Although this idea is good, but if it is really manipulated, it is really not a general problem. Do you want to know the Taoism transmitted by Ding Yu? It is a thousand year old thing, not that it can be understood and understood overnight. What's more, although he said that he inherited the whole world, what about the soil for its development? Still in China!

How about abroad? Although there is a certain heritage, but the scope of this communication is not very extensive, so to a certain extent, it is also lack of soil for growth. In such a situation, it is quite difficult to select talents from them.

Taylor's ability to get into Ding Yu's eye, family training, his own efforts, plus his unique talent, has made Ding Yu have a little interest. Here we need to explain one point. What about Taylor? Just to a certain extent, Ding Yu's eye doesn't mean it? Ding Yu is really interested in her, two times.

In the morning, Ding Yu sent two children to school. Ding Yu also went to the hospital by the way. As for Taylor's situation, Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to it. Whether she could do it well was her own business, and she really couldn't interfere. With this qualification? It doesn't mean you can't work hard, but try hard or not, look at her!

After returning from Hong Kong City for almost a week, Ding Yu didn't go to the laboratory. Instead, it was the situation in the hospital that made Ding Yu busy. But with the passage of time, Taylor's own situation has also undergone a significant change. Originally, looking at the whole person had some depression and negativity, which made people feel as if they had touched the mold.

But now Taylor's whole person has changed too obviously, just as if the whole person suddenly wiped the white powder, white a lot, the face can also see a little ruddy, if you can compare the photos of this period of time, you will find that Taylor is now full of vitality.

Originally, they had already arrived at the gate of hell, but Ding Yu came back with one hand and returned to the world.

Such a change makes old Peyton ecstatic. Judging from the current situation, the possibility of the family to open the shackles is really too great. The change of Taylor is obvious to all. It is not a joke. Ding Yu is really too powerful. We still need to rely on his continuous efforts in the future.

However, there are happy things, of course, there are also not very happy things, Ding Yu successfully took blood from the family, but there is no progress in this area of research, which makes old Peyton feel quite angry, ready-made things are placed there, but you just don't understand, is this too inappropriate?

Is it more difficult than Ding Yu's blood? In the past, no one has ever been able to do this. Maybe he was constrained by other aspects. He also made a special phone call to Dongfang Jing, which was confirmed by other people. There is no problem with this.

But now we are just studying the condition of blood. In such a long time, even in two days, this blood may be consumed completely. You have not given me any results in this respect. Old Peyton even felt that he could not bear it.

If you think about it carefully, you can't blame old Peyton for being so anxious. What about the family? It was not easy to find Ding Yu, who personally came forward, so Ding Yu gave such a face. If it was other people in the family, would Ding Yu give this face? It seems that the possibility is not as great as we think.

Who is Ding Yu? Is your so-called threat useful to him? Don't even think about it! At least his family wants to threaten him? It is impossible to force him to do research in this field. In other words, who is Ding Yu? He is a doctor, a famous doctor.

He can save people and kill people naturally. Don't talk about moral issues! You have already destroyed morality. Why do people tell you about morality? What's more, can we threaten Ding Yu? This is still a matter of two talks. Over the years, many people have threatened Ding Yu, but have they really played any role?

"Tyler, let your brother go! What do you think of him? Also did not have to be able to persist for a few days! I will call him directly, and you can explain his identity directly to Ding Yu. I believe Ding Yu can understand! " Now that we have reached such a critical point, let's go! Don't hesitate.

Did you handle it well? There is hope for the future of the family. If he doesn't handle it well, he deserves not to have this life! There is no way for anyone to do it, right? Anyway, I have done my best!

"Sir When Ding Yu is off work, Taylor is also waiting at the door of the hospital office, because he is not sure whether Ding Yu will go to the research center, so he also takes the initiative to come to the door. If Ding Yu has other things, he can take the initiative to leave, which will not delay too long.

