The two stayed a little longer at HKU, and even had lunch at HKU. They ate very casually and simply. At the beginning, there were some doubts about whether the master would get used to it or not, and even wondered whether he was pretending to be?

But after they had dinner together, they found that this was not true at all. When they left HKU and sat on the bus, they asked carefully to the left, "uncle, I reserved a place in the evening! At noon, it was so abrupt that you didn't eat well, martial uncle! "

"Forget it, I don't make such a fuss about it. I have an appointment with someone else in the evening." Ding Yu refused, but left did not want to give up.

"Martial uncle, I noticed that you have formed a habit after eating before!" The food is not so delicious, but the martial uncle ate very clean, this has some unusual! To know that they have not finished eating, there are really so some difficult to eat! cannot bear sth! At the same time, there are so many can not bear!

"Is the food delicious? For me, it's just how much I eat! It's important to be able to fill your stomach! " Ding Yu shook his hand. "You have not experienced such training, so there is no need to belittle yourself for such a thing. In other words, it will appear that you are too shallow!"

"The pressure is high!" Left left didn't say this directly, but recited it in his heart. On the way, Ding Yu left in another car. He didn't know exactly where he had gone. To the left, he also indicated to the driver and went home directly! I really didn't mean to go anywhere else.

From a certain point of view, I am with this uncle today? I've been beaten down a lot, but how about feeling left? What about this kind of pressure? It's not to fight against your own confidence, but on the contrary, it's just that this way may be slightly different!

For his son to come back so early, feel very surprised to ten, is not he ordered? Let him follow Ding Yu all the time. It is not easy for his son to have such an opportunity. How can he not cherish it?

I had to say two words to ten, but what about my son? It seems that there are so many lost souls, so when it comes to the mouth? Is to swallow back again?! "Come back so early? Nothing else? "

"I've been well beaten up!" Then he said something about what happened today, "I have already reserved a place for the evening, but there seems to be something wrong with Uncle Shifu, so I refused! So I'm back

Hearing his son's story, Xiang Shi also took a look at his wife. Originally, he thought that Ding Yu owed him a favor. He didn't expect Ding Yu to plug this loophole so quickly and let himself have nothing to say!

What about the debt? If the son can find the right direction, what is human relationship? But the eldest son found the right direction, but what about the younger son? The direction of the two sons is totally out of the question! After all, they are their own sons! No one is right or wrong!

"Think about it. What if you can understand it? For your life, there will be a radical change, even if you can't think of it, for your life, it is also beneficial! Do you have such a chance? It's not easy. I hope you won't waste such an opportunity! " After that, I also sighed!

Looking at a slightly lonely away from the father, left also did not say anything, is still very dull sitting on the sofa, for himself, is really quite a confused thing! Because I can be said to be quite confused for a moment!

However, Xiang Shi immediately reported Ding Yu's situation to the one behind him. His son was severely hit by Ding Yu. Two people went to Hong Kong University. What was the process? I am not very clear, but after my son came back, it was like eggplant beaten by frost, completely withered!

What about these situations? I can't hide it from him, and the actual situation is like this. I didn't add oil or vinegar, but it's obvious that Xiang Shi was beaten by his son? There are still some opinions and ideas. Ding Yu does it like this, some of them "cheat the small with the big"!

Put down the phone, to ten is also a hum smile, oh! That one! Although he is not young and has a high position and weight, he is far from Ding Yu in some aspects! It's not that you can despise him, but there is a big gap between him and Ding Yu! It feels so intuitive!

What about Ding Yu? On the surface, I gave myself a good excuse, but in the dark? Did you pay back your favor? How can such a person be compared with other people and have seen the land of China? It's really the place where Zhong MINLING shows up. At least there is no such figure in Hong Kong City, or there is! But I didn't meet it!

