Originally, because Ding Yu was bluffing himself, but seeing that Ding Yu had gone out of the ward, Li Hongyang was really stupid. At this time, he also called out, "Ding Yu, I'll take it! What you say is what you say In Li Hongyang's heart? Still did not have a very clear understanding, thought that said a word of service, Ding Yu may spare himself.

But the problem is that I didn't get any response after calling for half a day! At this time, I don't care about the drops on my arm. I grab the edge of the bed and I want to turn over and get out of bed. But my lower body is not under any control at all! This move half a day of time, pinch and drag, still no response!

Li Hongyang is really afraid at this time! The accompanying staff also took a long time to walk in from the outside. Looking at Li Hongyang's appearance, they quickly took two steps. Li Hongyang, who was struggling, also sat up and said, "those people were so fierce just now?"

"Are they all gone?" Li Hongyang subconsciously or hope Dingyu can make a joke with himself! But after getting the positive answer from the nurse, the whole person was sluggish. It took a long time for him to suddenly shout, "call the doctor! I can't move my legs anymore?! Call the doctor for me as soon as you can

Ding Yu didn't want to know what happened to Li Hongyang. At this time, Ding Yu had to return to the courtyard. However, before entering the Hutong, some people had been waiting outside, but Ding Yu didn't mean to stop at all! Looking at the people outside, but also gnashing teeth!

The dragon has scales against it. If it touches it, it will die. Obviously, what about the Ding family? It's Ding Yu's inverse scale, and those unfortunate children are also. It's not good to move Ding Ding Ding. It's all right to provoke the big devil out!

You know, what about the 49 cities? Ding Yu's opponents in the open and in the dark are really endless. They are tall, short, fat and thin. It can be said that they have everything. However, no matter how they deal with Ding Yu, we always keep some taboo, that is, they never involve in the relationship with Ding family!

But now these guys are so immortal that they release the dragon in Ding Yu's heart. How can we clean it up? If you want to circle the Dragon again, it is not to say that a few heads can solve the problem. If it is so simple, why has no one dared to mention this topic for so many years?

It's the ignorant and the bold! What about these unfortunate children? I really don't know the sky and the earth. Anyway, it can be said that who poked the sky into such a big hole, which is absolutely not everyone can fill in, and there are not many people who dare to fill it. Now, anyone who knows the relevant news is absolutely far away!

Finding Ding Yu at this time is definitely not a simple matter. In the past, there were quite contradictions with Ding Yu. It doesn't matter. After a period of hard work, at least? Still can control Ding Yu, just like this period of time, Ding Yu has been left in China!

Is it not to say that Ding Yu is totally different from the truth, within the reasonable range? Ding Yu is still a good person. Of course, how about beautifying it? It is just like this, let Ding Yu out of a controllable range, know how much effort he has spent? It was not easy to pacify this guy.

But what about the bad guys? What about the previous work? All in vain, let Ding Yu calm down again, this is not a star and a half can do! You don't want to live. There's no problem with it! But don't let everybody die with you, right?

Looking at all the people squatting in the corner of the wall, Ding Yu also stepped down from the car and stopped in front of them. "I went to the hospital to see Ding Ding, but later I remembered which hospital Li Hongyang was also in. I went to greet them and wanted to know who was involved in it!"

When talking about this, Ding Yu also suddenly sneered, "but I really didn't expect that Li Hongyang should be so angry with handouts that he would rather lie on the bed all his life without mentioning anyone. What about me? Or do they prefer helping others? If there are no other accidents, what about his generation? You need to be in bed! He's not the mastermind anyway. I'll kill him? It's really a little bit of psychological pressure, but you're not the same! "

"Dare you?"

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu put up his thumb, "you are so brave, I really need to admire you! Let's see! How about a bet? Will I kill you today?! Right now! I not only killed you today, although I don't like to kill you completely, but what about such a thing? I think it's necessary to give some people a warning to eliminate your whole family! Do you think I can do it? "

After saying that, Ding Yu also took out his mobile phone, "by the way, I also forgot that you still have a supporter, who is it! My grandfather and grandmother, or my grandfather, I call you one by one, since let you die? We need to make you die clearly. Don't be a fool. Do you think so? "

When Su bochen, sitting at home, heard the phone ring, he was totally blind. Now he said that he could not answer the phone, although he did so? Some have no face and no skin, but now they can't take into account so many things. Who let those unfortunate children cause such things.There is no way to end the uproar now! I don't know what to do now? It's true that what happened in the beginning? It is to let Ding Yu clean up these unfortunate children and warn them of the power behind them. It is also a use of great grandson!

