It's very quiet in Gangcheng! What about his state? Or does it make people feel very satisfied, even though it is superficial? It's because Ding Yu's relationship with his family is not so happy, but it's only on the surface. It's also because of some domestic forces. It's very embarrassing.

How about shooting Ding Yu from the surface? There are really not too many ways, at least not able to have any impact on Ding Yu. But now, because of the family, Ding Yu is very passive, and many people have seen the hope.

At least it proves that Ding Yu is not a perfect person. At least, he seems confused in dealing with family problems. Even if he can't attack Ding Yu, he can drag him down. What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what about the fortress? It's always broken from the inside!

It is basically impossible for Ding Yu's fortress to be broken from the outside. We have experimented too many times, and the cost for this is also many, even unbearable. And now what about the inside of the fort? It is really to let everyone taste a little sweet, to be able to find weaknesses, really better!

Near the time of the national day, Ding Yu also returned to the capital. Although there was no big publicity when he came back, someone already got the news when Ding Yu's plane landed at the capital airport. What about Ding Yu's rush back? Everyone's ideas are also more! This time can't let Ding Yu leave easily, don't say a hammer hit him dizzy, also have to let him suffer.

Do you want to get it straight? Impossible, but step by step, is to make you irritable, will certainly affect Ding Yu. But once Ding Yu is affected, when he deals with things, he will inevitably show his flaws, and then he will start again? Maybe it will.

"Boss! Don't go back to the courtyard, come home! " Wang Changlin is obviously aware of the actions of some people in the family, so he also deliberately made such a call to his eldest son, "I asked Wang Yang to pick you up!"

"Go back and change your clothes!" Ding Yu is very indifferent to say, "just came back, I did not seem to provoke anyone, right? Can't even go home?! Is that too much, too unreasonable? "

"The reasons are very complicated. Don't go back to the courtyard!" How much is Wang Changlin's voice so hasty? What's the situation at home? Recently, there are some people who can't be pressed down. I also know that there are quite a lot of external reasons. These guys at home! Used!

But the problem is that they are now possessed by the devil, and they don't listen to any dissuasion. Wang Changlin can't do it now, because what's behind this? How much is involved in the three old, not as simple as imagined! So can we slow down the explosion of this powder keg? Still need to slow down!

Ding Yu has already answered the phone call, so let's see what his father will do, whether to go home or to the courtyard? It's not as important as you can imagine. At least Ding Yu didn't mean to put it in his heart! Look at the development of the situation!

"Send me home, you go back to the courtyard first."

Jin didn't ask about the reason. He just asked people to prepare the gift and then drove Ding Yu to the place. When he came, not only Su Yuan was at home, but also Lin Qiuyan and his children were there. When he saw Ding Yu, he was stunned. He really didn't expect that Ding Yu would come over at this time!

"When did you come back?" Su Yuan looked at his eldest son and asked him subconsciously. But at this time, the child in Su Yuan's arms opened his little hand and stared at Ding Yu with his big eyes. He didn't know what was the reason for it. Then he grabbed him from Ding Yu at the first time!

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment. He was very clear about this grandson? It seems that there are some prejudices. When Wang Yang and Qiu Yan went to see Ding Yu with their children, Ding Yu turned a blind eye. Today, after seeing his son coming, the grandson even took the initiative to extend his hand to his uncle. This is really strange!

Ding Yu, who had been cleaned, looked at his nephew, but also glanced at him. His mother's action seemed to have some intentional elements, and there was no much hesitation. Ding Yu took the child into his own hand. The child did not have much weight. Ding Yu then stretched out his arms and stuck his nephew's body!

When they were older, they looked at each other for a period of time, and then Ding Yu took back his arm. However, his nephew in his arms was so naughty that he grabbed Ding Yu's hair and didn't mean to give up at all. Then the whole person was holding Ding Yu's face and gnawing at it! I don't dislike it at all!

Ding Yu feels a little fun for his nephew in his arms. What kind of breath is on his body that attracts him, but Ding Yu can understand some of them, children? Maybe they all like the smell.

