Looking at the outside more happy to the left, Ding Yu also pointed with a finger.

After Jin came out of the room, he found himself to the left at the first time. "I'll give you an hour to clean yourself up and change your clothes. In the evening, my husband will attend a banquet! Dress up

"Now?! All right, I'll be right back! " Left did not want to ask what kind of banquet to participate in, since uncle told himself, so he went to prepare! Uncle with himself? Itself is a kind of training for oneself. What about asking the East and the west? Itself is a kind of not quite should! I am not young and naive to that extent!

There is not an hour, left to return again, but the time is still the same, after quite strict inspection, and not because of the previous time in, now there will be no inspection, left is also honest to accept the examination, uncle is no exception, he will not feel any special situation!

"Dressed up is still the spirit!" Ding Yu also looked to the left, "in the evening, Li Sheng and grandfather Li invited me to dinner. You also went with me! It's not a bad thing to see! As long as I'm not too excited! "

"Thank you, uncle!" What about things like this? You don't need to bring yourself at all, but what about Uncle carrying yourself now? Is to give yourself a chance, you know, even if it is your father? In front of the Li family? There is no identity, don't look at their father seems to be very powerful, but this powerful? It's just relative!

Actually speaking, the Li family doesn't need Li Sheng to show up. Any one of the two people below will press out a finger, which is enough to make him cry bitterly at home, let alone which Li Sheng? That is the richest man who deserves it! The goal of all Hong Kong people!

In the evening, Li's family members drove by themselves and said, "uncle, how did you come here in person?" What about this Li family visitor? The relationship with himself is quite good, and there is also considerable cooperation between them. Can Li family let him come in person? It is also a kind of respect for Ding Yu!

It has nothing to do with age. What about in a place like Hong Kong City? On seniority? It's really not as big as the influence of money! What about the arrival of the young master of the Li family? Also let the left performance of the honest, and even a little bit of formality! Although everyone is a childe, the situation is not the same as that of his own!

One is the sky, and the other is cloud and mud. It seems that they are almost the same. There is no comparability between them. What about the Li family? Also did not have to pay attention to the left meaning, at most before getting on the bus nodded, was said to have said hello, this also has been regarded as to the home this face!

More specifically, what about this? It is to give Ding Yu the face. Otherwise, he knows who is left. The gap between them is really too big, and even there are so many irrelevant things. If it is his father, he may say two words, but it is just a face-to-face!

No matter social status, or identity, is a serious inequality, so I don't need to do anything "courteous and virtuous"! There's really no need! As for Ding Yu, why should he deal with Xiang Jia? What about inside? But there are not too many interests to speak of, mainly to the home want to attach!

Xiangjia is also the villain of Hong Kong City. It is not all the things that the Li family comes forward to have no problem. What's more, all the things of the Li family come forward, and they are very tired. All kinds of things need to be placed below, at least to give the following people a chance to express themselves! Right?

"Ah Yu!" Since it is a banquet for Ding Yu, we need to show our attitude. Even if it is to meet him personally, it is not difficult for Li Sheng, let alone that person? But Ding Yu! What about the relationship between the two? Not to mention, but the cooperation between each other is quite good!

What about the EU? He didn't get involved in much, but there was a lot of investment in the whole port city. Why did Ding Yu pull himself down? They are so clear, after all or by a little influence! What about the impact? Absolutely not because of their personal relationship with Ding Yu? You can erase it.

What about the withdrawal of capital from China? Say big or not, but say small? It seems that it's not small. Domestic consortia have been rising too much these years, and they really feel a lot of pressure. Of course, this is not the most core problem, but the most important one is the rate of return of interests!

I am just a businessman and only consider the issue of rate of return. What about this? It is quite different from Ding Yu. What about Ding Yu? He is really not a pure businessman. What about his many problems? It involves quite a number of aspects.

This is also the reason why many families in Xianggang City, including Samsung in South Korea, need to give Ding Yu this face. Ding Yu can integrate all aspects of power, so that everyone can benefit from it. But if any one of them stands up, has this effect? It's impossible!

