"What? You look a little impatient? " Taking advantage of his spare time, Ding Yu also said something to Taylor next to him. What about on such an occasion? If you really want to communicate, it will appear to be a bit messy, what's more, Ding Yu is not a lively person!

"A little bit!" Taylor didn't have too much implicit meaning. In front of Ding Yu, he could say what he wanted to say. Even when he was in the United States, he would not deliberately compliment anything. But now that he came to Hong Kong City, would he change his ideas and views? impossible.

That is because Ding Yu is here, otherwise he has not been able to stay. He is just looking at Ding Yu's face and has nothing to do with others.

Ding Yu looks at Tyler, and then stands up. People don't care too much. Anyway, it's good to give Ding Yu 61 seats on the main table. As for others? I don't need to care about it. What's more, the banquet has not started yet. It seems that some big men are still resting in it. They really sit in the banquet venue and serve as background board for everyone?

Taylor followed Ding Yu carefully. As he walked, Ding Yu said in a low voice, "in Chinese cultural tradition, weddings, funerals, weddings, weddings, weddings, weddings, weddings and funerals are very serious things. No other jokes are allowed. Although you say you are an American, you need to do as the Romans do in your hometown!"

"If not?" Taylor directly back to Ding Yu's words, not to say that he intended to contradict Ding Yu's meaning. He just didn't understand some of the problems and situations. Although Taylor said that he was very smart, he still had little social experience, because there was not so much time to deal with them.

"What about life? It's not just about survival and death. At least you won't have this cage now, so go and feel life more! Old Peyton asked you to come with me, not to let you see what life and death are, but to show you what the other side of the world looks like

Taylor was silent. After a long time, he could see a little smile on his face, but it was very stiff, and even gave people the feeling that there was something false, but anyway? It's good to be able to see at least a little change.

Although he sat down at the main table before, Ding Yu didn't really like lively occasions. In addition, there was no intention of opening a banquet now. Therefore, Ding Yu would be in the room and didn't mean to go out.

But Ding Yu didn't go out, which doesn't mean that there won't be other people visiting Ding Yu. Last night, people from several big families met with Ding Yu, but what about this meeting? What about Ding Yu's entourage? None of the others brought anyone.

But what about today? It's a little bit different. How about going to Huo's wedding today? Basically, I brought my family with me. On the one hand? It's about connecting feelings. What about the other side? It's to get familiar with each other.

Now when Ding Yu is on the main table? It's really not good for the family to come over. Do you know Ding Yu is on the main table? It has already attracted considerable attention. What if we disturb Ding Yu again? There will be more noise, not to mention Ding Yu is not a lively person.

Now that Ding Yu has left the main table, the situation is not the same. So someone came to say hello to Ding Yu, and what about this time? Basically, they are all family members. Anyway, what happened yesterday has been basically discussed. Now we are going to drag the next generation out of the family and take a walk in front of Ding Yu!

What about Ding Yu? It's not only people who can be equal with their old friends, but also, to a certain extent, they are more than others. However, they are not willing to put on airs, so we should not have too many choices. If we compare them, what is their origin? Do you really think that Mr. Wang and Mr. Su are made of noodles?

Ding Yu doesn't have any meaning to judge the family brought by the big men. What about Ding Yu's bones? May be a little bit arrogant, but in such an occasion, Ding Yu will not have any so-called performance, why hate the relationship between each other? There is no such need at all.

Hello, Hello, everyone! This is really good! This is how things look on the scene.

Although Ding Yu is like this, it doesn't mean everyone? They all have the same mind as Ding Yu. When some people look at Ding Yu, they may say that face is above them? Are also pleasant, but the number of eyes still have some disdain, the performance can be said to be quite intuitive!

Even Taylor behind can see it clearly. She is quite curious about it. For Ding Yu, such behavior is quite a slap in the face. How many people can sit on the same level with Ding Yu in the whole world? It's very interesting that someone beat Ding Yu in the face now!

But Ding Yu is totally blind to all kinds of behaviors? There is no attitude to show at all. Taylor is really interested in this. Ding Yu is so beaten in the face? Is he really indifferent?Ding Yu has been waiting for others to go out, and Ding Yu does not have any actions and reactions. Even when he looks at Taylor, he doesn't show how angry and angry he is, as if nothing happened at all in the previous time!

