"How long can you stay?" What is the meaning of Wang Changlin's question? I want to know whether my son will stay at home? Or will you leave after attending the wedding of Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu!

"Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu's wedding should not take too long, mainly because my cousin Zhao Jun is also going to get married! I hope I can go back and have a look! It should take a little time! " Ding Yu's answer is not salty.

Wang Changlin, eh, did not continue to ask the meaning of the next, and asked more, there is no significance, son? The decision has been made. He will stay in China for a period of time. What's more? That means there will be more accidents and more problems arising from it!

In such a case, how to do it is very important! Many people's eyes are staring at themselves! Even his eldest son? It seems that there will be some concern about this!

After dinner, Ding Yu went back to the courtyard. Wang Changlin did not have any communication with his son. Before the disclosure, he asked the eldest son to come to his side first? Not only for their eldest son, but also those unfortunate children from outside!

I let my eldest son return home first, that is to say, what about Ding Yu at this time? It's already in my hand. If someone wants to get in trouble, don't blame me for being rude. What about this matter? It is for those unfortunate children outside, I hope you can understand!

But Ding Yu is really not so concerned about this, even if those unfortunate children are able to do so? I just want to have a look at what kind of attitude and opinion my father is, and directly turn the lid over, which is meaningless!

I have already cut off the relationship with my family, but the problem is that the family has always been grinding and hawing about this, and even have some behavior of turning a blind eye to themselves. Since they are willing to, they also accompany them to sing for a while!

What about Ding Yu's performance? The Wang family and the Su family have been watching with cold eyes, especially the three old people. They are really attentive and dare not relax. What about the three old people's heart? They don't dare to make any guarantee. No one knows what kind of things the grandson will do next!

Looking at him, it seems that he was forced to go to port city, but in fact, what about him at home? There is no restriction at all. It's not that you don't want to, but you can't! So don't be blinded by superficial articles!

The process of returning to the quadrangle was very smooth. There was no situation. William also gave the invitation to Ding Yu, including Chen Feng and sun Yingnan, and Zhao Jun. Ding Yu also put all the invitation cards on the table. "I heard that the activities of Yu Mingyue have been a little bit fierce recently?"

"There is news in this respect. I have some contact with some people in the capital. However, Yu Mingyue does not mean to appear. She seems to have adapted to this position. At the beginning, she expelled some shareholders, which still provided her with considerable prestige. In addition, she has other capital to move in, so now her position can be said to be It's very stable. As for whether there will be other ideas, it's not clear now! "

Ding Yu, sitting on the sofa, also sneered, "it seems that Yu Mingyue is really promising. It seems that when she was assisting her, she really didn't have too many mistakes. At least now she can stand up! What about the constraints? Maybe it's a little more serious than you think! "

Don't think Yu Mingyu doesn't pay anything. How can it be? On the one hand, how about foreign capital entering jade style group? It's for Ding Yu. On the other hand? It's also the reason why you want to enter the country, and in this process? It is bound to have some contradictions with Mingyu.

Maybe now? Because of various aspects, these contradictions will continue to hide, but when all the problems break out, these contradictions will not be hidden. How to solve the problems at that time is difficult to say! Also do not know in this process, jade bright moon will grow fast enough!

Ding Yu's return to the quadrangle is still a matter of considerable concern to many people who are interested in it? It's true that there are some people who are not brave enough to say that everyone is extremely dissatisfied with Ding Yu, but they are definitely not as mentally disabled as Su Yu.

What's more, Su Yu? Or the direct line of the Su family? Although the relationship is not far away, after all, it is not the most direct family of Wang family, Su family or Zheng family. What about this identity? How many are there still some gaps, and what are the consequences? Everyone is self-evident! Some things do not need to be said too clearly!

When I got up the next morning, the purchasing staff went out well, but I didn't come back at the time. I didn't know it until I called. I was detained! As for the reason for being detained? It's also a wonderful flower. Even Ding Yu feels ridiculous after listening to it. Is this their way? What if this is the standard? I really feel relieved!

It's too low-level, and too boring. It will make people laugh off their big teeth in such a way!"Kim, go and deal with it! Since they have given us this warning, they can't do nothing, can they? " When talking, Ding Yu shakes his head. How could he take such a way? It's just a purchasing staff, even if you want to get into trouble, you don't have to do this!

