When he came out of the operating room, Ding Yu also took two drops of blood, and even deliberately shook the test tube in his hand. "Judging from the current situation, it is quite effective. Do you want to see the situation of these two drops of blood?" Ding Yu also said with some bad smile.

Peyton was puzzled, but Ding Yu handed the test tube inside to Taylor. Anyway, he took out a lot of blood. He didn't care about the two drops. He explained to Taylor. Taylor also took the blood and walked very quickly. Soon he also sent a mouse and a rabbit to dilute the blood and then injected it.

Mice in the blood injection into the moment began to kick legs, and the rabbit side is a bit shaking head, as if drunk the same, but soon also fell down, not long after the whole body will be dyed red, their own blood as if uncontrolled to spray out, thanks to the glass cover, otherwise it will be everywhere.

But even so, it makes people tremble in their hearts. Some people are the first time to collect information. Ding Yu narrowed his eyes. "Things are still effective, but will the final solution and treatment be solved? I dare not make any guarantee. I can only say that the beginning is good now."

Peyton arranged his clothes on his body and bowed slightly to Ding Yu and Dongfang Jing. "Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to help. Even if the words of thanks are too much, I can't express the excitement in my heart. I ordered a restaurant and I hope you can come here!"

From this point of view, Peyton's assessment of the situation is still very strong, in the whole process, everyone has done their best, whether it is Ding Yu or Dongfang Jing, it is the same, don't because it is really relaxed in the operating room, just look at Ding Yu's face, than imagined? Even more difficult!

The dinner was very luxurious, but there was not much passion among the people. Only Peyton was full of energy. Even after Ding Yu left, he was still very excited. "Taylor, has the data of the experiment come out?"

"Grandfather, it's all out!" Tyler stood beside Peyton calmly. His face was a little cold. "There is no toxin in the blood, but adding it to the blood will cause a rapid reaction. It is a calm lake, but after the blood is added, it is like a boiling boiler!"

In front of his grandfather's face, Taylor also made a gesture, "this is only in the external situation. If we say that in the human body, the reaction will be the same as that of mice and rabbits. The blood vessels of the whole body burst, and then slowly restore calm. This situation is basically the same as that in the family! It's about measurement. "

Peyton also pondered for a moment, then turned to look at his granddaughter, "what do you think of Ding Yu personally?"

"He?" Taylor also snorted, "cold, heartless, and even cruel. If viewed from the outside, it can be said that it is perfect. However, he is extremely picky inside. He is not very attracted to foreign objects. There are not many things that can move him, except what he is interested in."

"The controllers of every consortium are basically like this!" Peyton also laughed. "I don't mean that. I mean, how about your senses? You're not too young! "

Ah? Taylor couldn't help but be stunned, and then a little blush appeared on his face, but soon disappeared. "I don't have any control over Ding Yu, and I don't have any confidence and assurance. Many people he has contacted with me are so different, and they have nothing to do with their age!" Taylor added.

"What about him now? They're not married yet, and in terms of age? It's not very big, and you should also know that the affair between Rothschild and the Hilton family is united with each other. Although it is a simple marriage, there are still many problems to be seen from it! "

Taylor didn't have any objection, and even had no fundamental struggle. He just looked at his grandfather and said, "I don't have any opinions, but will Ding Yu agree? Although he is not married, but now has two children, and the relationship with that woman is quite good! Will it make Ding Yu angry? "

"He has a lot of women, but not too promiscuous. What about this? It is obviously different from other families! " Peyton sighed. What about the relationship between men and women? In the upper class family, it's just like themselves. Women can't even count themselves.

No one will care too much about this, life? Isn't that what it looks like? But what about Ding Yu? We can't find the trace of this aspect at all, this is also strange!

"Grandfather, will Dr. Ding Yuding open this cage for us?" Taylor was also worried and asked, "will this cage become a new one? At least for Ding Yu?! I think it's possible! "

"Ha ha!" Peyton laughed too. "What about what I've taught you over the years? It's still a little bad, but there's nothing strange about this. You haven't contacted the old Taoist priest, and you haven't really had a confrontation with Ding Yu, so you don't know much about the problems, so you can understand them! ""I'm sorry, granddad. I don't understand what this really means."