Ding Yu will tell himself if he has time! Looking at Ding Yu's expression, Taylor knew that he was right. Ding Yu did not express any opposition! There is no unhappiness on his face. Of course, what about Ding Yu's face? It's not likely to find too many happy expressions! Because he usually has a stiff face."Something?"

Yes! Tyler also heavily nodded his head, "my brother has arrived. If you can spare some time and hope to help him diagnose and treat him, his recent situation has turned a little bit violently!"

Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, looked at Taylor standing in front of him, and snorted, "where's old Peyton? I said hello to me. I didn't agree, and I didn't object. Now that you are in front of me now, what about me? Not the family doctor of your family! Everyone knows that! "

"I'll give all I have for it!" Taylor is also biting his own teeth, slightly stubborn looking at Ding Yu. "The third generation is the hope of our family. It is not a talent cultivated by the family. It is a bit dull. But he is a real genius. Does the family have me? It's just a hope, but if he can be there, it will become a reality

"So confident?" Ding Yu also smiles, "is he a genius? I don't know, but you'll get all you need. What about this? Is the most ridiculous place, you have talent, foundation, but does not mean it? You can put everything on the table! That's not capital! "

"This is what I can take out! I don't think there is anything else that can move you, sir! "

"And old Peyton? It's not so cunning! It is said that people, ghosts and old spirits, this transformation is not in vain, now taste up, it is really quite taste! what about you? What about the so-called three generations? Should be the real inheritor of the family

"It's not good now, because I don't know if fate will be on his side!" Since Ding Yu has asked, then don't hide and tuck in, there is no benefit! As for why, because the third generation is really too important, the family does not want to lose such an excellent successor.

It can also be said that? All the previous preparations were given to him, even Taylor. If necessary, Taylor could be sacrificed at any time. It is true that Taylor is quite excellent, but this excellence is only relative. In front of the third generation, she has no reason to speak.

"Who is the so-called third generation? I don't know. At least I don't have much interest in knowing. As for the conditions you gave me? I don't have much interest. You may represent the future, but there's too much uncertainty! " Ding Yu cleaned up the things on the table, and then knocked on the table with his hand.

"What about your guarantee? I don't have much interest. If I have a chance in the future, take care of the two rabbits in my family! At least what about me now? Maybe there is still some expectation for this! "

"I see!" Taylor is very clear about the meaning of Ding Yu's words? It's not about myself, it's all about the family. After all, the conditions put forward by myself are a little bit high-level, while Ding Yu's conditions are relatively appropriate and match each other very well.

What is important is this condition? On the one hand, it won't embarrass the family, on the other hand? It also takes care of the family's emotions. What about selling Ding Yu? It's really not a big deal.

From Taylor's point of view, Ding Yu lost some points in doing so. He didn't get the benefits, but he only got a guarantee. Although the family can't give up his own glory, such a guarantee is also illusory to some extent! Isn't it?

Looking at Taylor's appearance, Ding Yu didn't want to explain anything. After leaving the hospital, Ding Yu didn't mean to go to the research center. Taylor really wanted to ask, and even took the initiative to take a step forward, but then he was held by the old man behind him!

He shook his head slightly and watched Ding Yu get on the bus and leave. After Ding Yu's car disappeared, he explained, "I've seen Mr. Ding's medical image data. The requirements are too high, and he needs the unity of spirit, spirit and spirit. Now Mr. Ding is not in the best state at this time! I don't know whether he intentionally didn't mean to explain, or that he didn't even care to explain in this respect. It's hard to see clearly. "

Taylor couldn't help but be shocked, and then bowed slightly to the old man behind him, "I'm sorry, I'm too anxious!"