But I thought that these unlucky children should have such a hand, and all of a sudden, all of a sudden, they messed up everything! The phone is ringing, but look at the caller ID? I know that this call can't be answered. It's a bad thing!

Ding Yu also reluctantly breathed a breath, "what about one of the thighs? Refuse to answer the phone. Let's try the other thigh! I don't know if they will refuse to answer this call. I'm really not so sure! "

Don't need to use other phones, just use your own mobile phone to dial in the past. Wang Pu and the old lady did not answer this call. At this time, there is really no way to answer this call. The consequences are too serious.

"This is really a few not very good to do, the three big men did not mean to answer the phone, since I make this call is not easy, then you come!"

After saying that, he also picked up the one who had taken the lead before and said, "you're the one who takes the lead, isn't it? You can set a good example and don't make me too unhappy Looking at this don't care about the appearance, Ding Yu is also waist force, driving his arm, directly threw this guy out.

The whole person fell on the wall like a poster. Other people who were looking at it were so stupid. The people who wanted to clamor were all dumbfounded. You know, that person is a big living person, not a cat and a dog, but Ding Yu? It's like throwing away rubbish at will. It's called a joy!

The one who fell on the wall, fell on the ground and withered into a mass like maggots, and Ding Yu had already said to the second person, "since this one doesn't want to, then it's up to you! Call anyone. Is it OK? It's easy to say anything, but it doesn't work? You can be like Li Hongyang in your life and never have to get up! "

"It wasn't my idea! Follow me. "

Without saying that, Ding Yu stepped down. The one who spoke was holding his own leg and howled. Seeing that other people were subconscious, he stepped back, "I don't want to hear your explanation. I asked you to call. Do I not understand what I said?! If you don't understand, I'll let you know what pain is! "

Then he also threw the mobile phone on his body, "call! You've broken one leg anyway, and it's just like the other arm and leg, right? It's no use keeping it! "

At this time, the people on the ground also flew with tears and snot. They leaned against the wall to find the phone number. It didn't take long for the phone to be connected. "Dad, it's me. I was caught by Ding Yu?"

Ding Yu also stretched out his hand, and then he took the phone in his hand, "I'm Ding Yu! I don't care who you are, and I don't care what conditions you mentioned to me. Either you can find someone to take your son away, or you will think that you have never given birth to him. The premise is that he has no responsibility. Otherwise, I will let your family pay for it! I said it! Do you understand? "

The person on the other side of the phone can be said to be extremely surprised. Who is Ding Yu? Of course, he knows clearly. What about his son provoking Ding Yu? I also know something about it, but what is the situation that can make Ding Yu say such a thing?

In fact, what did Ding Yu say? It's very easy to understand. Why don't you let the three old men come and get them? As if there is no son, choose one of your own! What about the conditions? Have explained to you, nothing understand or do not understand!

Then the phone calls in the three old people's homes have never been cut off again. All of them come here to ask for help. What can we do now even if we find them on their heads? Does Ding Yu listen to them? If Ding Yu listened to them, there would not be so many phone calls!

Now the three old people really do not doubt, even do not have to wait until dawn, these unfortunate children? May disappear on this earth, even with some people? It may also disappear on the earth. Don't think that Ding Yu, the grandson, dare not do such a thing. The anger has already risen. Do you want to suppress it? It can't be suppressed!

What about the conditions given by Ding Yu? To put it bluntly, it's worthless, or what? Just Ding Yu's hands, Ding Yu's hands are one size fits all, no matter who you are? To solve the problem once and for all, there will certainly be so-called accidental injuries and other situations in this process. But what about the temple? All of them have been wronged, even if it's their bad luck!

