"Uncle, although we are going home? It seems that they have a lot of origins. What about grandparents? They are also officials, but Hong Kong City is a very realistic society. If it is not a rotten boy, who would like to be a short mule?! We all want to mix a bowl of rice to eat, there is no other purpose! If you can eat a normal meal, who is willing to accept such a white eye? "

Left is also very emotional to say a sentence, this is also revealed one of the sad, to home in the eyes of many people? Some of them can't be put on the stage. This can't be changed in a short time. Maybe it's in the entertainment business? Compared with face, but what about the so-called face? It just represents a very small aspect.

"Can you face up to your identity? It's a good thing. Really, who is better than whom? Others don't know. At least what about my adoptive father and mother? It's just ordinary! Even if they are farmers and workers, they are very ordinary. How about success? It is quite special and accidental, but to a certain extent, it is quite inevitable! "

Ding Yu handed a bottle of mineral water to the left? Or is it too small and its historical position? After all, it will change, so what about yourself? You don't need to belittle yourself! "

A little comfort, or let the left mood calm a lot, think about it? This is also a very normal situation. What is the status and status of the Huo family! Can it be compared with the Huo family? They are all top-ranking families, but what about Xiangjia? To a certain extent, you need to see the face of others to eat!

"Uncle, are I so excited? Is there some agitation in my heart? "

"There are too few things to experience, so that's why they behave like this!" Ding Yu also waved his hand. Listening to the knock on the door, Ding Yu also laughed, "do you want to make a bet? I know who will come? " Looking to the left, I don't know why. "It should be your parents. Go and open the door."

Ah? On the left, he could not help but be red. There were some twists and turns, and some determination and persistence. But finally, he went to the door and looked at the door to the left. First, he was stunned, and then he did not hesitate to slap him.

His son came to find Ding Yu regardless of whether he was young? This is not sensible, really if you say big, this is not deliberately pick between Ding Yu and Huo family? Who can bear such responsibility? At least he can't do it to ten!

So the direct is two big mouth son, the first to show the attitude toward home, Ding Yu heard the voice, but also a smile, stood up when he also raised his hand, "ten brother! Sister in law, here you are! "

From the voice of speaking, Ding Yu didn't show too much anger, even in a good mood. Xiang Shi also glared at his son. He was a cold face, so he subconsciously lowered his head to the left and said, "Lao Dou, I know I'm wrong!"

Xiang Shi and his wife didn't look at their son, and soon they went to Ding Yu, "ten brothers! I'm in such a hurry to come here Then she also looked at the woman next to her, and she was a little bit rich. "This is my sister-in-law! Hello, this is Ding Yu! " After that, he bowed slightly.

"Feather..." I felt that her husband seemed to stab himself in the back, and then changed his mouth immediately. "Hello, a Yu, my son is impulsive. I'm sorry to trouble you!"

Ding Yu made a gesture of invitation. Xiang Shi was very happy. Why? At the beginning, Ding Yu called himself Xiang Shi Ye. He was just teasing himself. He didn't treat himself as a thing. Later, he called himself Xiang shiye. What about that? On the surface, they respect their own status in the Jianghu, but in reality? Still according to and far away, and now call oneself ten elder brother, how many already have so some admit oneself! I really feel happy about this.

"Ah Zuo seems very angry!" The one on the other side called his hand to the left, and the left was the first time to stand over. "In fact, it's not a big deal. It's full of blood and impulse. Everyone came from this age. When I was in high school, I was expelled from school because of my hazy feelings. Now, what about the turning point of life? That's how it started! "

"Ah Yu! What about my family? Although I was studying in England, I didn't read too many books. I was just fooling around! "

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "where is the Huo family? After all, it's the Huo family. Whether it's Hong Kong City, Nansha, or even the capital city, there are three aspects. What's on the scene? It's just like this. No one is right or wrong. Most of the time, it's just a so-called battle of morale. "

"In those years, the Huo family showed it once. What about now? Show this muscle again, by the way, solve the problems in the family. If anyone is in the way of Huo family, this is really the enemy of life and death! "

"Yes Xiang Shi is also nodding. I can see this very clearly. In those years, when the Huo family got married, was it really because they married a good wife? No, it's just a matter of marriage? Just show your own power!The spread of that influence has not dissipated to this day. It is true that they have been separated, but the influence of the Huo family has come out, so no one will care about these details. And now? Another big marriage of the next generation of the Huo family is a divergence of influence.

