The tears on the bed are really uncontrollable. I feel that the whole buttocks are not my own! It's really wooden! At this time, people all have some silly eyes. Just now they asked what kind of needle they were taking, and the nurse also said it. But the problem is that they have not learned medicine at all, and they can't tell what it is!

However, many people still have some experience, and none of them has ever had an injection! But who does not seem to have such a pass! Even if it is penicillin direct injection, it seems that it has never been like this. The red sun lying on the hospital bed has been crying at this time. It is really funny and pathetic for the old man to cry like this! It's like a little girl! A sad and sad cry! People even feel that some of them are not very good!

"Weike, I remember you found a girl friend, a nurse! What was it just now? How could it hurt so much?! Don't talk about reality. I haven't seen it in the movie, have you? "

The man who was asked stood up on his shoulder and soaked a little nurse himself, but now he has become the focus of attention. Because the situation is different, he doesn't have so many sweet words on the phone. He simply said the situation just now. When he put down the phone, Weike also pursed his mouth.

"What about that thing and penicillin? Almost, not suitable for intramuscular injection, it will cause severe pain Wei Ke also gave a bitter smile, "but there is no harm, if you look at the actual effect? The effect of intramuscular injection may be faster and more obvious, so from this point of view, we have no place to reason! "

Can it be understood as this thing? It is Ding Yu's intention to rectify Hongyang, but there is no reason for it! You can say that the operation of doctors and nurses is wrong, there is no reason to speak, but the red sun crying on the hospital bed is really so miserable!

Now Hongyang's condition has not been completely checked. It can only be said that it has been temporarily stabilized. How about leaving the hospital now? It must not be appropriate. Even if it is transferred to another hospital, what can it do? Where else? But Ding Yu can't find the hospital yet!

It seems that everyone has ignored some of them. What about Ding Yu? It's not that there is no advantage at all, such as in the hospital industry? What about ordinary people? It's really not Ding Yu's opponent. Now Hongyang is in the hospital, and is really in Ding Yu's hands. It's not so simple to break free!

Originally, we had made preparations in all aspects, but what happened suddenly? It is also to let everyone's heart have no preparation. What about Ding Yu's plan? He died before he started. He just wanted to challenge Ding Yu simply. Hongyang is now directly admitted to the hospital. This is totally different from the plan!

Don't you mean that Ding Yu doesn't answer back, or fight back? Su Yu smashed the courtyard and even robbed the vault of the courtyard. In the end, didn't Ding Yu even fart? Why after their turn? On the direct admission to the hospital, this is not what we do not know, otherwise how can this happen?

A series of things have been prepared, but what about now? All of a sudden, we feel timid, because in the face of Ding Yu? We really feel a little bit of fear in our hearts. Although we don't want to admit it in our hearts, even in our mouths, we are still clamoring, but we are still standing still!

It's just a small collision in the morning, but Ding Yu let us know what is cruel. This is really a little unbearable. Ding Yu's means are too harsh, which is not accepted by everyone! So now we have some doubts about whether we want to carry on!

A bet, Ding Yu will never do it! Do you want to have a try? What's more, Ding Yu has this way. Can't everyone have this way? What's more, do the three elders in the family sit and watch this happen? It seems that there is no possibility of this aspect!

So at noon, he comforted Hongyang and all the people gathered together. Since Ding Yu has come back, he must not be forgiven enough to let him know the power of it. Although there are some problems and conditions, it will not have any impact on everyone!

"Brother, I heard that Hongyang is looking for you!" Wang Yang didn't mean to go to the siheyuan. After he went there, whether he could go in was really the two things he said, "I also heard that you are now in the hospital. Is something too noisy? Anyway? All have a little bit of involvement! It's too bad to bully

Ding Yu coughed and soothed his throat. "It seems that there is nothing I have to do with it! I just had a breakfast. He ran to my front and yelled. I didn't pay much attention to it. But at that time, there were some things wrong with him. The whole person was really bad! "

Wang Yang, sitting on the chair, didn't believe his elder brother's words. Hongyang must have made his elder brother unhappy. He didn't really know what the situation was on the spot. But it is a fact that Hongyang provoked his elder brother! As for the fact that he went to the hospital, he deserved it!Really, if you enter the hospital, you can still have his good? A lot of people? All lie in and stand out. As for Hongyang? He is standing in, lying out, even can come out, are two things to say! I have no doubt that my elder brother can definitely do such a thing!

