"So it must have been cheated by many Qigong masters?" Ding Yu also said sarcastically!

"There are not many people like Dr. Ding who talk like that!" The old man lying on the bed is not willing to be outdone. It is absolutely impossible for him to lose his momentum in front of Ding Yu. Although he said that he was lying on the bed, he was still a patient!

Ding Yu is also so happy. Why do you say so? Fully show the strength of the powerful? "So it must have been cheated. How much is it! It's just that the problem has not been solved. It is not possible to say that all people are liars. This seems to be biased! "

"Maybe! But for centuries? They didn't solve the problem. What about us old guys? It doesn't matter. Even if I go to see God tomorrow, at least I have proved that I am worthy of the world. Is it right or wrong? This question depends on the judgment of later generations, but what about Taylor? Too young! She shouldn't be treated like that! "

"I'm a doctor. It seems that my duty is to treat the patients, but this seems to be limited to the hospital. Obviously, what about Taylor? It's not in this range. And I don't know if you know that I saved the people of elder martial brother Dongfang's family. I spent quite a lot of energy and lost half of my life! "

"I know that the same thing happened when the Taoist priest saved my father and me. He spent three years recuperating at home." Peyton also sighed, "but it's a pity that the master always sees the head but does not see the end. Although the family extremely wants to keep him, what is the final result? But there is no trace, no investigation at all! It's like disappearing out of thin air! "

As for the old guy's words, Ding Yu didn't show much attitude. He just looked at him and stretched out his hand slightly. The old man was stunned and puzzled. He didn't understand what Ding Yu meant, but soon? Also thought of what, hesitated for a moment, but also reached into their own medical clothes.

He pulled a necklace down from his neck and looked at the things hanging on his neck. Ding Yu did not mean to take it in his hand. Then he also put his eyes on Taylor beside him, "go out and bring two cups of coffee." His speaking attitude is very serious, let the little girl also stare at her big eyes at Ding Yu.

Peyton nodded to his granddaughter. After the little girl went out, Ding Yu stood up and bowed slightly and took over his hands. There were some differences in Peyton. He had made a lot of contacts with Ding Yu, but it was really rare to see Ding Yu so respectful and cautious! Attitude is totally different!

He put it in his own hand and examined it for a period of time, and then he returned it. "What about the old Mr. Peyton's things? I think the Taoist priest should have told me. How did you deal with it? "

"I deliberately went to China and sent it to the incense burner of Taoist temple for incineration! I don't know if I'm religious, but I did what I should do! "

Ding Yu sat on the sofa again. Taylor brought in two cups of coffee. His attitude was respectful. He placed it carefully beside Ding Yu. Then he placed a cup of coffee at the head of his grandfather's bed, and then stood back to his previous position.

Ding Yu, sitting on the sofa, was silent. Peyton put all his attention on Ding Yu's body. However, Taylor beside him was a little impatient. He knocked the ground with his suede shoes on his feet and made a little noise. When Peyton heard the sound, he also gave a warning stare!

Taylor really did not mean to be afraid, and even deliberately puffed his mouth at his grandfather. It looked very cute. Peyton couldn't help laughing, but what about the moment when the corner of his mouth was up? He also shakes his head to his granddaughter, and then uses the corner of his eye to aim at Ding Yu's direction!

Will Ding Yu take over this matter? I'm not so clear about myself, but what about myself? It can only be taken in this way, face-to-face invitation Ding Yu. Will Ding Yu take care of himself? Let's not say whether there is such a time, just focus on their relationship with each other? You can't take care of yourself.

But now? He went to the hospital directly and even found Ding Yu in person. Without any greetings, he explained to Ding Yu straightforwardly that you are a doctor and I am a patient. As for whether you want to save or not? This is your problem, to a certain extent? Also kidnap Ding Yu with morality!

Of course, Peyton is also very clear, now Ding Yu has fallen into hesitation, and has nothing to do with kidnapping him with morality. If he really makes good use of it, he won't be in his equal position now! He should have thought about it. As for what this consideration is, I don't know!

