It's really unclear what effect Ding Yu's words have had, because there are no other people on the plane. I'm afraid there are only two children in front of them, but they can't understand them now because their experience and experience are not enough.

For Taylor's confusion, Ding Yucai ignored, and played with the two children for a long time, accompanied them to take a nap on the bed for a period of time, and then came out, continued to sit on their own position, as for Taylor's side? Ding Yu didn't want to pay attention to it. Look at her own understanding!

Where's the little girl? Although I learned a lot of things, but it is too purposeful and targeted, and I have invested a lot of time in my life to the present position. I haven't found time for myself at all. Therefore, the EQ of the whole person is slightly lower! This is something that doesn't need to be denied!

"Why do you know so much?" Taylor looked at Ding Yu with a dull look. What happened before and what Ding Yu said had a great impact on Taylor, and even caused a little confusion among the whole people. For a moment, Taylor felt that his thoughts began to appear contradictions!

Ding Yu raised his eyelids. "Your grandfather should attach great importance to you. We won't discuss whether it's compassion or other reasons, because there is an obvious wave in this matter, that is, your illness, which should be a problem that bothers your whole family."

"Many people in the family are trained after the age of 18, but many of them are before the age of 18. I have learned some information about this. The more such a person is, the worse the final result will be. Now I think it is because we are too eager! So what about grandfather's heart? It's hard to bear the heavy burden! "

"I don't talk about it! This is not what I want to discuss Ding Yu avoided directly, "what about the cultivation of your family? The idea is good, because people have begun to have a certain understanding of the world outlook, values and consciousness after they are over the age of teenagers, but this understanding may be a little vague, as if you are also the same. When your illness is solved, what are your ideas? Great changes have taken place, you are still a confused period! So say it! What about old Peyton? Very cunning

"I think grandfather's way is very right! But I know a lot now Taylor looked at Ding Yu carefully, "it seems that I kowtowed to you before? It has played a very good role! "

"Kowtow doesn't work as well as you think! Don't think this thing is too beautiful. I bear your kowtow because I saved your life. That's all. What's your distance from me? There are too many distances, even to a great extent, there is a considerable distance between two small distances! "

Taylor looked at Ding Yu and said, "I thought you would be a rather biased person, Mr. Ding! I admit that my idea is too biased. The world is different from what I imagined! And it's quite different. "

"Take your time, then." Ding Yu also picked up the book at hand, and Taylor did not continue to have other words. Ding Yu picked up the book showed that he didn't mean to continue talking. Taylor felt that he should make a good record of some things, because he now has so many ideas.

When he got off the plane, Tyler squeezed several pieces of paper tightly in his hands. He didn't expect that he would record so many things when he was dreaming. Looking back, did he really write all these things himself? Why do you feel so unbelievable? What's more, Ding Yu's influence on himself is not too exaggerated?

"Although a lot of things have been brought back from Hong Kong, what about these things? You won't have your share. Go back to your home and find your mother Ding Yu's tone is obviously different from that on the plane. Taylor is now used to seeing Ding Yu off. He has been waiting for him to leave before getting on the security vehicle.

When he returned to his apartment, his grandfather's phone came after him. Tyler looked at the phone and thought about it for a while before he picked it up. He didn't mean to refuse his grandfather's call on purpose, but his head turned a little bit fast, so there was a little dullness in his spirit.

"Hello, grandfather." Although she tried her best to get up her spirits, she could still feel it from the tone of Taylor's speech. She is a little tired now. Is that so? It also makes old Peyton feel a little strange, they are all direct flights, should not be like this!

"No rest?" Old Peyton asked with concern. It's not easy to say such words from old Peyton's mouth. After so many years, I'm used to seeing life and death, so my heart is hard as iron!

"It has nothing to do with rest!" Taylor is also fighting his own spirit, "Ding Yu told me some things, my mind is a little confused, has been thinking about a lot of problems, I did not expect Ding Yu will cause such a big impact on me, this may cause the corresponding change in my life!""Want to keep up with him?" Old Peyton understood it, and he was also secretly sighing. This is Dingyu who he knows. It will have a considerable impact on Taylor? Although it can cause considerable confusion in a short time, it is a good thing from a life perspective.