Accompany to play for a while, the child in Ding Yu's arms? It's neither crying nor making noise. It's a Western scene. How about Su Yuan and Lin Qiuyan? There are so many looking at each other! When is the child so clever? You know, even Wang Changlin and Wang Yang can't coax this child well!But now the child is eating with his uncle? Su Yuan and Lin Qiuyan were so overjoyed by this. Ding Yu pestered his nephew for a long time, and then asked him to sit on his own legs. However, his nephew in diapers was not honest at all!

"Go to your mother." Staring for a while, Ding Yu also handed the child to Lin Qiuyan, because it can be seen that she has been rowing with Ding Yu for a period of time. She is a little tired and sleepy. Her eyes are almost unable to open. The child is just like this. It is not suitable to play for too long!

Su Yuan looked at his son. At this time, he didn't pay attention to his daughter-in-law who coaxed his grandson to sleep. He just put his eyes on his eldest son. "Didn't expect that your relationship with Xiaogang would be so good? He is quite a stranger. If your father wants to hold him, he needs to spend half a day coax on it! "

The expression on Ding Yu's face was not complacent. It was plain. He nodded to show that he knew. However, Su Yuan felt that Su Yuan was so angry. Why did his eldest son look like this? It can be seen that he has a good relationship with this nephew, at least not in the rumor Disgusting!

Otherwise, Xiaogang will not be allowed to grasp his hair, then hold his face and gnaw for such a long time. Why doesn't Xiaogang do this when facing other people? Why does Xiaogang do this when facing his eldest son? What about fate? There may be some idealism, but blood relationship should occupy a considerable level.

"Eat here in the evening." Seeing that his son didn't react, Su Yuan didn't force him to coerce anything, because he was very clear that there was no effect and effect of coercion, "does your father come back at night?"

"I should come back!" Ding Yu said a word without salt and salt. Before Su Yuan continued to ask, Ding Yu's phone rang suddenly, and then he made an apology to his mother. Originally, he wanted to hear what his son said, but it was obvious that this idea finally failed, because it was all birdsong!

Although he said that he had learned English, it was obvious that his son didn't speak it clearly. He couldn't understand what language it was. Anyway, he didn't understand what he said. However, he understood what his son said earlier. The husband should come back, which means that he called him back!

As for why? I heard about the wedding of Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu? It's going to be held soon. My son must have come back because of this. But what about the family? There are also a group of unlucky children. Because of them, the boss went to the port city. It's hard for them to give up now!

Son talking on the sofa, the voice is not so loud, his grandson? They were all asleep, so Lin Qiuyan also came out to help, but there was not much to help. There were servants at home, but the eldest son came back after all, so he needed to cook by himself. Anyway, he was his son.

When Wang Yang came, he looked at the elder brother sitting on the sofa. He wiped his eyes in disbelief. When did the elder brother come back, how could he have no news? And why did he sit at home? This is what makes me feel curious! Is the sun coming out in the west?

When will you come back? Are you OK in the harbor city? "

"Not bad!" Ding Yu did not because of the arrival of Wang Yang, on the performance of how enthusiastic, still not salty, let people see after it? Is there really so some can not help, to give two slaps on his face, fortunately Wang Yang? I'm used to my big brother's style!

"I heard that Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu are not going to make the wedding too big. They are just people in a small range to celebrate. Many people have not received the invitation!" Wang Yang obviously knew why his elder brother came back, so he also said something about this. Although he said that he would not prepare for the banquet, what about the people who would be present at that time? It won't be too little, even if it's just a show? Must also be present, after all, the identity of two people, there are so some subtle!

After taking a look at the situation in the kitchen, Wang Yang took another look at his elder brother, "elder brother, I feel that the atmosphere here in the capital is a little bit more subtle recently! Something? It's a little unclear! " When talking, I also pay special attention to the expression on Ding Yu's face!