One is the lack of this ability, and the other? It is lack of this influence. What about Ding Yu? With this ability, he also has this influence, and with his own ability and influence, he directly killed a blood path, and then sat on the current position, and even made himself feel some envious position.What about your age? There is no way to support themselves to continue to move forward. It is basically impossible to break through the current influence. What do you want? After I left? The Li family will not leave Ding Yu's boat. After all, the relationship between the Li family and Ding Yu in Hong Kong City is really the relationship between the Li family and Ding Yu who did not enter South Korea.

Li Fuzhen has become the director of Asia. What about this? There must be a considerable relationship with the Li family of Samsung. Whether it is positive or negative, it is for Samsung? There are a lot of constraints, but what about your own side? There is really a lack of this bridge!

Want to connect this bridge? It is really not so simple. It is useless to rely on the so-called means of marriage, at least there is no guarantee! Is Li Fu Zhen valued by Ding Yu? What about her family? There is a certain relationship, but more importantly, Li Fu Zhen has this ability, which is the key!

Never because of Li Fu Zhen's family status? And ignore her ability, want to know who is put in charge by Ding Yu? Will Ding Yu go through the so-called back door because of his personal relationship? You know, the more people at this level? The less possible this is!

"Grandfather Li! Such a big posture but let me behind the shock! If other people know about this, I'm afraid I'll have my big tooth broken the next day?! You are the patron saint of the whole city

From the back of the car to the left, of course, you can see this. What about yourself now? Or do you feel a little bit soft? The leader of the Li family came to meet his uncle in person. They all said that the relationship between uncle a and the Li family was very good, but now we can see that it is good, so simple!

Left to the Li's? Just come to see the scene. Even if Ding Yu is with him, how about the upper and lower parts of the Li family? Will not deliberately say what the so-called greeting, there will not be any difference, the reason for left to clean up, is not to let him too obvious, put it bluntly is so simple.

However, Xiang Shi, who was in charge of the family, was a bit sluggish when he heard that his son was taken to the Li family. Do you want to know about the Li family? He is the king of the whole port city. What about himself? It seems to be very powerful, but what about this force? It's really not enough to be pinched by others!

Ding Yu took his son to the Li's house, but he really let Xiang ten go? I feel so excited in my heart, and then I pull my clothes collar. The action is a little bit big. I just pull the buttons off. I can't hold down the heat and excitement in my heart at this time!

"Ah Yu, what happened in the EU has come to an end?" During the meal, the leader of the Li family also mentioned the matter directly. There were no other outsiders on the table, so there was no other worry. What's more? Ding Yu is more direct, so there is no need to have too many greetings!

Ding Yu put down his chopsticks and nodded his head slightly. "Things in Greece are so noisy up to now, and the time is not short. To make a summary temporarily, the process of privatization in Greece has already started. For many forces, this is originally a process of egg cake sharing. As for how to go next? I'm afraid everyone's ideas are not so unified! Opinions are still quite different! But the general opinion is unified! "

"So the world bank, including other creditors, doesn't want Greece to leave the EU?"

Ding Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, took a look, and then slowly said, "if Greece is divorced from the European Union, it is not in the interests of the United States and Asia, nor is it in the interests of Greece. What about the European Union? Even if you have this idea, you will not choose to let Greece launch at such a stage! "

At this time, everyone can analyze the situation clearly. What Ding Yu said is not so strange, "yes! Greece will not leave the EU no matter what, because it is not allowed to leave the EU in all aspects, but under such circumstances, the damage to the whole EU is too great! "

Watching the Three Kingdoms shed tears, worried about the ancients? Ding Yu doesn't think so. What about the old man in front of him? But what about the richest Chinese for many years, and even a lot of property? Have not been calculated on the surface, so many years of accumulation can not be underestimated.

Therefore, Ding Yu is also very clear about what Li Sheng meant by saying, "what about Greece? It's not good for everyone to make too much noise, and it's not allowed to make a big fuss in all aspects. So what about the Greek attack on the positive side? It's not very likely! "

Li Shoufu is carefully pondering the meaning of Ding Yu's words. What kind of concept is it to convey? Can not be wantonly shot, then it means the secret small action? There will still be, but what kind of small movements?

