Now that he has come to Boston, Ding Yu can't just pick up people. He has arranged accommodation for two people, even accommodation? There are more than one place. Let two people choose at will. Who knows what is the most suitable place, right? It's a guest!

"Mr. Huo and Ms. Guo, it's a long journey. Please have a rest! I'll come back to pick you up in the evening! " Now that you have arranged accommodation, don't be in a hurry. Let two people be in a hurry. Let them rest for a while now. At least they won't feel sleepy mentally!

What's more, let two people go to Ding Yu's place now, and they haven't even changed their clothes. Isn't this to embarrass them the same? Two people here? It's for Ding Yu to send an invitation card to embarrass two people. It seems that there is really no need for this! What's more, two people? Or Huo family!

After the service personnel left, the couple also breathed a sigh. There was no interval between them. Someone came in with a tray and sent their passports and certificates. Everything has been dealt with. It doesn't matter whether the two people show up or not. From this point, we can see the identity of Ding Yu? Even more taboo than imagined!

"What do I need to pay attention to at night?"

After thinking for a while, Mr. Huo said in a low voice, "what about the situation revealed by the service personnel? Where's the place for our dinner? It shouldn't be a hotel or a hotel, it's probably a family dinner! " Huo Qigang's eyes are also slightly narrowed. If it is a family dinner, the situation will be different!

"We don't need too much preparation, we just take the invitation! Don't dress up too strict and beautiful, just be simple and simple! "

In the evening, the service staff also took the two of them to Ding Yu's apartment. It was just an apartment, not a so-called residence. This is quite strange. After all, what are the conditions of the apartment? Sometimes it's not as convenient as you think!

When two people rang the doorbell, they stood at the door with their little four eyes. When they opened the door, they looked at the little couple standing outside. They also looked up their heads, and then they all bowed slightly and cried in unison, "Hello, Auntie and uncle, welcome to be a guest!"

Then two small also make way for their own position, and Ding Yu after hearing the sound, also came out from inside, looking at the little couple who came in, their faces also showed a little smile, "coming?" There is no so-called courtesy, it is very simple to ask, give people the feeling? It's like a good friend's greeting!

"Mr. Ding! Hello Then the couple bowed slightly, and then took out the invitation card with both hands on it. "We are going to get married. I hope Mr. Ding can come by then."

Ding Yu also took the invitation in his hand, and then patted Mr. Huo on the shoulder twice, "it's a good thing to have a family and a business! It's harmful for you two to go there in person, but the journey is so far away, it's really wrong! This is your wife! Not bad

When the introduction of the two people was finished, the two children also came back again, "two rabbits in the family! You've all seen it already! " The two children are not so concerned about being called "Bunny". However, they are looking at their father angrily, but most of them are joking.

You know, in America? It's rare to invite people to come home. Although we are all Chinese, they are in the United States? Sometimes you have to do as the Romans do, don't you? Ding Yu is very hospitable, which makes the couple of Huo's family feel more and more popular, especially the two little ones, which they have never seen before.

Now after seeing it, it is to let two people's hearts have a strange feeling. After a look at each other, they also have a sharp smile in their hearts. Obviously, they also think of something! "I came back a little late. Maybe we need to wait for dinner. A gang, come with me?"

As for the two small ones? Isn't there anyone else nearby? What about Ding Yu talking to Huo Qigang? It's OK, but I talk to their husband and wife. It seems that there is something wrong with this, but it won't make Guo Jingjing too embarrassed. Aren't the two children there? Let them accompany you!

Huo Qigang looked at the layout of the study, but also opened his eyes, and then subconsciously helped his glasses, there are so some exaggeration, even some incredible, this is absolutely not what ordinary people can do!

Ding Yu also took out the gift that had already been prepared, "congratulations on your two newlyweds!" Also did not wait for Huo Qigang to refuse, Ding Yu also put the gift into his arms, "it represents a heart, it is not a big thing, I hope your husband and wife like it!"

