How does Taylor feel about Ding Yu? With a lot of admiration, but also a little disgust, two feelings intertwined together, it is really difficult to express directly, Taixi obviously also felt this, but there is no meaning to adjust!

This is not what I should do. In that case, I'm afraid even Taylor would be disgusted with it?! What about things? They are very common, but they can be said to be quite exquisite. The two children are very happy to eat. After all, they are in front of their parents. As for the extra guests at home? It didn't seem to disturb their interest.

The next day, Taylor is also waiting for Ding Yu at the airport. Ding Yu is alone, neither with Kim Tae hee nor with two children. However, Ding Yu's dress and attire are changed. Taylor looks at Ding Yu's dress and straightens his eyes slightly! It's really rare to see Ding Yu dressed like this.

Their time with Ding Yu is not short, but relatively speaking? Seeing that Ding Yu's attire and dressing up are relatively casual, although they are all formal, they are not so formal. Now that he is sitting in the opposite position with a new look, he really feels quite unaccustomed.

After taking a look at it, Taylor also took back his own eyes. His appreciation did not play any role. Ding Yu seemed not to feel it at all. How do you look at it? I'm just dealing with my own business. I'm totally indifferent to the outside world, so Taylor's expression is really wasted!

When the plane arrived at the port, it was almost noon. Ding Yu didn't inform the relevant authorities. Did he come by himself? Is to participate in the wedding, there is no other purpose, what's more, behind his face with a butt worm, there are so many people feel disgusting.

After getting off the plane, Ding Yu also found a place to eat some food. Taylor looked at Ding Yu with some puzzlement, because part of the security and service had already gone to the hotel. But what do you mean by Ding Yu? Obviously, there is no plan in this respect. What does this mean? Take yourself around?

After eating, Ding Yu also took out his mobile phone and made a phone call. Listening to Ding Yu's words, although Taylor did not have any reaction on the surface, there were some situations in his heart. He could not understand what Ding Yu was talking about. If it was Chinese, there would be no problem.

But what about Ding Yu's words? Chinese is true, but there are many kinds of Chinese? So I can only stare at you! However, good education did not let Taylor show any dissatisfaction, but he felt that the longer he followed Ding Yu's side, the more likely he would be schizophrenic!

Looking at Ding Yu waiting for the place where he came, Taylor also sighed secretly. Fortunately, he did not wear his own clothes like Ding Yu, otherwise he came here? It has to be the focus! Ding Yu's suit is no big deal, but he is different! OK, OK!

When Ding Yu came to the place, he saw the people in the room. Naturally, he noticed the martial uncle who was applying medicine. He nodded and said hello. Then he entered the room without hesitation. Taylor hesitated, but he still kept up with Ding Yu!

"Ah Yu, take out the ointment for me!" Yang Ming is more busy outside. Ding Yu, who took off his suit and was also wearing a vest, quickly found the ointment. He pulled up his sleeve and cleaned up the ointment. After that, he also took it out. "Come on, help me?" Yang Ming didn't mean to be polite at all.

After taking the ointment, Yang Ming looked at Ding Yu's costume. "How can I come here?" Then he thought of something, "not to attend Huo's wedding, right? I haven't heard that you still have this relationship with the Huo family? "

Ding Yu also smiles, cleans his hands, wipes with a towel, and then puts the towel on the shelf next to him. "Huo family's warm invitation must give this face. What's more, he has a deep friendship with his family. Besides, the Huo family has made considerable contributions to the domestic construction and the development of physical education."

The person lying on the hospital bed snorted and obviously felt a little pain. Ding Yu took a rare look, as if he was familiar with him. After a short meeting, he also remembered that he had been treated here before. When he first left, he pleaded for him!

"What? This injury hasn't been treated yet? It's been so long? "

Yang Ming also sighed, "what about the previous dressing? But he kept it. Fortunately, he didn't break through the gate, otherwise the whole person would be ruined Although speaking, but the action on the hand did not have any stagnation, "but even if it is like this, the overdraft is also slightly so some fierce!"

Looking at the film next to him, Ding Yu also took it in his hand for a period of time, and then handed it to Taylor behind him. Yang Ming looked at it curiously, but he didn't ask why. Instead, the people beside him were so curious. How could he pass the film to a little girl? "What do you think?"Taylor leaned up his neck and aimed the film at the light, so that he could see it more carefully. What about Ding Yu giving the film to himself? Absolutely have a little bit of assessment of the meaning of their own absolutely can not be disgraced at this time!

