"Brother As for Wang Yang who knocked on the door, Ding Yu seemed to turn a blind eye to him. Wang Yang didn't feel embarrassed. There were two people behind him. When he saw Ding Yu, he also called out his brother, and then he stood on one side. If you know Wang Yang doesn't have any position, don't mention them!

"So free today?" Ding Yu pointed to the position next to him. Wang Yang and the other two people sat down at this time. They had tea and snacks, but what did it look like? They are not so likely to start!

"Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu always come to celebrate their marriage. However, there seem to be a lot of visitors today. However, everyone comes here to show up and say hello. The celebration scene still needs to be left for their family members!" Wang Yang looked at his elder brother's face and said it in agreement.

Ding Yu didn't mean to look up at all. Was he more interested? It's also on the tea and pastry on the table. There are a lot of things on the table, but it's obviously not attracting people's interest. What about Wang Yang and the three of them? All the attention is on Ding Yu's body!

"What? It's your turn to be the lobbyist today? " Ding Yu's eyelids didn't mean to lift them up! Speaking is also cold, giving people the feeling of being locked in the ice cellar!

Wang Yang also quickly shook his head, "brother, don't make such a joke with me. How can such a thing be my turn to say three or four? It's good for the family to make this decision. It's mainly about yesterday's things. These little brothers in the family are really afraid. You may have misunderstood the elder brother in the past! So I came here specially today to give it to elder brother... "

"What? You want to be a witness! " Ding Yu's words were full of sarcasm, and then he put his eyes on the other two people's bodies, "what about ability? It is the most direct embodiment of a person, but ability does not mean everything. For idealism, what about luck? It also occupies a considerable part of it! "

Wang Yang looked at his elder brother, and then he also looked at the two people he had brought. He nodded to them implicitly. He didn't show any anger. What happened yesterday? It's the end of the story. What about the three elders in the family? It's quite a slap in the face!

But the three elders did not deal with the whole thing very well, because what about those people who had dealt with them before? Have let the three old man's last bit of vitality has been greatly hurt, in the face of their big brother? I can't help it. As for the two people I brought here today? I really don't have much to do with the three old men!

What about the two of them? Show your face in front of the big brother? At least at this stage, it can! As for whether they can win the favor of the elder brother, it's really hard to say. No one dares to make this guarantee. Maybe they are lucky, who knows?

Just after two people hesitated, Ding Yu also pointed to the dim sum on the table, "how many snacks did I eat?"

This question is very strange. It even gives people the feeling that there are some trifles. There are not many dishes on the table. What about the pastry arrangement on the table? Is also quite exquisite, so a look at the basic can determine a general!

Ding Yu then stretched out his hand and put two pieces of cake in front of him, but he didn't mean to eat it. They were suspicious of Ding Yu's actions. They attended a lot of weddings. What about such snacks? It seems that the guests on the wedding banquet seldom move!

It's just to deal with a scene. How delicious is the food? Also need to pay attention to their own identity, not to mention this person or Ding Yu, things on the table? It seems that there are so many too simple, too common, can enter Ding Yu's Dharma eye? Two people are really a few do not believe!

But two people are equally clear, this time do not hesitate for too long time, Wang Yang is to take his brother's clip, choose two from the snacks, and then also handed the clip to the past, when handed over, is also deliberately made a look at the two people, is to remind them!

There are differences in the way the two people choose, and the same order is quite different. After the two people have finished their selection, Ding Yu takes up his chopsticks and says, "since we are all here to celebrate the wedding today, we can't have an empty stomach!" Then also started up, Wang Yang is not too much feeling, but let the following two people, dumbfounded!

What about the impression of two people? Ding Yu should be a well-dressed and luxurious food. What about the dim sum in front of him? It's certainly not as good as Ding Yu's, but I didn't expect that Ding Yu not only ate it, but also didn't feel uncomfortable. What about Wang Yang? It doesn't seem to mean to be picky.

What do you mean? Test? It is to see Ding Yu and Wang Yang, they seem to eat is very casual, there is no forced taste, too strange!

