xiang Zhuo's expression is so dull. Ding Yu shakes his head. What about his reaction? It's really quite dull, "how about hard work? It just represents your attitude. The choice of direction is fundamental. You need to correct your direction in time. Only in this way can you see the so-called goal

"Uncle, how can I know if I am in the right direction?"

"The question is too profound! In short? Do you think I'm perfunctory to you? I can't finish talking about it for days and nights, and what about this problem? I really don't think I will be the best teacher. If you think so, you can learn from your father or mother! "

"My old bean and my mother?" Subconsciously to the left, he curled his mouth and said, "is this not so good?" From this hesitation, we can see that he still has a sense of fear for his parents!

"What is your father's identity? No need to say anything, but what's your father's career direction? It's very purposeful. Under the conditions at that time, your father chose such a direction and made great efforts for it, so it was natural that he finally achieved success! There's even a little bit of logic! "

When Ding Yu said this, he also broke the meaning of it. You should know that although he gave money to Xiang Shilai this time, he still owed a favor. This is not the same as the previous blackmail, so what about the human relationship? You need to give it back as soon as you need it!What's more, if you apply this favor to a person who's going to ten, it's totally different from using it on a person who's going to the left. What about applying it to a person who's going to ten? Although it is also human, but for Xiang 10, it is just a icing on the cake, but it is used on the left side of the body? It's not as simple as sending charcoal in the snow! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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