"I haven't heard of this!" Sanchez had cigars in his hand, and his face was also very serious. "What about this thing for you? It's also because you're here in Boston, it seems that someone has mentioned it to me, but who mentioned it, I don't seem to remember it yet! "

"That's your question. But since you come to me, I will ask you when it is right. But from the current situation, there will be no too much hope. I don't know how long it will be delayed. But from the current situation, the whole thing seems to be too weird. What do you mean?"

The old man also hum, "so many coincidences are combined, that is not a coincidence, this is very obvious thing! But who is it for? I? Or the Boston consortium? What about me? It seems that the value is not so big, but what about Boston consortia? It seems that there is not much interest to say! "

But Ding Yu heard of this, but there was a little speculation, what is the ultimate exposure of prism plan? It is a simple person who can't be simpler, but what is the consequence of this detonation? What about the entire American government? All with endorsement.

Now I want to come, is there really no game in this? It seems that there are so few unlikely! Although it is said that the dike broke in the ant cave in thousands of miles, what are the problems? Really need to observe carefully is! Will it be a strong point, Dingyu is not clear, but about this matter? Dingyu really didn't want to get contaminated.

Because there are so many things that are too big, behind which are scandals. What about the American side of the financial group? It may not be a thing, but for the foreign household? It's another time!

I am not a resident. Although the power is OK, what about the incident? It will definitely make a lot of people show disgust, and now it is not the time to show muscles, on such things show muscles, there is no need!

Ding Yu looked at the old man and turned around with a coffee cup in his hand. "You said the issue appeared on the president's daily briefing. Can I understand it..."

Don't need to say it completely, simply show the meaning of this aspect is good! Believe he understands what he means by saying this, and it is clear that he had told himself the president's question earlier? Absolutely mean something!

If there is a problem with the president, what if he doesn't want to step down? It will never make him too good. When the responsibilities of the international community, other issues and so on, will definitely make a lot of forces upset. What about this? It's not the black president who made it, but he has to carry the pot for standing in this position!

In other words, who made him the president?! This is already quite straightforward!

"How can I understand this? You really need to distinguish it! " Sanchez smiled at Dingyu, and obviously also appreciated Ding Yu's understanding. Dingyu didn't mean to be stained. What was the meaning of his words? It's all felt like that.

He has nothing to do with the whole thing. It is obvious that he is also a very alert person. He is not old enough, but what about the rules in the jungle? But understand very thoroughly, know what situation should take what kind of way, it is not easy! It's not easy!

"Coffee in the morning, is it a bit too monotonous, I know a very good shop, how about?" Dingyu also issued an invitation at this time, but how many seem to have so many inverted, why so? It is necessary to know that this old family is the leader and the sitting household. It seems that he is only an alien.

The old man laughed and smothered the cigar in his hand. "OK! I don't know why. I saw you? It's all right to feel like a sudden appetite! " Looking at the old man who stood up, Dingyu also stood up and made an invitation gesture. The two people slowly walked on the street.

But what about two? I haven't talked about the previous things anymore, "I heard that many people are interested in things in Russia, and don't know what these guys think? They all want to eat ready-made, let them open up the wasteland, no one willing to go forward bravely, all want to do financial business! "

"The money is coming fast!" Dingyu also said that he was not satisfied with the idea of "what about the development of agriculture? It's not a moment to complete, and the risks are not small, and finance for everyone? It's all the stuff of the family, and no one knows the rules better than they do! "

"Don't take these ecstasy drugs with me. I don't know you, this guy!" After finishing, I also looked at Dingyu at the top and bottom, "I really have some doubts about how you grew up to today, and even more, you have grown up to today in good condition. Is God so fond of you?"

"What about the Chinese who believe in God? It doesn't seem like much. What about me? It's Taoist! But since I am on this ground, I feel very honored to be taken care of by God! " Dingyu is also a little joke! "In Chinese, they are all gods, but nationality? There may be some differences! "The old man also pointed to Ding Yu, which seemed a little disrespectful, but what did he say? I really don't have too much antipathy. I don't want to be conservative. That's meaningless!

