When he came up to the left, Ding Yu was calling, "Mom, it's still so early. Do you want me to go back at this time? Is it too much? What's more, I have something to do here? " When he saw the left, Ding Yu also apologized! I need to deal with my mother at this time! There's not much free time.

For this uncle's performance, left is also quite curious, really did not expect this uncle there is such a time, tell it out, you may make a joke? But all this happened in front of themselves.

"I remember talking to you about the wedding of the army! Around the time of the national day, I will inform you in advance, so as to save you the time to tell me that there is no time What about other things? I'm not so interested.

The reason why he talks to his eldest son in such a tone is mainly because Ding Yu went to Hong Kong City and left his grandson and granddaughter alone? To throw to the United States side, only two children, they are the head of the family? Even so cruel, how many of this can not be Rao Su! Even if there is a reason, it can't be!

"I'll be back then!" How can Ding Yu not know what happened? Although at this time try not to touch his mother's eyebrows, otherwise it will be a very troublesome thing! Can't you hide?

"I wish you knew that!" But then Zhao Shuying's painting style also changed suddenly. "You're alone outside. Pay more attention to your own body. Don't want to die. Do you hear me?"

After saying a lot of wordy words, Zhao Shuying was able to let go of her son. When Ding Yu put down the phone, she also gave a wry smile, "Zuo, are you usually like this, and my sister-in-law often tells you so?"

"How are you?" What about left? I feel that I am not used to it, because what I mentioned to myself? Basically, they are common sense questions, but now I suddenly mention some family questions, which is really not very easy to answer.

Ding Yu did not want to continue to ask, there is no need, after all, this is a family privacy, he is not so curious people, "get up in the morning is relatively early! But what about life here in port city? It's really that some of them are not used to it. It's too late to work! "

So Ding Yu also took him to his villa to the left, not the hotel, but to the villa, where he worked. What about this place? Besides Ding Yu's hands? Left is really the first one to come in.

But looking at the door inspection, left is also feeling quite different, why? If you check yourself, there is no problem, but uncle is also followed by the inspection, which makes me a little difficult to understand. Is this rule too strict and out of line? Even uncle a can't survive?

Ding Yu was the first to be checked, so he waited a little while to the left, "how? Does it feel like I'm acting on purpose? "

"No, uncle. I admire you for setting an example."

"Flatter, don't you?" Ding Yu also smile, but very light, "do anything? In other words, you and I can see what's going on behind your back without the help of tools

"Uncle, you seem to be in charge of the court!"

"What's wrong with me? Am I not a man, I am a God? I won't make mistakes. In other words, can't someone else install a bug on my body? What if I don't check it and I have a bug on my body? When it comes to consequences, can I pass it on to others? Find a replacement? "

"Uncle, is this the so-called details that determine success or failure?"

"There are a lot of questions involved, but what about me personally? If you can't even do it yourself, then don't force others to do it. Similarly, if you can't do it well, let others do it! This is my way of doing things! At least what about me? That's what we do

After a few words, Ding Yu has also entered the working mode. Is this a short period? You can't get in to the left, but you can see everything inside through the window and look at the dense documents on the desktop? I also feel that there are so many incredible, so heavy workload?

And what about the whole morning? Basically, I haven't seen much of Ding Yu sitting down. If it's practicing martial arts, I'm afraid some of them can't stand standing for such a morning, let alone working all morning.

What about yourself? But there is no movement, just standing there watching, because you are also very curious, or in the bone? There are still some dissatisfaction, I also want to look for it, to see if we can find out some problems and shortcomings!

Even I didn't know that time passed so fast. Of course, when I came back with Uncle ah? The time may also be relatively late. At noon, he has a simple meal with Ding Yu. Ding Yu's meal is very fast, and he doesn't mean to take care of him.On the left, I noticed that not only Ding Yu, but also security and secretaries were also of the same use, but everyone was eating in order. What about the security work of the villa? There is no meaning to relax at all, even in some places? I can also see some so-called long weapons!