"He doesn't eat?""Did you go to the garage to practice martial arts? I don't know how it happened? "

Nodding to ten, "a bit of a blow? It's not a bad thing. What's Yu Shao's identity? You know what's redundant? I won't say. Can azuo come out? These all need to see his own, some things are not you and I can do! It's not something we can get involved in! "

"I understand!" The woman also nods, azuo that is his own son, let alone was hit a meal, even if it was hit for a while, how can it be? Can not look at some problems alone, need to be comprehensive! Do you think everyone is worth Ding Yu? I underestimate him!

Ding Yu went back late in the evening, but someone wanted to stare at Ding Yu. But the question is, what about the meeting between Ding Yu and some people? The arrangement is very thorough and rigorous, and there are really not many people who can get close to it. The information we get is quite limited, but one thing is certain, that is, Ding Yu met with several people!

What about the relationship between the big families in charge of the port city and Ding Yu? I can't say how good it is, but it doesn't seem to be bad. What are the interests involved? Really no one can say it clearly!

Of course, this so-called is not clear? It refers to what kind of interests Ding Yu has reached with several big families. Ding Yu will definitely not take the initiative to mention this aspect of the matter! What about the big families? There will not be too much mention, after all, in the choice of interests? We will be more inclined to Ding Yu's side!

Even if you don't stand on Ding Yu's side? If you don't see it, you will stand on the opposite side of Ding Yu. Although Ding Yu is already under pressure in the port city, no one can survive Ding Yu even if it is time. This problem still needs to be seen clearly, but who knows? Maybe some people don't open their eyes!

"Uncle!" When Ding Yu woke up in the morning, he had already stood in the living room. Ding Yu didn't feel how strange it was. He took exercise by himself. If he wanted to, he would join in. If he didn't, it was not a big deal! I really don't mean to look at him differently!

Ding Yu stood in the living room, the range of action is not very large, hesitated to the left for a while, and then gritted his teeth, accompanied the martial uncle to exercise together. The exercise methods between them are very different. Both of them are fighting boxing, but Ding Yu's posture is soft, and the way to the left is so hard!

Almost two hours later, Ding Yu's body basically can't see any sweat stains, and left has already taken off his coat, the whole body muscles collapse very tight! But the lines look pretty good too! Ding Yu also took a look at it when he closed up, "go and change! I don't know. I thought I did something to you

"Uncle, things are very different!" When I eat breakfast, I try to eat something on the plate. My left eye is also shining. After eating in my stomach, I don't know what it is. I feel the blood boiling!

How about getting up early in the morning, plus this exercise? Let yourself really feel a little tired, but after eating the food on the plate, the whole person can't help but shake up the spirit, also can't say what kind of reason is caused! I'm also a warrior. Obviously, I think of something!

Ding Yu didn't eat so much, because the things on the table were placed in front of the two of them in two plates. When they finished eating to the left, Ding Yu also ate almost everything!

"I heard that Lao Hou has moved away?! When did it happen? "

Suddenly asked about this matter, left Leng for a moment, and then also nodded, "yes, north, specific is where I am not so clear, but I ask Laodou should be able to! Uncle, is there something wrong? Although it's not very convenient at home, there's nothing wrong with asking two rotten kids! "

Ding Yu didn't have a good look. "Originally I wanted to see Lao Hou. He is one of my few friends. Since he has gone to China, it would be nice to visit him after he goes back home."

Oh! Wrong idea! To the left is to lower one's head. He thought it was a matter of the river and lake. He didn't think that people just wanted to see their old friends, and they would not pay attention to those bad things. What's more, if there is any problem or situation, what about uncle a? There are also bodyguards, not better than those rotten kids under the hands of the family?

Because of special reasons, he didn't go to have breakfast. He ate in the restaurant. After eating, Ding Yu also handled some documents. At this time, he didn't mean to stand by Ding Yu's side. It seems that he can't get involved in it.

It's true that Ding Yu and the left get along well, but it doesn't mean that everything will be disclosed to the left, which is impossible at all, let alone left? No such qualification!

