Is Sheng Jun here? It's certainly not suitable, so we can only let his father Sheng Hai come forward. Fortunately, although Sheng Hai is older, his physical maintenance is quite good. He has seen Ding Yu many times, and the relationship between them is also fair, at least in front of Ding Yu? There is still a little face!

If it's someone else, don't say whether you can talk to Ding Yu or even get close to Ding Yu at this time? After all, Ding Yu has been so angry that he still needs to find someone who is familiar with him. At least, he can rely on the past to speak!

When Sheng Hai came, he found that there were still some vehicles in and out of the alleys, but where did they stop? It's quite far away. At this time, no one wants to get into trouble. Who knows what Ding Yu will do? It's really not good! But we all want to know what will happen next! So it's not far or near.

When Sheng Hai came to the courtyard by car, he found that the situation was not the same as what he expected! There was no one outside. It was very quiet and quiet, as if nothing had happened. What's more, what about the courtyard? I don't seem to hear anything about it!

No way! This should not be the case! Sheng Hai's heart is also quite confused, this is not what he knows at all? When I knocked on the door, someone came out and took a look at Shenghai. After a little inspection, she let Shenghai in! Ding Yu didn't rest at this time, but what did it look like? It seems that I have dealt with other matters!

"Young master?" When he saw Ding Yu, Sheng Hai didn't deliberately take anything because of his identity. He stayed in the Wang family for so many years. He was quite clear and clear about the situation of the Wang family. If there was no eldest master, the Wang family would not be in the dust now, but it would never have the grand occasion today!

I always stay at the side of the street. Although I'm just a servant outside, I'm no different from the housekeeper. So I'm very clear about the situation at home. How can I be as comfortable as I am today without the funds of the eldest young master?

Ding Yu motioned to the attendant nearby, and then sat down with Sheng Hai. However, there was no change in the expression on Ding Yu's face. He drank leisurely. Seeing Ding Yu's action, Shenghai took a deep breath.

As far as I know, what about the eldest young master? He will never sit here for no reason, and then wait for some conditions from home. This is not in line with the young master's character and style. He prefers to control his own affairs, as if he is not allowed to control his affairs!

"Young master, elder sister asked me to bring back the person?" When this is said, it is also an expression of some things? When the three elders take over, they will give Ding Yu an account at last! And it must be Ding Yu's satisfaction!

But what about Ding Yu's reaction? Let Sheng Hai feel that there is so much cold in his heart. What about Ding Yu's tea bowl? He also looked up at Shenghai. The whole person didn't have a sharp momentum, but the pressure on Shenghai was quite big. "Granddad Sheng, two groups of people came this evening. They were usually troublemakers, and the other group was a troublemaker!"

"Young master, what does elder sister mean? Take them back

"What about the troublemakers? You old man, take it back! What about me? There's no extra rations for them to prepare. As for those who make trouble? I don't know where I am now! " When he speaks, Ding Yu shakes his head. The expression of this attitude also makes Sheng Hai's heart shake.

After swallowing two mouthfuls of saliva, he looked at Ding Yu in disbelief, but Ding Yu did not like it, "how? Grandfather Sheng, do you have other things? Anyway, the quadrangle is not big. Why don't you check it out? "

"Young master, don't embarrass my dying old man!" Sheng Hai also lowered his voice. He also knew this young master? Although it's pleasant now, what about the actual situation? I don't know how angry I am in my heart? But when you want to come? It's not likely to strangle those guys, but again, it's almost impossible that these guys want to bolt out!

"Granddad Sheng, what about the trouble? Staying at home is a curse! I think that's it! In any case, even if it is out, it also needs to be raised at home for a lifetime, and there is no use. It is better to have it all done! "

Sheng Hai at this moment also can't help but lean back on his body, this saying is full of killing intention, let himself have some chilly feeling, who is not good, must go to provoke Ding Ding Ding, this is all right, completely let young master angry, volcano erupted, you these troublemakers? It's not enough to fill a hole for others!

