Dingyu went to the laboratory in the morning to see the results of the experiment have come out, and it is not unexpected. What we have checked out is really surprising.

Peyton was wakened up in the morning. Taylor called himself. How Ding Yu did it. No one could say the problem clearly. Under the circumstances, everyone was watching. He could not do anything else. And when the two men took blood yesterday, dongfangjing was there.

That is to say, Dingyu plays the trick thing is not exist, and all the instruments? All of them are provided by the family. There is no relationship with Dingyu. In such a case, it is really unusual to get such blood out of the body!

Even the excited Peyton would call Dingyu at that time. It was just the beginning. Ding Yu could achieve such achievements. In the past, he really didn't find the wrong person. If he knew that, he should have found Dingyu at first, and there would be no loss in the two years at home!

But Peyton also knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu because of his anxiety. At this time, he could not push Dingyu to play any role and result. Moreover, it was not easy to get blood from Taylor variable. His technique, strength and requirement made Dingyu have so much trouble!

Another thing is that Taylor did a systematic check for himself yesterday, but it was very normal on her body, and what about the result of Dingyu? It is completely the opposition between the positive and the negative, which is really hard to remember! So when I saw Dingyu, Tyler seemed to have some confusion and confusion!

The data of the experiment were handed over to Dingyu at the first time, and it also expressed his confusion. "Dr. Ding, I have some confusion. Why can you get those blood from our body, but we can't get it by ourselves? This is not in line with the rules! The flow of blood should be the same. "

After reading the experimental data, Dingyu nodded, in line with his guess and expectation. When he sat down, he also looked at Taylor, who was slightly stubborn in front of him. "Whether it is human, animal or plant, there is a growth curve. In the metaphor, it is the youth, youth, middle age and old age. Every time he reaches a certain age and degree , will all change accordingly, so can we understand? "

"You mean, we have a violent death because we break through the physiological limit?"

"I can't tell you that I can only make some assumptions, so when I do it with you? A little bit of a measure has been taken, and what about it in a small range? To stimulate your activity, obviously what about this? It's also a long time ago to get something useful from your body! "

"Eighteen and sixty years old are limits, not only of age, but also of the body?" Tyler said with a sense of motion! I seem to have a sudden understanding of something.

Dingyu looked at Taylor, and seemed to have heard the potential meaning of the word, but smiled. "What have you learned? Even if it is not even a root, it can only be said to be something from a foreign family. Is it useful? There are still some useful things, at least to be able to strengthen the body and body, but only that! "

"I'm sorry, Dr. Ding, I don't understand what you mean by this?"

"I checked your body yesterday and can see how much you have learned some foreign Kung Fu, but how much do you learn about the cultivation of internal Kung Fu? Even the entry-level is not even counted, so to say! What about the so-called foreign Kung Fu? Refers to physical exercise, and so-called home Kung Fu? To a certain extent, it's visceral exercise! "

"It's impossible?!"

"Why not, thanks to your medical knowledge, I would like to give an example of explosive power, when you give full play to your explosive power, your bones and muscles? The impact of the explosive force must be sustained, otherwise, it may cause bone fracture, muscle damage and other results, but in the body? If the heart can not bear the blood supply, the breath of the heart and lung, and the impact caused by external explosive force, the heart may burst and the lung will be torn. It is no wonder that this has not happened, it is no wonder! "

"Sorry, I ignored it!" Taixi chose to apologize for the first time, because Ding Yu has convinced himself that he has ignored it. The reason is very popular and simple!

"What about external exercise? It's very good to solve, but what about internal exercise? But it is not so simple as we imagine. We can only promote internal changes through limited external exercises, but what is the role? It's very small, but what about the wisdom of the Chinese? The research of the internal Kung Fu, that is, from this! "

"Only if you can practice and grow your body with both internal and external training, what do I think I mean? Enough cases, in turn, to see your family problems, genetic mutations, have led to a great change in the body, although extremely short, but should be a process! I want to slow down the process now! "Thank you, Dr. Ding

"Thank you. I'm just doing what I should do. It's just a process of interest exchange. Although it's a good start now, I'm afraid no one can say clearly what level it will achieve. OK, let's do it for the time being! I have something else to do! "

Ding Yu can't stay in the laboratory all day long. When he is in a good mood, what about his actions? It's just a little fun in my spare time. Besides, it doesn't seem to have much significance and value. Even if Peyton is so anxious, what can he do?

