"Uncle, isn't it a little bad?" On the way back, Ding Yu also declined the Li family's offer and took him over? It's OK, but when I go back, I'll let you see you off. This seems to be too much. Ding Yu doesn't like it. His personality is not so strong and publicized.

After seeing Ding Yu get on the bus, he looks a little dull. He asks subconsciously to the left. When Ding Yu looks to the left, he suddenly laughs, "what about interests? There has never been a good or a bad saying. Only the question of whether it is appropriate or not, or whether it is more or less, is the most fundamental! "

"Uncle, are you talking about big business?" Left is a look forward to, but also very envious.

"Big business?" Ding Yu looked out of the window, "how do you distinguish the size of this business? Do you distinguish them by the size of the funds? If we use this to describe it, it seems that the business is really not small? "

On the way back, Ding Yu didn't talk too much to the left. What about the left now? Or are there so many too excited about Li's villa? It is really not everyone can enter at will! He is now in such a situation, it is really understandable!

Ding Yu went back to the hotel directly, instead of going to his villa. He always followed Ding Yu's side to the left. But what happened after he came back? Ding Yu did not talk to the left about other things, but sat alone on the sofa reading, reading late!

Although he was excited to the left, he still failed to hold on. However, when he woke up in the morning, Ding Yu had already woken up, exercised, ate, and then rushed to the villa to deal with the documents. Everything was in an orderly manner. What about the left? In the morning, I didn't rush to the villa because I didn't have too many things!

But just back home, his father caught one side of the position, "what's the matter? I didn't have a good rest last night?! I heard it's been in the hotel all the time! How can you feel low spirited, especially in front of your uncle? "

Left looking at his father some "bad intentions" eyes, but also helplessly stare at their own eyes, the performance is very helpless! "Uncle a went to Li's house yesterday. What do you mean? It seems that I talked about big business. I asked a lot of questions, but what I know is still very limited! "

"I know about things in Li Sheng's house, but how do I feel that you are so depressed? I don't care about your uncle's affairs. I'm just worried about your situation! Do you understand? "

"Where's uncle? I'm too harsh on myself. Although I said that I didn't stay with uncle for a long time, I felt that the pressure was really too great, so come back and have a rest while I'm still free! "

"I didn't hear how ah Yu moved? Why are you like this? "

"Uncle a is almost a robot. What about the people around him? Although they are not robots, they are also non-human. They are not ordinary people at all. Uncle a is not interested in colorful colors. You can't see you go to casinos, bars or even parties! ..。”

After that, he fell to the left on the sofa, "this is more than an ascetic. I really don't know what uncle a is for? Is it because this is the port city? So we need to pay attention to this effect? "

"What is everyone's pursuit? It's not the same! " The explanation to ten is also very casual, but also quite patient, "what about you? It may be luxury cars, parties, etc., but for your uncle, what about these things? It's totally pediatric. What about the mental stimulation? For him, he has no interest in any more! "

"But what else is there in life?" Lying on the bed to the left is also bored to say, "I really do not understand this uncle, do not deny that he really makes me feel extraordinary admiration, but if life is like this, what is the meaning of it? It's like a clock, monotonous and tasteless

"You feel monotonous, just because you and your uncle are not on the same level anymore!" Speaking of this, Xiang Shi also sighed, "don't look at what I said seems to be right, but let me do this? I can't do it. Even most people in the world can't do it. Otherwise, why is your uncle standing in that position? "

"Lao Dou, are you trying to dampen my enthusiasm?"

The muscles on his face twitched slightly. "In fact, you can survive these two days, which is beyond my expectation. How many people want to follow your uncle's side? There is really no such opportunity. What's more? Even some of us can't bear it. This even includes your uncle's brother! "

"So cruel?" Left is also a sudden interest! Although this is a little gossip!

"This is not the most hateful thing. When he was on duty, he came to Hong Kong. At that time, the arrangement was made by Lao Hou. After that, the whole port city was full of panic. You may have heard of it, but I and others once asked people to see it. It was really sweeping the past and then nothing was growing. When you didn't see such a scene, you absolutely would It's unimaginable! The people who went at the beginning basically left behind quite a psychological shadow. ""I've heard of it, but it's hearsay!"

