"Really so good?" Left is also looking in front of the golden man, half the size, above is also densely marked with some acupoints and meridians, in addition to this did not see any other difference! It's just a dead thing!

"What about the warrior? It's a kind of understanding of yourself. What do you learn? It's a process of in-depth understanding! " After saying that, he also looked to the left and said, "you! What I've learned is only one aspect. From the outside world, I'm a martial artist, but in fact, it's just a branch! "

Ding Yu's speech is also quite impolite. He also scratched his head to the left, but his hair was very short, so he scratched his hair in a loud voice. In the past, no one really mentioned this to himself. How about his own martial arts training? Just the interest, for its research is really not so profound!

"Don't you believe it?"

Ding Yu did not know where to draw out a face towel, and then covered his eyes, and then his hands were also put on the bronze man's body, "watch it!"

Baihui, Taiyang and Ding Yu's hands can't stop moving. They also pay attention to the acupoints on the bronze man to the left. At the beginning, they can still keep up with this speed, but soon I feel that the eyes are not enough, because uncle a's speed is too fast!

About ten minutes later, Ding Yucai took off his face towel which was covered in his eyes. On one side, he had already shed tears to the left! Because in this period of time, you have no time to blink your eyes, and stare at the bronze man for a long time? It is also true to make their eyes tired, and when Ding Yu stops, he has already closed his eyes to the left!

Looking to the left, Ding Yu also breathed a breath. Just now, he was a little too reckless, so he really didn't care much about the left. He walked out and saw that the martial uncle was busy. There seemed to be a lot of people in the room? They are all standing on one side. What about the person who comes out of it? I was also surprised!

"What's the matter?" Yang Ming also asked. "Look for some eye drops. A Zuo's eyes are so tired just now! Are you crying in it now Seeing the position that the martial uncle pointed to, Ding Yu also went straight. What about the other people in the room? Ding Yu didn't mean to pay attention to it at all!

He took the eye drops to the left, and Ding Yu looked at the other objects in the room. It didn't take long to recover to the left. What happened just now? It's just a little too tired. There's no other problem!

But left or on his uncle marvel, his action is not so simple technology!

For each acupoint control, for each meridian control, are accurate to the extreme, you know, even if you let your eyes open to count, I'm afraid it can't reach that level, this is not so simple as to become familiar with collaterals!

There is no problem with my eyes. I went out to the left. People outside didn't pay attention at the beginning. When I saw the left standing in front of everyone, I was stunned. No one thought that I would encounter left here!

"Zuo, why are you here?"

What about the left? As we all know, there is nothing to hide. What about his father and uncle? Absolutely controversial people, but what about people who eat this bowl of rice? Will basically give this face! To the left? It can be said that the body is famous, although sometimes it will appear to have some lengtouqing, but still understand the rules!

"Uncle long!" Left also said hello to everyone, "come and see the elders!" After saying hello to the public, I personally serve tea to the left and then walk inside. Of course, I didn't forget before this? For Yang Ming also poured a cup of tea, after all, from the identity above, is uncle a's uncle! The relationship with the family is also quite good.

While waiting for people outside, this time is also a low voice of discussion. When I came to the door earlier, I only heard that the medical skills here were very good, especially the bruise and bone setting. Many people were full of praise for this, but what about now? Not only in this respect, the relationship behind this is also quite not simple!

When did you see that the eldest son of the family was so respectful to pour tea, and there was his speaking attitude inside, this small hospital was really quite not simple! Sometimes you really can't see the surface!

After Yang Ming had done a considerable examination for the people on the hospital bed, he also slightly shook his head. "From my personal point of view, it is not suitable for conservative treatment. After all, the situation is quite serious. My personal suggestion is to stop work and have surgery, and then cooperate with the recuperation and procedure treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. In this way, the burden on the body is minimal! There will also be considerable protection in the future! "

After thinking about it, Yang Ming also found it left from the corner of his eye, so he also called out, "ah Zuo, call your uncle to come! He's a great doctor. He must have studied it! At least he has a license plate, better than me

Looking at Ding Yu who came out of the inside, people's eyes were also focused on him for the first time, and they also found that he was following the young man's back honestly to the left. He was just a small follower! What is the origin of this one? Let Xiang left play such a role?"Ah Yu, can you show me?"