Is it because he is in a hurry that he has to be reckless? Who made it? Therefore, Ding Yu does not have this aspect worry and the guilt completely, is still methodically to deal with the affairs of the Peyton family.

Dongfang Jing didn't want to stay in Boston for too long. Although Ding Yu talked about some things with him, he came here by himself? It's just for Ding Yu. By the way? Let the Peyton family lead their own human relations, the matter above the surface? In the end, there needs to be an explanation.

As for how Dongfang Jing will deal with relevant matters after he goes back home? It has nothing to do with Ding Yu. However, Dongfang Jing sent the fifth man and other people over, even to Ding Yu!

Less than a week, Ding Yu took blood from several people? There are so many, almost half of the test tube, this refers to the blood of all people together, not the blood of a single person!

Dongfang Jing looks at the things in the test tube and shakes his head. He also just came back and took some special things back. What happened before? It also has a clear purpose in this respect. "Younger martial brother, can you solve this problem? I can't say well. Anyway, I can only bring the treasures in my family. You need to ask the old Peyton guy to compensate me?! Money is meaningless and valuable to me, but things are priceless

Ding Yu looked at his elder martial brother and nodded his head slightly. "Anyway, Taylor is here. What's the situation like? Anyway, she knows exactly what it's like. She just needs to write a list. She doesn't ask to return it tomorrow. But this thing has been placed here. Then you must return it, even if your family dies It needs to be returned! "

Taylor nodded to Dongfang Jing. If he said that his family wanted, he couldn't get such things at all, because he was also a doctor. He knew how hard it was to ask for such things. This is because of Ding Yu's face, otherwise it would be difficult for him to see one side of it!

"Mr. Dongfang, the glory of the family has always illuminated my way forward, and I will never let the glory of the family suffer any humiliation. Indeed, I feel that, with the honor of the family, I will never let your pay flow into the East water!"

Dongfang Jing didn't say anything else. He just gave it to Ding Yu, "younger martial brother, do you think it will work? I have read the information, can play a role, at the same time harmless to the body, basically no! And what about this thing? Too much big tonic, the so-called big tonic is big poison, can you hold on? "

"If it's on my own, if I want to take out so much blood, who knows? And what about my skills? It is not enough to support me to do so, so I can only think about it. What will happen to the consequences? I don't know. Anyway, it's just a dispensable thing for me! "

What about Ding Yu's way? It's very simple to say that it is catalyzed by external conditions. Of course, the whole body will not evolve. This is impossible, but will some parts be called? Make its rapid evolution, which will lead to internal changes in the body, as for the process of life or death, this has no too much to do with yourself!

What about the peytons anyway? I've already said hello to you. I'll just do it. As for the price, it's your voluntary choice. What's more, there are so many people dead in the Peyton family. Do you care about two more? I don't think so! Ding Yu is really not so interested in this matter!

"It feels like a little evil!" Although the words are so said, but for Dongfang Jing, it is not so much on the heart, whether he or Ding Yu paid a considerable price for it, since he wants to get it? It is necessary to pay! Nothing can't be understood!

"Tyler, I need a few candidates. As for whether you want to attend, it's up to you! I don't force it! " Ding Yu is also very playful to look at, Taylor looked at Ding Yu, subconsciously is also a step back.

The contact time with Ding Yu is not short. What's the feeling of Ding Yu all the time? Still quite good, but until today, I found that some too underestimated Ding Yu, his indifference to life, let himself feel the whole body is piercing cold!

