After Ding Yu sent the two children away, he did not mean to go to the hospital, but went to the laboratory. Taylor's face was a little pale. He couldn't tell what the reason was. Ding Yu didn't mean to ask.

What about the experiment? Although I said that I didn't mean to stare at it, if that was the case, there would not be too many problems and situations. Obviously, the things I took out had a considerable impact and aftereffect, so it would lead to such a situation of Tailu!

"Dr. Ding!" Taylor also submitted the experimental data to Ding Yu the first time, but what about this? There are two special reports. After reading them, Ding Yu pulled them out and threw them in front of Taylor. "Taylor, are there some too many of them that are too much for animal experiments? I can take over, but it doesn't mean that you can directly carry out human experiments. No matter what the reason is, it's not enough! "

"It's our family, not outsiders!" Taylor's answer was a little stiff, even raw.

"No matter whether you are a member of your family or an outsider, you may or may not have seen it. No one is more noble than others. I don't want to hear such things again. What about human nature? Should be respected, although I said such a high profile, but I hope it will be such a result, do not be fearless, unscrupulous

After that, Ding Yu directly handed the data of the experiment to Taylor, "I need a patient in the evening. I hope that we can make preparations here." Having said that, Ding Yu also left directly! Did not do any stay at all!

I can think of such a result, but what happened? Or let Ding Yu feel a little wrong, it's just a joke with life! Although there is no specific information on the paper, Ding Yu already has the feeling of this aspect. They are definitely two living lives!

I can understand the urgency of the Peyton family, but what about the urgency? Do not take such means and methods, whether it is to be a person or to do things? We need to have a good bottom line! In other words, what about doing anything? They all need to be in awe. What about some people? It seems that I can't control it!

It shouldn't be old Peyton, and certainly not Taylor. If it wasn't the two of them, who would it be? For this question, Ding Yu doesn't have any meaning to ask. Is Ding Yu now? How many have so some matter does not concern oneself the meaning, anyway will not leave their family!

Not long after arriving at the hospital, Peyton called, but the problem was that Ding Yu was not in the office, but went to the operating room, so what about Peyton's phone? The end is white, until noon, Ding Yu check the phone, only to find that old Peyton called.

"There's surgery in the morning!" A simple explanation of the reasons, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. So Ding Yu simply explained it.

"Tyler explained it to me." Peyton also said in a low voice, "I am not for or against, but some people are more anxious! I was in such a hurry at that time

Ding Yu was also very shameless and snorted, "take out the blood? According to the current scientific and technological conditions, we can always find ways and methods to deal with it. Sooner or later, even if we can't solve it completely? It should be able to get considerable relief, not to have no direction at all! "

"Ah! I understand, but some people in the family don't think so! " After finishing saying that, also is a ha ha smile, "this matter troublesome you! I have nothing to say here! When I'm free every two days, I'll ask you to have a drink! I cook by myself. Although I am not a cook, I still have some skills! "

"Two days later! I will do it in the evening, and I will attend a wedding in two days, so I may not have so much leisure and time, but I have written this down! It's good that you, an old man, don't dishonor your debts then

How about two simple sentences? It is also to solve this matter. Ding Yu's meaning is very clear. What about the squalor of your Peyton family? I don't care, but don't you charge it? Count it on your own head. What else? That's all your own business! And what about Peyton? That's exactly what happened.

What about some of the family? Is it true that there are so many shameless families that they control, say big or small? It's really not small. What about some problems? Or is it quite outstanding? Is he the leader? It's not to say that all things can be put in the heart, remember on the heart!

When you come to the experiment in the evening, what about Taylor? It seems that he didn't see anyone else. Ding Yu's eyebrows also jumped twice. He took a look at Taylor with the rest of the corner of his eye. Since there is no other person? That means that Taylor is going to start his own experiment tonight. He is a brave guy.

But Ding Yu really does not have any to care about the meaning, is just a person, in their own eyes? Is an experimenter, although that is to say that is to start twice, but Ding Yu now how much has found some experience!"Brother Wu, I'm going to trouble you tonight." Ding Yu said politely.