He really did not receive the news in this respect, or even lack of judgment in this respect. Has Ding Yu started to prepare for this aspect now? Or has the layout been started? Did you fail to keep up with the car this time? For a while, this mind is also a little complicated!"I have some layout in the UK and Australia!"

At this time, Ding Yu is holding his chin on the dining table. It seems that such behavior is not very polite. But now, no one will find fault with Ding Yu in this respect, "Dong Li!" As soon as this address comes out, Li Shoufu's heart can't help but thump.

What about the change of appellation? It also means that things will change in essence, and without waiting for himself to speak, Ding Yu said lightly, "what about most of the domestic industries? I let Zhuang Dongliang take over. As for whether it has caused considerable influence, I don't know! "

Can't you say it clearly? It's just that Ding Yu doesn't want to talk about it. What about some industries? It's not that Zhuang Dongliang must want the next step, or Ding Yu must want the next step, but the problem is that if the matter is exposed to the public, then what is the associated effect? It's too bad!

Now, what about the outside? It may not cause too many problems and situations, but what about the internal? Who should know? Basically, I already know. What about the Li family in Hong Kong City? After all, you started with British capital. Now you have invested in Britain and Australia. What about this problem? There is no way to avoid it!

It's not that Ding Yu doesn't play with you! But the question is what you did? Let Ding Yu here is also a little bit fidgety. Under such circumstances, if we continue to take the Li family in Hong Kong City, I'm afraid the domestic side? Will also show other opinions and ideas to Ding Yu!

Is it really worth the risk? For Ding Yu, it is really worth considering. What about the port city? It is not only the Li family, but also other families. The Li family is quite representative, but it does not mean that the Li family is unique! This should be made clear.

"What about the mainland? At that time, there was a lack of consideration. The main reason was that the timeliness of opening up the mainland market was too long. On this issue, the situation in Britain and Australia was different! "

Ding Yu is really not so concerned about how to explain it. He only needs an attitude problem. At least if he is asked about other things in the future, he also needs to have a coping style. This is what he wants!

Now that Li Shoufu has given himself an explanation, it is enough, so Ding Yu has no need to continue to ask the reason. At this time, he also put down his arm, and even the whole body was deliberately tilted back. Since this problem has been solved, the remaining problem is not a big problem!

"The EU is not over yet?"

"I don't have any plans in this area now. Let's stop for a while." Ding Yu also pointed to himself, "not to mention domestic affairs? It's also more obscure, so I can only hide here now, at least it's relatively clean, and the problems at home are also a mess! "

What about business? We have already talked about it. When we met earlier, it was not easy to mention this aspect. But now? It is Ding Yu who meets the Li family, so there is no need to worry about it. What about Hong Kong City Li family's march into Britain and Australia? Ding Yu doesn't have any interest!

Li Shoufu is also relieved. If Ding Yu really expressed his opposition in this respect, there will be some unhappiness between them. It is not that Ding Yu is greedy for his own interests and has nothing to do with this. It is mainly because he wanted to withdraw capital from China? The impact is not very good!

His previous time was too hasty, and also did not be able to talk with Ding Yu about the relevant issues and ideas, but from the current situation, Ding Yu himself really does not have too many opinions, which still makes me very happy!

"Ah Yu, I heard that you have a lot of industries in the UK?"

"No! Grandfather Li, although I said there are some blue chips in my hand, it seems that you have no use for him! " Ding Yu also showed a little puzzled look. There was a lot of cooperation between them, but what has been going on? I really don't mean to cross!

"It's not just blue chips, there are other things, I'm more interested now!"

Ding Yu really has some doubts. What about the Li family? Long ago, we started to lay out the British side and buy the whole UK? It may be a little exaggerated, but he has already controlled a considerable share of electricity, natural gas and so on. In such a large range, the problems revealed in this are really not too wonderful!

But Ding Yu didn't have any intention to show. What about some things? It can't be said! Say the words, each other will appear to be extremely embarrassed! Since we are not so optimistic about the future development of China's economy, we can't force it, can we? Behavior is not supported, but understandable!

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