When the two people came out, they found that Guo Jingjing had a lot of fun. They were not polite at all, but they were a little lively. They were really not bear children. Moreover, they were quick in thinking. When they spoke, they obviously had their own independent thinking. After all, it was very difficult for such a young child to have such literacy!When leaving Ding Yu's apartment, the couple looked at each other and came to Ding Yu? I really feel a little pressure, but what about Ding Yu himself? It still makes people feel good, there is no so-called wanton publicity, there is no so-called toe high gas, feeling very incredible.

"It's mysterious when you don't have contact, but after real contact, I find that it's the same as ordinary people, and there's not much difference between them!" After returning to the hotel, Guo Jingjing said with emotion, "what about you, a gang?"

"Great!" Huo Qigang also murmured, "I went to the study there before. The space inside was very large, which should have opened up other spaces. There are a lot of books in it, and there are also many materials and specimens. Even some of them are placed in disorder. I simply took a look at it, not deliberately arranged!"

"Don't you understand?" Guo Jingjing is also subconsciously said.

"What about the study at home? Basically, it's a place to talk about private affairs, or to cultivate one's sentiment. Generally speaking, it's like this. But what about brother Yu's place? But it's not like that. The books inside are a little bit fierce, and even some specimens can see some luster. This is not something that can be done by touching in a day or two! "

"Do you mean brother Yu works hard?" What does Guo Jingjing seem to understand?

"Business? It's rarely handled at home. It's basically in your own office. Can you put it at home? Basically, there are two reasons. One is that there is no such space, and the other is? Is that they will not give up any leisure, feather brother will not have such space? It's obviously not possible! "

After saying that, Huo Qigang helped his glasses again. "In the past, I just heard how excellent he was and how he managed to maneuver. But today, what is the so-called inside story? He didn't come out of thin air. He can get to where he is today! The effort and effort behind it is fundamental! "

Until this time, Huo Qigang suddenly understood that he had let himself go to the study and give him a gift? It's just a pretext. Even if the gift is valuable, it is valuable to measure, but let yourself enter the study and appreciate some things, which is the most priceless!

It's really amazing. Huo Qigang also sighed deeply. It seems that the age between them is almost the same. But if you look at other people's styles and then your own, it seems that they are not of the same level. However, there is a saying, it's sinful to meet an expert without worshiping him!

Although we are of the same age, what about places like Hong Kong City? What about age? I don't pay too much attention to it, so I have developed some opinions of Huo Qigang. Now even if I stand in the position of Ding Yu, can I really bear the responsibility? It's impossible!

But remember? This time I came to Boston is really worth comparing. It is not only the simple way to send an invitation to Ding Yu, but also to appreciate some things. My father will be very happy if I want to come to Boston! But what about the time now? A little bit of it is not suitable. I'll tell my father when I go back!

Ding Yu's itinerary has also been arranged quite well, so it is necessary to spare this time. Since people have already invited him warmly, if he doesn't go, there will be many problems, not to mention such a thing!

When I got up in the morning, the two children were slightly lively. What about this? There is really no way to compare, their spirit is really endless! What about all the worries and worries? As long as sleep is good, even last night when tired can not go to bed, but as long as the next day, with nothing happened!

Ding Yu looks at the two children, but he is really envious. His body functions are different, so what's the situation? It's quite different! Is really envious of things!

However, after breakfast, Ding Yu did not let them leave. "When did you come back yesterday? I didn't find a suitable opportunity when there were guests at home. Anyway, I still have this time. Let's talk about it! How did it happen? Are you ready to be king? "

The two small schoolbags were all ready. After hearing his father's voice, they were all stunned for a moment, and their bodies were also irresistible. Before they wanted to run, Ding Yu grabbed the collar and pulled it back again. "What about the school violence? I've experienced it, and I'm deeply touched. How about you? At such a young age, such a situation has emerged. What about you as a father? It's really a little embarrassing! "

"Dad! They want to bully us, didn't you say that? If you can't bear it, you don't have to bear it any more! "

"I remember it very clearly." Ding Yu also took a look at her daughter, she! It's really like a big sister. How about this arrogant strength? It's really not easy to deal with! As for his own son? Although it seems that there are so some dull, but looking at his eyes, you know what is in the heart? Also refers to what you are thinking!What about kids fighting? It will not be particularly serious. What about the schools they go to? It's a high-level school, but even if it's like this, it's hard to avoid bullying in schools. Isn't it for every child? Are so brave!