"It's a big problem. It's incredible not to be paralyzed! But even so, you may need a wheelchair after 60! " After finishing speaking, also put the image to the side of the position, the little girl performance is very cold.

This comment also makes Yang Ming feel a little funny, mainly because of the tone of his speech. He is small and big! "Ah Yu, your student? I haven't heard of it before! "

"She?" Ding Yu is also very impolite hum a, "also be a big patient just! However, there are a little bit of research on medicine, but more is just a little smart! "

What about this evaluation? It's really not so high, Yang Ming is also ha ha happy, and the people on the hospital bed at this time is a stuffy hum, Yang Ming is a slight sigh, "you boy, don't look at this, start to try? I've been looking after business for a long time

"No?! Martial uncle, I came to see you for something! " Although that's what he said, Ding Yu tried it. He had already seen the video data before, so he had the most intuitive understanding of the injury. Traditional Chinese medicine has its own unique features, and Western medicine has another view of Western medicine!

"When are you going to have the operation?" After Ding Yu started for a period of time, he also felt that the one above the hospital bed was so strong that he said, "do you want to recover completely? The possibility is not so big, but if we keep it, there should be no big problem?! But what about the later care? It's important! "

Standing behind Ding Yu, Taylor also has a slightly upturned nose. If his eyes can kill people, what about Ding Yu now? I'm afraid it has already been full of holes, but it's a pity that his eyes can't kill people, even the most basic damage. He has made a conclusion, but Ding Yu refuted it at the first time!

Ding Yu checked his hands, and then he started with an acupuncture needle. The speed was not fast at all. But soon, a lot of blood was released from the back waist of the patient. Taylor was also attentive. Ding Yu's speed was not so fast, but he could notice that the tail of the acupuncture needle seemed to be shaking.

Absolutely not driven by the body, but does the needle move itself? It should also be an unlikely thing. Yang Ming looks at the situation of acupuncture needles and deeply looks at Ding Yu. What about such a thing? I can't do it at all. Although my medical skills are good, and even my kung fu is quite good, what about the combination of the two? It did not reach the level of Ding Yu.

After a good period of time, Ding Yu closed the needle, and Yang Ming began to deal with the follow-up situation at the first time. AK on the bed had already fallen asleep at this time. Yang Ming's medicine application was not as simple as external application. The whole process was slightly more complicated and the busy time was a little longer.

After finishing the treatment, he also sat on the chair and gasped, "look at AK!" This is to explain to the people next to him, and then he enters the room with Ding Yu. Looking at Taylor who comes in, Ding Yu doesn't say anything, but puts a piece of information for his martial uncle.

Looking at the old Taoist priest in the video, Yang Ming narrowed his eyes, then sat upright on the chair, as if thinking about something. "This should be the elder of Longmen school, but who is it? I'm afraid I can't say clearly. There are not so many living elders now. What about the situation of the elder? I'm afraid they are the only ones who know the most clearly! "

"Isn't it from Wudang?" Taylor asked subconsciously.

Yang Ming took a look at Ding Yu and explained, "what about Wudang? It doesn't mean Wudang Mountain, but what about schools? To a certain extent, it is beyond the boundaries of the region. What about the Longmen school? It should be regarded as a branch of Wudang school. Each has its own learning and strong points. Some things are consistent with each other, and some things have different opinions. "

"Seek common ground while reserving differences." Ding Yu also murmured to himself, "I have some information about this old Taoist priest."

Then Ding Yu also looked at Taylor. She was completely dizzy at this time. Ding Yu also explained and said, "Longmen sect, to be exact, there are two schools. One is the Quanzhen dragon sect. What about the other? It's the Longmen sect of Wudang. What's its full name? It should be said that Wudang Quanzhen dragon sect belongs to Taoism and all branches of Quanzhen, but what about the Longmen sect of Wudang? It should absorb some details and characteristics of Wudang, so it is called the Longmen School of Wudang! "

This is simply like this. Everyone belongs to Taoism. There is nothing wrong with this. However, due to the local and regional problems, other divisions gradually appear. It has nothing to do with Ding Yu whether you can understand and understand it. Anyway, he has already explained it. If Tyler doesn't understand it, go and verify it by yourself?!