"I think the pastries in the old capital are quite different from Cantonese pastries." While eating, Wang Yang did not forget to comment, "but the meaning is not the same! So it can't be said whether it's good or bad, it can only be a local custom! "After eating, Ding Yu also gave Wang Yang a cup of tea. It was obvious that Wang Yang didn't have any meaning to ask about. He left at the first time. His task of coming here today has been completed, so it's meaningless to stay. What's more, what's more, what's more, it's really past in my elder brother's heart !

Stay? I also feel a lot of pressure, some of which are hard to bear. What's more, today is the wedding ceremony of Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu. Chen Feng is the big brother's housekeeper, and Wu Mingyu is the elder brother's secretary. If anyone really doesn't have long eyes and makes trouble in this place, it's really not far away from death!

What about those people yesterday? We are all vividly aware of it, but fortunately, no one wants to talk about it. Everybody knows that? Ding Yu has come, but no one knows where he is sitting. Similarly, there are not many people who want to disturb Ding Yu's meaning. He is really not daring!

But they didn't feel disappointed. When Wang Yang came down from the building with two people, everyone's eyes were bright. What about the facial expressions of the three people? I should have seen Ding Yu. How about the time from they went upstairs to downstairs? It's not very long. It's only ten minutes at most!

Three people's expression also can't see any displeasure, but the face is a little puzzled, it's obvious that something is confusing, no, to be exact, it should be confused! This also greatly attracted the attention and curiosity of the public.

Can Wang Yang see Ding Yu? It is because Wang Yang is Ding Yu's brother, but even if it is like this, it will take less than 10 minutes. From this point of view, what about Ding Yu in some aspects? Is really quite harsh, very stingy of their own feelings.

What about Wang Yang? It's such an attitude, but what about Ding Ding Ding? There is another attitude. What is the obvious difference between them? Also let everyone's heart have a more clear understanding, if say against the Wang family and the Su family? Ding Yu may not really have too much attention, but for the Ding family? This can't be tolerated!

I don't know how the situation will be in the future, but this matter really needs special attention! If there is any matter and situation, the province will be regretful!

Ding Yu didn't stay at the wedding banquet for a long time. After greeting Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu, Ding Yu also left immediately. But when did he leave? Ding Yu didn't go to the underground garage, but showed up in public. What about his third uncle? I'm sure I won't be here today!

As a representative of the other party? I'll show myself. This seems to be what we are looking forward to. Previously, we were also doubting whether Ding Yu would show up and surprise everyone. It seems that Ding Yu is really giving this face, which also proves that Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu still have a considerable place in Ding Yu's heart!

Wang Yang's wedding was not promising, and Wang Li's engagement was not present. But how about Chen Feng and Wu Mingyu getting married today? Ding Yu not only attended, but also took the initiative to show one side, the movement is really a little bit so big.

With Ding Yu's departure, what about the people who came to see the excitement? I also said hello to the two newlyweds. After putting down the gift money, they left separately. Can we see Ding Yu? It's OK. It's true that there's no so-called greeting, but it doesn't matter at all. It's good to see Ding Yu!

After coming out of the hotel, Ding Yu also found himself a place to eat. It was a casual place. However, Ding Yu didn't stay clean for a long time. Soon, someone came to visit him. However, it was obvious that he had nothing to do with last night's event. The identity of the visitor was enough to explain everything!

"What? What's going on in port city? It's your turn to do it yourself

"I said, Dean Ding, although you have been to Hong Kong City for a short time, you have not missed out on one side. Let those students practice there. There are not too many problems in the whole process, but it is not appropriate to stay at the port city all the time?" When talking, Wu Hao also took the initiative to pour a glass of water for Ding Yu!

If nothing happened last night, maybe you won't come to find Ding Yu, but after what happened yesterday? He must come to find Ding Yu. What about the first echelon? It has to be arranged as soon as possible. What about the second echelon? Also need to put on the agenda!

Ding Yu handed the menu to Wu Hao, but he was not used to it. He didn't know much about the menu. He was not used to it!

Just eat, do not need to pay attention to what so-called ostentation, is really not necessary in this respect! What about waste? It's not a very good habit! May not be able to force everyone to do it, but from their own start, this is still not too many problems!

"What are those people going to do! It has nothing to do with me. I have already explained a little bit from a long time ago! " Ding Yu is also a little ruthless at this time, and does not need to leave any so-called love, because this is already a matter of common sense! "I'm sure you will understand that!"For Ding Yu's obstinacy, Wu Hao really has no good way to open the so-called breakthrough from Ding Yu's body, which is impossible at all. What happened last night? It did not have any impact on Ding Yu, even if it is now pressure, also can not play any role!

