When he sat down again, Ding Yu also adjusted his breath for some time. Taylor sent two glasses of water. After all, this is a laboratory, not any other place. In addition, there is no other thing here. Fortunately, Ding Yu and Dongfang Jing don't care so much.

"No one else can feel it!" Although he said that Taylor was in front of him, Dongfang Jing didn't mean to be polite at all. "Your skill is really not in line with your age. What's more, I didn't know you had such a study on meridians, younger martial brother. It's really amazing that you have such research on meridians and so on

"I read the information sent by their family and speculated on something! I don't know whether the specific experimental results are in the normal direction. However, if there is nothing wrong with my senior brother these two days, I hope you can help me. I don't believe that other people don't cooperate with me! "

Dongfang Jing has clearly understood something, "I asked the fifth to come, anyway, he has nothing to do, just to communicate with each other. Although he may be a little hot tempered, he has no problem doing things! " Obviously, it's also a matter of love for the plate! "But can you stop talking about it now? I'm so hungry already!"

How to deal with the rest of the matter is like there is no relationship with Ding Yu. When the two people leave, Taylor is seeing him off. However, neither Ding Yu nor Dongfang Jing has any attitude to show. Comparatively speaking, how about it? Taylor's current identity is still too much difference!

But Taylor did not dare to show any dissatisfaction, the amount of blood is not a lot, but what about the detection of some things? Although you can see Ding Yu's movements clearly, it doesn't mean that you can express them perfectly. This is two times!

Did Ding Yu hide anything? Not at all. Everything is above the surface. Even Ding Yu's action just now? There is no hidden hunger, which is to show you, but the problem is that you just can't do it.

Ding Yu and Dongfang Jing are on the way back. Dongfang Jing is also a little puzzled and asks, "where is their home? But there are some strange, blood curse! How many generations are there, and what about the people who fill the hole? It's really innumerable. Their family has been trying to solve this problem, but from the beginning of their family to now, anyway, two people have been in conflict with this limit! "

"I know that I have read the specific materials. It was an elder of the Taoist school. This is also the purpose of my coming to see elder martial brother. It's not that I don't believe old Peyton, but it's important. So I hope you can help me to investigate. After all, my foundation here is relatively shallow!"

Oriental Jing can't help but be a Leng, "what do you mean? The man is gone? "

"Where did the old Taoist priest go? No one can tell clearly. What about this question? Their family must have some reservations. I don't believe in facing such a problem? They can live with reserve. After all, they are the elders of Taoism. Can they start and end well? Nature is better! "

"I see!" Dongfang Jing also smiles, "but younger martial brother! You also know that it's very exhausting to do such a thing. Our elder martial brother won't talk about the rest. At least you can't be too stingy about the tobacco and wine. Otherwise, all the brothers below will have their opinions! It's true! I will not lie to you

After arriving at Ding Yu's apartment, the two little guys also expressed the environment for the arrival of Dongfang Jing. As for the little four eyes? It is sniffing his nose, slightly humming two times, obviously for the visitors? Not so satisfied, because the visitors have invaded their own territory.

Dongfang Jing looks at small four eyes and feels very funny. What about this big dog? It doesn't belong to companion dog, pet dog, or even senior dog. It seems that Ding Yu's two children with such a big dog seem to be a bit of a nondescript feeling! But it can't be denied that this big dog seems to be very spiritual!

Not to mention ordinary people? I'm afraid it's difficult to conquer such a big dog. Look at its mouth and limbs, this power will not be general big! Dongfang Jing also peeked at Ding Yu, who is really playing with what birds! How strange it is to have such a dog for his son and daughter! Even a little out of date!

But soon Dongfang Jing also caught the two little guys. She was not polite at all. When she was with Ding Yu's children, she didn't need to be polite. What about each other? Although he was not a brother for life, it was almost the same. When Ding Yu saved xiaolun, he was just like his brother!

Bullied two little guys, and then gave the gift, but also a good trample on the two little guys, but this heart? It is also a sigh that the two children's qualifications are really good, but also lament that Ding Yu's teaching of the two children is not a general intention.

