Ding Yu is a very thin boy who met the third generation in the research center. His hair is yellow and white, but he looks much taller than Taylor. When he sees Ding Yu, he is also smiling. However, from his unnatural brushing of his hair, we can see that he is more or less nervous and excited!

"Hello, master Ding!" It's totally different from Tyler's address! Standing in front of Ding Yu respectfully, from this point of view, is much better than Taylor, because Taylor can't let go in front of Ding Yu, but the situation of the third generation is slightly different, at least not completely suppressed by Ding Yu.

But it can't be denied. What about Ding Yu? I really don't have the idea of this aspect, otherwise, his small body? I'm afraid it can't bear it. Ding Yu is also looking at his face? Looking at a long period of time, I can see that the third generation also has some scalp numbness feeling!

Ding Yu's eyes just stare at himself, but he and Ding Yu look at each other, but the problem is that Ding Yu's eyes don't mean to look at him at all, which makes the third generation feel embarrassed and helpless in his heart, because there is really no one like him.

It's not to say that Ding Yu is really belittling himself. There is no sign of this aspect from his eyes. He has no hint. He can feel that Ding Yu's attention is focused on his face. That's all. There is nothing else!

After watching for a period of time, Ding Yu also closed his eyes and pondered for a while. He also indicated to the old man who had been standing behind Taylor, "the smell on your body is slightly so special!"

"I don't want to be named Huang. I have some research on medical skills! I've met master Ding. "

Ding Yu shook his head, "it's not the taste of medicine!" Then he wiped his nose with his hand and looked at it carefully. However, Ding Yu didn't mean to go on, "if you look at his face, he shouldn't live for too long. You should have found something too!"

"Mr. Ding, I'm a little puzzled!"

"You should know, save people, but not help!" Ding Yu snorted slightly, "let me save him? Is it your idea? " When he said this, Ding Yu's tone was still very insipid, but he was the old man who stood up. He was scared and jumped back! Jump back out of thin air.

Ding Yu looked around. Then he found a chair and sat down. It seemed that he was not so angry. "What about Taoism? It's the ID, but it's my destiny that I'm not. You're here now. You want me to save him and kill me at the same time. It seems that some of this is too much? " While talking, Ding Yu has taken out his mobile phone.

"Mr. Ding, I don't mean that!" The old man is also pale, almost slowly came to Ding Yu's body in front of the position, "I really don't have this meaning! Excuse me

Ding Yu didn't mean to talk at all. At least he couldn't say anything to the old man. The phone was connected almost immediately. "Old guy, do you know this thing? I helped your family deal with things like this, you gave me such a hand? What do you think I should do about it? "

"What happened?" Old Peyton's tone was also quite surprised, "I don't understand what you mean by that!" Obviously, old Peyton can hear that. What's Ding Yu's tone now? Extremely unhappy!

What about cooperation? It seems that there is no problem, and there is no so-called dispute of interests. It is a simple case of Ding Yu treating patients and saving people. What about his family? To owe Ding Yu a favor, at least so far, is the same.

But it is obvious that things have changed a lot now. Ding Yu called himself so seriously. To a certain extent, he meant to tear his face, "don't you understand? Then go to investigate by yourself, as to whether it is your family's rotten matter or other family's rotten matter, this is your own problem! What do I mean? "

Ding Yu's tone was too impolite. Even Peyton, who asked Ann to sit there, stood up for the first time. "I've been waiting for the news of the third generation, because you will start to cure this evening, but I don't know what kind of situation has happened there! But please give me a moment! "

"I can't believe you! Old man Ding Yu knocked on the back of the chair with his hand and said coldly, "how can I cure the sick and save people? There is no problem with this, but now that someone wants my life, this is not what I can bear. Do you want to find someone to carry the blame? Then please return one person! That's it, that's it

When he finished speaking, Ding Yu also stood up, but the third generation and Taylor over there had not yet waited to speak. The fifth brother had already stood up. He didn't know much about the problems, but he could feel that his younger martial brother was very unhappy. If it was a small matter, it would be OK. But if he wanted to kill Ding Yu, the problem would be too big!When he came out from the research center, he was always standing at Ding Yu's left and right position. After getting on the bus, he said, "ah Yu, what happened? Do they want to play in the shade

Ding Yu's face was still somber. For a long time, he didn't mean to speak. "I'm from Taoism, so there are so many studies on metaphysics and Shu Shu. How about curing diseases and saving people? How about saving people? It's a process of practicing ID, but what about the third generation? It's not just about treating the sick and saving people. They want to play with Yin and have other ideas. They are brave enough! "

"Damn it, we are kind enough to treat them. They are still playing with Yin, white eyed wolf!"