You know, what about here? But the port city, not other places, in such places as Hong Kong City? If you want a gun, you must have a gun license, but even if you have a gun card? It seems that they are only short weapons. I have never seen any so-called long weapons. But my uncle's security guard actually carries long weapons! Is it a little exaggerated?

At noon, Ding Yu has no time to talk to the left at all. His work is very busy and he has no free time to take care of him. What if he wants to? Just stay here, if you don't want to, you can walk around at will, and there are not many people to pay attention to him.

Left. What about these long weapons? I really have some interest, but what about security? There is no other way to look at the left. After the idle people unload their bullets, they also throw their spears to the left. As long as there are no bullets, what about the whole spear? It's just a firestick!

What about guns? Left really not strange, but their contact with more? It's just a prop, and it's a long gun, not a short gun. Carry it in your hand? The feeling is really quite different! Where did you go to Laohou? Isn't it because you're interested in this?

As for the security situation outside, Ding Yu and Jin have no intention to care about. As for how the security should get along with the left, no one will care about it, even in their opinion? There are so many children playing with fun!

"Things in Europe are in a stalemate now?"

The so-called stalemate refers to a period of peace. What about the major EU countries? Basically, what about the EU now? Still can't appear too big problem! But at this time of the day, what about the profits you earn here? That's enough!

Originally, I wanted to buy one or two islands? We still need to see the face of Greece to act. At this time, the Greek side has put all the islands in front of Ding Yu, and Ding Yu needs to make a good selection. There are also the original time is this condition, but also that condition, now dare to voice try!

But what about Ding Yu? Even though he made considerable profits, Ding Yu did not mean to offend the EU too much. What about Greece? I fell into the water carelessly, and I didn't mean to frame it. So what about this? Or don't look on your head!

But now that the matter is over doesn't mean it's really over. What about the next thing? How to deal with it needs Ding Yu to make an idea! After all, Ding Yu is in charge of his own affairs. What's his opinion? It plays a very important role. It's not a compliment! It's the fact!

"What? They have a conflict now? "

"No, we are all because although the end is now, what about the EU? For a long time, I'm afraid? Will not really cheer up! So I still hope to actively follow up, but

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand. "What's wrong with the EU?"

"There is no evidence to prove that, but what about the report? It seems that there is such a smell. I'm afraid it's very difficult for me to explain clearly. It needs your judgment, sir! " Jin just did his duty. He didn't mean to stand out. He was very clear about his position.

What if the EU has other problems at this time? It's just the British side. In fact, what has always been the case? Britain has quite a lot of opinions and ideas about the EU. What about this? Also has not been very good solution, is really quite a big problem!

Ding Yu looks at Jin and looks at him for a long time. Jin also looks at himself up and down. There is nothing wrong with his clothes! What's more, Mr. Zhang doesn't seem to care about it. What's the reason for looking at himself at this time? Is it because you have a gun bag?

It's impossible. Mr. Zhang's eyes are not placed on the gun bag at all. He used to have the same configuration. Jin also looked at Ding Yu, and Ding Yu frowned slightly. Then he suddenly laughed, "Jin, we need to prepare for this in advance."

"Sir, is it about safety?"

"No Ding Yu directly shook his head. "We need to do something else, but what about this time? How to proceed is really a question. What about the EU? Now this is the end of the next paragraph. Let them have a rest for a period of time. What about the 11th? I want to go back to Beijing and let them come and have a seat. "

Kim's eyes are also bright, so the so-called major executives to sit down? It's not a trivial matter. What are the problems involved? It may be very big. Obviously, Mr. Zhang has already planned to do this. "What kind of signal should we send to the outside world, sir?""This time, things in Greece have been very successful, and everyone has worked hard."

"I see!" Sir, please come to the capital to celebrate the victory. After all, what about this time? Only when the major executives are united can we achieve the present success. Naturally, Mr. Zhang will not be stingy. As for what other implications are there? What about this problem? I'm afraid that only the gentleman is the most clear!