Obviously, what about this? Some people have other thoughts, but the problem is that Ding Yu is not interested in these things at all. He just ignores the situation. Although Ding Yu controls the situation of these guys in the port city, it does not mean that Ding Yu is going to intervene!

Wu Hao is quite clear about this. What about the first and second echelons? Basically, he is in charge of it. If Ding Yu really meant something else, he would have acted, whether publicly or quietly.

But Ding Yu is completely out of the way and looks at him coldly. Wu Hao also feels that things are funny. What about some people? He believes in Ding Yu's ability, but he doesn't trust Ding Yu's control! Always want to add some influence, try to weaken Ding Yu's influence, but worry about the ability is not enough!

What about this subtle control? What about Wu Hao? Although Ding Yu didn't trust him in some aspects? It's really not that these little things can be solved! What is Ding Yu's influence on these people? It's all in the bone!

This is really not a sentence two words can say clearly! Not one or two things can be changed!

But some people obviously don't understand the reason here! He always felt that he could interfere with Ding Yu's thoughts and direction, but who was Ding Yu! He can come to this point, if said to be played with by these so-called smart, then it is not worthy to continue standing there!

"Director! What about the first tier? There is no problem, even to the second echelon is also brought a more positive impact, but the second echelon? Or the lack of obvious quality, this problem has not been able to get a good solution

Ding Yu shook his head. "I never said that recruiting people from the second echelon was set up by some people themselves. Since they set up their own, I am not responsible for letting them solve this problem by themselves! What's more, I still have a lot of things here, and I don't have so much time, but I can give you an opinion! "

For Ding Yu's words, Wu Hao did not immediately respond to it. Obviously, what about this? It's with a hook. What about the bait in front of you? Although it looks very good, but after eating what kind of consequences it is not very easy to say, he is also thinking about, whether or not to try it?!

On second thought, why did you swallow this hook? There are so many people who are interested in it. Why should they be contaminated? Let those who are interested come! "Director, what about this? I really have no way to make decisions for them! But I think I should be able to get this reply as soon as possible! "

Ding Yu stretched out his finger and pointed to Wu Hao. His intention was obvious. Wu Hao was really quite slippery. "What about the big environment now? It's difficult to highlight their advantages and disadvantages, so it's better to liberate them all. What kind of choices do they make? It's all up to them! "

What about Ding Yu's idea? Wu Hao also took a long breath under his heart. From a certain point of view? This is definitely a better way and method. How about the first echelon? This is the way to adopt, but for the people of the second echelon, this way is not appropriate!

Even if the first echelon adopted this method at the beginning, but what about behind this? Ding Yu also provided considerable protection. What about this problem? What about the second tier? Will Ding Yu provide such protection? It's impossible!

Don't think Ding Yu doesn't have the so-called little temper. He gets angry? Be more careful than anyone else. What about all the people in the first echelon? Even if there is some trouble behind, Ding Yu loves the people of the first echelon, but he can't add it to the body of the second echelon. Can't I move it to the second echelon?

Ding Yu has come up with such an idea now, but what can he do with it? What about these guys? If you don't care, who knows what kind of problems will appear, but what about nursing? It also goes against the previous plan.

To a certain extent, this is an endless cycle, which is really hard to solve! In other words, Ding Yu deliberately gives a pair of small shoes to the people behind the second echelon. It's your business to wear them or not. What about walking anyway? It's not me! So is this shoe a good fit? I don't care that much.

Of course, what does Wu Hao think? There are also some who impose responsibility on Ding Yu. What about the first echelon? Although the teacher was unknown, he was able to force Ding Yu down. Finally, Ding Yu only recognized him with his nose!

What if it's on your own hand? Then Ding Yu tried his best, but what about the second echelon? Obviously, I want to take a kind of attitude of fooling Ding Yu, because we all know, whether it is in the open or in the dark? Who wants Ding Yu to take over the second echelon? Not likely.In other words, the price paid is too high, and we are not willing to accept it at all. Therefore, it has become such a result that we can not go up or down. It's really uncomfortable to be in the middle!

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