What about the doctors in the hospital? The envy of Ding Yu is admiration, but there is not much to be envious of. He has no capital at all. No matter it is ability or technology, what about this guy? They are incomparable, not to mention his background!

What about some people? Born on the top of the pyramid, this is really the envy of everyone, there is Ding Yu? He is quite capable of being a man, and will not make people feel disgusted. It is true that he is Asian, but what about that? In a place like a hospital, is it still necessary to distinguish clearly? This is the arena! Ability is the most important thing.

Ding Yu participated in two surgeries in the morning. The operation was carried out very quickly. You can't tell what the reason is. Anyway, it's fast and accurate. It makes people feel pleasant to see it!

Ding Yu is not only a doctor in the operating room, but also other interns and interns. Everyone looks at Ding Yu's movements, which are fluent and rapid. What about this? Even can't help but send out a sigh, and even in the final finishing work, when Ding Yu handed over to the intern, we all had some do not know how to start!

It's like a perfect artwork, in the whole process? Everyone is attentive to see, but at the last stroke, the creator suddenly handed over the brush to everyone to finish it. There is a sense of pride and a lot of tension. What if something goes wrong?

What about Ding Yu? Naturally, it puts considerable pressure on interns and interns. How about doing it well? It's something that should be divided. Otherwise, why don't you come here and do well? It's because your psychology is not good enough and you still need to "squeeze". How about each new person? It's all this way!

But Ding Yu's performance may be slightly different, but what about the result? It's all the same, "Ding! You put a lot of pressure on the rookies! I'm afraid that after they come out, they will be similar to bathing. What about the cold air inside? Not enough for them to release their enthusiasm! I have a deep feeling for this! "

"Joel, in my impression, your nerves seem to be very thick! Do you want to have a smaller operation? I'm quite experienced in this respect! " Too much nonsense. Ding Yu's words are full of warnings. What about himself now? It's training and training these guys, not babysitting them.

The black man who spoke also puffed his mouth, and then made a pull lock action on his mouth. It was a little funny, but he showed his attitude. He would never say more!

"In the afternoon, there is a big operation. The chief physician asked you to go to the office. The information has been prepared. I hope you can learn about the patient's situation. It's better to be enthusiastic, not like a robot!" Looking at the expression on Ding Yu's face, Joel is also a slip of space steps, disappeared in front of Ding Yu!

What about the health care system in the United States? It's quite different from China. It doesn't matter whether it's good or not. It's just that you put yourself in the most suitable position as soon as possible!

What about the health care system in China? Basically, it's the master who leads the apprentice. What about the medical system in the United States? It's a strict training mechanism and a elimination process. Of course, what about that? It may be a little bit general and absolute, but what about the above situation? It's true!

So Ding Yu doesn't need to talk about the so-called human relationship with these interns and interns. I just ask you, can you do it? It means that you adapt to the process and the mechanism. If you can't do it, either try to catch up or be eliminated. It's very simple!

Of course, some people feel that doctors in the United States? There are so many stereotypes and inhumanity, but it is the training under this mechanism that there is really some mechanical flavor, there is no way to do things! Ding Yu is quite used to this. Is he under such a system? Stayed for quite a long time!

Just when Ding Yu was ready to go to the chief physician, he heard a very messy step. Then a group of doctors rushed out like a swarm. Ding Yu made way for his body at the first time. The machine on his body didn't call, indicating that things had nothing to do with him!

What about at a time like this? We must not go forward. After all, the national conditions are different, and the way to deal with problems is also different. What is the posture of these guys running? It's like a fire in the back of your ass! After they passed, Ding Yu also went to the chief physician's office to get the electronic medical record!

After returning to his office, Ding Yu inquired that he didn't have much to do with himself. When he came back from lunch, Ding Yu also stayed in his office, saying it was lunch, which was just coffee! Look at the medical records and look up the data. Are you busy? It's true that there are so many happy, until someone knocked on the door, Ding Yu raised his head!

"Come in, please." That is to say, but Ding Yu really didn't mean to stand up. Even if he saw who was coming in, Ding Yu nodded his head, and said hello, that's all!