"It's rumor. It's because the impact is too big. So what about everyone? It's basically a command. You don't know what it was like in my heart after you hit him at that time. Don't look at home as if it was a big business, but in front of such a national machine, it's just a little ant! "


"Do you want to ask if your uncle is still a state machine?" Xiang Shi also took a breath and shook his head slightly after half a day? I'm really not sure, if only from the identity, it seems that there is no need for this aspect, and standing in his present position? It's too vulgar to fight and kill! "

I look at my father to the left, but there are some people who can't support me. The whole person is also trapped on the sofa. I don't have much time to sleep in the past. I shake my head to ten. What about my son? On the one hand, it is because of physiological reasons, but what is more important? It should be the psychological pressure is too big!

Don't say to the left, even when facing Ding Yu, I feel that Alexander is really not what ordinary people can bear, let alone his own son? Is he in front of Ding Yu? Like a newborn baby, there is no fight back, let alone resistance!

Looking at the nanny who came by, he waved his hand to ten and let him rest on the sofa to the left! What about mental stress? Some of them can't bear the pressure, but what about their physical strength? Can't bear it! What did Ding Yu do in the hotel? I'm still clear about it. It's really non-human!

You will get up at about 4 o'clock in the morning and have a rest around 12 o'clock in the evening. What about the possible rest? Is to let his son accompany a stroll, that's all! What about a life like this for a man of his own age? May be more appropriate, but for young people like left, too restrained!

Count the young people you've met. From inside to outside, you can count them one by one. Is there one who can be the same as Ding Yu? It's really hard to see! Have now such a situation, he can still maintain their own mentality, this itself? It's hard for ordinary people to reach!

The time to sleep on the left is a little bit longer. I didn't have a good rest in the past two days. In addition, there was such a great pressure. Even when I wanted to come, I felt weak all over the body, and the whole person felt so weak! Looking at the mother sitting on one side, but just can't mention their own spirit to say hello!

"What's the matter?"

Lying on the sofa to the left and looking up at the roof, I didn't mean to talk for a long time. However, the lady next to me didn't mean to disturb her much. When her husband left, she said to himself that her son had been hit. Now what about consolation? It won't do much unless he can figure it out!

It's really not easy for my son to have such a chance. Let him suffer a little bit? It's not a bad thing. It's in the harbor city? There won't be too much success. At most, he will take over his father in the future, but he can't do it well. This is still an unsettled thing!

So it's better to take advantage of this opportunity to give a good beating. What about the others? With this idea, but not to be able to suppress his son, but Ding Yu is different, that is, in two days, he felt that his son was just like being kneaded in mud and was about to be rubbed flat. Although he was also very distressed, he did not regret it!

"Mom, make me some soup in the evening." I don't know how long I've been lying down for a long time. I said to the left abruptly. The lady next to me was stunned and nodded her head slightly. "I've got Ah Ying ready. What do you like best? Do you want to go over at night?"

"I don't want to go at night. I have to get up early tomorrow morning. I'd like to ask Uncle a where to rest in the evening." After that, I closed my eyes again! Madame told the nanny, then or sat in the previous position above, or not at ease!

As for the situation on the other side of the left, Ding Yu doesn't mean to ask questions. Can he hold on? Best, if you can't hold on, you have nothing to do with yourself. At least you do your best. You can't bear it. You can't complain about Ding Yu. There's no such reason!

When Xiang Shi gave his own information in the evening, neither of them mentioned the meaning to the left. "Yu Shao, the people over there went to the bar last night, but there was no other situation. There were not so many people, but it was a start. I don't know how to deal with it next! Do you want to say hello to the people below? "

"Are you afraid of responsibility?" Ding Yu understood Xiang Shi's idea at the first time, which is also a common sense, because no one knows what kind of things these guys will do. But what about the final board? Basically, it will not fall on them, but on their bodies. Naturally, it will fall on the other side's head!