This is the real face of Ding Yu! What I saw earlier should be illusory! He is too stupid, how can you believe Ding Yu? Since he can achieve such a position above, there will never be any so-called pity, his previous time is also thinking too much!Ding Yu didn't wait for Taylor's answer. He just needed to pass this matter on to her. Of course, it also has a meaning? Pass it on to old Peyton, agree or disagree? What kind of choice would this old guy make? You know, Taylor, who is on the bright side, has never been able to withstand such pressure?!

When Payton knows the news, he knows that he can't hide behind his back. Ding Yu and Dongfang Jing have been involved in it. It's no small matter! Previously, I thought that Dongfang Jing had left because of other things. Now it seems that this is not the case. Ding Yu! It's really "doing my best".

This person owes a little more than that. Whether it's Ding Yu or Dongfang Jing, he really needs to go there. What about some things? It is impossible to solve too many problems if Taylor is still on the surface. At least she is too young to carry these problems and situations!

But do you want Tyler to take the responsibility? Some of them are too much. After all, she is still too young. Even though she has given quite a lot of support, and even she herself is quite excellent, there is still too much difference in the face of Ding Yu! It's an equivalent level!

Peyton not only came by himself, but also brought two people. Since it has been decided, don't have any hesitation. The blocking has already been done. Do you still need to sigh and regret? No meaning!

"In the past, no one really took the blood from their bodies, even after death for blood tests? I didn't find them either In front of Ding Yu's face, Peyton also said with emotion.

Ding Yu's move is really extraordinary, and he did not find the wrong person. Although it is not known what the final result will be, it is a proof that Ding Yu can find this direction so quickly!

"I don't know if the blood is useful, and I don't have so much free time, and I'm afraid they don't have as much time as they think, so it's just a desperate experiment! I hope they don't think I'm too cruel? " When Ding Yu finished, he also deliberately raised his shoulder.

"This is their fate. I chose this fate at the beginning. At least they have a chance to survive. At least they can prove themselves for the survival of the whole family? If the whole family does not exist, can they still exist? "

"It seems that you are more cruel than me!" Ding Yu also took a look at it. "I'm not sure about other issues? What kind of impact will this have on the human body? I don't know if it will solve the problem thoroughly. If you think it's OK, try it now! "

For Ding Yu, he has proved quite a lot. Even he has put some things in front of Peyton, which is obviously to deepen Peyton's impression, or Peyton has no reason to refuse!

Ding Yu also allocated some drugs, but it was not injected. Instead, he adopted acupuncture. During the whole process, Dongfang Jing also gave considerable cooperation. If it was Ding Yu alone, it would be very difficult to complete it. What's more, the dose taken by Ding Yu is not big at all!

In this process, Ding Yu also pays attention to the specific data on the screen, and at the same time, he also needs to keep calm on his hands, which is really not what ordinary people can do. Peyton is also watching the whole experiment outside at this time, forcing himself to keep calm at this time!

It's really different from the previous situation. Ding Yu really took out a large blood drop, which was obviously different from the ordinary blood color. It was not as simple as crimson. If it was a bit black from the outside, Ding Yu stopped the medicine at the first time!

What about this one on the bed? The situation can only be said to be average, but his face is a little embarrassing. But for Ding Yu, as long as there are not too many problems now, what if he doesn't die? It's a good thing!

However, Peyton, standing outside, looked at Ding Yu's intention to clean up his things. He also asked subconsciously, "why not continue?" The words are also with a lot of regret and confusion!

The fifth man standing next to him looked at Peyton up and down. After waiting for Peyton's reaction, he said, "it's simple. My younger martial brother's true spirit has almost been consumed. If you go on, who knows whether it will damage the root? There is no period of time when you can't recover at all. This can't be solved by sleeping! "

Peyton also suddenly realized, "sorry, my mistake! I'm so abrupt

Ding Yu is not an old Taoist priest. What's more, even if the Taoist priest treated his father and son at the beginning, it took three years for him to recover. Moreover, it was only a superficial recovery!

"Younger martial brother is not the most professional doctor. How about surgery? There may not be too many problems, but in this situation, what about younger martial brother? It's not the best, it can only be done by force! " Laowu also explained two simple sentences, which is to look at the face of his younger martial brother!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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