What's more, their two children? Since they were young, Ding Yu has laid the foundation for the two of them. Do you want to say that they bully the weak? It's really not such a thing. What about the school teachers? I have already communicated with myself. The problem is not very big, but the two little guys have knocked down more than ten children. What's the shock? It's really not small!

The teachers in the school are stupid, just two small? Obviously, it didn't cause any other accidental injury, but even if it was like this, everyone's eyes were a little different, because there were several children who were two levels higher than the two, and even could soon put them in!

But even if it is like this, it is still put down by the two primary schools. The good thing is that there is no violent behavior in the two primary schools, and the consistent behavior is relatively good, so there will not be any major problems, but it is the shock of the public? It will not be eliminated in a short time.

So the teacher also deliberately called over, do not want your two children how honest, no matter how the problem, but really do not fight, really make out what things? Their school is the kind that can't really eat around.

What about the families that can be sent to this school? All of them are extraordinary. None of them can be provoked by the school. There is no problem in fighting and making trouble, but don't make a big mess, do you?

Ding Yu didn't mean to blame the two children. What happened? It's not really on their two bodies, mainly because they are still in the lower grade, so what about the higher grade children? What about some of them looking at these little beans? There are so some not very pleasing to the eye, casually kick two feet.

In order to establish their own authority, it used to be like this, and now there will be no change at this time. However, the two young people are shriveled. They also stand up and protest, but it is obvious that the protest has not had any effect, so the "war" has begun!

Two with friends? Directly to the senior grade children to the flat! All to the ground, a lot of children are crying, but how can? Find the teacher! For senior children, this may be the only way to solve the problem! Although it makes people of the same age a little disgusting.

"It's not that you must be taught how to do it?" Ding Yu also said patiently, "what about my concept? I don't think so, because I see the world the same way, but what about you? It's another look, but I want you to do something? We need to think carefully and pay attention to a certain degree of propriety! "

Hmm?! Dad didn't mean to spank them? There was no profound criticism and education, but patiently talked to them, which made the two children have some doubts. The two children also blinked their eyes!

"What about your education? It is quite different from these children, but most of them are the same. Whether it is education, root and bone, there is no sense of propriety? It means that there is no control, and even develops into unbridled. What about your age? Once you develop such a bad habit? For the future of life, it is a mistake! "

"Dad, do we need to fight back? But you need to pay attention to ways and methods, right? "

Ding Yu was stunned, and then he also said with a smile, "very clever understanding, what about being your father? I'm glad you can say that, but from another angle? I'm not so happy. Why? Because you are still very young, I don't want you to encounter such things too much. What about your age? Should be happy and happy growth, this is your first task

"Dad, it seems like a contradiction?"

"Yes! It's a contradictory thing. It's like I expect you to grow up, but I don't want you to grow up. It's hard to control the balance. So now? It's a test for you to give you the so-called right to choose and see how you want to handle this matter! "

"Test?" Two children are also so some silly eyes looking at their father, generally speaking, the father set such a topic, for them, they need to be prepared with all their heart! There are so many lessons! But the question is, what about two people now? There is no time and space at all!

"Yes, what about the test? Maybe I don't know how long it will take or what you will face. I will just stand by and watch. Basically, I won't make too many corrections and see your own performance! "

After saying that, Ding Yu also patted two small shoulders, "OK, go to school! I have communicated with the headmaster, the school board and your teachers. Come on! Young menDing Yu didn't criticize them, but he didn't mean to encourage them. After all, what about fighting? For their physical and mental and healthy development is not a good thing, so they can only be to induce them, but what will become, really do not know! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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