"Is that really good? Can you bear it like this? "

"How do you feel like a cat with a little fish robbed? The hair has been blown up? "

Taylor also showed her teeth. Obviously, Ding Yu's words made her extremely dissatisfied. However, she also knew that she did not have too many positions in front of Ding Yu, so she simply expressed her anger. You should know that they are not only against Ding Yu, but also at themselves!

"Do you think an ant stands in front of you and challenges you, is it contempt or respect?" Ding Yu doesn't care about it. The whole person feels very strange at this time. Tyler narrows his eyes. Now, Ding Yu inadvertently reveals his domineering power? It is Ding Yu in his own impression.

"The level and position of the station are different, so the way and method of looking at the problem are also different naturally!" When Ding Yu sat down, he said, "what about it? Or is your grandfather more cruel? I remember the man who started it? The relationship with your grandfather is extraordinary! "

"Never heard of it?" Taylor looks at Ding Yu suspiciously, considering whether this is deliberately provoking?

"Sooner or later! What about things like this for the whole world? It may be all secrets, but in a fixed circle, there is no secret. From the current situation, you should have broken through your own boundaries When talking, Ding Yu also pointed to Taylor's head!

"What do you mean?" Taylor was a little puzzled. I don't know whether it's because of curiosity or for some reason. At this time, he also sat beside Ding Yu, "I think you mean something!"

"If you study Daoists, you know that Taoism has its own system, but what does it look like? You won't dabble too much. What about me? It's a little bit of research! " But Ding Yu's painting style is a sudden change, "but I know how much, this has nothing to do with you!"

Tyler once again bit his back teeth. If he could, he would like to become a vampire at the first time, directly bite on Ding Yu's neck, and directly bite him to death! It's too hateful! You should know what you hate most is what you say.

There are not many people coming and going, but it is also obvious that there are two kinds of situations: one? Is Ding Yu extremely interested in, another kind? Then how much to Ding Yu have so some disdain, but no matter which kind, Ding Yu is an attitude, there is no any show, no show!

Ding Yu was present at the wedding banquet, even the whole evening. At the end of the wedding banquet, Huo Zhenting, with his ex-wife, son and daughter-in-law, also presented Ding Yu. Although he was young, to a certain extent, Ding Yu was probably the most famous guest today! But his performance is so low-key and easygoing, not afraid of goods comparison, afraid of people than people.

From the wedding banquet on New Year's Eve to the end? There was no complaint. On the contrary, it seemed that the Huo family was not well entertained. Therefore, when Ding Yu was on his way, everyone also came to see him, "a Yu, today's reception is a bit shabby. Please..."

"You are welcome! Today is a big day for the Huo family. We just come here to get a little bit of joy, as long as we don't mind! " Is it true that Ding Yu doesn't mean to ask for trouble? Is he polite to himself? It's respect. It doesn't mean that people are really inferior to you!

Huo Zhenting also took Ding Yu's hand and sincerely expressed his thanks. What about Ding Yu's identity? It's not just the children of the Wang family and the Su family. He has other identities. Today's marriage of the Huo family is a manifestation of the identity of the Huo family. What about Ding Yu? It was in the dark, and was burned a fire.

This fire really came in time. The light left by the old man! It really played a big role, from the family level? The Huo family may not be as good as the six big families, but the things and spirit left by the old man are very few, and even there are no problems in a few lives!

Now it's his turn to take over his eldest son. I believe that he can do all these things well and firmly stick to his own line and ideas. If he goes on, there will be no problems and situations. In other words, if not, will Ding Yu come back today? You know, even if the other six families do wedding ceremony, Ding Yu may say congratulations, but can't come back? Look at the mood!

To put it bluntly, it is so simple and realistic!

But Huo Zhenting is also very clear. What about Ding Yu's coming this time? It has already given his father and the Huo family considerable face, the next time to invite Ding Yu is another thing, not the same day!

The next time Ding Yu comes, it's human. If you don't, it's normal. It's no big deal. But what about this time? It's also a bonus to the Huo family. What about the Huo family now? Can't still indulge in the glory of the past, how about yourself? They are so old, the rest depends on their own son!At least his road is quite smooth. What about this big marriage? It's also for him to show himself before others. How to go the rest of the way depends on himself. I didn't expect him to be the same as Ding Yu because of the way? It seems to be brilliant, but the pressure is too big!