At this time, it's not only that we can't stop in front of us, but also everything that is unfavorable to the Huo family needs to stand aside. If anyone let the Huo family's facade be stained with dust, he should keep up with the Huo family. In modern times, such things will not happen too much.

"How about things like this? Absolutely can not have any contamination, even in the leisure people? I'm afraid they won't be able to make it! " Said to ten with emotion.

"Will you please not? It's a matter of time, but it's time to do enough human feelings. Can't you do something like this, brother ten? " In the aspect of life, Ding Yu really didn't want to educate other people. What's more, I'm afraid there will be some embarrassment on their couple's faces!

"The question is, what about the Huo family? Will you accept this favor? "

"What about the Huo family? I'm also magnanimous. If we don't have this kind of bearing, I'm afraid we won't set up such a long time to send human feelings? It represents our wishes. Do they accept this favor? That's their family business. Why care so much? Unless there are a lot of things you want

Yeah! Xiang Shi also patted his thigh heavily, but the lady beside him was scared. Xiang Shi suddenly woke up. Did he ask for anything from the Huo family? It seems that there is no such thing. Under such circumstances, do you really need to please the Huo family like a pug? It seems that there is no need at all!

You Huo family is a noble family. This is true, but what about that? We are just engaged in the business, there are so some differences, you Huo family has the foundation laid down by the predecessors, this is not to say, but how do we say to home? Who knows the situation after 30 years in Hedong and Hexi in 30 years?

"Mr. Ding, I made a reservation for the evening

Ding Yu slightly waved his hand, "I told a Zuo earlier that I would like to have dinner with you tonight. What about tomorrow's wedding? Although it's a place for communication, I'm not very interested in it. I'll leave the day after tomorrow. I'll have time later. "

"Then I won't disturb you!" Xiang Shi is also very clear. He has got enough things today. Ding Yu would like to have a meal? Nature is good. It doesn't matter if you can't find such an opportunity. Ding Yu didn't mean to refuse himself, but there was something!

Other things are delayed, but such things still need to be alleviated according to the degree of severity. "I don't want to send ten elder brothers and sister-in-law, but I borrow them to the left for me to use!" As for what? It doesn't matter, but what about this sentence of Ding Yu? It also represents Ding Yu's attitude!

From the hotel side, after getting on the bus, Xiang Shi also looked at his wife, "do you also see a real person? How did you feel? Young people feel that there are so many people do not believe it? "

"Very calm, very restrained!" The woman sitting by her side nodded slightly, "I can't feel any momentum, and even I don't have much power to speak, but the first impression is very good! Such young people are really rare. They are not affected at all! "

"By the way, azuo told me just now. Did you come with Ding Yu? Or a little girl, pay special attention to it, don't bump into her, let everyone look long? " Xiang ten is also told to say.

"Little girl, I heard that a Yu has a daughter? I didn't notice it just now When talking, I also deliberately patted my handbag, but it contained a lot of things, deliberately prepared, a little bit of what happened, as if nothing could not be taken out, it was really too embarrassing!

"There seems to be something unusual about the relationship with a Yu. What about supporting azuo? It seems to be a big family in America. What about a Yu about her family? It seems that there are some taboos. It's just a face-to-face fight. It may not have anything to do with the family, but after all, it's in Hong Kong City. Who knows? "

"I see!" Madame nodded, too!

Dinner in the evening is quiet. It's true that Ding Yu takes him to the left, but it's just to let him see the world. Do you want to know how to follow these big men to the left? Even the chance to talk? Probably not, at least this level is still too different, although there is Ding Yu with! But to be able to get two words of comfort is quite good!

Before Ding Yu's 11th anniversary, he had already been here in Hong Kong City, which was less than a month away. This time, it was just a follow-up to the Huo family's wedding? Let's get together. As for the wedding of the Huo family tomorrow? It's a Huo family affair. Most of the people present will come forward to be true. But what about the occasion? It's not suitable for people to mention more things.

Eating time is not very long, after all, some people's body? It's not so suitable, but Ding Yu left a little late. After all, what about such an opportunity? It's not that easy.On the way back, I was very excited to look at my uncle. I've seen these big men before, but what about today's big men? It's rare for someone to pat himself on the shoulder, which makes me very excited. After all, it's really never happened before.