For a long time, Ding Yu also raised his head, looked at Taylor and said hello to her hand. Taylor didn't have much hesitation and hesitation at this time. However, when he came to Ding Yu, his expression was a little stubborn. Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to her, and looked at Taylor's eyes with his eyes.Then he also moved his hand, while Peyton, lying on the bed, widened his eyes. What about his mind? I can't help but come up with some scenes of that year. What about Ding Yu's hand? I did some activities, but after half a day? But suddenly put it down.

"Mr. Ding!" Seeing that Ding Yu's body suddenly loosened, Peyton could not help but shout in a low voice. His voice was more or less imploring. You should know when he was so humble as the head of a large family.

But this is not enough to impress Ding Yu. Ding Yu did not have a good look at this time, "OK, you old guy, you don't have to pretend. What's your situation? It's not a problem to live for another ten or eight years. Don't lie in the hospital and there's no big problem. If you really want to, I can let you see God in advance. I think there will be many people who are very happy that I do this! "

"There is really no human rights." Peyton snorted, too!

"Are there human rights? That's not what I said Ding Yu then took out the pen in the pocket of his white coat. Although he said that he saw the paper at the head of the bed, Ding Yu didn't move much. Instead, he looked at Peyton. "Before this? I need to ask, is it worth it? "

"As long as she can see the beauty of the world, it's worth it!"

"Bullshit, when the old Taoist priest treated your father and son, I think he must have said something, so I would like to say, in front of the doctor? Or don't have anything to hide! What do I mean? It's not to say whether you can cure her. You should understand what I mean

"The Taoist priest has received considerable courtesy in our family. Although I don't like you a lot, it's just a difference in concept. But what about it? I must believe in Taoism more than you! What about Taylor's research on Taoism? It will surprise you a lot! "

Ding Yu takes a look at Taylor, anyway? They are all foreign girls. Even if they believe in Taoism, they can't understand the spirit. They really mean what they say, even if they are their own two children? Dare not say so! What about myself and the two of them? Also exerted a lot of influence!

Because what about the culture? It's different! What about Chinese Taoist culture? Is it necessary to have a good understanding of Chinese traditional culture to be able to have a clear understanding, even Ding Yu himself? What do you know about it? I'm afraid it can only be said to be superficial, and dare not say what so-called proficient!

But there's no need to argue with the old man Peyton. He can't make a face. What's more, without three-thirds, who dares to go to Liangshan? Maybe there is such a genius. No one dares to make any guarantee. Anyway, it is a purpose. Ding Yu will not argue with Peyton about this aspect!

You say you are good, then you are good. What can you do? Will you let yourself lose a piece of meat? It seems that it's impossible. You say, I'll listen to it. At most, it's one ear to listen to, and the other ear to go out. It's no big deal!

"Since you are such a shameless old man, if I don't give you this face, I'm afraid it's hard to say. In the past, I really didn't have the shamelessness to such a degree, but there's one thing? In a word, I need to take the lead to look at the relevant information. I believe your family has reservations. Don't tell me that you have nothing! And what about the collection? Send it, including your research materials! "

"What about the things that have been prepared for centuries? It's really a lot, even if it's information? How many warehouses are equipped with? I'm afraid there is no problem! " Peyton also sighed, "what about people who know what to do? They say it's a treasure house, but what about people who don't understand it? It's a garbage dump! I don't even know how to judge it! "

"So?" Ding Yu said without salt or salt.

"The reason why the old Taoist priest saved my father and me was not that there was no reason at all. At the beginning, I was standing in front of the Taoist priest, just like Tyler was standing in front of you. He started for about 15 minutes. Exactly? It's 15 minutes and 26 seconds! "

"You know what, old man? You're asking too much. What about my brother? Once held his child in front of me, I closed my eyes to be sent out, in addition to the two children at home? I really didn't miss a hand in front of other people! "

Peyton nodded. "I know. What about family? It can't be avoided. What about people? They all live in groups. There are a lot of problems and situations involved in each other, which can't be erased! But what are we talking about today? It's interest. I think what's the interest here? It should be something you can't refuse. What's important is that there is no violation or conflict with your idea! "

"So you want to buy me off? Can I understand that? "

"No, it should be mutual cooperation!" Peyton was very serious and said, "this is in line with the positioning between you and me. What about my conditions? I hope you can take a look at Taylor. Of course, there are other children and people in the family, but what about them? It's just a proviso! ""I'll think about it!" Ding Yu also got up and left. After returning to his office, Ding Yu made a phone call with sun Yingnan for the first time. "In the morning, the old guy from Boston met with him. It's not a great thing. But what about Peyton? Just entered the hospital, gave me a lot of conditions, what about the phone? Some of them can't make it clear. Come here if you have time. "

There was no chance before, but now the opportunity is very sudden and it's coming!