The one standing in the back looked around to the left, and soon moved a chair to the back of Ding Yu. No matter what the reason is, it is such a small action that makes the stunned people take a few breaths of cold air at this time! D your mother!

After sitting down, Ding Yu also stretched out his hand. As soon as he left, he asked for the video data from other people. Then he carefully handed it to Ding Yu's hand. Ding Yu also looked at the light for a while, and then shook his head, "is the situation too serious?"?! It's a miracle that such a person can still stand! Should bear the unbearable pain

"Uncle! Even if the injury can be maintained now, it is only an overdraft! " Then Ding Yu also handed the image data inside to his uncle, "from my personal point of view, we should be admitted to the hospital as soon as possible, if possible, prepare for surgery! At least in the future, the pain may be a little lighter! "

"Doctor, AK's situation is quite special. His current work will take at least one month to complete!"

Ding Yu didn't say much about this. "From the doctor's point of view, he needs to be hospitalized now, but I just give some suggestions. How to deal with it depends on the patient's own decision." Ding Yucai doesn't care about the identity of this one on the hospital bed, and he doesn't have any relationship.

What about yourself? Just from a doctor's point of view to mention this problem! What about everyone? Have their own choice, other people really can't interfere! And what about things like this? It's not up to you to decide. You're not a psychologist. You need to do psychological counseling! You can't make it to yourself.

"Old Yang!" The person who has been crawling on the hospital bed also called out, "my present work is really very important. I can't miss this opportunity. I don't know what will happen in the future. But now the opportunity comes. I hope I can seize this opportunity and take conservative treatment!"

Yang Ming knocked on the table with his hand, "what about my own? Not very optimistic, but you made the decision yourself. What about others? It's not good to interfere with what? I'll help you apply it and prescribe some medicine for you at the same time, but the effect will not be particularly obvious. What about everyone else? All of them have their own critical point. Be careful not to break through this critical point! "

As for Yang Ming's speech, a group of people around him are quite attentive, while Ding Yu reveals some thoughts. For ordinary people? If you break through the connection point, it's easy to explode. It's like a thermos bottle. There's too much hot water in it. The outside world is still under pressure. It's strange that it doesn't explode?

What about yourself? How about breaking through the critical point? It's really a matter of great expectation. After a lot of hard work inside and outside the body, I want to break through a higher level. But it's really not easy to break through this critical point. What do you mean? That is to say, without the necessary resources, you can't polish and train.

If you want to break through the so-called critical point without careful grinding and tempering, the consequences will be very miserable. If there is a problem in that link, the impact will be fatal. After all, the human body is made of flesh and blood, not steel, and there is no chance to have another chance!

"Uncle, Ke Ge is still very dedicated!" Left is also a low voice in Ding Yu's ear said, "this waist injury is also related to my father, when my father was shooting a movie, he fell down from the building, or he was picked up by Ke Ge, otherwise I must be focused on it!"

Ding Yu takes a look to the left and shakes his head slightly. If it is not enough to use this to ask for himself, it is not enough. What's more, it is the gratitude owed to home and Xiang Shiqian, and it is not his own. It has nothing to do with himself. Besides, he does not owe any favor to his family. He doesn't need to show up for this!

Yang Ming is also standing beside, for all of the things are in the eye, but there is no meaning to speak, left ah! Or too young, for some things? Don't have too much experience, now talk to Ding Yu, this is not a typical embarrassment to him!

Yang Ming also took out a piece of paper over there, "Zuo, come and help me get the pen!" This is also given to the 11 face, the child's experience is still too little, if we say that after people left? How about mentioning this matter with Ding Yu? Perhaps the effect will be better, but now with Ding Yu mentioned this matter, is not so a thing!

He walked to Yang Ming's side honestly to the left. When he prescribed a prescription, Yang Ming carefully considered what kind of prescription was the most appropriate. After all, the injury on his body was very serious. If he really broke through the critical point, then he would be paralyzed? Probably the lightest!

After thinking about it for half a day, Yang Mingcai wrote the prescription and then indicated the way to take it. He took the prescription carefully to the left and handed it to AK on the bed. "Ke Ge, please pay attention. Opportunity is very important, but what about your body? More important! ""Ah Zuo, thank you!" The person lying on the bed also showed a smile to the left. This matter has a certain degree of gratitude. Can people say such a thing to themselves? It's already pretty good! After all, what about their identities? It's different! Don't take yourself too seriously!