"Uncle!" Before noon, Ding Yu also took his uncle to his left. During this time, there was really no one here. He was very happy to see Ding Yu. As for why he followed Ding Yu, Yang Ming really didn't mean to ask."Good spirits and good looks!" Yang Ming poured tea for Ding Yu and the left, "what? Come and stay for a while this time? "

"Well!" Ding Yu also nodded, "what about the capital? Something happened? So let me come to Hong Kong and I may stay for a while! The specific situation is still unknown. Calm is a good thing, isn't it? "

"The mentality is very good!" Although Yang Ming said that he had been in Hong Kong for many years and even changed his original name, what about the whole person? More energetic than before. "By the way, I adopted two children and went to school. I'll see you when I come back in the evening?"

"Uncle, did you finally think of the mantle?" Ding Yu is very interested in this!

What about the adoption in Hong Kong City? It is quite different from the mainland. What are the adoption conditions here? What about the adoption and adoption of both sides? Have extremely strict requirements! It's not that if you want to adopt one, you can adopt one at will. It's not so simple!

"I didn't think about the mantle? It's just bullshit. What about all these years? I really have this idea, but I haven't found a suitable person. What about the children here? It's different from the children in the mainland. What's my perspective on people? There is a difference in concept with the people here! "

It's obvious that Ding Yu has found his uncle? Let him in the mood above have quite big loose, the whole person's idea and view is also different! This is a good thing!

Do you know what kind of career your uncle has been in Hong Kong for so many years? Although there is no clear evidence, but its income is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination, otherwise, how did such a large house come from? We should know how many people in a place like Hong Kong City strive for a house of 40-50 square meters for life, but can't get it.

What about his uncle? The area here is more than 100 square meters. What about its property rights? It's completely self owned. It's just above the surface, which lays a solid foundation for the adoption of two children. Things above the surface need to be dealt with, but they also need to have their own conditions, right?

"Two boys?"

"No, a girl, a boy. The girl is a little older and has no physical problems. What about the boy? There are some minor physical problems that need to be taken care of, but the problem is not very big, it just takes some time, but the roots and bones are quite good! "

Obviously, what about his uncle? After a long time of investigation, if not, he would never say anything. If so, Ding Yu patted his pocket and then gave a helpless smile. "Martial uncle, this is a happy thing, but the problem is that I came to see you today. I really don't have any preparation!"

"Forget it! I don't want to publish this matter. I'll have a look if I have time, but I haven't planned to let them start. What about the children now? It's not the same as our time, and it's not the same as yours. Who knows what they think in their hearts, right? "

"It's also true. The two little kids in the family are thinking about something in their hearts. I'm afraid I can't make it too clear! As long as they can grow healthily, as for others? Don't think too much about it! "

At noon, Ding Yu and Zuo Zuo dined here. No one came over all morning. But after lunch, some people came to visit. Ding Yu looked at the herbs inside and even tried it!

"Uncle, do you know that?"

"I've learned a little, but what if it's true? The identification and use of medicinal materials can only be said to be quite general! " Ding Yu is very natural to say his own situation, his understanding of this is not as much as imagined, how about himself? It's just a person, not a god!

But Ding Yu is obviously more interested in a copper man in the room. Is he in the United States? There have been studies in this area. At that time, we couldn't ask for it, but later? It is another situation, and with the help of holography and other technology, how to master this? Is also quite profound!

The bronze man should be newly cast. The so-called "new casting" refers to the modern manufacturing. What about the original demand? It's quite different, but what about a lot of the above? Because of the touch, it looks very bright! Ding Yu is also very interested in standing in front of the bronze man to watch!

Left is also left behind Ding Yu's side position, such a bronze man? I've seen it before. I don't feel any different. Since uncle a is watching there, I'm not good enough to disturb you! But did uncle a look a little longer? Anyway, I didn't see the difference!

After watching for a long time, Ding Yucai nodded and took a step forward for the first time to the left, "uncle! Is this really so good? I see a lot of places to sell them? I don't see any difference! ""I've seen one? It's not made in modern times, but it's really coming to the door. Maybe it's made with modern casting? There are quite different, but the meaning is not the same, the result is disappointing! So I also find someone to cast two people, life size! It is of great significance to medical research! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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