What about breakfast? It's very ordinary. Two people even carry dishes for themselves. They don't mean to borrow people. Can we just look at it from this point of view? It seems that they are really ordinary people, but if people with bright eyes stand in the sky, they will find that there are quite a lot of people around them centering on them!

"What about the farm? Although I don't have much feeling, I still have a little interest! " The old man took a sip of hot coffee and said, "what about the Boston consortium? It doesn't mean you don't pay attention to things in Russia. What do you say? "

"It's hard!" Ding Yu said aloud, "can I open this hole in Russia? It has a considerable relationship with my family. Although I do not want to admit it, there is no need to deny it! What about the relationship between China and Russia? It's quite a long time to say it! "

"And I am in China? There is a good farm. Now, how about maturity? It's really too early to say, but it's essential to let people see some achievements! In fact, what about the United States? At this point, we are at the forefront of the whole world, but the question is the opposite relationship between them? How to deal with some problems? It's not as round as I am now

For Ding Yu's words, the old man also agrees with him. What about Russia? The former Soviet Union, what about the fight with the United States? Let the whole world suffer. The cold war in those years now feels chilly when I think about it. But what about the contradictions between them? It dissipated with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

But what about the impact of the cold war on each other? But it can't be eliminated in a day or two. Half a century! Each other has always been antagonistic to each other. Under such circumstances, several generations have been engraved with a deep brand. How can we do this if we want to alleviate it?

So what about Russia? We would rather choose China than the United States, let alone the way of the United States? For Russia, what is the most suitable, highly mechanized? For Russia, it's really very difficult, so it's better to adopt the Chinese way, which is more secure and safe!

There is really no reason for this. Even if Ding Yu adopted the US approach, Russia would agree with it. But what about this? Ding Yu is the only one to settle the problem. If the United States stands out, it can only seek death. The fighting nation of other people will never give this face! It's so simple!

This is also why some consortia want to find Ding Yu's head, there is no way, they went to find other people? They can't get into Russia, but what about Ding Yu? Not only can you enter Russia, but you may even bring them into Russia. By comparison? The gap will come out!

"That is to say, even if I implement farms in other countries, I will not make much progress, because what about industrialized agriculture? It's not suitable for all countries. Sometimes we go too far ahead? What has not been seen is a good thing

"What about China? Now it is still a developing country, and we still need to see the gap between China and the United States. I will not deny this. It is not a bad thing that we have shortcomings. We can urge ourselves to make more progress! What about Russia? Is it a developed country? Not really. And what did the cold war do to him? In addition to the problems between national interests, it is quite helpless to choose China to a certain extent. What can be said is that the two powers should be harmed and the lesser one should be taken! "

"Why do I feel that you mean something?"

Ding Yu said with a smile, "what about this? But what you said is not what I said. " Patting his own hand, Ding Yu is not smiling, some things? There's no need to be too obvious, "by the way, how's the stuff here? I feel great, don't you think? "

"It's interesting!" I don't know it's interesting to say Ding Yu's words? Or is this breakfast a little interesting, the specific situation? I'm afraid that only the old man and Ding Yu understand that other people are not around. How can we think about it clearly?

But how about meeting them in public? What about the people concerned? It must be possible to get some news. After all, what are the names of the two? They are all a little bit bigger. How about one? It's Ding Yu. What about the other one? How about the meeting of these two people? In a small area or caused a slight disturbance.

After eating, the old man took the lead to leave, leaving in a bit of a hurry. Obviously, what about the conversation with Ding Yu this time? It seems that there are so many failures, but the old man's heart is actually very clear.

At least now I know some of Ding Yu's thoughts and opinions. What about Ding Yu's view on the black president? There are not too many opinions and opinions, in other words, there are no opinions and ideas, the same? I don't have too many good feelings!