What about inside? It is not only the children's one-sided, but also the parents. Only the joint efforts of both sides can achieve a unified effect. What about the children in their own family? Although it's the same education, it's really rare to reach the level of Ding Yu. What about some things? It really doesn't make sense.After dinner, Dongfang Jing wanted to leave, but Dingyu made a gesture to play for two young guys, and then he also showed his elder brother. When he entered the study, Dingyu also deliberately took out an instrument to test his elder brother.

Dongfang Jing looks at Dingyu, and then puts some things in the tray. What about Dingyu for these things? But it was not deliberately ignored, and then Dingyu took his elder martial brother into the study.

"What? It seems that you look very careful today because of old Peyton? Not really?! "

"The Peyton family is a cover. I found me in Boston before. I think you should have heard about Boston?" Ding Yu showed his brother with his coffee, "what about Boston's proposal? Not only did it not pass so simple, the bottom was overturned by others! "

"I heard that although things are not widely spread, the people who should know it still know. They are not satisfied with Boston. Although they say they are thin and dead camels, the power behind them can never be underestimated?" "And then I saw Dingyu." what, you want to mix in? "

Dingyu shook his head with a smile. "I have no interest in Boston, I have not promised or denied. They may have to fight against the president. Although the black president will be re elected, what about re-election for him? Give a special gift! "

A special gift? Dongfang Jing also muttered to himself, "what do you mean by this? It should not break the balance. If there is another Watergate event, the blow to the whole United States is too great, and what about it? For the big financial groups, there will be a little bigger, is it like Clinton? "

"Is it possible?" Ding Yu pondered for a while, then shook his head. "What is the specific situation I don't know, at least I am? There is no intention of mixing in. After all, the base is too thin, and I have many things now. Russian and Peyton family who look for the door can not be ignored too much! "

"I'll be looking for it. I don't want to tell me this?" Dongfang Jing looks at Dingyu doubtfully.

Dingyu is sitting on the sofa, arm supporting his chin, waiting for a little time to see Dongfang Jing and said, "what about us? It's also a teacher brother. What's the word? I said a word in a sudden way. Do you know the prism plan, elder martial brother? "

"What?" Dongfang Jing also puzzled to ask already, "prism plan? Haven't you heard of it

Ding Yu looked at his elder brother attentively, "what about this sentence when I am a senior brother? It's true! " Then I felt a document from the bottom of the sofa. "That's why I didn't agree to Boston consortium. How many people know now? I don't know much, but I don't want to reveal it. What about it except for me? Elder martial brother, you are the first! "

For Dingyu's performance, Dongfang Jing is also a little suspicious. After taking the document in his hand, he opened his eyes. However, after understanding the contents of the document, he also sat straight his body, and then waved the document inside the hand. "Mom, these grandchildren are too much to do?! They are not afraid to provoke anger? "

"Will it cause anger? It's none of my business. I'm sure I won't be involved in it. What about your side, elder martial brother? How much is the problem in control is unknown, but I personally see it? What about this? Still don't make too much noise

Oriental Jing also squints his eyes, and looks at Dingyu doubtfully. "You have known this very early?"

"I know for a while, what about this? Elder martial brother, please don't ask. What about me? It's better for you, elder martial brother? It is also more advantageous. What about the door? All the information about this will not be exposed again! How do you do it, elder martial brother, is your own business! "

"Why do I have a bad feeling!"

"Do some precautions in this regard? It's not a bad thing at all, isn't it? " Ding Yu also said in a very frivolous way, "what is the end result of this matter? It will never be the fire of the major financial groups and families. It is impossible. What about my previous conflict? It's impossible to happen again in the United States! "

"I probably understand! Thank you for not saying it! " Dongfang Jing also slightly pointed at Ding Yu. "In the past, there was such a defense in the family, but I didn't expect that these guys should be so. I'm afraid the leaked things are beyond imagination!"