What about it? It's your three elders who do it by themselves. How about the three old men? Nature has considerable benefits for itself. It will never be reckless like Ding Yu. At least, what about this range? It's controllable. But what about the people involved in Ding Ding? Severely punished?! Basically can pass the customs!

But what about the old three? If they do, there will be serious problems with the implementation of the plan. These should be what Ding Yu should do, and now they are being shirked to their three elders? It's not in the interests of factions! But if the three old men do not take over, these unfortunate children, to a certain extent, can also be regarded as their support!How to measure and choose, and Ding Yu, the great grandson? The time for giving is not long, just one night. If there is no solution tonight, it will be too late to repent! The reason why I didn't answer my grandson's phone was that I didn't think of any way.

However, there are still more scared people. Not all of them have poured out their nest to find Ding Yu's troubles. Some people are hiding behind their backs and preparing to see the scenery. However, no one thought that the painting style changed greatly. How could Ding Yu show such a strong performance all of a sudden?

What's more important is that all sides have no attitude to this. What about the three elders? Up to now, there is no meaning to say a word. What about Ding Yu's hostile forces? How can it be that we turn a deaf ear to this? Everything is too abnormal! Even the jade style group, which had previously expressed support, has disappeared!

People are a little bit flustered at this time, which is totally different from the development of the plot! Usually, they are good at playing and making noises. They are good at such things, even fan the wind behind them and light ghost fire. But in the face of the situation in front of them, they really don't have any preparation!

What's important is that Ding Yu's feelings are too profound. What about the people who sought them before? Li Hongyang has been paralyzed on the bed. What is the cause of this? It is not clear at all now. But how many other people are there? Suffer in the courtyard! It will never be better!

What are we going to do now, not counting the brothers from the outside world? Is it running? Or to think about it, the original brothers are now one by one as if they are afraid of being infected with the plague! Run that call a fast, that call a far! Rabbits are not as quick as they are. They are too quick!

Before we did it? He always thinks that Ding Yu is just a model. What can he do to show off his power? Is it because of the support of the three elders? If there is no three old man, his Ding Yu is a fart! Dare he say something if he has a few guts?

But now it seems that the situation is not like this at all. Ding Yu is not only squeaking so simple, but also directly showing his ferocious face. He is totally trying to eat these guys! Looking at the mouse before, I didn't expect to turn around and become a tiger. Has the change been so fast?

What's the meaning of the three elders in the family? Now it's not only these unfortunate children who can't sit still, but even some of these parents can't sit still. What about some people? Also arrived at the scene, but after arriving at the scene? There will be no news and news! It's like it never existed!

This is really so terrible. Now the three old men feel that things are becoming more and more uncontrollable. How about going to find Ding Yu? Many, but now all have no news, why there is no news, such a simple truth? There is no need to explain, it's definitely buckled down!

It's no use looking for anyone at this time, unless Ding Yu is willing to release them. Otherwise, these guys will just stay there! Even if the three elders don't make any response, maybe tomorrow, they won't hear any news from these guys any more!

Don't doubt that Ding Yu can't do such a thing. What about his courage? It's really hairy. This is absolutely not a lie. If he does, it will be really bad at that time, and things will fall directly into the abyss! So what about now? Better not to have other aspects of consideration!

But don't you have to worry about it? It means completely breaking the previous plan and even surrendering to Ding Yu, the great grandson, to a certain extent. Is it so humiliating? It must be! But the question is what can be done? Grandson forced the family to make such a choice, you must follow the route he made! No choice!

What about this? We still need the three old guys to show up, and the sophomore? Is it true that others will come forward? Will Ding Yu give this face? Not at all!

Three old quickly made this decision, and then also called Ding Yu, but made two calls, no one answered the phone, three old's heart is also feeling so some not very good! They didn't answer the phone before? It's because we haven't considered it thoroughly, and we haven't discussed the relevant matters well!

But now Ding Yu doesn't answer this phone call. How can this be called? Is there anything wrong? The three old people are really in such a hurry. At this time, we can't have any problems or situations. Otherwise, it will be a big event!

Who knows what Ding Yu, the son of a bitch, can do. Now he can say that he is angry. If he is really angry and reckless, he can't do anything on his side! So three old people are very anxious! You can't wait any longer.

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