I hope he can be like himself! This is already very good! What about children? Although it should be strict, we can't ask too much. What about the matter? It needs him to deal with it step by step, instead of just hoping what he will do? In that case, it's not the son's problem, but the problem of being Laozi!

When Ding Yu came back, he looked at the left waiting downstairs. He was also very curious. How could he stay here so late? "Uncle? What about the house? I have prepared some things for you and the two children. It's not a special thing. It's just a little bit of care at home. I hope you don't laugh at me! "

"What? All of a sudden, such a hand came? " Ding Yu waved to Taylor, let her go to rest, anyway, she and Xiang home? I don't have much friendship, so what about staying here? It's also quite uncomfortable. It's better to let her go upstairs to have a rest. It might be better!

"Uncle, a little bit of heart, that is, I hope you don't dislike it." Left also said with a smile, showing a very sincere, "if you really say what valuable things? Uncle, if you refuse, that's fine. But what about these things? It's just a little bit of food, as if it's for two children to taste

"Yes, I see!" Ding Yu didn't mean to refuse, "thank you for my ten elder brother and sister-in-law. I have a heart!"

After a night's rest in the port city, Ding Yu and his party went to the airport the next morning, without any intention of staying. There would be no other reaction from the port city. We all know Ding Yu and his party? Just came to the wedding. There was nothing else.

What about China? I know the news, but what can I do if I know it? Let Ding Yu go back to China? What to do back home? Have a talk with Ding Yu? Or something else? Now Ding Yu doesn't have the meaning of this aspect at all. He has no other goal to fly to South Korea.

Although it was across the capital, Ding Yu still didn't mean to stay, and there were many things to do. It was like Taylor nearby. His family was looking forward to it day and night, hoping that Ding Yu could come back earlier and help them a lot.

So Ding Yu didn't stop in Korea. He picked up two little guys and flew to the United States. He stayed with their mother for the past two days? It's also a lot of fun. But when I was at the airport, I delayed a little bit. I don't care about this moment and a half, do you?

"Mr. Ding, are you usually so bored?" Sitting on the plane again, Tyler felt that she couldn't control her emotions. Did she come here? In my opinion, it's really boring. Ding Yu just came to attend the wedding. But as a small city like Gangcheng, although it may be well-known in the world, in my opinion, it may not have too many problems to send individuals here at will!

Ding Yu glanced at Taylor, and then put the book in his hand to one side. This child is really so unlovable. At the same time, what about the EQ? It is really open to discussion. What about such a character? Not so good, at least not as popular as you think!

"Sitting, standing and walking are all cultivation, food, clothing and housing are all cultivation of mind." Ding Yu snorted, "in Chinese meditation? There is the so-called triple realm. When you meditate, you can see that mountains are mountains, and water is water. When you meditate, you can see that mountains are not mountains, and water is not water. When you meditate, you can see mountains as mountains and water as water! "

At this time, Ding Yu stretched out his hand and found a wooden stick. With his hand, the stick broke and the incision was very smooth. Taylor's eyes narrowed slightly.

It is the same as the previous hand. Under everyone's attention, Ding Yu's hand seems to have been stretched out of thin air. It gives people the feeling that it is like a sharp knife. The speed of the stick is similar to that of the previous one. Taylor is stunned to see how this hand has changed?

But soon Ding Yu's hand returned to normal. This time, Ding Yu's hand slowly approached the stick, which was gently touched. The stick was cut off again, and the incision was still smooth.

After picking up the sticks together, Ding Yu also looked at Taylor. "If you have time, learn more about Chinese culture. You can find many interesting things from it. You don't have to learn whose thoughts to find the right one for you? It's the most appropriate

"By the way, what about the so-called three realms of meditation? There are also other meanings of life. If you have time, go to find Wang Guowei's things and have a look. The summary is very good. " Ding Yu did not finish his words, "although I just demonstrated? It seems to be able to explain the problem, but actually speaking, my life has not reached that level, my life experience is not enough, experience is not so rich, I am not a God, I am just an ordinary personwww.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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