"It's similar to what Ding Yu said. What about your stuff? What you have learned is only superficial, but not practical. What about our big families? I've played all kinds of tricks and tricks. Otherwise, it's hard to survive. But what about the same thing? It can't be discarded! "

"Honor?" Tyler muttered to himself.

"Bullshit!" Peyton also did not hesitate to scold, "honor that thing is not of any significance and value, it is just a verbal guarantee, just like a whore's words can never be believed, do you know what Ding Yu's favorite sentence is? People! Need to have the heart of fear! I appreciate it

"Fear? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with it! "

"Wrong, it has a lot to do with it. Whether it is Ding Yu or ourselves, we will never break our promise. Even if the situation is more critical and special, it is the same, because it will cause dirt on our soul. In Taoist terms? Is it to create your own demons? "

Looking at Taylor still did not understand the way, Peyton is also shaking his head, "no matter I or Ding Yu, never stopped their own pace of progress, never!" Peyton said firmly, "it's just that he's still very young, so he's going faster. What about me? We are all in our twilight years, so we walk slowly, but we never stop! "

For the first time, Taylor felt quite strange when he heard such a saying, "but few people have noticed what we paid when we left. Even we don't know very well. There are only people of the same kind? To be able to feel each other, but that is to say hello to each other in silence

"I don't feel how progressive Mr. Ding Yuding is? On the contrary, it makes people feel lazy! When doing things, you are very attentive, but what is the foundation of this intention? There seems to be some... "

"Not so! Child Peyton also patted the sofa beside him, "what about the people who walk this way? Basically, they are lonely, and even can't be understood by people. No one knows whether the direction we are going in is right or wrong. We are just moving forward, careful, cautious and even awe! "

"Not understood?" Tyler seems to feel something! Looking at my grandfather silently! Silence rose.

"You didn't go this way? It's a pity, but it's also a good thing. At least you don't need to carry too much Peyton also smiles, but what about this smile? There was so much bitterness, "how to say? Let's see if you two can break through the boundary. To be sure, you have the capital to go this way, but I don't want you to go this way. For the family, it's lucky, but at the same time, it's also unfortunate! What about our blood? Even more frightening

There seem to be so many explanations! I don't know whether it's right or wrong. Peyton doesn't know whether the road is right or wrong. Even Peyton himself? I'm afraid it's not so clear, because I don't know.

On the road ahead? There is no direction, even want to find a few colleagues? It's not as easy as you think, but what's the good news? He is able to find the opponent Ding Yu, for himself, this is also a blessing in life! What about Taylor? What will she look like tomorrow?

When he came back in the evening, the two children had already gone to bed. Ding Yu did not have a rest immediately, but he went to bed after a little interval. However, it was obvious that Ding Yu went to bed earlier than before, and got up a little later the next day! Let two small also feel quite puzzled!

"Dad Seeing that his father didn't mean to exercise, the two children were strange. At the same time, they were also worried. Ding Yu waved to the two little guys, but in the morning, Ding Yu also ate some different things, and the two children also had some greedy eyes.

"What? You want to try it, too? " Ding Yu also said with a bad smile, "what about you? Things may be so some too filled, may leave nosebleed, as for the disadvantages? Isn't that big? "

Two children are eager to try. Obviously, what about their father? There are some who are not convinced. Although they say that they have suffered a lot in the past, the problem is when they are facing their father? There are still some unwilling, as for the consequences of this unwilling, it is self-evident! Is it strange to have good fruit to eat?

After sending two primary schools to school, Ding Yu did not go to the laboratory again. Even if there was any other situation last night, Ding Yu was not so concerned about it! I went to the hospital and sat there for a period of time and helped to see the two operations. That's all!