"What about treatment? It's not just the patient's business, but also the family? It also occupies a considerable aspect! " The old man's silver beard was floating, but he was very free and easy. "What about Mr. Ding's standard of traditional Chinese medicine? May not be the highest, but his way is unique, luck line needle, looking at all feel shocked! Who could have thought that the people are full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers! "

"Master Huang? Are you a little too flattered? "

"No, not at all. What about my little trick? What if compared with other apricot forest masters? Maybe it's better. It's just because of the family background. But what about Ding Yu? There is really no way to compare, at least Ding Yu's hand? Even if I die, I can't do it. When the manpower is exhausted, even my elders can't do it! "Taylor also looked up at the sky, "master Huang, how does Mr. Ding do it? I know Mr. Ding is a genius, but what about these? What we need is a long time of study and research, which is absolutely impossible in one day! I used to get along with him for two days. Although he said he spent most of his time reading books, I don't think this is the reason! "

"And he said something to me! I still feel a little confused now! "

"Tyler, imitation doesn't work! There may even be a picture of a tiger can not be anti - Dog situation, you! Or too young, not enough experience, not enough experience, what you see is still very limited, you do not understand it? It doesn't mean it doesn't exist! "

Some things? I can only explain this degree. As for Taylor, will he think about it? I don't know. Maybe he can? After all, her talent is quite good. I can't help but accept her as an apprentice. But it's a pity that her identity decides that this is not feasible.

So I am in a limited range? To transmit some things to her, I only need to do the duties of a family doctor and half a tutor. I won't think about the extra things. But what about seeing Ding Yu? I'm really interested in it.

In other words, I have mentioned to Mr. Peyton what I can't do. Let's not say that I can't do it. Even on this planet, there are only a few people who can do this!

Either you can be lucky, but you can't do the needle, or you can't be lucky. Of course, you can have both luck and needling, just like yourself. But what about the two? Have not reached a certain degree, belong to the situation of high not low!

"Master Huang, the unknown is the most interesting one?"

"Most interested?" The old man looked at Taylor, pondered for a while, and then walked to the car next to him. After Tyler got on the bus, he said, "unknown? Is the most interesting, but also the most terrifying existence, so to speak! You may have heard of the great terror between life and death. Do you know where it comes from

"I've heard of it, but I haven't studied it carefully!"

"From Zhuangzi, what about life and death? Just like sleeping, get up after sleeping, for life, not for death! What about Chuang Tzu? As a representative figure of the Taoist school, although you say that you have studied the comparison of Taoism, what you know is only superficial. It's a pity that you don't have such an environment. Otherwise, you really don't know what kind of situation you will reach! "

What about that? I'm really sorry for Taylor. If she was born in China and carried a better environment, it would be more than that height today, but it's really a pity!

Taylor is squinting his eyes, "can you catch up with Mr. Ding Yuding?"

"I don't know. I haven't had much contact with Mr. Ding, nor have I read his detailed information. But I can feel that he has experienced the great terror between life and death, at least he has seen it. What about such an opportunity? It's not that everyone who has experienced life and death can feel it! It's going to take quite a chance! "

"I feel fantastic! I have experienced and seen the so-called life and death, but I don't feel any difference! "

"Life and death, as if flowers bloom and fall, this is a very common thing, like the sun will rise, will also set the same, the question is in the process of what kind of perception, and this perception? What can you appreciate? This is the point. Idealism, why are you in such a family? Why am I born in such a family? This is no way to explain, personal opportunities? That's it

How to explain this problem? Who can't control this? So when Taylor looked at the old man, he also had some bad looks. He didn't really have any opinions on the old man, but the old man's explanation made him very dissatisfied. It was too divine!

"Do you know why many scientists in history have finally devoted themselves to theology?"

"The power of technology has not advanced to that extent?"

"There's a certain truth?! But in my opinion, there are different explanations, limited by the times and so on. What is the most important? Is it everyone's pursuit of themselves? More progress! But what about this progress? But it is not as logical as science, because it has too much uncertainty! "

"It seems to be interesting!" Tyler's eyes are also bright. What about this explanation? You can really make yourself want to understand a lot of things, "what about human body research? No matter what era it is, it is going on, and we are also tireless, that is to say, talent is the biggest mystery! "

"In other words, can people become gods?" The old man sighed, "what about the definition of God? In a narrow sense, it is something that ordinary people, even many people, can't do. Do you think Ding Yu is a God to the family? "Tyler bit his own teeth, which is really hard to judge! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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