"Young master, they have made mistakes and should be punished. But how about a direct blow? There may be so many problems. After all, so many people are involved. How can I say one more sentence? It's better to live than to die, but to live is better than anything"Good!" Ding Yu also nodded, "tomorrow's wedding of Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu. Before the wedding? I hope to get satisfactory results. What about the trouble? I'm ready to bury them. If I go now, I may have a breath. Who knows? If it's late, it may be in the ground now! "

Shenghai is also a long breath, as long as there is a breath? It's a good thing. After leaving from the courtyard, Shenghai also rushed to the place. When he came, he found the young master? Really did not say what lies, also did not have any to joke the meaning! It's been covered for some time!

Seeing such a situation, Shenghai also hurriedly called for people to be dug out again. A group of people have been silly at this time, which is really stupid. They never thought that in their identity, there would be such an encounter. The process of burying alive makes them feel like they can't die!

After all, there are still injuries on the body. None of them are broken. The leg is broken and the arm is broken. What is the final result? All of these people were sent to the cart. Now it's time to send them to the hospital first!

When he learned that the man was rescued, the three old men were also greatly relieved. If he said it later, I'm afraid it would really be turned off. Although Sheng Hai said on the phone, it was not so clear, but the three elders had already understood. Ding Yu, the great grandson! It is really cruel, even cruel to the extreme!

What about your grandson? It's really not appropriate, but what happens in reality is that the three old people can't help themselves. Even if they are angry and angry again, you can't take such a way, right? This is completely anti human behavior, don't you know?

If Sheng Hai arrived more slowly, he might not be able to see these people again. If that happens, how should we deal with it in the future? Is it really worth paying so much for Ding Ding Ding?

Forget it, don't think about it! In other words, the three elders no longer want to face this problem. The Ding family is really a red line that can not be crossed. Although people say they are asked to come back, what are the next steps? Ding Yu is bound to be satisfied, that is to say, it is impossible not to let a few heads fall to the ground!

For Ding Yu, the matter is actually very simple, either I will deal with it, and it will be all over, or you will handle it and let me get a satisfactory result! As for what is the so-called satisfaction, it does not need too much to whitewash what, is really not necessary! It's up to the three old men to deal with it!

When Wang Changlin knew the news, he also put his back heavily against the chair, and his expression was a little tangled! I know that the eldest son will be very angry and angry, but I did not think that his way of dealing with things is so extreme. What about this matter? It's sure to be spread out by then!

It's easy to say, but it's hard to hear! Whatever you do? There should be rules of law, shouldn't they? Can you break away from this law? At that time, it was really not calm. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, the impact of this was not good!

But the problem is that by the next day, no one went to talk about what happened last night. They knew that Shenghai had brought people back. As for what happened before this, everyone kept their mouths shut. Even if they knew, they could only do nothing about it!

What about before? We all know that Ding Yu is cruel and merciless, but what about that time? They were all aimed at outsiders. What about those people at that time? Until now, there is no news, as if it has never existed in this world?

But it was yesterday? It almost happened again. Although we didn't witness it, what about those people? What about the Wang family, the Su family and the Zheng family? They're all related. But Ding Yucai doesn't care who you are? Since it fell on Ding Yu's hand, there is nothing to say!

Although he said he would attend the wedding, Ding Yu didn't mean to rush to the wedding in the morning. He was busy? In the past, what does it mean to show off his identity? Of course, Ding Yu will not deliberately delay anything, just as usual to attend their wedding ceremony and wish the new couple a blessing!

Before this, the three old people had already sent the result to Ding Yu. What about the previous unfortunate children? There are one count, even including their parents, all of them will be pulled down, one is not left!

This must be done thoroughly. Otherwise, what about Ding Yu's grandson? Absolutely will not be satisfied, and what are the consequences of his dissatisfaction? Does this need to be explained? Those guys last night were almost separated! Is this warning not obvious enough?

What about Wang Changlin? What the three elders did this time can be said to have completely removed some obstacles for him, whether he admitted it or not? The results are all out! It seems that in the whole process, I am the biggest beneficiary, but what about myself? It's not that sweet!Ding Yu is also the first time to drive to Ding Ding's home, when Ding Ding Ding is coaxing two nephews in the house? Seeing their appearance, Ding Yu twisted his mouth subconsciously. Why did he think of Michelin tire every time he saw them?