Even for the whole family, this is good, what about that? There is no relationship between them. Although they are hostile to Dingyu, it seems that they never give a hand to two little ones, even see two little ones? Better than their grandparents!

In the same way, Dingyu will not target Taylor. If Dingyu really aimed at Taylor, then Ding Yu would not continue to mix in the whole circle. What about his reputation? It's going to stink the street!

Has such a person ever appeared? Of course, but what about people like this? Almost all of them have been eliminated, and they are very clean, even the dust of history will not be left much!

"Grandpa, I don't know if I want to keep up with him. When I came into contact with him, I thought he was an unreasonable person with excellent talent and conditions, but I didn't work hard and didn't reach any height at all. But with contact only found, he revealed the things, is only a little bit of a bit! At least what I see personally? It's still too little and too little! In general, it is to take a point to face. "

Old Peyton also lit his cigar at this time, and Meimei tried to breathe, "you are right, he has always been such a bird, I am also more annoyed to say! Because I was 60 years old to understand this slowly, but this bastard actually understood now, this kind of fall is really uncomfortable! "

There is no need to deny anything. This is the general situation. Why do you say that? It is also to help her granddaughter establish confidence and ideas, and make her ideas reach, "what is he showing? It's just what you want to see. He doesn't want to show it. Basically, it's invisible. He wants to get rid of the fog at all levels, and it costs too much and it's just a loss! "

"Now that there is such an opportunity, it is better to settle down!" Old Peyton knows the situation now, as for the internal situation? There is no need at all. Look at the child's comprehension ability! I don't want her to go on Dingyu's road, because it is too hard and tired!

But if Taylor can really take this path, it is a great blessing for the whole family, and it may make the family brilliant, but at least there is no problem in ensuring the status and position of the family! That's enough!

"Elder martial brother Oriental, I just went home, you came to block the door, isn't it very good?" Dingyu is also very dissatisfied to say, of course, so what? There are so many jokes!

Because Dongfang Jing didn't pay much attention to Dingyu's meaning, he took two small ones up directly. One hand and one person, two small ones giggled and giggled. Ding Yu couldn't help turning white eyes. What can he say when he is a father?

After a while of mischievous with Dongfang Jing, they ran away. However, it took a short time to put the things brought back by Hong Kong. It was very good. There was no idea of eating alone. This made Dingyu feel very satisfied! Oriental Jing also sees so many eyes.

It is not that the things on the table make him greedy. He has already passed the age of appetite for mouth. The main reason is that the two children like it more when they look at them. If they are not because they are Dingyu's children, they may have already been robbed. No matter who sees them, they will drool!

"Ah Yu, how did you teach this child? There are also many children in our family. From the age and experience, I don't know how many generations to enrich than you. But there are many mischievous in the family. But the really sensible children are not as many as they think, even some have already become a family, or they still stare at the things before! "

"Who knows what they will look like in the future?" Dingyu said with no doubt, "as long as Fang Zhongyong is not good, it is still capable of this, so it provides them with considerable conditions. As for the future? I can still manage them for a lifetime if they see their own choices? "

"Yes! Can you still manage them for a lifetime? " "But what about it? They were born by themselves, sometimes they really felt helpless! " But then the talk of dongfangjing was suddenly turned. "But are we two brothers saying important things. Last time you gave things to the fifth, this guy was good, and the direct one was deducted by half? It's too much! "

It turns out that it's because of this! Dingyu also spread out his hands, "I said elder martial brother Oriental, you can not grasp the honest man bully! I have left a box, but the problem is that there are many guests in my family! You mean it? "

"Bullshit, how many guests can you come here a year?" Dongfang Jing also said: "a box of cigars is really waste for you. In the end, there are still mostly half boxes. Besides, there are some old brothers. You can come to several people a year, and do you have too much preference for it!""Elder martial brother, aren't you open robbery?" Ding Yu complained.