Now that it's all over, the mood of the people seems to be much better at this time. Soon, the leader also looks to the left, and his eyes are also shining, "Zuo, the beads are very beautiful! When did you like these things? It's hard to find such a good thing! "

Subconsciously to the left is also raised his arm, looked at the beads on the hand, he asked, where are the beads? The material is OK. Is it valuable? It's the rhinoceros horn above, but judging from the meaning of Uncle long, the value of the whole string of hands doesn't seem to be reflected in this rhinoceros horn? This is a little strange!

"Uncle gave me a gift, I like it very much, so I always take it with me!"

The talking uncle long also looks at Ding Yu who is sitting on one side, but he doesn't get any response from Ding Yu. What about this young man? At this time, it seems that there is a little bit of silence, the eyes are also deep down, and the whole person is too quiet. If you don't pay attention, you really don't know that the person sitting there is still a person, just like an old object!

"Good thing!"

The person on the bed was also helped up. Yang Ming took a look, "go to the hospital and check it again. Since you don't want to do the operation temporarily, you should first install an orthotic device! In this way, it is still a protection for your waist. Fortunately, you already have children, so there is no need to worry about other aspects! "

With the help of all, AK was also carried away! After all, the conditions here are not so convenient. After all the others have left, Yang Ming also takes a look to the left and shakes his head at him, "a Yu, what do you think?"

"It takes a long time to recuperate! It's impossible to get a complete recovery. It's too hard to fight, and the foundation of oneself is not so good. Although we can't see the so-called deficiency of Qi and blood at this time, we should not stick to it for too long. This is decided by the noodles of both the inborn and the postnatal! "

Yang Ming also nods. This is very clear. What about AK? It's determined by both congenital and acquired conditions, "Zuo, do you understand? What your uncle said is not a simple discussion of the disease, at the same time? It's also a wake-up call for you. What about your congenital conditions? It's very common. It needs to be made up the day after tomorrow. "

"If you don't practice martial arts, you'll have nothing to do with it!" Ding Yu also took over his uncle's topic, "did you practice it? It's just routine. The body shape is good, but what about the standing pile and so on? There is no in-depth understanding and research. It has something to do with age and experience. How many years have you been dormant? It's not a bad thing! "

However, Ding Yu and Yang Ming didn't go on talking about this topic. "I saw a bronze man of martial uncle's in it just now. Martial uncle has done a lot of research on it. I can see that there is a lot of light on the bronze man."

"If you don't know anything about this, what else do you rely on to eat?" Yang Ming also said with a sigh, "I wanted to take some apprentices before, but what about them? It seems to have this mind, but even the most basic acupoints? Do not have to remember clearly the meaning, so I this aspect of the mind also light! Yes? You are quite interested in this, too Having said that, he also looked at Ding Yu suspiciously.

Left did not want to understand, this time for Ding Yu and Yang Ming two people's conversation? It's just like a cloud mountain fog cover! But what about two people? All of them just talked about this half way, and there was no meaning to continue. It was really depressing to leave, but there was no way!

I can't pull their collars! On the one hand? I don't dare. On the other hand? It's true that I can't beat him. In the previous contest with uncle a, I can say that he was extremely devastated. Martial uncle even used only one hand. What about master Yang? Would he be his opponent? make fun of!

It's true that he is already a man, but the man is old, the ghost is old, the more such an old guy? The more difficult it is to deal with, the more you are born in such a family, you can say that you know a lot about it. There are a lot of people who have made a position in the world, but do you really have the ability to decide? Absolutely not these bloggers!

What about those who are famous? The dead are the fastest! Master Yang and uncle said so, do you want to remind yourself? But the problem is that I don't seem to have any intention of winning a place!

Do you understand? To the left is to press down the doubts in the heart. When I go back in the evening, I will have a good communication with my father, and I will rely on myself? It's really hard to understand the mystery. But think about it, this uncle seems to be almost the same age as himself. Why does he know so much?

In the past, when we looked at ourselves, we seemed to be so unattainable, but now we can see how the so-called evil spirit is. It's beyond human comparison! Animal level people!No more than I don't know, a match is really shameless!

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