The first impression was too deep, so now even if they have made a considerable change, they still retain the previous impression. Their bodies are much bigger than before, but the arms and legs are still fleshy. I really doubt how Ding Ding Ding was born into these two children. I think it is exaggerative to think about it?!

"Brother?" When the two children saw Ding Yu, they rushed over at the first time. Fortunately, Ding Yu's physical quality was good. If it was replaced by ordinary people, I'm afraid that they would be knocked down directly. Ding Yu, with one hand and one person, quickly pressed them down. He was so small that he still wanted to prick himself on his body?

"What about the guys last night? All of them are in. What about their families? All leave

Ah? Ding Ding has grown up her own mouth, what about the result? Of course, they are satisfied, but are not some of them too much? Is it really good to leave all of them? But good did not wait for the reaction to come over, the boss is also direct to put his fist into his mother's mouth!

Ding Ding, who responded, also slapped the eldest son's little ass. Ding Yu didn't really mean "come here?" to the distress of the child? Just to tell you, by the way, I'll let you go to the hospital to have a review this morning. I'll go to the wedding later, and I won't accompany you! "

"How serious do you think I am?" The eldest brother cried, and Ding Ding was also holding it in her arms and coaxing, "elder brother, how did it happen yesterday? What's more, is the result of this disposal really having no effect? "

"You have been implicated by me. They can't open any so-called breakthrough from me. They just want to find a way out of you!" What Ding Yu said was plain, even tasteless, "what about other things? I can tolerate it, but what about such a thing? It's beyond the bottom line! "

It's good to know the result. What should I do with it? It's all about big brother. I believe that elder brother will solve this matter properly. However, when Ding Yu was about to leave, the two nephews were also holding on to Ding Yu. They had such a posture of not allowing Ding Yu to leave, which made Ding Yu look a little embarrassed!

What about this one? If you can't fight, you can't speak, you can't understand! How about two? One person pulled Ding Yu with one leg and got this? The next one came up again, and Ding Ding didn't care. The nanny next to her was also looking funny. Anyway, when Ding Yu left, she took a look at Ding Ding. It was too much!

Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu's wedding is really a lot of people come here, there are quite a few of them? It's also because of last night! What about the move? It's really too violent. There are a lot of people playing tricks in the back of 49 cities, big and small. There are a lot of people who play tricks behind their backs, but they have never seen such a move to Ding Yu!

What about outsiders? That's fine, but what about those guys? Broken bones and tendons? Do you really have to do this? It makes people feel strange, so today we also hope to have a look at the Western scenery!

But want to see Western scenery? It's not an easy thing. Ding Yu will certainly attend the wedding ceremony, but he will never show up for too long. It's not that the timing is not appropriate. What about this? I really don't have much to do with each other. If you want to know that you come out today, you just look at the separation of Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu. That's all!

Otherwise, Ding Yu doesn't show up. What can other people do? When Wang Yang got married, Ding Yu didn't show up. Even when Wang Li was engaged, Ding Yu still didn't show up. It was Ding Yu's brother and sister, but what happened? So what about Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu today? It can be said that it is quite face saving!

Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu both know more or less what happened last night, but they have no intention to ask. After Ding Yu arrived, they also deliberately arranged Ding Yu in the private room, because both of them know that Ding Yu is not particularly fond of lively scenes! What a mess!

"A little vulgar, but polite? I really need to say, I wish you a happy marriage, a long life together, early birth! Happy family Let the security guard put his gift on the table, "it's not an outsider, so you don't need to pay attention to such courtesy. It's my little consideration! Take it all

"Thank you, sir."

"Thank you, director!"

Two people have the same mouth!

"Yes! It's not a family. If you don't come into a family, it seems that you really have a tacit understanding in this respect! " Ding Yu was also very happy and said, "OK, what about here? You don't have to entertain me. Go and greet other guests! Go

Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu are polite to themselves, but don't be rude at all, right? After all, they are newly married today, and there are a lot of things that need to be dealt with. It's impossible for them to turn around alone. They are not the leading role. So let them both sing on the stage! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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