"No, don't say that!" Wu Ge is also waving his hand, he is rude to others, but in front of Ding Yu, he really does not have this capital. "Speaking of it, I've had a good time these two days. I'm really worried about whether I'll be decadent if I really want to go on like this. Besides, those Bunnies in my family stole all my private belongings to me while I'm not paying attention to them!"

"I see. You are the same as elder martial brother Dongfang. You come here to play in the autumn."

Two people are also very relaxed outside. They say that elder martial brother Dongfang hasn't come here, but he has five brothers to help him? There won't be any problem! We are already quite familiar with it!

However, today's process is a little bit slow. Ding Yu found that Taylor's condition was very different from that of the previous experimenters. You should know that he didn't even use drugs, but there was a little more blood taken from Taylor's body, and the blood was obviously different from the previous blood Black is similar to ink.

Looking at the small half tube of blood, Ding Yu also sat on the chair and pondered for a long time. Wu Ge didn't want to ask what the situation was, but he was also sitting next to him. He was not the most tired one. At least, Ding Yu's face was white and he made great efforts.

Where's Tyler on the bed? Have passed out, the pain do not want, the whole process is howling!

"She's about to age!" After drinking a cup of drink, Ding Yu's breath also slowly slowed down.

Five elder brother some unknown situation, Ding Yu also used the eye to pick a bit, "look at her blood to know, no wonder that old guy Peyton is so anxious, blood has turned black, do you want to make a bet? Give two mice a try? It's going to kill you in an instant! No second second? "

"What if it's a person?" Zhang Yansong also asked subconsciously.

"If it's a person, I think it depends on the situation. After all, people's weight and resistance are not the same, which is obviously different from mice. What about the family members? This is a deadly poison, even more deadly than poison, but if it is ordinary people, the effect will not be so obvious! "

"Their genes are so strange to this extent?"

"I think Taylor? It's not just that she's old enough to use other blood. Otherwise, she'll never have such a situation. She's really bold. Do you want to know how to do it? It's very likely that there will be a situation of death without life. It's really a little admiration! "

"So cruel?" Five elder brother also blinked his eyes, "such a big point of age is willing to start on their own, is not there so some too much? It's rare to see such a child? "

"What about their family? It's such a destiny. I'm afraid that any one would look like this! " As he spoke, Taylor had already stepped out and didn't have a long rest. Although his face looked a little white, his mental state seemed to be very good!

"Brother Wu, what do you think? In terms of appearance! "

"It's getting better. At the beginning, it was like seeing the dark clouds all over the sky. Then it may be dark. But what about now? Although it can't be said that the clouds disperse and the fog disappears, it can already see a little light! It's not easy! Although this can not be said to be the treatment of the bottom, but at least it was snatched back from the hand of King Yan! "

"Thank you, Dr. Ding! Mr. five After that, he knelt down on his knees and bowed to Ding Yu respectfully. Ding Yu didn't mean to help him. What about the etiquette? I really can stand it.

After waiting for Taylor to raise his head, Ding Yu said slowly, "get up! What about you? It's not a day or two. Although it can't be cured this time, judging from what you take out of your body, do you live beyond the age of 18? It should not be a big problem! But moderate, don't make fun of yourself

Taylor took a look at five brothers. It was obvious that he had something to say, but finally he swallowed it. Ding Yu seemed to feel something, "I don't have much free time in this period of time. Let's say in advance that one is the need for recuperation. What's more? I need to take my two children to see their mother

Five elder brother looked at Ding Yu, and then looked at Taylor standing beside him. He was also a teaser and said, "is it too much for me to say Ding Daochang? Did people kowtow to you? Give you a chance! Maybe it will be a good helper in the future

For five brothers' teasing, Ding Yu also laughed, "look at the situation! Send you back? Or what? "

Taylor's hand was held in the back position, which was dead, but the whole person did not dare to make any movement. Of course, he knew to follow Ding Yu's side? The benefits are great, but the question is, will Ding Yu do this? I didn't expect that the one next to me would give me a message, although he said that this guy looks like? Not a good man."It's no use sending me back! My brother will settle the bill. I'll open my mouth now. You can do it anyway? "

"I find your old brother a real rascal Ding Yu also shook his head, "what about yesterday? I'll leave one for you. You can share the rest with elder martial brother Dongfang. Just so many things. Anyway, you can do it! I have other uses for the extra! "

"I knew you would take care of our old brothers!" Excited almost jump up.