Is it convenient, Ding Looking at the chief physician's appearance, Ding Yu made an invitation gesture, and then processed the electronic medical record on the computer, "Dr. Warren, what's the matter?""There's a special guest, the kind of VIP!" Warren sat on the opposite side of Ding Yu. His hands were rubbing. Obviously, what about this? It's so tricky that even Warren has come to find Ding Yu!

Ding Yu took a slightly different look. "I noticed when I had dinner that the front desk called. It was they who had something wrong. It shouldn't have happened! What about a big guy like you? How can I feel that things are so different when they have come to me? "

"What about the general hospital? A large number of patients are received every year. What about patients from all over the world? Most of the time? They are very easy to handle, but what about the new comer? The situation is quite special, and what about this one's condition? It's also quite special, so I hope you can have a look at it! "

"So tricky?" Ding Yu is also holding his chin with his hand, "today is really so strange!" In other words, Ding Yu also pointed to his own computer, and Warren took a long breath. However, he didn't mean to transmit electronic medical records to Ding Yu. Instead, he used paper as a relatively backward way!

How about this way? It has also indicated that the visitor did not want to expose some of his conditions. Ding Yu took over the files. What about the security at the door? Ding Yu is just dismissive. What about it? The name is directly hidden, but the relevant information is still discussed in detail! Ding Yu also looked at it for quite a long time!

After reading this, Ding Yu also put the medical records on his desk. "This one has some genetic diseases. Since it can make the general hospital feel quite difficult, what about his family situation? Absolutely Ding Yu didn't say it too clearly, but he was just from several big consortia, "it seems, what about some things? It's really not money that can solve it! "

"Ding, change your words!" The chief physician was also dissatisfied.

"Well! I'll have a look, but what about things like this? What can't be solved by manpower? I even have some doubts. What on earth did he rely on to live for such a long time? It really makes people feel so incredible Having said that, Ding Yu also stood up!

But when Ding Yu entered the ward, he looked at the person lying on the bed, and his eyes were also slightly bright, "I'll go! No wonder the general hospital is so nervous. It's you old fellow! " What about this one on the bed? Not a good friend of one's own, but also a "enemy" to a certain extent!

You know, there are other people in the ward? When hearing Ding Yu's words, one of the bald men also wanted to stand up, because what about Ding Yu's words? There is obvious discrimination, which is contrary to the doctor's criteria. As a lawyer of the client, he really has the right to stand up and protect the rights and interests of the client!

The white haired old man lying on the hospital bed waved his hand to let the lawyer and the security guard go out at this time. There is no sense for them to stay. What about Ding Yu's words? It doesn't sound good, but how about standing in each other's position? This way of greeting is also more cordial! It's better than holding up a gun, isn't it?

"What? Is it abnormal for me, an old man, to come to the hospital? "

"It just feels strange! People on the West Coast suddenly run to this side of the east coast? It seems that it's a little out of line! " While talking, Ding Yu also yawned impolitely, "what's more, there seem to be many hospitals on the west coast! Medical conditions for you, it seems that is not a problem! This is particularly surprising! "

"You are a doctor, I am a patient!"

"It's not my patient. I have the right to refuse it!" Ding Yu is also true color said, "I have seen your medical records, family genetic disease, is modern inheritance, or alternate generation inheritance? What about this problem? It can't be seen from the simple pathology, and I don't have much research on it! "

"What about the genetic condition of the family? Or die before the age of 18 and live beyond the age of 16? Not many people can live beyond 60. What about me? I'm 72 years old. I'm really an old monster, but what about my father? To live to be eighty-five is unique in the whole family history! "

"I don't have much interest in history, much less research!" What about Ding Yu? It's very concise, but also expressed a little refusal. What about you old guy? But I give the pit is not light, I did not let you fall in my hand? They are already very caring, and you still want to discuss terms with me?