Is Xiang Shi worried about this? It is also inevitable! Now what about that? They are also asking Ding Yu for an opinion. At least they should take out the black pot. They really don't mean to attack those people. They can't and dare not. However, these guys want to bump into the muzzle of the gun. They have no way to do it. They are in a dilemma in two aspects!"I wish I didn't get involved!" Ding Yu said a word, but what about this? Xiang Shi also understood what Ding Yu meant and what they wanted to do? It's their business. What about this side? They're just responsible for observation and don't need to interfere with their behavior.

"Yu Shao, what do you think of them? There are still some who are too young, so they may not be able to restrain themselves in some aspects, and there should be no big problems. After all, here? It's the city of Hong Kong. The colorful night will make people lose their eyes! They may be a little bit out of line, but there should be no big problem! I can guarantee that! "

Ding Yu couldn't buy a smile, "I know, anyway there will be someone to deal with it, you and I don't want to interfere in this aspect! Would you like to have dinner together in the evening? I have nothing to do with it anyway

"No, your sister-in-law has stewed the soup, waiting for me to go back!" Xiang Shi also quickly refused. After all, he was not so clear about his son's situation. At this time, he really didn't have so much thought. "Yu Shao, if you have time, try your sister-in-law's craft. It's very good!"

Ding Yu laughed. He didn't say yes or no, but he said, "now? I'm afraid it's really not suitable. Although my sister-in-law's face is very welcome, but what about this heart? It's really not the taste. I don't want to lose other flavors in the soup! "

Xiang Shi also smiles awkwardly. What about this? Although there is a bit of fun, but it's really comfortable to listen to your heart. What about the tigress at home? Still very atmospheric, in this issue I never doubt, but she is a woman, a mother, this is not able to avoid!

Now? It's good to have this relationship. What will happen in the future? Say it again! What about this small problem? Ding Yu is quite reasonable. Although young and gentle, but in the treatment of human affairs? It's really amazing!

"Sir! Chen Feng called earlier, the wedding day of her and Wu Mingyu has been set down! "

"I see!" What about the wedding of Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu? I need to attend. As for my cousin's wedding, I also need to attend it. But after that? Do you still need to go back to the port city? This seems to be a problem! How should we deal with this problem at that time?

Talk about it after you go back! It's still a little early to say that! However, we should also make some preparations. I don't know if those guys at home are also ready for this aspect. What about the wedding of Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu? It seems to be a touchstone! Can they bear it then?

Of course, they absolutely dare not go to the wedding of Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu to make trouble. What about Chen Feng? Although he is the housekeeper of the courtyard, this identity is very common, but what about Wu Mingyu? But third uncle's secretary, this identity has so some unusual, those silly children in the family, this should still be very clear door!

Did Ding Yu hide in the harbor city? It's really that the Wang family and the Su family are quite dissatisfied, but are they not satisfied? There is no way, because what about the port city? Different from other places, what about their influence? It's really not enough to move these people in Hong Kong!

But what about Ding Yu's departure? It is really to let everyone have such a sense of elation. Even if Ding Yu is rich, what can he do? It's not that all the people in the family have been forced to head back, so there's no need to give Ding Yu any face and step on him in the dead!

What about each other's problems? It didn't cool down because of Ding Yu's departure. Now there are some signs of growing prosperity. As for whether the Wang family and the Su family have this feeling, it's really unknown! Anyway, Ding Yu is not so worried.

In my opinion, what if I just beat these guys to death? It's just the three elders in the family? Think about this and that again, OK! Think about it slowly! Those guys at home have stepped on this mine. It's not to say that whoever stands up can stop it!

It may also be that Ding Yu can clearly see the problems of these guys because they are on the opposite side of each other. However, Ding Yu himself is quite dark. Although he saw it, Ding Yu did not mean to correct it, and even deliberately indulged them!

Ding Yu's heart is revenge or what other thoughts, I'm afraid no one can say clearly, because no one can drill into Ding Yu's head to have a look! So I don't know Ding Yu's idea at all!

Even the three old men are helpless for this child, you say he has no temper! It's really wrong, but you have to say he has a temper! It seems that there is no vent. Anyway, it is not around. The three elders really don't know how to deal with it. After all, what about Ding Yu? It's just one person, and over there? It's a big lump!

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