"Even if he's a black president, he can't be blamed for that? Are some of them too much? " Dongfang Jing also talked about it.

"He is the most suitable one. The big families need to balance. It can't let this matter destroy the economy of the United States. What about the economy of the world? There is a little bit of malaise, and the European Union and China are also eyeing. If this matter can be solved internally, how much chaos do you think it will cause? "

"That's why you didn't mix in?" Dongfang Jing also snorted, "I said that your boy's attention is too good? If you take a bite of this kind of fat, you won't be tired of it? You're all watching! "

"I don't really know if I'm tired of it!" The smile on Ding Yu's face was slightly ironic, "but I know such an opportunity? Hard won! What about the relationship between them? That is to say, there is so much hostility, so I'll find some compensation. Is there any problem with this? "

Dongfang Jing also reached out and pointed to Ding Yu, "OK! So I'll be straight! What about the Boston family? It already means this. What about our alliance with each other? It's quite quiet, but it's all talked about. They still hope I can persuade you to join in. Anyway, I've tried my best! Isn't it? "

Re adjusted their sitting posture, "from the current situation? The plan should be in the process of steady progress. Someone needs to poke this matter out, but what happens after it is revealed? Can't let a person disappear like this! In that case, it's not just a shame, but a simple one. What do you say? "

"It's too cruel?! So placed on the surface, pure disgusting people! Who thought of the idea? "

"We have been monitored for so many years, and even sleeping with our daughter-in-law has been recorded. They are despicable in the front of us. We are just treating people in the same way. What is this? Wait! You have to make them pee

Ding Yu patted his hands twice, "whatever you want." Then Ding Yu seemed to think of something. He made a gesture to Dongfang Jing. After seeing Dongfang Jing shaking his head, Ding Yu did not continue to speak. But he also took out a piece of paper, wrote something on it and handed it to Dongfang Jing!

"Elder martial brother, what about this matter? There are not too many opinions and ideas, the same? I don't want to get into trouble with you, do anything? All need to be measured. I know that! "

"So? What do you want to say Dongfang Jing looked at the things on the paper and rubbed his eyebrows with his hand. Ah Yu is this guy! It's really smart enough. What about the paper? I didn't mention too many things, but for myself, it's really a good business.

What about your attention now? They are all placed in the prism plan, and what about the prism plan? It also contains many things, so if everything is really stolen, there will not be too many people paying attention to it. It is really quite feasible, let alone Ding Yu? It's also a marked price.

"What about the old Peyton family? Now it has entered a process. What about me and him? There is no so-called cooperation, of course, there is no so-called friendship, but what about Taylor? Isn't it big now? "

"I've heard five say it!" As he spoke, Dongfang Jing nodded to Ding Yu, drew a hook on the paper, and then handed it to Ding Yu. After receiving it, Ding Yu rubbed it with both hands, and then it was ignited. Seeing Ding Yu's action, Dongfang Jing nodded with satisfaction, "she has broken through this limit?"

"It is not universal, but rather special. What about the current research? I don't have much involvement. It's their family business! What do I want to say? I'm a doctor, so what about things like treating and saving people? It's a matter of common sense, nothing to do with anything else! "

"Well, what else did I think it was?" Dongfang Jing also put down his mind, "everyone has a three disaster nine difficult, even if it is a fairy? We can't escape the shackles. If you didn't reach out to the children of our family, the grass on the graveyard would have been higher than him at the beginning? "

"If you can understand, what about old Peyton? I'm not worried. I'm just worried about everyone? There may be other ideas. What about me? I don't want to explain such things to others, so if you have this chance, you can help me! "

The time spent in Ding Yu's side is not very long. Dongfang Jing also left, but he also left with a lot of things. Of course, the most important thing is the small box in his hand. This is the purpose of his coming tonight!

Looking at the people waiting on the bus outside, Dongfang Jing also subconsciously tightened the box inside. Seeing that the old man also bit his teeth slightly, "Dongfang, anyway, we are partners in cooperation? At least we're still partners now. I didn't say that we'd have to give two of us a taste of each other, did I? ""It has nothing to do with you. Ding Yu and I are brothers. This is my younger brother's filial piety to me." Dongfang Jing is also dying to pinch the small box in his hands. He doesn't give the old man any chance. How can you do something like this? You can say that you value such a thing as a treasure, not that you can get it if you want it!