When Jin went to deal with this matter, he just went through a normal procedure. Soon, the purchasing staff was brought back. He was very aggrieved. He didn't receive such humiliation. If he really had any fault, it would be better. But the problem is that he didn't do anything. Is there any human rights?

For such desserts, Ding Yu really did not mean to put it in his heart, nor did he say hello to other parties. What about such a means? It's really not worth mentioning. Even Ding Yu feels that there are some shameful things to say!

"Since they are not going to let us eat at home, then go out and eat!"

"Sir, isn't it a little bad? I think they are waiting for us at this time."

"It doesn't matter. If you wait, you have to meet." Ding Yu shook his neck, "what's more, it's the biggest thing to eat, isn't it? We can't starve ourselves because of them. That would be a big joke

After Ding Yu and others came out of the courtyard? It was not unexpected to some people, but where Ding Yu went to eat was really not what we could have expected!

The number of people is a little bit larger. What about the food? It's also very popular, and it doesn't show any difference. Ding Yu is not as strange as he imagined. He can eat Michelin, and of course, he can eat the fly restaurant on the road. It's not to say that Lafite can't eat anything without 82 years' absence. It's really not like that!

Ding Yu and others ordered a lot of things. Jin was the same as Ding Yu. The others were at the table next to him. Ding Yu didn't say anything when he ate. He didn't even show any difference. He just came to have a breakfast, but he didn't come out to set up a scene!

"Oh, isn't this doctor Ding Yu Ding Yu doesn't show much interest in the person sitting in front of him, but the spitting stars in the air still make Ding Yu feel a little uncomfortable, so he puts down his chopsticks and wipes the corners of his mouth with a napkin!

However, when putting down the chopsticks, I don't know whether it is intentional or unintentional. What about the chopsticks in Ding Yu's hands? It is also from the top of the table, it is a good coincidence that it is inserted in the chest position of the visitor, but that is to say, he touched it, and then fell down. Ding Yu also slightly frowned on his brow. "Sorry!"

My own chopsticks are not placed well. This is my fault, so I can't rely on others, can I? The visitor was also caught off guard by Ding Yu's move, and his heart was also a burst of nausea. The chopsticks that had just eaten were thrown on his body. Although it was said that it was unintentional, his clothes were imported from Italy!

I came here to find trouble. Now I give myself a good excuse. I just raised my hand and took a long breath. I was ready to smash the table and yell at Ding Yu. I made a big noise. But my arm was raised. Before I took a picture of myself, I felt a sudden blackness in front of me. I can't get on this tone!

Ding Yu waved to Jin next to him. Then the security guard and the driver left the place immediately. Ding Yu was still sitting in the previous position, "by the way, I don't know your name yet? Just sitting in front of me, I asked for breakfast? It's no big deal, but there's no need to be so excited about it! "

The face of the hand is also slowly put down at this time, or feel that some of the eyes are black, do not know what happened, one hand on the table, the other hand is also holding his chest, what is the matter? How did it all of a sudden? Can it be Ding Yu?

"Did you do it?"

Ding Yu looked at the person in front of him, but also disdained to smile, "is your health bad? I'll go to the hospital for examination. What about me? I'm also a doctor, but what does it look like? You don't believe me too much, but from a doctor's point of view? Or is it advisable to say, to check? Otherwise, it's easy to have problems! Of course, this is just my personal opinion. What kind of choice do you want to make, or do you care about yourself? "

For Ding Yu said this pile of nonsense, the visitors are also angry at each other, but now is really dare not gasp, because once a big gasp, he will faint, in front of a black! It must be Ding Yu's hands and feet, but the problem is that he and Ding Yu are quite apart. At most, when he put down his chopsticks, he just collapsed!

Is that why? Can a chopstick make such a result?

"Ding Yu, don't get carried away!" Whatever? The cruel words still need to be released."Did I get carried away? It seems that this matter has nothing to do with you. What's more, I don't know which mountain you come from now, or you can introduce yourself! " After saying that, Ding Yu also knocked on the table with his hand, "but I feel that your face is really not very good, or call an ambulance for you!"