Ding Yu also gently shuddered, "five elder brothers, go back first! Bring me a box of cigars for my elder martial brother! " This matter also thoroughly let Ding Yu angry, is really regarding oneself is kneaded, isn't it? What about yourself and the old Peyton family? There are contradictions, but there is no deep hatred.

So when he asked for help, Ding Yu didn't have any other consideration. What could he do? It's not a big deal to do what should be done, but I have to work hard. Now someone has played such a hand for himself. Ding Yu even can't control his anger!

"I have nothing to do. Stay here! Although it can't help a lot, at least it's no problem to be a door keeper! " If there is no accident, then there is no problem for him to leave, but it is obvious that the problem is different now. Someone is looking for Ding Yu's trouble. If he leaves, he will be too sorry for my brother!

"Brother five, go back first! The matter should not be finished. If something goes wrong, I'll call you Wuge! " Ding Yu also narrowed his eyes, "call me when you get home, I'll let the plane see you off!"

Ding Yu sat in the room for a short time. Dongfang Jing called him and said, "ah Yu, I heard that old Peyton is playing yin? Did he dare to do so after eating the gall of a bear heart leopard? Our brother is not a vegetarian either

"Good luck today! Get out of the way After coming back, Ding Yu also calmed down his emotions a little, "what about old Peyton? I should not have the courage, but I can't do anything about it. After all, this matter is quite secret, but I need to make an account of it! "

"I understand that you should be careful. I'll have people check it out. We are kind-hearted. But they bite LV Dongbin and don't know good people. That's another thing." Dongfang Jing is also quite dissatisfied. "In the past, we shouldn't have done this. Even if we can cure them, we should let their family die! Damn it

"Elder martial brother, that's absolutely right. I'll call you if there's anything wrong!"

Peyton let Taylor control the whole situation for the first time, and then connected with Taylor and the third generation. Looking at the two children sitting there, Peyton was also calm in his face, "what's going on? Why does Ding Yu suddenly become so angry and angry? I need to know the reason why! "

"The reason may be master Huang's body!" Tyler looked at his brother and his grandfather on the screen and said, "I don't know the specific situation, but from my observation, it should be something set on the body of the third generation to let Ding Yu cure the disease and save the life. But what about this? It may kill Ding Yu! "

There was a shaking of the camera, even a slap on the table. Ding Yu's treatment for the family members can be said to have done his best. He didn't even mention any requirements. Do you want to know the premise? It is that there are quite contradictions between them.

In the whole process of treatment, Ding Yu's performance is also impeccable. But now, when Ding Yu is ready to treat the third generation, someone even wants Ding Yu's life. What's the man? It's no wonder that Ding Yu was sent to the past by his own side. It's no wonder that Ding Yu will be in such a good mood now.

"I'll be on the plane for a while!" Old Peyton knew that he had to personally explain this matter to Ding Yu, but even so, could Ding Yu hold his hand high? I don't know! At least in my heart? Is really not too much assurance, if said is oneself, oneself cannot be joyful!

"I'll try to find out what's going on here!" Taylor's words seem to be plain, but it also reveals a trace of anger. It should have been the beginning of my brother's extrication from poverty. But I never thought that someone would be so reckless. To a certain extent, he was living for his brother. Now someone dares to make trouble?