Soon, Jin also informed the directors of this aspect. As for the major supervisors, how should they arrange it? This problem is not clear to many people. Jin is only responsible for this aspect of the news, does not explain the specific things!

Although the matter did not say that the uproar, but in a small range? Still, many people know that many forces do not really have too many ideas about this matter. Do you all know that in this EU incident? Ding Yu is quite a piece of cake, but how big this cake is, I don't know!

What's the approximate estimate? It is not very useful, but everyone knows that it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to raise such a big cake without offending the EU countries. At least, what about Ding Yu's stakeholders? Still need a thumbs up.

Ding Yu and his officials gather together, which means that we can put on the plate, because the cake? It will be presented soon, but you really need to admire Ding Yu. What about such a big thing? He didn't even command in person until now, and even most of the time, he just looked out from the rear!

Although Ding Yu said, what is his understanding of the capital market? Basically, it tends to be nothing, but this remark makes us think that it is a joke in itself. But the problem is that Ding Yu has never personally started in the capital market. What about all the things? It's all done by the people below!

This makes people feel strange. If you don't know the capital market, do Dingyu dare to invest like this? If Ding Yu doesn't know anything, does he dare to play like this? Give everything to your subordinates, this should not be a matter of trust!

However, everyone's random speculation is useless. The rate of return for the cooperation between us and Ding Yu is beyond imagination. As for what the process is like, there is no need to ask so clearly! What's more, even if asked, will Ding Yu tell you all the information? It's really impossible!

What is the most important point? Ding Yu really has a lot of revenge for this aspect, and some forces are not angry about it. Therefore, Ding Yu is gradually eliminated by Ding Yu in the process of marching. As for you, do you want to get on the boat again? If Ding Yu agrees or disagrees, other partners will not agree first!

To know how much benefit Ding Yu can pout out, even if it is involved, no one is willing to turn back. Some people get off the bus, which means that others can eat more cakes. Why not do it?

Do you know what Ding Yu did? It's not the so-called Ponzi scheme. Before it starts, Ding Yu will invite many stakeholders to participate in the investment. What is the total amount of investment? Basically, it's fixed. After the event is over, Ding Yu will also give you reports. How do you solve the remaining things is your business, it has nothing to do with me!

Of course, in this process, Ding Yu will also mobilize the power of their investors. Is this the only way? Will the interests be greater? What is the purpose of everyone? They are all consistent, that is, to make money and make profits.

In this process, both investment and withdrawal are allowed, except for special circumstances. But what about the past? It is true that there has been no divestment. What about Ding Yu? It also integrates a considerable force. What about this force? It is not only reflected in the economic aspect, but also in the political circle. The influence is not obvious on the surface, but it is really chilling behind it.

Ding Yu is also well aware of the situation, can not show up, absolutely not to show up, so it is already a lot of people? They all know sun Yingnan, Shasha, Li Fuzhen and Dashan, but basically not many people know that they belong to the same family, and what about their leaders? It's Ding Yu!

"Sir, the Li family wants to treat you to dinner! At night! "

"Is the message moving so fast?" Ding Yu took off the crystal glasses and said unexpectedly, "what about the information collection? Li Sheng is really different! Even beyond imagination

"Although we said we just released the news, what about you? The scope of news may be relatively narrow, but it can not be ignored, and we are now? It's also on the ground of the port city. If the Li family can't react quickly, they won't sit on the position of the king without the crown! "

"Let's go." Ding Yu also smiles, "this grandfather Li! It's really businessmen. What about their sensitivity? Of course, it doesn't, but what about business? Too practical, even a lot of times? It seems that there is not too much human interest. The business is big, but the follow-up impact is really very general! "What about business? A good hand, really no one can match, but in the handling of other problems? It is a little bit stubborn, just like Ding Yu took over many domestic industries! From the perspective of businessmen, there are not too many problems, but the impact of other aspects is ignored!

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