However, when he came back, Ding Yu looked at the invitation sent to him. He was stunned for a moment, and then raised the invitation card in his hand, "what time is it?"The service staff also explained that they sent it from the Huo family in Hong Kong and gave it to themselves alone. In those years, they visited the Huo family. No matter what the reason was, at least there was some relationship between them. Now what about the Huo family? Marry daughter-in-law, send yourself this invitation, you really need to give this face!

"Sir, I just sent it to you. The Huo family called me when I was in front of me. I hope you can come here then!"

"I see!" The Huo family married their daughter-in-law. This is a happy event. Do you want to go there by yourself? It's not a big deal, let alone the Huo family? Should not only send the invitation to come so simple, there should be someone over! It's just time!

What about things like this? Not a phone call? Ding Yu has to come. It needs people of considerable weight to invite. What about the invitation? It's just to confirm Ding Yu's position. After all, Ding Yu is not in China now. If he is really slighted, if Ding Yu doesn't come, how about their friendship? It's light!

After finding a time, Ding Yu called the Huo family members to express their thanks. He did not say anything else. Now that he is in the United States, he said two words of congratulations, but that is to say, there are too many references in the phone, which is really not necessary! Right? It might be better to meet and say!

But what about the Huo family? Also absolutely not because Ding Yu made a phone call, really feel that the etiquette has arrived, the son of Huo family also received a call from his father, with his fiancee? Go to Boston together and send this invitation to Ding Yu in person!

What about the previous one? It's an invitation. Now it's a real invitation. It's a formal invitation. "Why go to America?" Sitting on the plane, the woman who was about to marry into Huo's family was also very curious about it. "And the two of us? I don't mean anything else. I just feel a little curious! "

"And Mr. Ding? It's Chinese! " The eldest son of the Huo family also said with a little thought, "I have been to the Huo family before, but it is mainly because of my grandfather's sake. It has nothing to do with other things. When I came to Hong Kong City? He didn't visit too many people! There are only two families. Our family is one of them! "

"Mr. Ding? Chinese? I haven't heard of it before! "

"Don't say you haven't heard of it, even if it's me? I haven't heard much about him in these years, relatively speaking? This Mr. Ding is not a famous person, but a doctor, but that is just his profession on the surface. Unfortunately, he is not in the capital now. If he is in the capital, we can visit the quadrangle in the capital! "

"Beijing? Where is the courtyard? Maybe I'm familiar with it

"I know a place in general!" The eldest son of the Huo family was quite satisfied with his wife, so he explained in detail, "I really haven't visited. I heard that the situation there is quite special!"

Oh! There it is! Women are also slightly shocked. What about the husband? I have heard that the place is not only rich then expensive, but also rich and noble? You can't live in such a place. In other words, you need to have considerable power!

"Is he a doctor?"

"That's just his profession on the surface. What's the inside story? I'm not quite clear? Although the Huo family is said to be a consortium, it is only relative to the whole port city. It is too small, at least relative to Mr. Ding. You may know something about it in the future! "

It's not that Mr. Huo has something to hide, but he really doesn't know too much. What about Ding Yu? He is quite mysterious. He knows his identity, but he doesn't mean he knows everything! Take the port city as an example. Several families control the whole city.

But when Ding Yu arrived in Hong Kong, the family didn't need to give him three faces. What about his identity? There are not too many relationships! Do you know what can do this? Not to say it is unique, it seems to be similar.

It is not so difficult for the plane from Hong Kong City to Boston. As soon as the plane landed, the service personnel had already stood at the position of the engine room to wait. For Ding Yu, there was no problem with this small matter! As for the formality? Naturally, someone will deal with it.

This surprised Mr. Huo and his wife. How about the two? It's not the first time to come to the United States, but I have never encountered such a situation. We don't need any so-called passport and inspection. We can pick up people and get on the bus directly. At the same time, there are some simple and crude things that people can't accept!

You know, this is America, not your backyard. What do you say?

The attendants welcomed the arrival of the two people. The bouquet on their hands well expressed an apology for Ding Yu's failure to be present in person. Of course, this is only superficial. If their father comes, there may be such a possibility that new people like them do not have such treatment, but what about the necessary superficial appearance? Still need to have!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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