What about the bad kids at home? There are some forces, but do you really want to be honest with your big brother? Wang Yang is really not good at it, but he wants to kill these people thoroughly? It seems that there are some who can't do it. Anyway, these guys are just a bunch of toads. They don't bite, but they respond to people!

But what about the so-called impossibility? It refers to the fact that if you do it yourself, you really can't give this group of guys, whether you can fight or kill them, it seems that they can't, but after this person is replaced by his own big brother? For this problem, Wang Yang really dare not do any guarantee!

Can my big brother hurt the killer? It's hard to say, even Wang Yang doesn't dare to speculate in this respect. Once the elder brother is infuriated, he won't pay attention to who you are, these unfortunate children? I feel that I have some power, and there are three old people behind me.

But the question is, is big brother really afraid of the three old men? What about this problem? Wang Yang is really not optimistic! The elder brother just doesn't want to have a common sense. To some extent, he has cut off the relationship with his family. In other words, what about the three elders in front of the elder brother? There is no face to speak of!

What about these unfortunate kids? Now is still no counter taste, but also feel that the three elder brothers have a considerable suppression and restraint, let them live in the dream first! Now sober up, this blow may be a little bit so big, they may not really adapt to it!

"Brother, I know they do things? Sometimes it's too much, but Dad now takes over the position and considers it from his point of view? You can't be totally biased towards you. You may need to be more tolerant on this issue! I don't know if mine is too much? I'm just a little worried. "

When Wang Yang said this, he was very attentive and urgent. His father is now more difficult to do. What about elder brother? Can't be too reckless, at least when starting? Don't be unscrupulous. How about getting them a hospital? This is no big deal, but to cut off their heads, there are so some wrong!

At least the family may not be able to accept this. What about all aspects? Also not to be able to accept, but how the eldest brother will deal with, his persuasion can play a considerable role, I do not know! But anyway? They need to work hard, can not as what do not know, can do a force or do a force!

"Well, there are other things on my side!" Ding Yu didn't say yes or no, and immediately hung up the phone directly. How to deal with the matter? This is his own problem. What's the persuasion of others? It's just a reference opinion! Even if it can be regarded as a reference opinion, it also needs to be considered!

"I've said everything I should have said!" Put down the phone, Wang Yang is also very helpless to his second sister stood up his shoulder, "Hongyang want to come out of the hospital? It's not a simple thing. What about big brother? It must have been quite prepared. It's either dad or big brother. It's the same choice! "

Wang Li also twisted her mouth, "what do you think?"

"Dad doesn't know how to do it. If it does, isn't it clear that it's going to be given to granddad and grandma, as well as to my grandfather and their three elders? This is to put the contradiction above the surface, so at most, it is a warning. There are not many ways for those unfortunate children to listen to what they can, the best and what they don't listen to, right? "

"If big brother started, they could still have it?"

"So if they want to be vigilant, there will be no problem. The elder brother will not take the initiative to do it. In that case, it's really disgraceful, but some people really want to die. It's like Hongyang going to find elder brother today. Is that the typical way to find death? The elder brother sent him to the hospital, which was a very obvious warning! "

"We can't make any difference?" Wang Li is still quite concerned about this matter. After all, it involves those unfortunate children. If there are too many problems for them, it is not conducive to the harmony and stability of the family!

As a member of the family, such things happen to Wang Yang and Wang Li. They are still quite unhappy. They also hope to be within the scope of their ability? Do your duty!