"Although the relationship between Ding Yu and I is not as close as that between you, it is also a cooperative relationship at best, but now it has not been exposed to the public." When he spoke, the old man also yawned. He looked at Dongfang Jing and started to rob him directly!

Forced by helplessness, Dongfang Jing finally took out two cigars. Originally, he wanted to take one cigar for each, but he never thought that all the old people would be robbed in his own hands. Dongfang Jing was really afraid that the old man would break them directly, so he had to let go!

As for the contents in the small box at the back, Dongfang Jing also sat under her body, saying that nothing could be robbed again. The old man put one of them in his inner pocket, and the other one was placed under his nose. He took a deep breath and said that it was really wonderful!

Without other additives, it is completely the most natural flavor. Obviously, when the tobacco was first planted, there was a considerable amount of material blending. It was precisely because of this that the flavor was so thick. There were some doubts. How did Ding Yu find such a formula and raw materials?

Dongfang Jing didn't expect that the materials in the old man's car were so complete that he lit a cigar in front of him. After hesitating for a moment, Dongfang Jing didn't resist the temptation. The taste was so enchanting. What about Ding Yu? Not very interesting, after all, there are children at home, not to mention in the study.

Two old smokers puffed in the car, and even accompanied by wine. Only in this way can they taste the most real and original flavor. Even at this time, they have no meaning to speak, because it will break the artistic conception.

"The space in the car is still too small. When you have time, you should visit your place. Although it is an old man, you should exercise when you have time. At least it is good for your health."

Oriental Jing is very disdainful to give a white eye, "do you think I will welcome you? Come on, these cigars in my pocket have already been owned by famous flowers. There are not many people who can get things directly from Ding Yu's hand. Many people are waiting with their red eyes staring at them. Even if you want to change a car for a cigar, I will not pay attention to it! "

Both of them didn't finish smoking cigars. It was a little long, but the time was also a little short. However, both of them put away the cigars as if they were picking them up. It's absolutely not enough to waste! Things are not easy to come, but should be cherished!

"What about the conversation? You should have heard that, too Dongfang Jing snorted, "but what about such a thing? I definitely need to explain to my younger martial brother afterwards. There are some things that are not very authentic. What's more, he has been doing it all the time? There's no intention of getting involved! There are too many scruples

"What about the explanation? This is the right thing to do. Not only do you need to explain it, but I will also explain it to Ding Yu! " The old man knocked on the window with his hand, "but he didn't get involved? Things will not be too big, everyone for him? It's still a good chance. If he gets involved, it's going to put a lot of pressure on that side! "

"What do you think? I don't know, but what should I do? I have already done it. If I continue to fight Ding Yu, I choose to quit. In the end, the most likely result is that he didn't eat mutton. Instead, he made a fuss on his own. I think he has such ability. Although he is not on our side now, he is not on the other side either! "

"Yes The old man also sighed, "he didn't stand on our side, but he didn't stand on the other side. Even to a certain extent, he still showed a good impression on us. He was really very smart! It seems that we can only make this matter big and small, and let the black president bear the black pot! "

"It's dark enough anyway, even if it's a little bit darker? It doesn't seem like a big deal, does it? " Dongfang Jing doesn't have much love for the black president now. It's true that when he ran for office, he also contributed a lot of money. But if you are unkind first, don't blame me for being unjust? Right?

"By the way, you know something about the old Peyton family! Can we really break through this limit? "

For this question, Dongfang Jing did not immediately answer, but pondered for some time, and then slowly said, "even if my little younger martial brother is tired to death, it has not been able to solve it. If we take the current method, there will be too much consumption and overdraft for the whole person's spirit and spirit!"