As for Wang Yang's words, Ding Yu simply glanced at him, "do you mean that there are other people involved besides the people in the family? Or did the family make friends with other people? "

"Well!" Big brother is really very sensitive. He just revealed a little bit of this, and he immediately understood, "I just heard some news, but I can't say exactly what it is like. It seems to be over there with Yu Mingyue? There is a certain relationship. Some people say they have dinner together! "

"Jade moon?" I really didn't expect that she would come out and get the support of relevant forces. The development of jade style group seems to be very fast, not to mention the domestic side? It also has considerable support. What's more important? Ding Yu did not form any practical conflict with Yushi group! What about some problems? They're avoiding each other!"I don't know exactly what the situation is. I've heard it anyway!" Anyway, things have been told to my elder brother, and I want to prove it. But the problem is that I have not found out anything useful, and I don't know if my brother will find something useful here. Who knows?

In the evening, Wang Changlin came back a little bit late. When he came back, he saw his eldest son sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper. What about the younger son's family? However, the position on one side slightly shows some mischief. It is mainly because Wang Yang accompanied his son to make some changes. Xiaogang seems to have just woken up without long time! The whole person's state is a little bit sluggish.

After a simple cleaning and washing, Wang Changlin sat on the sofa in the living room, sitting side by side with Ding Yu. Wang Yang was holding his son, but Wang Xiaogang obviously smelled something, and then he stretched out his little hand and tried to pounce on Ding Yu's body.

Wang Yang is also a trial, the more close to his brother's side? The more excited the little guy was, the more excited she felt. Previously Qiu Yan had told herself about this thing, and she didn't believe it at all. But now her son's condition makes her confused. What's wrong with her son? What's the unique attraction of big brother?

Wang Xiaogang grabbed Ding Yu's hand at the first time, and then he also wanted to put it into his mouth. However, because he didn't pull it, he was still clinging to it. He didn't mean to let go at all. Wang Yang's heart was full of strange things, and his son really had some meanings.

Ding Yu put down the newspaper in his hand and then took over his nephew. There was no change in his face at all. He asked him to sit on his legs and don't move randomly. Although Wang Xiaogang was not so honest, he was very obedient. Wang Changlin also looked into the distance and saw a pair of eyes with his wife.

All the time? They all hope to find such an opportunity, but they never find it. What about Wang Xiaogang himself? Looking for such an opportunity, directly rely on Ding Yu's body, you can't say what is the reason. Anyway, Wang Xiaogang likes Ding Yu very much.

Sitting in my uncle's arms? Sometimes they also stretch their arms and legs, but give people the feeling that Wang Xiaogang is very comfortable, even very happy, this even makes Wang Yang feel a little jealous, at least his son has never been in front of himself!

Wang Xiaogang just left Ding Yu's arms when he was about to eat. He opened his mouth and howled two voices. But that's all. There was no other reaction. What about today's sun? Really from the west out, obedient, let people have some doubts, this child is still a child?

Wang Xiaogang can't get on the table at all. Now he is still sucking. This is what makes Lin Qiuyan more difficult. Su Yuan wants to help, but what he can help is really limited!

"How was your time in port city?" Wang Changlin also asked his eldest son in a low voice. He also knew why the eldest son went to Hong Kong City? But what about this? How much can it do? Wang Changlin does not have any confidence in his heart. May his eldest son always be so "negative"?

To a certain extent, what about his return this time? Is to give their parents a considerable face, from another point of view? It is also a matter of looking at how the parents should handle and deal with this matter? It's going to continue, taking into account the overall situation? Or another way!

Wang Changlin for the details can be said to be very clear, but now this time is really no way to his eldest son to do any guarantee, three old? I've made a big mess for myself. It takes a long time and energy to sort out this situation!

What about some of the unlucky kids at home? Now is still in the chaos, although the eldest son said that there is no movement, but the more there is no movement? What about his heart? The less peaceful it is! And this is not peaceful? As for Wang Changlin, there is no confidence at all when it will erupt.

What about your father's identity? For the eldest son, it doesn't make much sense. On this issue, it is still entangled in the three elders? There is no value. Can the three elders still stand up now? impossible! What's more, what about the right now? Also handed to Wang Changlin's hand!

Now Wang Changlin is not sure. What about his eldest son? What about the bad kids at home? Certainly will not put in the eye, but these unfortunate children, will make trouble? It's really not good! How do you feel about this? It's really not so wonderful!

If these unfortunate children do something about it, will the boss spare them? In their own opinion, there are so many unlikely that the boss ignores them, but it does not mean that they can jump in front of the boss! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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