What about other things? It's really not dare to be interested, but what about the private goods in Ding Yu's hands? It's really hard to find money. Of course, everyone has tested it, and there is no problem. Even Ding Yu himself has no exception. It is because of the good things and the techniques, that makes the present excellent products.

Can't we find people in the market, even in the whole world? Few of them have heard of it. They are spread in the small circle, even in the whole small circle? Not everyone can enjoy it, just like Peyton. He has heard of it, but the problem is that he has never enjoyed it.

Although the two people seem to be a cooperative relationship now, what are their positions? But there is no big change in this cooperation, so Peyton has no chance to enjoy it. I just don't give it to you. What can you do? Sure, you can look for other high-end goods, but what about that?

Ding Yu didn't mean to use the cigar as a signboard. It was for his own use. What about the vegetables and fruits from the farm? It is a thing with two properties. Since it is two properties, the meaning it represents is naturally different!

Also follow Ding Yu, has been to Ding Yu's door position, completely do not give Ding Yu any chance, at least if you hold it in your hand, then you can share a little more. If you really get into the hand of your elder brother, you can have several of your own. It's really hard to say! So you can't blame yourself too much, can you?

But the next day, Dongfang Jing was also furious when she heard the news. What about what Ding Yu brought back? I had already made a reservation before. When I thought that the fifth man was abusing his power, he took the things directly. If the things were in the hands of the fifth, how much would he have left?

You know, all the people in the family are waiting? The so-called telephone, mobile phone and other facilities are all used. If I had known this, I would have stayed in Boston for a period of time, but it was just so unfortunate that he was taken advantage of by the fifth! What a loss!

Of course, how about shouting with Ding Yu on the phone? Although it is said that there are some pitiful cigars, in fact, it is not because of this. After Ding Yu mentioned to himself about the prism plan, he also went back to find out the situation? I feel quite shocked.

For so many years, what about the details of the family? Maybe not all of them have been touched clearly, but some things must have been exposed. What about in a short time? If you want to change this situation, you can't think of it, but you can't let it go easily!

Why did he inform Ding Yu? There are also reasons. If there is no Ding Yu, how long will it be hidden? But how to operate, it is not so simple, need to have considerable attention! Otherwise, it is not good to be suspected by some aspects!

Ding Yu breathed to himself. If he pulled Ding Yu into the pit because of his carelessness, then he would be really too inhuman! Because they are all Chinese, and they get along well with each other, so we go closer, and even have little relationship with interests.

They are men a few feet tall, and no one wants to be pointed at his spine, especially in his present position! You can be shameless, even mean and mean, but you can't have no bottom line, whether it's yourself, Ding Yu, or Horton and so on!

Ding Yu certainly will not be involved in this matter, but does not mean that Ding Yu has no idea about this matter, even himself? There are also some ideas. Now there are some who don't understand. What kind of way will Boston unite with other consortia?!

Only when they know what kind of way they will take, will there be the possibility of manipulation. Of course, it is not so important whether they want to do this vote. What is important is that after this matter has been thoroughly exposed, what kind of interests should be brought out there? This is what we care about!

Maybe it won't be long before Boston comes to the door. Of course, before that? Boston will not do nothing, they will certainly find out, as for how to find out, this is a very simple thing! Even you can think of many ways and methods!

Inform Ding Yu, he is not involved in this matter, but his side? Can't have no action at all, on their own understanding? Where's Bruno? There will certainly be some movement. Obviously, this is the struggle between the two interest groups. Does Ding Yu not get involved? It's not a bad thing!Or would you like to come in later? It's not a bad thing!

Who knows? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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