"Those guys should be well prepared now, that is, they want to trouble big brother. What about big brother? Although they don't care about these unlucky children, when they get into the quadrangle, the elder brother will not pay attention to the identity behind them, and he will certainly do the operation on them! "

Wang Yang, sitting on the chair, also blinked his own eyes. What if this matter was put to the point? The three old people behind played a very important role. If the three old people face this problem directly, then everything will be solved easily, at least it will not heat up in a large scale!As for why the three old men do not have any movement now, Wang Yang has quite a guess about this. His father has just handed over all the rights to his own hands. If he does it now, it will have a considerable impact on himself, so he will stand in the middle of the best position now!

What about big brother? The situation is the most favorable, at least for those unfortunate children, his position is the most favorable, I am afraid the outside world can not say why, at most, mention his brother is cruel, even the family members are not let go, what else can we say?

Wang Yang felt that he understood the opinions and ideas of the three elders, and wanted to borrow the hand of his elder brother? Clean up all the messy people in the house. If other people do it, the family may not be able to accept it. But if big brother starts, no one will find out what to say!

The idea is very good, and the specific implementation? It's not difficult, but what about what the three elders did? Wang Yang can't say whether it's good or not! How do you feel about yourself anyway? It's a little awkward.

Big brother has obviously cut off the contact with the family, but what about grandparents? Still not quite reconciled, even if it is cut off with the family relationship and how can it? Are there some of them too taken for granted? What about this problem? Wang Yang also said not very good!

What about Hongyang? I just want to challenge my big brother, which is just a look. But what's the response from big brother? He was sent to the hospital, the specific situation remains to be investigated, but Hongyang was sent to the hospital? This itself represents an attitude!

In the hospital, Hongyang can't help it! What does he want? It all depends on the mood of the elder brother, whether it makes him miserable or not. It depends on whether the elder brother is happy or not!

Ding Yu didn't pay attention to the situation in the hospital, but Hongyang was here? It's really boring. At this time, there won't be too many people staying with them. They have other things. What about the family? It is to know their own things, also let people come over, but did not play too much role!

What about your own problems? There are so many vague statements, after all, the specific examination results have not come out, but good people in such a place also have to toss out problems, Hongyang can be said to be extremely reluctant, but he also has so many worries and fears, if really out of the hospital, what should be done?

What about Li Hongyang's family? There is no preparation for this situation. What about the doctor's examination now? It's not so fast that the results come out, so Li Hongyang just lies on the hospital bed and pricks the needle before? The use of intramuscular injection, Li Hongyang expressed strong opposition!

Nurses also look at the time of half a day, intravenous injection? It's not that it can't, but the speed will be extremely slow. What about this process? No other problems and conditions can arise, otherwise other problems may arise. What about doctors and nurses? Will not be responsible!

After the intravenous drip was hung up, Li Hongyang looked at the drip, and he really wanted to collapse. Even if there was a problem with the prostate, it should be bigger than this one?! The drip speed on the top is too slow, which makes people feel incredible. For such a large bottle, according to this speed, it can't be finished in a few hours!

Either endure the pain, or waste time, choose the same! At least we're leaving the option to you now, at least in the evening? There is no any drop, if placed to tomorrow, there will be no such beauty, because tomorrow's drops are more, so it can only be intramuscular injection!

For the sake of one's condition, put up with it! Since all have come to the hospital, so all the worries should be put down! Now is to lie in the hospital bed, good recuperation, this is the right way.

Li Hongyang here in the hospital, but did not experience too much suffering, at most there are so some tossing! But what about this kind of toss? It's not that there is no harm at all. At least now we don't need to face to face with Ding Yu!

It's impossible for him to rush into battle. Let a patient go on a rampage. It's just that some things can't be said! But the question is, who should take the lead now? It's really a problem!

Although it seems that they are fearless, when it comes to the time of need, there are not many people who have such courage. After all, what about the people they are facing? But Ding Yu, the name of a man and the shadow of a tree, if he really rushes upward, what if something goes wrong? Maybe Ding Yu is waiting for someone to come at this time?

What's more, it's time to attack quadrangles? It's really not good. After all, what happened to Su Yu? Or it caused some twists and turns. At that time, Ding Yu didn't make a move. But who can guarantee that Ding Yu will not do it? For this problem, we really need to think about it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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