What about Ding Yu's meeting with the Boston consortium? This is a matter of common sense. We have already heard about this before. But what about the meeting between Ding Yu and Peyton? It's really abnormal, but soon? It's also someone who got this information!

Peyton went to find Ding Yu, the cursed family? It's time for them to get involved again. It seems that besides Peyton and his father, their family time is not short? There are not many normal people, do not deny it? Cunning as a fox, but what about the children at home? It's really a mixture of good and bad.

What about character? It really doesn't have much to do with it. It's mainly their family genes? Not so good. What about the baby? Either it's not normal, even if it's normal? Very few of them can live beyond 18, even if they can? I'm not 60 years old. I'm used to it!

Now come to find Ding Yu? Are there other reasons and considerations? Speaking of it? What about Peyton and his father? It's all family history, but what about the whole family? Except for the two of them, there seems to be no one else! What's the reason for looking for Ding Yu now? Looking for straw to save life?

What about the hostility between the two? Peyton went to find Ding Yu. What about this? It is a very helpless performance, bow to their enemies, such a thing is very humiliating, but if it is ordinary birth and death? It's not a big deal, but the question is, if it's not common death, old age and death?

In the evening, sun Yingnan arrived at Ding Yu's apartment. When he came, Ding Yu had prepared dinner and cooked in person. The two children were very happy. After all, his father didn't have many opportunities to cook in person. What else was there? It also helps a lot. I don't care what I eat, what I care about is the taste.

When the two children eat, there is not much mischief. After eating, they also follow Xiao Siyan to play. Ding Yu doesn't pay much attention to the rest of the things. Naturally, someone comes to clean it up. Ding Yu greets sun Yingnan's hand and comes to his office together!

"So important?" Looking at the layout of the office, sun Yingnan is also very surprised to see Ding Yu.

"In the afternoon, I had a deliberate review twice!" When sitting down, Ding Yu also said cautiously, "in the morning, people from the Boston consortium found me, and this matter will be discussed later. At noon, Peyton even found me, which made me feel quite surprised. I heard that their family is a cursed family?"

"Yes, but what about it? The question is very simple. What about Peyton's family? At the beginning, in order to maintain the so-called pure blood, that is, the so-called blue blood, the situation of close relatives was relatively serious, so what about the children who gave birth to children? There will be considerable problems. At the beginning, they are not paid attention to and corrected. When they want to correct them, what about this gene? It's all formed! Even in modern times, there is no way. "

"What about the specific situation? He will provide me with a lot of information. I don't have much interest in the disease, but what about Peyton? Can you live to this age? It's because of the Taoist people's action. I'm also a Taoist. I have some things to do about it. In fact, this is not the reason why I came to you! "

"Because of Boston?" Sun Yingnan is also serious. The director has not mentioned this problem before. Obviously, this problem is more serious than expected? It may be more important, but what is the problem with Boston?

"What about Boston? There is an issue, but what about their deliberation? The result just came to the black president. The possibility of their own initiative leakage is not very great, so it may be the passive leakage. This is why Boston came to me? "

"What do you mean? I don't understand how I feel! "

"What about this? I never mentioned it to you, but what about Kim? Fully responsible for your communication security issues, I think you all know! This matter matters a lot, now? What about Boston? Obviously, I already have the meaning of this aspect, but I don't want to get involved in it! "

Then Ding Yu did not know where to take out a piece of information, which was also placed in front of sun Yingnan. "I just know about the plan, but to what extent should I be specific? I don't know, and I don't mean to be involved in it, because it involves a lot of aspects, is it resistance? It's two times! "

"Prism project? Never heard of it? " Sun Yingnan also took the information to believe, and after reading the information, Ding Yu directly destroyed all the handwritten materials in front of sun Yingnan! Sun Yingnan at this time is also full of horror expression, he is really do not know this matter, but after reading, is also aware of the problem!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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