"How can we say it's open robbery? I brought something here. Although your thing is priceless, what about mine? It's not cheap, is it? What's more, we need to change this flavor when necessary! "

In fact, both of them knew that this was just a deliberate topic. After a few words, they entered the study together. Although Dongfang Jing pinched a cigar in his hand, he didn't mean to light it, so he held it in his hand.

"What? Look at the wrinkles on your face, elder martial brother. It seems that there are more wrinkles on your face than before? " When he sat down, Ding Yu poured a cup of tea for his elder martial brother. Anyway, he didn't mean to smoke a cigar, so there was no need to give him some wine. Now even if he did, he didn't have the mood, right?

"There are so many shocking things about the investigation!" In front of Ding Yu's face, Dongfang Jing's body is also backward. Although he seems to be very bright on the surface now, I'm afraid the actual situation is only his own most clear, "I know some situations, but I didn't expect that they have been eroded to such a degree!"

"A lot of things have been investigated?"

"I used some special means and learned something about it!" Dongfang Jing shook his head, "I didn't expect these guys to be so cruel. It seems that they really want to kill them all! I'm really kneaded out as noodles. If I don't give them some good looks, I won't be called Dongfang Jing

Ding Yu scratched his eyebrows with his hand, "what about those on the surface? The government has come forward with this issue, but what about the actual situation? There will not be too few big families involved in the back! It seems that this matter will be brought to the surface, and even will be brought to the surface soon! "

"It's just a scapegoat. It's not difficult to find a scapegoat!" Dongfang Jing snorted, "what about the Boston consortium? The recent action is relatively big. Although it is just a clamor on the surface, what about in private? It seems that there are a lot of small moves. If they do this, they will have quite a problem! "

"To build a plank road in the open and to hide in the dark?" Ding Yu said with a smile, "it's common sense. It doesn't matter whether it's to fight or to take charge of the central army. Anyway, what about this matter? If I don't get involved, please forgive me, elder martial brother

"Let you fight? Who would give it up? " Dongfang Jing also looked at Ding Yu unsatisfied, "even let you sit in the middle army account? It is also unlikely, because such a thing also has considerable risks. Who can guarantee the safety of the Chinese Army account? It's just relative! "

"So?" Ding Yu looks at his elder martial brother suspiciously. From the tone of his speech, he can feel that he is obviously planning for the prism? Quite attentive, otherwise it would not be such a look!

"What about your value? Don't care about fighting, it's really wasteful! Since you don't want to be involved in this matter, but you have to pay attention to it behind your back. Is there any problem with this? " Dongfang Jing also looked at Ding Yu with a bad smile, "but don't worry, what about this matter? Not too many people will know

"There won't be too many people to know, that is, someone knows?" Ding Yu is very dissatisfied with the appearance, "elder martial brother! Do we need to make this matter clear to me? It's true that I don't have too many ideas. I'm not like you or Boston. I'm big and big! I can't stand it

"When did I say you became so timid?" Dongfang Jing is also a little suspicious, looking at his younger martial brother. At the beginning, when he was fooling around, everyone was sweating. You said that you would blow up this place, and you would blow it down there. What's the matter now?

Is there something you don't know? It's not that there is no possibility in this respect, but what about him? What about doing things? He has always been quite cautious, he has made a considerable guarantee, and still has not picked up any interest in him, but in his opinion? His explanation is quite reluctant!

"Elder martial brother, this is not a timid problem!" Ding Yu explained it again and said, "at the beginning, I have already explained it. What about this matter? The final result must be a high lift, but in the end? It can only be put down gently! "

"What do you want to say is who rushes first and who dies the fastest? Is that what you mean? "

"It must be! No running Ding Yu is not implicit at all, "what about this matter? The uproar will certainly be very big. It is impossible to solve this problem within the scope of peace. Whether Boston or other consortia can allow others to set up a back door in their own homes? "

"I mean that too!"

"But think about it, elder martial brother. They set up a back door in our house, but they are involved in this matter? What kind of companies are they, and what kind of enterprises are these companies? Will these enterprises be destroyed? It's impossible. What about the government? I'd rather bear this black pot than let these companies be cheated! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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