"Go back and have a rest." Ding Yu also said hello to the left. When they have arrived at the hotel, there is no need to let the left continue to stay. Now that he stays, he may or may not be able to use it. Who knows?

But after Ding Yu left, he left the hotel to the left. Although he only showed up today, the effect of this appearance was absolutely beyond imagination. Fortunately, uncle a gave himself such an opportunity. If uncle a didn't give such an opportunity, what could he do?

The next day's wedding was held in the evening. Ding Yu and Taylor entered the stadium together. The time of coming was not the earliest. Moreover, no matter Ding Yu or Taylor, they did not have any intention to show off. Even when they entered the ceremony, there were not too many people watching them, and the lights were basically not given to them.

When Huo Qigang and his wife, standing at the door to greet the guests, saw Ding Yu, they were also in a hurry to welcome them. What about the heavyweight guests? All of them have arrived one after another. Ding Yu didn't come early, but it was not too late. Who did Ding Yu take behind him? Two people really don't pay much attention to this problem!

"Less feathers!"

Ding Yu also congratulated a couple of newcomers. What about Taylor? He also looked at him, but his attitude was not so cold. He simply said a few words, and then followed Ding Yu's side. Huo Qigang also took a look. What about this little girl? Just half a step behind Ding Yu!

How about standing like this? It explains several problems. First of all, what about this little girl? It's not Ding Yu's woman. Otherwise, she must stand parallel to Ding Yu at this time. What else? She should not be Ding Yu's subordinates. If she is Ding Yu's subordinates, she will never rely on Ding Yu to see her like this, at least one step away.

Another important question is that she is only half a step away from Ding Yu, or even with Ding Yu? It's just a tiny difference. From this point of view, what is the identity of this girl? It will not be much different from Ding Yu.

But I don't have any impression. Who is this girl? When sending Ding Yu and Taylor into the infield, Huo Qigang also winked with the assistant next to him. He called Ding Yu and Taylor outside. There was no problem with this. People kept a low profile. What about themselves? It's not good to be too high-profile.

But after entering the infield, this is another thing. To put it a little too far, we really need our own father to serve. What's the age of each other? They are not involved in any relationship.

Where is Ding Yu coming today? It can be said that it has given the Huo family quite a face. He is a person who can be equal with several big families. If it is really not well received, if this word is spread out, the Huo family's face will be lost!

Huo Zhenting had been informed for a long time. He confessed his guilt to the guests around him, and then he came with his ex-wife. There were no other people. It was not appropriate for other people to follow around at this time.

When Ding Yu saw the two people, he also took the lead in clasping his fist to express his congratulations. No one would be too much of such a thing on the scene? Huo Zhenting introduces his ex-wife. Ding Yu thinks about it and takes a look at Taylor next to him. Since she doesn't have too much objection, it's easier to do!

"Tyler! Old Peyton's granddaughter A very simple introduction, Huo Zhenting slightly stunned, the granddaughter of old Peyton, who does the so-called old Peyton mean? Taylor also came forward to express his congratulations, not a lot of words, and then stood on one side of the position, looking at Ding Yu, how much is so bad look.

Huo Zhenting immediately made an invitation gesture to Ding Yu and Taylor. His wife was also careful to follow Huo Zhenting's side. Although he said that they were divorced, he was Huo Qigang's mother after all. Today is his wedding day, and he still needs to give the Huo family this face.

There are a lot of guests here today. But it seems a little unusual for the ex husband to come to the door to greet him in person, or even to leave a lot of relatives and friends behind. I have never heard of or seen this young man before. Who is this young man? Is it from home?

But what about the wedding in Nansha? Almost all the domestic guests have been entertained. If they are domestic, they should have been there at that time, instead of appearing in the port city at this time?

What about all the people present? There is really not much to say hello to Ding Yu and Taylor. There are so many discussions in our hearts about who this person is! Fortunately, there are not many visitors, and there are still some early days. Otherwise, the criticism aroused by this will be even greater!

However, the more you go forward, the more shocked the lady who follows you. There is no place for you to move forward. Is it too exaggerated to put this young man on the head table?What's more, when I saw Ding Yu coming, several distinguished guests who were sitting at the head table also stood up and looked at Ding Yu kindly. They said hello to each other. Obviously, Ding Yu is not so strange, even quite familiar with it!

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