"I knew that Ding Yu's operation was very good. What about his teacher? He was pulled into the medical group very early. Even now, from time to time, Ding Yu needs to operate in person! But I really don't know that Ding Yu's traditional Chinese medicine is so powerful! "Dongfang Jing waved his hand, "you're going to be quick! It is generally acknowledged that a Yu's medical skills are very good, which mainly refers to his powerful operation manipulation. But what about traditional Chinese medicine? To say a bad word, I want to say can be in front of him? You may not believe it, but if you say that we are two and a half, I still have this guarantee! "

"Let's be honest! So why didn't old Peyton look for you

"Different directions!" Dongfang Jing didn't mean to blush at all. "You think old Peyton didn't look for me at the beginning, but the problem is that I don't have the ability to do this, not to mention there are many preconditions." But that is to say, Dongfang Jing didn't mean to go on!

This question is really not Dongfang Jinghu. What about the whole process? He and the fifth have all seen it. Although they all know how the process is, it is not feasible to let them start. They can't do it at all! Even if they cooperate with each other, they can't!

Therefore, Dongfang Jing said that this matter felt special, but not universal. If anyone could be treated, old Peyton's family would not have died so many people! It's not like there's always a sense that something is out of date!

How about these years? Maybe it will be better. Old Peyton's father and he have broken through the boundary, otherwise there may be some problems. Will Peyton's family soar after the cure? This question? From the perspective of Dongfang Jing, it can only be said that it is possible!

But how likely is that? Twenty eight or nineteen! The possibility of flying into the sky is two or one.

Why was the old Peyton family more powerful in the past? We all have a sense of urgency. Maybe when? As long as it conflicts with that limit, it doesn't have to be 18 or 60 years old. Is that a hard line?

If once the shackles of this body are released, will they still have such a sense of urgency? In the eyes of Dongfang Jing, there was a huge pressure at the beginning, so he forced himself to choose. But when the pressure disappeared, the sense of urgency might also disappear, which is certain!

This is the law. You can't go against it if you want to. Of course, there may be special situations, that is, what Dongfang Jing said about two or one, in the family? There will always be people making different choices, right? Just like their own family, there are dandies and, of course, elites.

"No wonder that old Peyton guy runs here and again!" The old man also smiles. What about the Peyton gene? It's not good at all, although what about the factions? They may be antagonistic, but as far as I know, they occupy a special position in that faction, but their strength can only be said to be average.

There are a lot of people who marry into their families, but there are really not many people who want to die young. People are such a common disease, so we can understand why the old Peyton guy is so anxious!

"Is he running this way? It doesn't matter. In any case, there may not be too many problems in this job for a while. But the little girl named Taylor is quite favored by Ding Yu. We two old guys have contact with Ding Yu. Although he is kind-hearted, he can basically treat and get along with each other equally. But if you want to be in his eye, especially at this age, it's really not There will be too many people! "

"I don't see what it is. It's not the state-owned assets that grow up. Is it possible that Ding Yu still has this hobby?"

"Go! You are such an old color ghost to think so, can only say that the talent of the little girl is good, what about this? Ding Yu is a Taoist and inherits Taoist things. Because of the old Peyton's relationship, Taylor has a considerable research on Taoism. What's more, he has made some achievements in medical skills? What's important is that you have good qualifications! "

What does Dongfang Jing mean by saying this? It's true that there are some that I didn't think of.

What about Ding Yu? It can't be said that wine and sex are not good, but he seems to have a very light view on this aspect. Although he has two children, we all know that he is not married. But the problem is that it's too difficult to get close to Ding Yu's side. You also need a space to attract people, right?

But Ding Yu doesn't give other people this chance at all! What else would you like to do without a chance? In that case, it can only be despised by Ding Yu, so we are really at a loss. If the woman in that family can get on with Ding Yu, I'm afraid everyone will give up this thumb.

Can't you get down from Ding Yu's body? So we can only start from Ding Yu's two children, but the two children are really too young. What about the so-called Godfather and godmother relationship? Can play a certain connection, but this connection? It's not reliable at all!

But now someone suddenly breaks through this boundary. The so-called curiosity of the old man comes up all of a sudden. Can Taylor's track be copied? If this road really works, then everything will be interesting!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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