Ding Yu's hand hit the table. However, the person sitting opposite Ding Yu's fingers kept beating, and the whole person immediately felt that something was wrong. Why did his heart beat so much, and even pressed hard with his own hand, he could not control it. This time is really not so simple as panic!

"You want to die? I really won't stop, but die in front of me? It seems that some of them can't be explained! It's true that I'm a doctor, but it doesn't mean that I'll save everyone. Some rubbish? It's better to throw him in the garbage can directly! Do you understand me? "

What about Ding Yu's last two strokes? The strength is a little heavy, and the man sitting opposite Ding Yu feels that there is something hot left in his nose at this time. After touching it, he finds that the whole hand is covered with blood, and even some of them can't stop. This also makes him feel afraid!

Who could have thought that such a thing would have happened to Ding Yu! Now his mouth is full of bloody feeling, and the blood from his nose can't be controlled at all. If it goes on like this, the blood will have to flow to death, right?

Stagger to stand up, and then ready to go out, now don't grind teeth with Ding Yu! However, Ding Yu didn't think about it. "If I were you, I would be a little slower. My heart can't bear such a shock. Is it too violent? Who knows what will happen? I can't guarantee it! "

When he eats in the morning and someone comes to disgust him, Ding Yu will never give any good face. What is the consequence of this? It goes without saying, go to the hospital there to lie down, nosebleed has so some can't stop, still really let everybody feel afraid!

Let them move their mouth, even the small model of small hands, this is no problem, but previously went to Ding Yu this, also did not see the hands?! Then I went to the hospital and lay down there! There is no reason, there is no reason for any reason, in any case, it is a direct fall!

When they were sent to the hospital, it was this and that, running upstairs, running downstairs, tossing and tossing one by one, it was really unbearable, but there was no way! You check or not! If you check, then be honest and obedient. If you don't check, sign and leave!

It's hard to say whether Ding Yu did something bad in it, but did he suffer a secret loss? You still know, who went to the hospital? The tossed one is called a tragedy! It's just a little bit out of shape!

I have been waiting for nearly noon to settle down. There are so many people in the ward. The one lying on the hospital bed is completely empty, and his face is also a little white, which is the most obvious difference with the ruddy in the morning. After looking at this situation, my heart is really beginning to have some emptiness!

Don't look at everyone's clamor is more fierce, but if really let them start, not many people dare to really stand up! What's more, he went to find Ding Yu and then went to the hospital. If Ding Yu was injured, it's better. At least we can find some reasons. But now? I don't know what to do?

You said Ding Yu did it? How to do it? At most, when you put down your chopsticks, some of them are out of control. A chopstick jumps. That's all. If you are hospitalized because of this, I'm afraid everyone will laugh off their big teeth. Even if you want to frame Ding Yu, you have to find a reliable reason, right?

"Hongyang, what happened? Are you sure it was Ding Yu who started it, but the brothers were watching from the car in the distance? There is a considerable distance between you and Ding Yu, and Ding Yu has been sitting there from the beginning to the end. There is no meaning of getting up at all! Is this guy magic? "

"I don't know if it's magic! Anyway, I've been tossed to pieces Lying on the bed of this is also boring said, things have come to such a point, also want to let themselves say something? Anyway, you are not lying on the bed, so what you say is good, but you lie here, what taste, you are very clear!

However, during the discussion, the two little nurses came in with a cart from the outside. They were totally blind to the people in the ward, "let's go!" After everyone retreated to one side, they also tore the sealed bag and took out the needle tube from it! Adjust the reagent.

"Come here, two people, press it! The medicine may hurt a little bit! " The people standing on one side are also you. Look at me, I see yours, some pain? Everyone has experienced such things as injection. It's no big deal! Even if there is some pain, it seems that there is no need for other people to press it?!

"Nurse?" The one above the hospital bed is also puzzled to ask a sentence!But the nurse next to him did not have much reaction at all. He took the medicine and disinfected it. After the patient was fixed, he also went down with one needle. The one on the hospital bed did not have too much reaction when the needle went down. Even when the reagent inside the needle tube was pushed clean, there was not too much reaction!

Just when everyone was still in doubt, the one on the bed was also crying, and the whole person had already roared. "It's OK. Normal reaction. Just pay attention to it! Twice a day! Just get used to it

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