"What about the problems? I don't know. Elder martial brother, it is better to be careful. What about the final solution? I don't make a big difference. It's just fine to sit down and talk. I don't think it's necessary to investigate anything too much, because what I lost? It's lost in the end. What can we do with the investigation? "

"It's still too much, even if it's not working with the Boston consortium, but secretly, with a hand in it? This should not be a big deal! What about each other? There is also considerable cooperation, but younger martial brother, how can Boston do this"I don't know exactly how to do it. I have already indicated that I will not be involved in this aspect. However, they hope that I can talk about this aspect with some consortia. After all, we still need to cooperate with Russia for a while. I don't have much preparation for this. After all, I haven't met the emperor yet!"

Ding Yu's words are very plain, and the reasons are quite sufficient. But what does it sound like in Dongfang Jing? But there is a feeling. What about Ding Yu? It's not that he has no interest at all, but where is he? Let him in this matter is absolutely not very good to express his position, but he is not the same!

"What kind of situation will this matter be announced? Now I think it's really interesting, but I have some doubts. In this case, there is no preparation at all. After the prism project has been running for so many years, they are not afraid to eat too much? "

"Is it enough? What about this problem? I'm afraid only they know it best! Although it is said that this incident will be a fuse, it is really not clear how much trouble it will cause. I hope you will be more careful and don't set yourself on fire. If something happens at that time, it will be inappropriate! "

"These guys! It's true that some of them are out of line! " But Dongfang Jing was also silent for a little time, "but what is the final way to solve this problem? It may be a little plain, or even disappointing! "

"Normal thing!" Ding Yu didn't show how disgusted he was. The expression on his face was even so natural, "they want to eat alone. This problem is so unacceptable to all of us. What is the final result? That is, someone comes to carry the black pot, and then we all sit at the table together! "

"What about normal and abnormal? By doing so, they have broken the hidden rules! "

"Whatever! I'm looking for elder martial brother Dongfang? That's it. As for the old Peyton thing? It depends on the situation, elder martial brother. Anyway, I haven't had too many things recently. The president of Russia doesn't have much time now. I'm also in a position where I can't talk and communicate with other consortia. "

"OK, I see. I don't have much to do anyway. What about our elder martial brother? There's no need to gossip, but since someone is willing to pay? There's always a need for old Peyton to bleed, right? "

After talking in the study, Ding Yu also sent Dongfang elder martial brother away. He didn't lack a place to rest. Therefore, Ding Yu didn't need to arrange anything deliberately. What did the two people talk about in Ding Yu? No one can say clearly at this time, but obviously, we all pay more attention to it!

Maybe we can't see why, but once the whole thing is detonated, it may be a nightmare. What about the so-called prism project? The idea is good, but it's a double-edged sword. This sword can hurt people and yourself, but obviously, there seems to be no recognition!

In the morning, when the two children woke up, they also looked at their father. Yesterday's uncle disappeared, and I didn't know where he had gone. But what about the gift he brought? But let the two children more happy, so in the morning when the rare asked! But it makes Ding Yu feel so funny.

What about children? After all, it's a child. What do you want to ask him? Apart from eating, drinking and playing, I'm afraid there's nothing else to pursue at their age? It seems that there are so some unrealistic, even if it is deliberately to guide, it seems to play a role is not as big as imagined!

Ding Yu also gave them two people each a bullet bean. Watching them cover their heads, it was really quite lovely. It was still the same situation as before. Ding Yu asked them to practice their postures. At the same time? There are also bow and arrow training, the production process of Lao Qi is really good!

If you are your own, you may be able to do it, but you can't do such details. The body and weight of the two children have been changing, and even the strength is also changing. It also requires that the bows and arrows must be changed all the time, and the requirements for ah Qi are slightly higher!

However, his craftsmanship and technique have really reached a certain level, and they are also quite attentive. What about his side? There are several bows that he deliberately made for himself. Some are used as decorations, and some are for himself. What about his own strength? There are not too many estimates, so there is a lot of difference in strength!

But what about having this heart? Is already quite good! What about the two little guys? What about bows and arrows? It's also cultivated. Of course, I let them practice this thing. It's not to say that it's for the sake of hobbies. It's mainly for them to understand. What about this? It's really the secret of private secrets.

Just these? The two children don't know much now, and Ding Yu doesn't have to explain anything. They just need to get used to it now! That is to say, let them practice first, and then give them the theoretical and orthodox ideas after a certain degree, but at least it is applicable to both of them now!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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