"Why are you so sure I'm talking about terms? I just came here to see a doctor! "

"Is it?" Ding Yu is also a rare hum, "when I wait for a while, there is a big operation. What about the patients? Of course it won't be you! So I really don't have much time now! "

Ding Yu doesn't have much interest to accompany the old guy in front of him. It's also not necessary in this respect. How is his illness? He really doesn't care about it. He comes to the door? It's one time, how to deal with it, and another!"And the operation? I was pushed, and the patient accepted it too! " The old man lying on the bed motioned to the little girl next to him. Then he shook the bed up and said, "please sit down! I know how to do it? It's against the principle, but what about the patient? I've got other doctors, not inferior to you, but what's the situation here? I think maybe you're the only one who can help me solve this problem, Tyler. It's my granddaughter! I'm 15 years old! "

Ding Yu didn't like to shake his head, but he didn't mean to refuse. He directly sat down on the chair beside him. "Speaking of it, I really don't want to face you, especially between us? There are still differences in concept, but if this problem is not solved, will the current problem be solved? "

"Why must it be me? I'm not an expert in genetics. What about this? It can be said that you have only a little knowledge. Now you suddenly mention this problem to me, which makes me feel quite different and puzzled, or there is something I don't know about! "

"Let's talk about each other first! Since you came to America? We have differences in ideas, and what about this problem? It hasn't been solved from the beginning to the end! Money is not a problem for you and me, but what about me now? It's the fish on the chopping board. You can kill it

Ding Yu raised his hand. The meaning was very simple, indicating the old man to continue. Seeing that the old man didn't have any meaning to say, Ding Yu held his chin with his hand. "I'm like a butcher, but it doesn't matter, because it turns out that there are more people to kill or more people to treat. What about this problem? I don't know what I'm doing. Whatever! I don't care so much about people's opinions! "

"Yes! You don't care much about people's opinions, but I can't afford not to care about your opinions. What if there are conditions? I still hope you can come up with some conditions. I really don't want to owe you this favor! "

"It seems that you, an old man, are really not very old-fashioned!" Ding Yu looked scornful, "tell me about the situation! What about this side of the room anyway? Just the three of us! Now that we've come to the door, there's nothing to say or can't say, is there? "

"You know, what about American culture? It seems to be immigrant culture, but what about inside? It is still quite traditional, although there are many family businesses now? But it seems that it has nothing to do with the above families? The maintenance of cultural tradition must be beyond the imagination of others! "

"Your own? What about my family? It seems that there are many children! You seem to be a little bit too nervous now? " Ding Yu is also looking at the little girl next to him, squinting his eyes and saying.

"As an opponent? I still trust you very much. Although you are very young, you are still very fastidious in doing things. You have noble demeanor, but occasionally? It is understandable that there will be a bohemian situation! "

"I'd love to hear such things as wearing a high hat, but what happens when you say it out of your mouth? It always feels pretty weird! " Ding Yu also said sarcastically, "you know our Chinese idiom, which is called oral honey sword. I don't know if you know something about it, but it gives me a personal feeling and a little taste of this aspect."

Ha ha... The old guy on the bed couldn't stop laughing, "OK! So let's start talking about something! My granddaughter, Tyler, is in a physical condition. I've got someone to check it out. What can be determined is the genetic disease in the family. As long as it is contaminated? Basically, I installed a bomb on my body. I don't know when it will explode! "

"I'm a doctor, not a bomb disposal expert!"

"Yes! You're not a bomb disposal expert, but you're a doctor! As far as I know, it's you who brought the children back. I was shocked when I knew the news. I asked about it, but what about old Dongfang? Didn't give me any specific reply! But I know, can you get people back? It's the way of the gods, and what about you? It seems that he was born out of the ordinary, Taoist people! "

"What else?"

"You once asked for a bronze figure, and even used the technique of full projection. Although I'm just guessing, what about the information I get? You should have done some research! There won't be too many people who pay attention to this aspect, and you are one of the few, so I have found you in all aspects of the investigation! "

"Taoist people have quite a lot of acupuncture and moxibustion skills. Although they don't say much about it, they seem to be quite a lot! What about your family? In other words, even if you start from your father's generation, it seems that there's nothing wrong with it, isn't it? "

"Yes! What about my father? It has been half a century to pay attention to the research and training in this field. However, the problem is that no breakthrough has been made, at least for the disease of the family? Is not too much benefit, take acupuncture for example! They may be good acupuncturists, but they are just acupuncturists! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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