"Third generation, it's up to you. Do you have any feelings?" Peyton is also very worried, looking at his grandson, "what about Ding Yu? Do you have any other ideas? "

"Grandfather, I looked at master Ding Yu for a period of time. I didn't seem to have any interest in him or me." When he answered, he also held his head in his hand, "he is observing me on purpose, but I don't know what he is observing, but I have the first impression that he is quite aloof.""Oh? That's the case. What's your opinion? "

"In his eyes, I am a patient, a terminally ill person. As for my identity, or what kind of qualifications I have, for him, I will not look in his eyes at all. He is very interested in my illness, besides? It's really the smell of seeing as if nothing is there! "

Peyton's face was also rare to show a little smile, but immediately he was restrained, "where are you going? There are not many people who know about it. It can be found from the first hand that I don't care what you mean or what other people mean. The family can't bear the responsibility for this matter! "

"I understand!" The third generation was silent for a while, "grandfather, is it really necessary? If it moves, it may cause considerable waves? It's also a blow to the whole family

"What about your personal affairs? It has taken considerable effort of the family, undeniably, but what about the expectation of the whole family? If it's your problem or Taylor's problem, I'll try my best to keep your life. I can only do this. If it's not the two of you, then I'll fill in the hole with the lives of other people, even myself? I'm not afraid of it! "

The third and Taylor looked at each other, "if you want to control the risk, it's too big!"

"What happened before? You've all seen the history of the family. No one can break through this limit. My father and I were two unique people. At that time? We just found the right way, but more than half a century later, the family finally found another person, too many people died in the family! Even better than the two of you. No one wants to recall that pain! "

"I didn't do it. I don't know the inside story. Although master Huang came with me, I didn't have much contact with him before, but I had a good chat on the plane, and the normal relationship was also good! Personal feeling, he wants to reach out, should not be! " The third generation also showed his attitude at the first time.

Taylor pondered for a while, and then slowly said, "the third generation doesn't know this man, but I still know Master Huang. To a certain extent, he is my teacher. When I studied Taoist culture, I had quite a discussion with him. After he came, almost all the reception was arranged by me!"

"He's my man, and I'm sure of that!" Old Peyton also narrowed his eyes. "What about the two of you? Can't win him over, can't give him any guarantee, even if it's gambling? I won't bet on you, which is a very interesting thing. There are not many people in the family who know about it! Even in the previous time, the third generation didn't know much about the relevant aspects! "

"I don't know if I'm going to leak the news?" Tyler also said with a dull face, because where are the people? Basically, they are not their subordinates. Most of them are deployed by my grandfather. Is it convenient or not? It doesn't matter, but it doesn't mean it? It's another thing!

"I'll investigate, that's it!"

As he watched the screen close, Tyler also looked at his brother, "didn't you do it? Why does it give me the feeling that the style of this thing is so imaginative to you? How to explain it? "

The third emperor knocked his head with his hand, "I don't want to say whether I can cure this disease, just consider from Mr. Ding Yuding's point of view. Do I dare to kill him? Even if it is my grandfather, I'm afraid it will not save my life, even the whole family? I dare not play with such a fire

"What's more, if you fail, the consequences will be too devastating. Now it's not a problem of risk!" "But sister, from your words, I can feel that you seem to have a very good sense of this Mr. Ding!"

"It's not a matter of whether my senses are good or not, but it has had a considerable impact on my mind, and even caused my temporary confusion. If it wasn't for your business, I would choose to be quiet for a short time!"

"Let Ding Yu do it? My grandfather may do it, but it won't be so easy. Sister, I want to know what kind of price and conditions you paid to let Ding Yu do it! " When he said this, he was very serious.

"Why do you know that? I just do what I should do. Your conditions are better than mine. You are the most promising one! " Tyler looked at his brother equally seriously!

"You're going to lose control! So I have to know! Because I am your brother, I will not sit and watch you lose this brother

The words were impulsive, and Tyler was relieved.

"Ding Yu is not as dirty as you think! Since you asked, it shows that there is a gap in your heart, so I will tell you that I promised Ding Yu that if he can cure you, I will give him everything I have! " As he spoke, Taylor also noticed that the eyes of the third generation had narrowed into a line. "But he refused. His condition was that if there was a chance in the future, he would take proper care of his two children. That's all!""So simple?" The painting style is also a sudden change, "his two children still need to be cared for, the reverse is almost the same!" The difference in tone of voice was so different that Taylor couldn't stop laughing!

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