For the Boston consortium, this is enough. When the black president comes up, Ding Yu must have paid for it. As for how much he paid, it doesn't matter. The Boston consortium has also paid for the election? Is a relative competition between the two forces!How about investment from both sides? What you win may not be as much as you think, but similarly, you won't leave too many handles and regrets. That is to say, both sides sell well. It doesn't matter who wins or loses. It's just money to buy road!

What about President Ding Yu? On the other hand, Boston can be more mellow in dealing with relevant matters. How should we handle them? There is also a lot of room to turn around! And what do you mean? Ding Yu doesn't seem to want to get involved. Even if he is forced to do so, he has no interest in this aspect!

A very smart person, but also a very smart choice, know what things they can do, what things they can not be contaminated! There is really no disappointment in Boston. I can't talk about it at all!

And Ding Yu, who stayed, was holding a coffee cup and considering for a long time why it was coffee, not tea? One is tea in the morning? For the appetite is not very good, another aspect? How about looking for so-called Chinese tea in such a place? It seems that there are so many difficulties, so forget it!

When Ding Yu was thinking about it, there were two people coming in. Ding Yu didn't have much interest. What about security? After watching for a while, they didn't have much to look at, because they didn't have any threat. A few girls seemed to have some small excitement, gee how!

Fortunately, in the morning, the guests were not as many as expected. The time was a little bit early. When invited by the old man, Ding Yu didn't even have breakfast, so it can be seen that it is in general! Do you want to know when Ding Yu has breakfast? It's about six o'clock in the morning!

When Ding Yu responded, he also took a look not far away. Although there was a little gap, because of his vision, he was very good at seeing the faces of several girls. Could it be because he was in the United States? So what about their costumes and make-up? It seems to be a little common!

But why did they come to Boston? It's not New York, not Washington, nor Los Angeles. There are some people who don't understand. Ding Yu doesn't mean to ask, so there's no more interruption. After explaining to Jin, Ding Yu also left immediately and left quietly.

A few girls really don't eat a lot of food, but what about here? After all, it's not South Korea, so it's open a lot. But when it's time to check out, they are told that someone has already paid for them, but who is paying the bill? Everyone is confused.

Was there anyone else in the restaurant just now? They really don't pay much attention to it. Are they fans? Or someone else? I feel confused! If it's a fan, then it's definitely not like there's no other action after the check-out, and who else? What about after the check-out? You should also leave a phone call, nothing? How strange! It's weird, too!

When he came back, Ding Yu was just in time to send his two children to school. However, the two little guys didn't investigate why their father didn't accompany them to have breakfast and got on the bus with his schoolbag. The whole person looked abnormal. Ding Yu was also quite suspicious. He didn't seem to be so excited about going to school when he was a child!

What about Ding Yu himself? Also immediately went to the hospital, as for the meeting with the old guy in the morning? Ding Yu didn't mean to react immediately. There was really no need. What about this? I really have some uncertainty, so take a look at it!

From your own point of view? I don't want to get involved in this, prism plan! It's not a small thing. It can't be done well? Ding Yu has already made up his mind, but Ding Yu doesn't think that this is the time to inform the directors!

In terms of time? Or a little bit early, if you have time? You can tell sun Yingnan, but she is not in Boston now? How far is New York from Boston? It's not as far as I think. It should be regarded as a city in the North!

Let Sun Yingnan come here now? It's going to alert the Boston consortium, but what about other consortia? There are other ideas in my heart, so let's put it temporarily! Time for their own sooner or later, or can carry, at least now they are not the most anxious which one!

What's more, this is what happened? What about your third uncle? Let me remind you that I have warned you before, but now what about the interior of the United States? There seems to be a lot of ideas. How about preparing for this in China? Provincial time will let themselves more passive, after all, national interests are still very important!

With the hospital colleagues to say hello, Ding Yu also came to his office.

The rounds of interns and interns have nothing to do with Ding Yu, even the rounds of attending doctors? Ding Yu has not much to do with him. At most, Ding Yu will accompany him when the chief resident rounds the ward. Do you know the closer the distance is? The higher the status! And Ding Yu? Just accompany, but not follow!

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