As for why we should say that the old Taoist priest and elder is from the Longmen school, neither Yang Ming nor Ding Yu has any meaning to explain. Although we all belong to Taoism, they have different inheritances and some things? You just watch it? Can't solve the problem!"Isn't the old guy in Beijing? Do you want him to inquire for you? You should be able to get some information? "

Ding Yu was silent for a period of time, "I got a lot of information, what about it? It may involve some inheritance of the Longmen school. I have a simple look, and what do I know? It seems that there are many people who have seen it, but they are not so comprehensive, and the situation involved is also relatively special! It's not right now! "

"I see!" Yang Ming takes a look at Taylor in the back! "To attend the wedding ceremony of the Huo family, it was really yesterday. At that time, it was really a shock in Hong Kong. Now the Huo family has held a wedding again, but what is the situation? There are really so many different things! "

"What about Mr. Huo? Extraordinary people, but these are really not our younger generation can judge, at least this relationship and foundation? All of them have already done it, and now we need to sell the Huo family in all aspects. The relationship between the Huo family and the mainland has always been very good! What about Mr. Huo? The vision is still very long-term! "

"Good reputation! But what about the food now? Basically, it's the Li family, so now the Li family has taken over the Huo family and become the king of Hong Kong city without a crown. But that's all. After 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi, who knows what will happen in the future. Anyway, I don't care about such a small person like me! "

"What do you say? Do you want to keep dinner at night? I've got people ready

"No!" Ding Yu also said casually, "in the evening, you may have to meet people from several big families. Although it is only for the purpose of attending the wedding ceremony, the necessary meeting is still necessary. The scene of tomorrow is not so appropriate. Moreover, there are many things in the United States, which will not delay too long!"

"OK, then I won't keep you. I'll let you know if there's anything wrong!" Yang Ming did not give Ding Yu any guarantee, but did not guarantee it? On the contrary, it shows that Yang Ming will treat this matter with heart.

When he came out from the uncle's side, Ding Yu also took a look from a distance. Soon, someone trotted to Ding Yu's position, "uncle, when are you coming? Why not say a word? "

"It's not a long time to get to Hong Kong!" Ding Yu also patted his left shoulder twice, "how? Are you so free? "

"I heard that uncle a you came, so I deliberately came to have a look. I don't know if you can use uncle a?"

Looking to the left, Ding Yu also laughed, "you are smart enough!" It's rare to show a little smile. Ding Yu waved to the left and got on the car together. Taylor didn't care about the left, except Ding Yu? There are really not many people worthy of this face.

Looking at Taylor who is following Ding Yu, she takes a look to the left with the rest of the corner of his eye. It is not so clear what the identity of this person is. But what about her attitude? It seems to be a drag. It is certain that this bodyguard is not uncle a, nor is he a horse!

On the way to the hotel, Ding Yu also received two phone calls. Since he has already come out from his uncle's side, we don't have too many taboos. If there is nothing, we can have a meal together, which can be regarded as contacting with each other, isn't it? With other people may not have this time, but with Ding Yu absolutely have this time!

Ding Yu came to the hotel and had a little rest for a while, but Taylor didn't mean to go into the suite with Ding Yu. She had her own independent room. Although Ding Yu didn't say that, he went to meet guests in the evening. If he followed him, it would be meaningless!

"Uncle, she seems to be very drag!" Left also said a word unconsciously.

Ding Yu was stunned at first, and then he said with a smile, "can you walk horizontally in the whole port city? I don't see it, but is she? How about going across the country? There may be some jokes about this, but everyone will give it face. Especially on the west coast, no one dares to provoke it! "

"Isn't it?" To the left is a big one!

What about yourself? Walking across the city? I'm joking. What about my father and family? Although it is said that there are some thin noodles, it does not mean that everyone gives this face. There are too many people? It's not my family! You know, this is just a port city. What about going out of the port city? Not many people will give this face.

"She's on the port side? Even if we can't walk across the street, we don't know how many people are willing to provoke her. Even if it's me, I'm not willing to provoke her. What's the relationship between us? Not so good, you! It's still a little far away from her. If it's really contaminated, it's a lifetime of trouble! "

Left is also a swallow of saliva, they are really so scared, I really don't think the gentleman's uncle is bluffing himself, simply can't commit.

"Uncle, I told the family that some people in the province didn't have long eyes and bumped into the God!"

"Come on! She doesn't like to be seen in public, and her safety is naturally in charge. You don't have to worry about it. Tell me what you're coming for! Don't always cross the subject. What does your father think? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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